TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:16 EDT 2025







The Hallmark Cards company was founded by J.C. Hall. Fonts with the letters HMK in their names are produced by Hallmark, the well-known postcard company in Kansas City, MO. These include early fonts such as Hog-Bold---HMK, Hog-Book---HMK, Jot-Medium---HMK, Marita-Medium---HMK, Marita-Script---HMK, Trots-Light---HMK, Trots-Medium---HMK and later (1997-1999) fonts such as BaaBookHmk, BernhardFashionHmk, BethsCuteHmk, BixAntiqueScriptHmk, BoogieWoogieHmk, ChrisHmk, CluffHmk, DesertDogHmk, FrancineHmk, FultoonHmk (by Nancy Fulton), GeeohHmk, HavixHmk (by Doug Havach), JanieHmk, Jewels, LamboHmk, McBooHmk (by Megan Walsh), NotnorvalHmk, OkrienHmk, OttumHmk (1997, downloadable here, PegsannaHMK (by Peg CarlsonHoffman), SandyTextHmk, SlashHmk, SplintHmk, StarbabeHmk (by Lisa Rogers), SuccotashHmk, SuccotashHmkBlack, TwizotHmk (by Bud Braman and John Dawbarn), WallowHmk.

In 2008, careful hackers found these fonts in the flash files of Hallmark and posted them on alt.binaries.fonts: AngelinaHMK, AnnouncementRomanHMK, CoronaSansHMK, CrownRomanHMK, DuneHMK (2008), InkberryCondensedBoldHMK, KarasHMK, KingsHatBoldHMK, MizquitoHMK, PatriciaHMK, PoobyrdHMK, ZincHMK-Regular. One hacker points out that AnnouncementRomanHMK is a rework of Castcraft's AnnouncementRoman, adding the Euro, so Hallmark seems to have its hands in the cookie jar, unless there is an intestinal link to Castcraft (but I am not aware of any).

In 2010, some people extracted fonts from Hallmark e-cards with these names: BetaCrownRomanBFA, BetaMars, BluesOnePKA, DoverA1, EdPS-Script, EvereadyOnePKA, GriegoOnePKA, InkberryCondensedBoldA1, KingsHatSansTextBoldPKA-Regular, KingsHatSansTextBoldPKA, KreamyPKA, Minion-HMK, PSOneBoldPKA, PahtooieOneSolidPKA, PahtooieTwoSolidPKA, PeanutsA1-Regular, QubitTwoBoldPKA, SlashKA, StoryBookPKA.

In 2010, Ascender started selling the Hallmark fonts. The first set includes Bix Antique Script HMK, Cluff HMK, Forget Me Not HMK, Fultoon HMK, Geeoh HMK, Hasty HMK, Havix HMK, Jewels HMK, Kat Tail HMK, McBoo HMK, Okrien HMK, Ottum HMK, Starbabe HMK, Succotash HMK and Wallow HMK. The second set, published in 2011, has BoogieWoogie HMK, Calcium HMK (2010, skeletal font), Gweet HMK, Karrot HMK, Pan HMK, Slash HMK, Splint HMK, Tuf Medium HMK (2011), Twizot HMK (1999). But then Ascender was gobbled up by Monotype, so who knows what will happen?

In 2012, we find a file with 107 free fonts on the Hallmark site as a support file for Hallmark Card Studio 2012. That collection: AliceFrancesHmk, BaaBookHmk, BaaBookHmkBold, BernhardFasD, BernhardFashionHmk, BernhardMordern, BethsCuteHmk, BethsCuteHmkBold, BixAntiqueScriptHmk (2009, a copperplate script), BixAntiqueScriptHmkBold, BoogieWoogieHmk, BoogieWoogieHmkBold, CallieHmk, CandyBuzzBTN, CandyBuzzBTNBold, CapriHMK, CarmineTango, CaslonAntT, CaslonNo540SwaD-Ital, ChrisHmk, ChrisHmkBold, CluffHmk, CluffHmkBold, CopperplateT-Bold, CopperplateT-Ligh, CopperplateT-Medi, DesertDogHmk (2008), DomCasualBT-Regular, DomCasualD-Regu, ForgetMeNotHMK, FrancineHmk, FrancineHmkBold, FultoonHmk (2010, a great painter's script), FuturaBT-Medium, Garamond, GaramondBold, GaramondBoldItalic, GaramondItalic, GeeohHmk (2009), GeeohHmkBold, GilliesGotD-Ligh, GrilledCheeseBTNCn, GweetHmk, GweetHmkBold, HankBT-Roman, HastyHMK (2006), HavixHmk (1998, calligraphic), HavixHmkBold, Humanist531BT-RomanA, JanieHmk (2008), JanieHmkBold, JewelsHmk (2008), KatTailBoldHMK, KatTailHMK (2009), LamboHmk, LamboHmkBold, LiorahBT-Regular, MaritaTextBookHMK, MaritaTextMediumHMK, McBooHmk (2009), MelanieBT-Roman, MissyBT-Roman, NimbusRomD-Regu, NimbusRomdBold, NimbusRomdItalic, NimbusSanT-Regu, NimbusSanT-ReguCond, NimbusSanTConBold, NokieBrushBoldHMK, NokieBrushHMK (2009), NotnorvalHmk, NotnorvalHmkBold, OkrienHmk (1999, camp site script), OkrienHmkBold, OttumHmk (2010, formal connected script), OttumHmkBold, PamHMK (2009), ParkAveD, PegsannaHMK, RegisterSansBTN, RegisterSansBTNBold, RyanBT-Heavy, SandyTextHmk (1997, formal script), SandyTextHmkBold, Shannon-Book, ShannonExtraBold, SlashHmk, SlashHmkBold, SplintHmk (2008), SplintHmkBold, StarbabeHmk (2009), StarbabeHmkBold, SuccotashHmk (1999, technical memo script), SuccotashHmkBlack, SuccotashHmkBold, Symphony, SymphonyBlack, TwizotHmk (1999), URWAlcuinT-Regu, URWImperialT-Regu, WackyActionBTN, WackyActionBTNBold, WallowHmk (1999), WallowHmkBold, WritetyperHmk, YearbookSolid.

