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100types [Ben Archer]
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101 Editions [Carolina de Bartolo]
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27 TTC Fonts [Google]
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A Case For Type Design Education [Patrick Griffin]
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A Treatise on Font Rasterisation [Freddie Witherden]
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Aasawari Kulkarni on Helvetica [Google]
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About fonts [Google]
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About fonts (Indiana U) [Google]
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Access Factory [Google]
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Acrobat Reader 7 [Google]
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Acute Systems [Google]
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Adam Twardoch [Zielona gruzińska katapulta]
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Adobe Type Topics [Google]
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Adobe's designers [Google]
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Adrian Täckman [Deote]
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afii [Google]
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Agate [Google]
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Agfa -- Monotype Sackers [Google]
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AIAP [Google]
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Airtable: List of type foundries [Google]
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Alain Hurtig [Google]
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Alan Fletcher [Google]
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Albert-Jan Pool [FF DIN]
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Albion [Google]
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Aldine Italic: Fourier Analysis [Google]
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Alexander Overdiep [Collegium Graficum]
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Alexander Phemister [Bookman]
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Alisa Flahert on kerning, leading, tracking [Google]
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All Good Things Typography [Kevin Woodward]
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All in the Font Family [Google]
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All Type [Google]
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Alois Studnicka [Czech Design and Typography (studio experimentalniho design)]
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Alphabets and Writing Systems [Google]
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Alphabettes [Google]
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Alpha-Blox [Google]
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AlphaBot: Nikita Pashenkov [Nikita Pashenkov]
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Alphaquark [Google]
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Alte Schwabacher [Google]
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American Amateur Press Association (AAPA) [Dave Tribby]
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American Center for Design [Google]
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American Institute of Graphic Arts [More] ⦿
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Ampersand [Cameron Moll]
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Ana Berden [Google]
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Anatomy of fonts [Google]
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Ann Wroe [Handwriting: An Elegy]
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Anti-aliasing [Google]
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Antique (McGrew's definition) [Google]
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Antique Olive [Roger Excoffon]
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Antitype [Google]
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Antonio Carusone [The Grid System]
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APHA [Google]
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Apple: font page [Google]
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Apple Fonts [Google]
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Apple GX fonts [Google]
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Archive.org: Type and Typefounding [Google]
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Arial: ein Nekrolog [Ralf Turtschi]
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Arial versus Helvetica [Google]
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Art directors versus designers [Google]
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artcon [Google]
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Arts&Letters [Google]
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Ascender: Newspaper font study [Google]
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Ascender: Study of Free--Shareware Web Fonts [Google]
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Association for Font Information Interchange [Google]
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Atelier Beinert München [Google]
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Atelier Perrousseaux [Google]
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ATF: Railroad Gothic [Google]
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AtMahogany Script [Google]
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at-sign [Karl-Erik Tallmo]
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ATypI 2001 Country delegate report [Google]
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ATypI 2006 Type Tech presentations [Google]
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ATypI: Association Typographique Internationale [Google]
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ATypI membership list [Google]
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Aura Seltzer [Type Connection]
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Aurora Grotesk [Google]
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Autologic Information International [Google]
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Avant Garde: John Berry [Google]
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Avil [Google]
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Ballfont Project [Google]
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Baskerville [Google]
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Baskerville: metal type [Google]
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Beatrice L. Warde
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Beatrice Warde's The Crystal Goblet [Google]
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Beautiful Web Type [Chad Mazzola]
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Beginners guides to type design: Justin Penner [Justin Penner]
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BEMANI fonts [Google]
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Ben Archer [100types]
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Ben Archer [Gill Sans: Critique by Ben Archer]
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Benjamin Franklin [Google]
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Best of 2013 lists [Google]
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Bethany Heck [The Font Review Journal]
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Bibliograhy on type, fonts and postscript [Google]
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Bibliography on typographic fonts [Google]
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Bigital.org [Google]
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Bill Dawson
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Bill Troop and quality of type [Google]
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Bitmap, PostScript, and TrueType Fonts Compared [Google]
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Bjoern Karnebogen [Google]
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Bob Caruthers: Type 1 [Google]
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Bob Giampietro [Google]
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bobASSOCIATES Design Consultants [Google]
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Bodoni (Dave Farey) [Google]
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Bookman [Alexander Phemister]
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Bram de Does
[More] ⦿
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Brian Hoff [The Design Cubicle]
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Brian Maloney [The Type Club of Toronto]
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Bruno Maag [The Helvetica Killer]
[More] ⦿
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Cabrillo: Basic Design Concepts [Google]
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Caecilia and TheSerif [Google]
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Call it what it is [John Downer]
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Cameron Moll [Ampersand]
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Captioning [Google]
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Carl Crossgrove [OthelloMT]
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Carolina de Bartolo [101 Editions]
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Carolyn Brown [Sofia Open Content Initiative]
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Caslon analytics profile [Google]
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Caslon: Mac McGrew's take [Google]
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Caslon: Wikipedia [Google]
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Cavalier [Google]
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Chad Mazzola [Beautiful Web Type]
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Character design standards [Google]
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Charles Bigelow [Times Roman and Times New Roman]
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Charles Bukowski [Google]
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Cheese or Font [Google]
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Chris Koelsch [Google]
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Christian Robertson [Roboto (or: Google Android Design)]
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Christoph Koeberlin [Typefacts]
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Citroën [Google]
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Clarendon [Google]
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Collegium Graficum [Alexander Overdiep]
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Common Windows typefaces [Nick Shanks]
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Company scorecard [Google]
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Cont Ed Typography [Stan Schwartz]
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Convention typographique [Google]
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CoolType [Google]
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Copperplate Script Fonts [Google]
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Coron's Sources of Fonts [Google]
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Corporate Identity [Google]
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Coulton Thomas [Recognizing a Bembo]
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Counterspace [Google]
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Critique of the alphabet [Google]
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CSA Archive [Google]
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Curtis Post [Google]
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Cyrus Highsmith [Four parts of a typeface]
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Czech Design and Typography (studio experimentalniho design) [Alois Studnicka]
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Daniel Will-Harris [Will-Harris House]
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Darkmode [Google]
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Dash [Google]
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Dave Crossland [Font Bakery]
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Dave Tribby [American Amateur Press Association (AAPA)]
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David Kindersley
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De Letter Pagina [Google]
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Dean Allen [Google]
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Dean Allen's type tutorial [More] ⦿
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Deborah Mitchell [Google]
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Debra Adams [Google]
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Deep Font Challenge [Google]
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Delve Fonts (was: Delve Media Arts) [Delve Withrington]
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Delve Withrington [Delve Fonts (was: Delve Media Arts)]
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Deote [Adrian Täckman]
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Design & typo [Peter Gabor]
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Design Eva Wilsson [Eva Wilsson]
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Design is History [Google]
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Design--Etch [Google]
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Designing with Type [James Craig]
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Design:Technology:Society [Google]
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Deutsche Rechtschreibung [Google]
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Diacritics [Google]
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Die (deutschen) Mikrotypographie-Regeln [Google]
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Digital Sans [Google]
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Digital Typography (Don Knuth) [Google]
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Digitalogue [Google]
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DigitalThread Fonthaus [Google]
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Distinctive glyphs [Google]
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Distractions: Name-that-Font [Google]
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Dmitriy Horoshkin's Library [Google]
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Dmitry Kirsanov
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Dmitry Kirsanov: The World of Fonts [Google]
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Dmitry's Design Lab [Google]
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Don Barnett [Urban Insect Evening (was: Nekton Design)]
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Donald Knuth: interview [Google]
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Dorsey [Google]
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Drew [Google]
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Dutch ligatures [Google]
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Dynamic optical scaling [Google]
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dynTypo [Vítor Quelhas]
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Eamon Dyas [Times New Roman]
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e-a-t [Google]
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Edouard Hoffmann
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Ein Reiseführer für Typografen [Google]
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Elian Script [Google]
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Ellen Lupton [Google]
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Elzevir family
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emdash [Google]
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Emday Fonts [Miriam van der Have]
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Emil Olsson [TypeNeu]
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Emily King [Google]
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Emodigi [Google]
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Emotional Digital [Google]
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Empire Gothic [Google]
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Enlaces--Links [Google]
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Enrique Longinotti [Hyperfuente]
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Eric Gill and Jonathan Barnbrook: Designers as Authors at the Poles of the Twentieth Century [Steven McCarthy]
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Erik Spiekermann [What makes a good typeface?]
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Erik's Typo Tips [Google]
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Esperfonto [Google]
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Esszet [Google]
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Ethan Cote [Google]
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EthanCote [Google]
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European Diacritics [Google]
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Eurostile [Google]
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Eva Wilsson [Design Eva Wilsson]
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Evolution of Alphabets [Google]
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Evolution of the Alphabet [Matt Baker]
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Experluette [Olivier Randier]
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Familiar Faces [Google]
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Fat Cat [Google]
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Fat Faces: origins [Sebastien Morlighem]
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FDBP [Google]
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Felipe Cáceres [La Unión de los Tipógrafos]
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Female typedesigners [Google]
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FF DIN [Albert-Jan Pool]
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Figures [Google]
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Filip Blazek [Typo.z (was: Designiq)]
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Florian Jennett [Google]
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Folio breitfett [Google]
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Folios: Typographers [Google]
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Font Bakery [Dave Crossland]
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Font design strategies [Google]
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Font Falsehoods [Google]
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Font FAQ [Google]
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Font FAQ (alternate site) [More] ⦿
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Font Fundamentals [Google]
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Font identification (Spanish) [Google]
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Font Juice [Google]
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Font Pharos Text [Google]
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Font prefixes, suffixes [Google]
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Font Primer [Google]
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Font School [T. Kengo]
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Font Source Paradise [Google]
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Font Talk [Google]
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FontBook online [Google]
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Fontburglar [Mirko Velimirovic]
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Fontfuse [Google]
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Fontjoy: Font pairing via machine learning [Google]
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FontNet [Google]
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fontophile [Google]