Hallmark's SMC animations font download site has the free fonts Hmk Handjive, Handshake, Handlebar, Handstand, Handspring, Handsome, all made in 2010.

Additional fonts not mentioned above include Butch HMK (2008), Amberger Sans One, Angelina, Announcement Roman HMK, Constanze Mono One Med, Corona Sans, Crocka Doodle One, Crown Roman (regular, italic), Drummer Man, Dune, Inkberry Cond Bold, Karas, Kings Hat (bold, italic), Mizdemeanor One, Mizfit, Mizquito, Patricia Medium, Poobyrd, Zinc.

As of the early 2010's, Hallmark had two full-time font designers in its department, Terry Lee and Josh Scruggs, and could still count on Myron McVay, who officially retired from Hallmark a few years ago and died in 2013. The type department was headed by Rick Cusick. More recently, Hallmark started to work exclusively on proprietary font designs, including fonts for various Hallmark subsidiaries. By 2016, Rick Cusick and Terry Lee also retired, leaving Hallmark with just two full-time designers: Josh Scruggs and Lila Symons.

To read about type design at Hallmark, consult What Our Lettering Needs The Contribution of Hermann Zapf to Calligraphy & Type Design at Hallmark Cards by Rick Cusick.

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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Type scene in Missouri ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Copperplate ⦿ Type scene in Kansas ⦿

file name: Hallmark Bix Antique Script H M K Bold 2009

file name: Hallmark Bix Antique Script H M K Bold 2009b

file name: Bix Antique Script H M K

file name: Bix Antique Script H M K

file name: Boogie Woogie H M K

file name: Hallmark Butch H M K 2008

file name: Hallmark Butt H M K

file name: Hallmark Logo

file name: Hallmark Calcium Outline H M K 2010

file name: Hallmark Cluff H M K 2009

file name: Cluff H M K

file name: Hallmark Eeebie H M K

file name: Hallmark Fultoon H M K 2010

file name: Hallmark Fultoon H M K 2010b

file name: Hallmark Geeoh H M K 2009

file name: Geeoh H M K

file name: Hallmark Hmk Handstand 2010

file name: Hasty H M K

file name: Hallmark Hasty H M K 2006

file name: Hallmark Havix H M K 1998

file name: Havix H M K

file name: Hallmark Janie H M K 2008

file name: Karrot H M K

file name: Hallmark Kat Tail H M K 2009

file name: Hallmark Cards Kat Tail H M K 2006

file name: Hallmark Cards Kat Tail H M K 2006b

file name: Kat Tail H M K

file name: Hallmark Mc Boo H M K 2009

file name: Hallmark Nokie Brush H M K 2009

file name: Hallmark Okrien H M K 1999

file name: Hallmark Ottum H M K 2010

file name: Ottum H M K

file name: Ottum H M K

file name: Hallmark Pam H M K 2009

file name: Pam H M K

file name: Peg Carlson Hoffman Pegsanna

file name: Hallmark Qubit Two Bold P K A 2006

file name: Hallmark Sandy Text H M K 1997

file name: Hallmark Sandy Text H M K

file name: Hallmark Splint H M K 2008

file name: Hallmark Starbabe H M K 2009

file name: Hallmark Story Book P K A

file name: Hallmark Story Book P K A

file name: Hallmark Story Book P K A

file name: Hallmark Succotash H M K 1999

file name: Hallmark Twizot H M K 1999

file name: Bud Braman John Dawbarn Twizot H M K

file name: Hallmark Logo

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html