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Font-o-Rama [Nina Hons]
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Fontribute [Google]
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Fontroduction [Ian Obermuller]
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Fonts and FreeBSD: A Tutorial [Google]
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Fonts Anon [Google]
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Fonts are not software [Google]
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Fonts are software [Google]
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Fonts Culture [Google]
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Fonts Nomina Nominata [Google]
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Fonts OLPC [Google]
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Fonts versus typefaces [Google]
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Fontself [Pierre Terrier]
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FontShop International (or: FSI)
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FontSite [Sean Cavanaugh]
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Fontweb.de [Google]
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Fontzilla [Nancy Foster]
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Forrest L. Norvell [Google]
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Four parts of a typeface [Cyrus Highsmith]
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Frank Adebiaye [The Tragicomedy of Digital Fonts]
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Frank Griesshammer [Git for type designers]
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Frank Hinman Pierpont [Rockwell]
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Frankenfont [Google]
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Franklin Gothic [Morris Fuller Benton]
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Fred Showker [Google]
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Freddie Witherden [A Treatise on Font Rasterisation]
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Frederic William Goudy [National Old Style and Nabisco]
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Free ATypI [Google]
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Free font development discussion [Google]
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Free fonts on the web [Google]
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French Face Extended [Google]
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Frenchwood Ronde [Google]
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From metal to digital [Google]
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Frutiger [Google]
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FTF Billboard [Google]
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Fuck yeah kerning [Kilian Valkhof]
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Futura Display [Google]
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Futura: Text by Mac McGrew [Paul Renner]
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Fyrisfonts [Stefan Lundhem]
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FY(T)I Scripts: From Formal to Casual [Google]
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g [Google]
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Gaby Mrörch [Google]
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Gadget [Google]
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Gamb Design [Manfred Baierl]
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Gary Hustwit [Helvetica]
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Gary McGraw [Letter Spirit]
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genoTyp [Google]
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Georg Kraus [Preußisches Bleisatz-Magazin]
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George Williams: interview [Google]
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Georgia and Verdana [Google]
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German numberplates font [Google]
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Gerrit van Aaken [Praegnanz.de]
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Getting Started With Type Design: A Personal Journey [Mathieu Triay]
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GIFFYtype [Google]
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Gill Sans: Critique by Ben Archer [Ben Archer]
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Git for type designers [Frank Griesshammer]
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GLaD construction [Google]
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Global Type [Lars Kähler]
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Globe and Mail [Nick Shinn]
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Globe Gothic: Benton versus Goudy? [Google]
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Glyphic or incise typefaces [Google]
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GoldenWeb [Google]
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Gothic: Mac McGrew [Google]
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Goudy Center links [Google]
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Goudy versus Inland [Google]
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Graffiti and typography [Google]
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GRAFICA [Google]
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Graham Hicks [Itchy Robot]
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Graphê [Google]
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Graphiland [Olivier Marcks]
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Graphos [Google]
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Guia de tipos [Google]
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Gunnlaugur Briem [Notes on type design]
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Guru's Lair: Acrobat library shelf directory [Google]
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GUTenberg [Google]
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Günter Schuler [Google]
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Haas Unica: The story [Google]
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Hamish Macpherson [The typography of code]
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Handwriting: An Elegy [Ann Wroe]
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Hans Reichardt [Type Designer and Punchcutter]
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Hausschriften [Google]
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Hausschrift-Liste Unternehmen-zu-Schrift [Google]
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Heike Häser [typemotion]
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Helmar Fischer [Typoecke]
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Helvetica [Gary Hustwit]
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Helvetica quotes [Google]
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Helvetica: The name [Google]
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Helvetica, the Voice of Opposition [Steven McCarthy]
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Herb Lubalin [Lubalin Graph]
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Herron School of Art [Google]
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Hewlett-Packard [Google]
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Historical alternatives to the Latin alphabet [Google]
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Hobo sign language [Google]
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Hollow Truetype Fonts [Google]
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Homage Script and Homage Condensed [Google]
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Hot Metal Homepage [Google]
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HotFont Directory [Google]
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Hyperfuente [Enrique Longinotti]
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Ian Obermuller [Fontroduction]
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Ikea: The flap [Google]
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Ilene Strizver
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Illustrator 8 font list [Google]
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Image, Object, Text [Google]
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IMPRINT TeSRE Archive [Google]
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Index of typography at Wikipedia [More] ⦿
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Installing PostScript Fonts on Windows [Google]
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International Font Technology Association (IFTA) [Google]
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International Standards Organisation [Google]
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Interrobang [Google]
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Interrobang Letterpress [Michael Babcock]
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Intertype Laurel [Google]
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Introduction to typography [Google]
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Ionic [Google]
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iOS Fonts [Google]
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Irene Korol Scala [Google]
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Isabella Ribeiro Aragao [Google]
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Itchy Robot [Graham Hicks]
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IT-FADU [Google]
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J. Victor Gaultney [Google]
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Jackie Geerlings
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Jacob Øvergaard [XMyriad]
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James Craig [Designing with Type]
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James G. Poulos [Google]
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Jamie Clarke [Type Worship]
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Japan Typography Association [Google]
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Jared Benson [Typographic Collaboration (or: Typophile.com)]
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Jay Miller [Type Crime: Rated R]
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Jean-François Porchez [Le Monde]
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Jef Tombeur [Google]
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Jeff Carlson on screen typography [Google]
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Jemma Gura [Surfstation]
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Jens Kutilek
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Jeremiah Shoaf [Typewolf]
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Jim Crow [Google]
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Jim Godfrey [Typographic Sins]
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Jim Parkinson on his grotesques [Google]
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Joan Marti Mas [TypePhases (was: vigital tipografia)]
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Joe Clark [Joe Clark: Type in the Toronto subway]
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Joe Clark: Type in the Toronto subway [Joe Clark]
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Joel Friedlander [The story of Bembo]
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Joel Galeran [Joel Galeran]
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Joel Galeran [Joel Galeran]
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Johann David Steingruber [Google]
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John D. Berry [Google]
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John D. Berry [The Faces of Microsoft]
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John Downer [Call it what it is]
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John Magnik [Typefaces---a free tutorial]
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John Walters lauds Erik Spiekermann [Google]
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Johnny Be Goode [Google]
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Jon Tangerine [Typeface is not a Font]
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Jonathan Hoefler [Google]
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José María Gosálbez Ruete [Manya Disseny]
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José Ramón Penela [unostiposduros.com]
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Josh Farmer [Opinionated Type]
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Josh Nimoy [RibbonType: Josh Nimoy]
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Joshua Langman [Orbis Typographicus]
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Juan Carlos Grafico [Juan Carlos Pacheco]
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Juan Carlos Pacheco [Juan Carlos Grafico]
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Juan Pablo De Gregorio Concha [Letritas]
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Juhuj [Google]
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Justin Penner [Beginners guides to type design: Justin Penner]
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Justin Penner [Type Design Resources: Justin Penner]
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Kai F. Oetzbach [Typo Knowledge Base (tkb)]
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Kalle Wangstedt [Google]
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Karl-Erik Tallmo [at-sign]
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Kazui Press [Google]
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Keith Houston [Shady Characters The secret life of punctuation]
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Ken Shirriff: Java Applets: PCFFont [Google]
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Kernall [Google]
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Kerning: A survey [Sebastian Kosch]
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Kerning (Adobe) [Google]
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Kevin Woodward [All Good Things Typography]
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Kilian Valkhof [Fuck yeah kerning]
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Kindersley's kerning--spacing method [Google]
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Knuth's Digital Typography page [Google]
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Korinna [Google]
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Korni's typo cave [Google]
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Kosal Sen [Typographunnies]
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Kristall Grotesk [Google]
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Kurt Brereton [Google]
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La typographie selon invalid.net [Google]
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La Unión de los Tipógrafos [Felipe Cáceres]
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Lange on Helvetica [Google]
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Lars Kähler [Global Type]
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Laserprinter fonts [Google]
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LastResortFont [Michael Everson]
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Latin Antique [Google]
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Laurence Penney [MyFonts.com]
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Laurens Leurs [Prepressure]
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Laurie McCanna
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Layering type with CSS z-index [Google]
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Le Monde [Jean-François Porchez]
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Les Maîtres d'Art [Google]
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L'espace culturel [Google]
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L'esperluette (Adobe) [Google]
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Leszek Bielski [Google]
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Letrag [Google]
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Letritas [Juan Pablo De Gregorio Concha]
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Letter Combinations [Google]
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Letter Spirit [Gary McGraw]
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Letterbeeld [Sander Neijnens]
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Letterform Archive [Rob Saunders]
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Letterlabor [Google]
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License Plates of the World [Google]
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Ligature Schmigature [Google]
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Linotype designers [Google]
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Liquid Type Space [Google]
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Lisanne's Font Library [Google]
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Literata [Google]
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Lithopolis [Google]
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Lloyd Springer [TypeArt Foundry (or: Digiteyes Multimedia TypeArt Foundry)]
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London 2012 font [Google]
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Long S Code [Nick Shinn]
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Lorenz Schirmer [Zen or The Art of Hinting]
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Lothar Südkamp [Type Hype]
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Lubalin Graph [Herb Lubalin]
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Lucida Grande [Google]
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Lust auf Typographie? [Google]
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Lygia Clark [Google]
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M. Whitney [Typography for Mobile Devices]
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Mac Baumwell [Google]
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Macintosh Type Resources [Google]
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Make Reasy [Google]
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Making web sites: fonts and typography [Google]
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Manfred Baierl [Gamb Design]
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Manuel Bieh [Typeworkshop]
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Manya Disseny [José María Gosálbez Ruete]
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Map typography [More] ⦿
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Marca Tipografica [Google]
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Marcos Mello [Oficina Tipográfica]
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Mariana Dominguez Cosson [Google]
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Mark Jamra [Type Culture]
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Mark MacKay [Shape Method]
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Mark Weaver [Mid-Century Modern Typefaces]
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Martin Pecina [Typomil]
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Masterman [Google]
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Masters of Modern Typography [Google]
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Mathieu Triay [Getting Started With Type Design: A Personal Journey]
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Matt Baker [Evolution of the Alphabet]
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Matthew Carter [The Yale Typeface]
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Matthew Smith [Type Foundry Directory]
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Maurizio Boscarol [Google]
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Max Bruinsma [Google]
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Mediengestaltung Typografie [Google]
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Metafont, Metamathematics, and Metaphysics [Google]
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Metro Bits [Google]
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Michael Babcock [Interrobang Letterpress]
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Michael Bierut [Michael Bierut: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Typeface]
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Michael Bierut: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Typeface [Michael Bierut]
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Michael Brandt [The Evolution of Type]
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Michael Bundscherer [Typolis (German version)]
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Michael Everson [LastResortFont]
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Michael Levy [Google]
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Michael Meilan's World Leader Fonts [Google]
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Michael Nicklas [Google]
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Michael Russem [The Offices of Kat Ran Press]
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Mid-Century Modern Typefaces [Mark Weaver]
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Mike Yanega's Sans Serif Guide [Google]
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Mike Yanega's Serif Guide [Google]
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Milo Dominik Ivir [Milo Typografik]
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Milo Typografik [Milo Dominik Ivir]
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Miriam van der Have [Emday Fonts]
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Mirko Velimirovic [Fontburglar]
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Mitja Miklavčič [Three chapters in the development of Clarendon---Ionic typefaces]
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Mixing Garamonds [Google]
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Modern Antique [Google]
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Modern Gothic [Google]
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Modern Typography [Paul Barnes]
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Modernite relative [Google]
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MonicaWorks Graphics [Google]
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Monotype Dante [Google]
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Monotype Laurentian [Google]
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Monotype: The Foundation Collection [Google]
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Monotype's copies of fonts [Google]
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Montserrat Font Chart [Google]
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Morris Fuller Benton [Franklin Gothic]
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MT Neo Didot [Google]
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MToT [Google]
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Multilingual typographical lexicon [Google]
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MyFonts: Gill Sans [Google]
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MyFonts: Johnston [Google]
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MyFonts.com [Laurence Penney]
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Nancy Foster [Fontzilla]
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National Old Style and Nabisco [Frederic William Goudy]
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Necrocock [Google]
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Nelson Beebe's bibliography on typographic fonts [More] ⦿
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Nicholas Fabian [Type Designs by Nicholas Fabian]
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Nick Shanks [Common Windows typefaces]
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Nick Sherman [Specimenism]
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Nick Shinn [Long S Code]
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Nick Shinn [Globe and Mail]
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Nike 365 [Google]
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Nikita Pashenkov [AlphaBot: Nikita Pashenkov]
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Niko Skourtis [Google]
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Nina Hons [Font-o-Rama]
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Nissan [Google]
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NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty [Google]
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Norasoft [Google]
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Not my type: the centuries-long identity crisis of Scandinavian typography [Google]
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Notes on type design [Gunnlaugur Briem]
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Noteworthy [Google]
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Novus [Google]
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Ocelopotamus [Google]
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OERT (Open Educational resources for Typography) [Google]
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Oficina Tipográfica [Marcos Mello]
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ohjeannyjeanny [Google]
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Old style figures [Google]
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Olivier Marcks [Graphiland]
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Olivier Randier [Experluette]
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On the history of sans serif [Google]
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On-screen typography [Google]
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Oodles of poodles [Google]
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Opinionated Type [Josh Farmer]
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Optical kerning [Google]
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Orange Soda Pop [Google]
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Orbis Typographicus [Joshua Langman]
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Ortho-Type [Google]
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Oscar Bagur [Google]
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OthelloMT [Carl Crossgrove]
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Oxford University [Google]
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Palatino [Google]
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Palatino's sizes [Google]
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Panther Text Rendering [Google]
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Parametric Fonts (MyFonts) [Google]
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Parametric type generation systems [Google]
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Patrick Griffin [A Case For Type Design Education]
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Patrick Griffin on the 1970s [Google]
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Patrick Griffin on variable fonts and the future of type [Google]
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Paul Baker [Google]
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Paul Barnes [Modern Typography]
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Paul Beaujon
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Paul Renner [Futura: Text by Mac McGrew]
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Paul Shaw [The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway]
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Paul Shaw [The Digital Past]
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Paulo Heitlinger [Google]
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Péter Serfözö [Zwoelf]
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Pella Anderson [Swedish newspaper typography, 1992-1999]
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Peter Bain: Film Type [Google]
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Peter Baker's old English page at the University of Virginia [Peter S. Baker]
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Peter Bilak [Typotheque]
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Peter Bilak [Google]
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Peter Gabor [Design & typo]
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Peter Karow's K-coefficient [Google]
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Peter Reichard [Spatium Newsletter]
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Peter S. Baker [Peter Baker's old English page at the University of Virginia]
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Philadelphia Lining Gothic [Google]
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Philippe Coueignoux [The Coueignoux system]
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Philippe Marquet's Bookmarks [Google]
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Pictograms, pictotype [Google]
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Pierre Terrier [Fontself]
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Pilcrow [Google]
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Pixelatingdivas [Google]
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Placard MT Condensed [Google]
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Planète Typographie [Google]
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Planet Typography [Google]
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Podium Sans [Google]
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Point Central [Google]
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Polylogue [Google]
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PowerPoint Is Evil [Google]
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Praegnanz.de [Gerrit van Aaken]
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Prepressure [Laurens Leurs]
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Preußisches Bleisatz-Magazin [Georg Kraus]
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Printer.com: most economical fonts [Google]
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Publications GUTenberg [Google]
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Pulleys and planks [Google]
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Punchcut [Google]
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Python for designers [Roberto Arista]
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Quiet Pleasures [Google]
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Quixote Digital Typography [Google]
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R. Altman [Google]
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Ralf Hermann [The main type mistakes]
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Ralf S. Engelschall [TypoPRO]
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Ralf Turtschi [Arial: ein Nekrolog]
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Ralph C. Coxhead [Varityper: 1946 Catalog]
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Randa Abdel Baki [Google]
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Ray Larabie on Helvetica [Google]
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Rechtschreibeform [Google]
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Recognizing a Bembo [Coulton Thomas]
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Recuperacion de la tipografia Ibarra [Sandra Baldassarri]
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Reddoor Blog [Google]
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Règles de typographie française [Google]
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Retrokat.com [Google]
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Review of Adobe Type on Call CD v4.0 [Google]
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Review Of Astigmatic One Eye [Google]
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Review of Big Daddy [Google]
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Review Of Brian Sooy [Google]
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Review Of CHANK, aka Charles Anderson [Google]
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Review of Chapparal [Google]
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Review of Minion [Google]
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Review of Monotype Bulmer [Google]
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Review of P22 Kells [Google]
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Review of PMN Caecilia [Google]
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RibbonType: Josh Nimoy [Josh Nimoy]
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Richard Rutter [Google]
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Rob Saunders [Letterform Archive]
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Roberto Arista [Python for designers]
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Robin Williams: Type Talk [Google]
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Roboto (or: Google Android Design) [Christian Robertson]
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Rocbo [Google]
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Rockwell [Frank Hinman Pierpont]
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Roger C. Parker [Google]
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Roger Excoffon [Antique Olive]
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Roger Hersch [Google]
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Roger McGough poem [Google]
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Ron Sellers [Typography 1]
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Ross Evans on Japanese font technology [Google]
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Rotis [Google]
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Sander Neijnens [Letterbeeld]
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Sandra Baldassarri [Recuperacion de la tipografia Ibarra]
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Sans Serif Font Identification Guide [Google]
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Scalable fonts [Google]
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Scannerlicker on finding fonts [Google]
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Schrift der Eurokennzeichen [Google]
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Schrift&Typografie [Google]
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Schriftarten [Google]
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Schriftfaecher [Google]
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Schriftgrad.de [Google]
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Scotch Roman [Google]
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Scott Kim [Google]
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Screen fonts: a fresh start [Google]
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Sean Cavanaugh [FontSite]
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Sean Hodge [Twelve sources of inspiration]
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Sebastian Kosch [Kerning: A survey]
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Sebastian Kosch [YinYangFit]
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Sebastien Morlighem [Fat Faces: origins]
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September 11 [Google]
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Serif: The Magazine of Type & Typography [Google]
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Serifs [Google]
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Seven free tools to identify a font [Google]
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Sexy type from Toronto [Google]
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Shady Characters The secret life of punctuation [Keith Houston]
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Shape Method [Mark MacKay]
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Shaun Coke [Google]
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Shealyn McGee [Google]
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Short Cuts [Google]
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Sibe Kokke [Type Generator]
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Silo Design [Susanne Cerha]
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Simon Garfield [The 8 Worst Fonts In The World]
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Simon Loxley [Google]
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Slab serif [Google]
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Slab Serif Fonts [Google]
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Society for Italic Handwriting [Google]
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Society of Graphic Designers of Canada [More] ⦿
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Society of Typographic Designers [Google]
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Sofia Open Content Initiative [Carolyn Brown]
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Soldiers of lead [Google]
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Sommaire ete [Google]
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Sooraj Negi [Google]
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SOTA [Google]
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SOTA Catalyst Award [Google]
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Space characters [Google]
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Spanish characters [Google]
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Spark 34: Words [Google]
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Spartan [Google]
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Spatium Newsletter [Peter Reichard]
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Specialty Fonts [Google]
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Specimenism [Nick Sherman]
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Spiekermann on Adobe's Futura [Google]
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Spy Graphics [Google]
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Stan Schwartz [Cont Ed Typography]
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Star Office [Google]
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Stealing sheep [Google]
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Stefan Lundhem [Fyrisfonts]
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Stephen Coles [Typographica]
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Stephen Coles's Flickr page [Google]
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Steve Dell [Google]
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Steven McCarthy [Eric Gill and Jonathan Barnbrook: Designers as Authors at the Poles of the Twentieth Century]
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Steven McCarthy [Helvetica, the Voice of Opposition]
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Strathmore Oldstyle [Google]
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Style Guide 2.0 [Google]
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Stymie [Google]
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Subject search at TYPO-L [Google]
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Super Grotesk [Google]
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Surfstation [Jemma Gura]
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Survival of Roman types [Google]
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Susanne Cerha [Silo Design]
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Swastika [Google]
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Swedish newspaper typography, 1992-1999 [Pella Anderson]
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Swiss 911 BT [Google]
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Symbol character set [Google]
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Symbols.com [Google]
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T. Kengo [Font School]
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Taller de tipografia digital [Google]
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Tecor [Google]
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Ten most menacing font foibles [Google]
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Terrence Chouinard [Typocurious]
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Terry Lee [Veil of Perception]
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Text font discussion group [Google]
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TFA Type Foundries Archive [Google]
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The 8 Worst Fonts In The World [Simon Garfield]
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The Alphabet Julen [Google]
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The Alphabets of Europe [Google]
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The balance between legibility and economy of design [Google]
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The Black Stump Web Development Page [Google]
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The Characters of our Content [Google]
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The Cooper Union [Google]
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The Coueignoux system [Philippe Coueignoux]
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The cracked guide to fonts [Google]
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The Design Cubicle [Brian Hoff]
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The Dezine Cafe [Google]
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The Digital Past [Paul Shaw]
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The disappearance of Times New Roman [Google]
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The Evolution of Type [Michael Brandt]
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The Faces behind the Faces [Google]
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The Faces of Microsoft [John D. Berry]
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The Font Review Journal [Bethany Heck]
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The Garamond mess [Google]
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The Good, The Bad and the Ugly [Google]
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The Grid System [Antonio Carusone]
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The Helvetica Killer [Bruno Maag]
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The Human Side of Sans Serifs [Google]
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The Latex Font Catalogue [Google]
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The Linotype machine [Google]
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The Lioness [Google]
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The main type mistakes [Ralf Hermann]
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The (Mostly) True Story of Helvetica and the New York City Subway [Paul Shaw]
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The Offices of Kat Ran Press [Michael Russem]
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The optimism of modernity [Google]
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The PC Type 1 fonts message board! [Google]
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The Solus story [Google]
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The State of Web Type [Google]
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The story of Bembo [Joel Friedlander]
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The Symbols Collection [Google]
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The TDC Medal [Google]
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The Tragicomedy of Digital Fonts [Frank Adebiaye]
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The Type Club of Toronto [Brian Maloney]
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The Type Gallery [Google]
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The typeface of uniformity [Google]
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The Typographic Archives [Google]
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The typography of code [Hamish Macpherson]
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The world's writing systems [Google]
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The X in X-Files [Google]
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The Yale Typeface [Matthew Carter]
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the-cff-table [Google]
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Theodore Rosendorf [Google]
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Therese Harrah [Google]
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Thoughtype [Google]
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Three chapters in the development of Clarendon---Ionic typefaces [Mitja Miklavčič]
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Three Studio [Google]
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Tidningstypografi 1992-99 [Google]
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Tim Donahue on Kerning [Google]
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Times New Roman [Eamon Dyas]
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Times Roman and Times New Roman [Charles Bigelow]
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Times Ten [Google]
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Tipi e Controtipi [Google]
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tipoGráfica buenosAires [Google]
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tipográfico.org [Google]
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Tipografija [Google]
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Tipomaniacos [Google]
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Tiposmoviles [Google]
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Titania [Google]
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TM--N Digital [Google]
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Todd Roeth [Google]
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Tokyo Type Directors Club [Google]
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Tom Geller's Writings [Google]
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Tracy and Spacing [Google]
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Tracy Todd Pearson's lecture notes [Google]
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Trajan Alphabet [Wolfgang Beinert]
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Translation and typesetting [Google]
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Trapping [Google]
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TrueType, PostScript Type 1,&OpenType [Google]
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Tschichold's Canon of Book Design [Google]
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TTX The Type Experience [Google]
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Twelve sources of inspiration [Sean Hodge]
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Twisted Onion [Google]
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TyD [Google]
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Tyler Brulé, Monocle, Plantin [Google]
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Type 101 [Google]
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Type Camp [Google]
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Type Connection [Aura Seltzer]
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Type Crime: Rated R [Jay Miller]
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Type Culture [Mark Jamra]
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Type Design Credits [Google]
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Type design hot takes [Google]
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Type Design Resources: Justin Penner [Justin Penner]
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Type Design Tips [Google]
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Type Designer and Punchcutter [Hans Reichardt]
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Type Designers Forum [Google]
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Type Designs by Nicholas Fabian [Nicholas Fabian]
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Type Directors Club [Google]
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Type Directors Club Deutschland [Google]
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Type Dreams [Google]
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Type Foundry Directory [Matthew Smith]
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Type Generator [Sibe Kokke]
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Type Hype [Lothar Südkamp]
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type me, type me not [Google]
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Type Minds [Google]
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Type Museum [Google]
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Type on the Web [Google]
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Type Record [Google]
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Type specimen at Flickr [Google]
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Type Specimen of the Adagio Press [Google]
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Type Topics (Adobe) [Google]
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Type Trends 2020 [Google]
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Type type type eh Mr. Christensen? [Google]
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Type Worship [Jamie Clarke]
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TypeArt Foundry (or: Digiteyes Multimedia TypeArt Foundry) [Lloyd Springer]
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Typecache [Google]
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Typecasting [Google]
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Typedesign.CE [Google]
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TypEdu [Google]
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Typeface is not a Font [Jon Tangerine]
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Typeface name check [Google]
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Typeface or font? [Google]
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Typefaces available from US foundries [Google]
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Typefaces reveal personality traits [Google]
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Typefaces---a free tutorial [John Magnik]
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Typefaces.ru [Google]
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Typefacts [Christoph Koeberlin]
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TypeIndex.Org [Google]
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Typelife.com [Google]
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Type.lol [Google]
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typemotion [Heike Häser]
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TypeNeu [Emil Olsson]
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TypePhases (was: vigital tipografia) [Joan Marti Mas]
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Typeradio [Google]
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Typesetting Tips [Google]
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TypesKlaus [Google]
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typeSQL [Google]
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Typewar [Google]
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Typewolf [Jeremiah Shoaf]
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Typeworkshop [Manuel Bieh]
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Typeworkshop [Google]
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Typo [Google]
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Typo 2004 vol 08 [Google]
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Typo Goemo [Google]
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Typo Knowledge Base (tkb) [Kai F. Oetzbach]
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typOasis [Google]
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Typobasel [Google]
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Typocircle [Google]
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Typocurious [Terrence Chouinard]
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Typoecke [Helmar Fischer]
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Typografie in der Schule [Google]
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Typografie.info [Google]
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Typografische eenheden [Google]
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Typographer.com [Google]
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Typographer.org [Yves Peters]
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Typographia: Ligatures [Google]
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Typographic 56 [Google]
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Typographic Circle (official site) [Google]
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Typographic Collaboration (or: Typophile.com) [Jared Benson]
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Typographic Principles [Google]
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Typographic Sins [Jim Godfrey]
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Typographic Voices [Google]
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Typographica [Stephen Coles]
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Typographie et Civilisation [Google]
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Typographie française [Google]
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Typographie für Webautoren [Google]
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Typographie sur le net [Google]
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Typographie und Layout [Google]
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Typographische Gesellschaft München [Google]
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Typographische Gesellschaft München e.V. [Google]
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Typographische Gesellschaft München (tgm) [Google]
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Typographunnies [Kosal Sen]
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Typography 1 [Ron Sellers]
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Typography and Issues with Type [Google]
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Typography and the User Interface [Google]
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Typography for Mobile Devices [M. Whitney]
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Typography News [Google]
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Typography: the good, the bad and the ugly [Google]
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Typography Workshop [Google]
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Typoholic [Google]
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Typolemik [Google]
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Typolis (German version) [Michael Bundscherer]
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Typologic [Google]
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typomania [Google]
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Typomil [Martin Pecina]
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Typophile: Type designers [Google]
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TypoPRO [Ralf S. Engelschall]
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Typo-Regeln [Google]
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Typostammtisch [Google]
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Typotabular Gothics [Google]
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Typotheque [Peter Bilak]
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TypoWiki [Google]
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Typo.z (was: Designiq) [Filip Blazek]
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Ultra Thin Fonts [Google]
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Univers [Google]
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Universal Grotesk [Vladimir Balthasar]
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University Roman [Google]
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unostiposduros.com [José Ramón Penela]
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Uppercase and lowercase numerals [Google]
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Urban Insect Evening (was: Nekton Design) [Don Barnett]
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Urban Politics of Type [Google]
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US bans Courier New 12 [Google]
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US Government's toner-efficient fonts [Google]
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VAG Rounded [Google]
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Varityper: 1946 Catalog [Ralph C. Coxhead]
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Veil of Perception [Terry Lee]
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Veritas [Google]
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Vítor Quelhas [dynTypo]
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vigital tipografia [Google]
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Virgin America [Google]
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Visible Language [Google]
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Visibone font survey [Google]
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Vista fonts: a comparison [Google]
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Visual Telemetry [Google]
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vivid studios [Google]
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Vladimir Balthasar [Universal Grotesk]
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Vladimir Yefimov: Obituary by Maxim Zhukov [Google]
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Vogue Fonts and more [Google]
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Wall Street Journal [Google]
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Warchalking symbols [Google]
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Westminster [Google]
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What makes a good typeface? [Erik Spiekermann]
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What type are you? [Google]
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Wikipedia [Google]
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Wikipedia: Open Source Font [Google]
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Wikipedia: Type designers [Google]
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Will-Harris House [Daniel Will-Harris]
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William Cundall [Google]
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William S. Peterson [Google]
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Wolfgang Beinert [Trajan Alphabet]
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Women in Type [Google]
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Wordplay [Google]
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Words of wisdom for future type designers [Google]
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Wrongly named typefaces [Google]
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XMyriad [Jacob Øvergaard]
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Yale Style Manual: Page Design--Typography [Google]
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YinYangFit [Sebastian Kosch]
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Yves Peters [Typographer.org]
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Zapf's Q-mark [Google]
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Zen or The Art of Hinting [Lorenz Schirmer]
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Zielona gruzińska katapulta [Adam Twardoch]
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Zwoelf [Péter Serfözö]
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