TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:03:47 EDT 2025






Garalde or Garamond typefaces

[Headline set in 1530 Garamond (1994, Ross Mills)]


100 Beste Schriften aller Zeiten [Google] [More]  ⦿

A. Pat Hickson [Google] [More]  ⦿

A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX [Stephen G. Hartke] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aad van Dommelen [Total Identity] [More]  ⦿

Abrams Legacy [George Abrams] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adobe Garamond [Robert Slimbach] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adobe Systems Inc [Google] [More]  ⦿

Akira Kobayashi [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alan Wood [Large Unicode fonts] [More]  ⦿

Albert Kapr [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alberto Tallone [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aldus Manutius [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexander Tarbeev [TFaces] [More]  ⦿

Alexandre Saumier Demers [Coppers & Brasses] [More]  ⦿

Alexei Chekulayev [Double Alex Team] [More]  ⦿

Alphabet Innovations International -- TypeSpectra (Was: MM2000) [Phil Martin] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Amélie Boutry [Google] [More]  ⦿

American Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

American Type Founders Collection (or: TypoBrand LLC; or: ATF Type) [Google] [More]  ⦿

André Sousa [Google] [More]  ⦿

Angus R. Shamal [ARS Type (was ARS Design)] [More]  ⦿

Anne Cuneo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Antoine Augereau [Google] [More]  ⦿

Anton Bisiajew [Google] [More]  ⦿

Antonio Zatta e Figli [Google] [More]  ⦿

Apostrophe's choices [Google] [More]  ⦿

Apple Fonts [Google] [More]  ⦿

Archive Type [Matevz Medja] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ari Rafaeli [ARTypes] [More]  ⦿

Arief Setyo Wahyudi [Typia Nesia] [More]  ⦿

Arkandis Digital Foundry [Hirwen Harendal] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ARS Type (was ARS Design) [Angus R. Shamal] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Artifex [Henry Stiles] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ARTypes [Ari Rafaeli] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Association for Insight Meditation (or: Aimwell) [Bhikkhu Pesala] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ATF 1923 Catalog: Garamond Series [Google] [More]  ⦿

Aurèle Sack [Google] [More]  ⦿

AvanType [Habib Khoury] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Babylon Schrift Kontor [Klaus Bartels] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Baramond [Jonathan Wheal] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Barco Type [Google] [More]  ⦿

Barmoor Foundry [Tracy Sabin] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bayer Corp [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bembo [Stanley Morison] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ben Bauermeister [ElseWare Corporation] [More]  ⦿

Ben Kiel [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bendt Alster [Google] [More]  ⦿

Best fonts of 2005 (Jan-Jun): Typographica [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bhikkhu Pesala [Association for Insight Meditation (or: Aimwell)] [More]  ⦿

Bill Garth [Compugraphic Corp.] [More]  ⦿

Bill Troop [ITC Garamond opinion] [More]  ⦿

Björn Johansson [Brikk] [More]  ⦿

Black Foundry [Jérémie Hornus] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Blaze Type Foundry (was: Adèle Type Foundry) [Matthieu Salvaggio] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bo Berndal [T4 Typography AB] [More]  ⦿

Bolt Cutter Design (or: Mahoney Fine Arts) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Borutta (or: Duce Type) [Mateusz Machalski] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Brikk [Björn Johansson] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bund für Liturgie und Gregorianik [Holger Peter Sandhofe] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cannibal Fonts [Panos Haratzopoulos] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carl Crossgrove [Terrestrial Design] [More]  ⦿

Carl Dair [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carmelo Lupins [Google] [More]  ⦿

Caroline Carrillo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Catharsis [Christian "Cinga" Thalmann] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Charles Hedrick on fonts for laser printers [Google] [More]  ⦿

Chauncey H. Griffith [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond (2) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond (3) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond (4) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond (5) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Choice of Garamond (6) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christian Bauer [Secret Fontasies] [More]  ⦿

Christian "Cinga" Thalmann [Catharsis] [More]  ⦿

Christophe Plantin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Christopher Burke [Hibernia Type] [More]  ⦿

Christopher Haanes [Google] [More]  ⦿

CL Fonts [Ilja Pfeijffer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Claire Wählen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Claude Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Claude Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Claudia de Almeida [Google] [More]  ⦿

Compugraphic Corp. [Bill Garth] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Conrad Berner [Google] [More]  ⦿

Coppers & Brasses [Alexandre Saumier Demers] [Google] [More]  ⦿

CyberGraphics [Jan Erasmus] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Cyreal [Gayaneh Bagdasaryan] [Google] [More]  ⦿

D. Stempel (or: Stempel Studio) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dalila Capelli [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Benjamin Miller [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Schmid [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daniel Taupin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Datascan [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Berlow [Google] [More]  ⦿

David S [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Suid [Google] [More]  ⦿

David Thometz's top 10 favorite text typefaces [Google] [More]  ⦿

Daylight Fonts [Shinya Okabe] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Deberny&Peignot Garamont [Google] [More]  ⦿

Delbanco-Frakturschriften [Gerda Delbanco] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dennis Ortiz-Lopez [Google] [More]  ⦿

Diego Aravena Silo [Without Foundry (or W Foundry; was: Diego Aravena)] [More]  ⦿

Dieter Hofrichter [Hoftype] [More]  ⦿

Digital Type Company (or: DTC) [Fritz Renzo Heinze] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Digital typefaces based on Jannon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Double Alex Team [Alexei Chekulayev] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Douglas Crawford McMurtrie [Google] [More]  ⦿

DTP Types Limited [Malcolm Wooden] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Edward Benguiat [Google] [More]  ⦿

Edward Everett Bartlett [Google] [More]  ⦿

Einaudi Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elisabeth Bolzon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eller Type [Emerson Eller] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ElseWare Corporation [Ben Bauermeister] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Elsner&Flake [Google] [More]  ⦿

Emerson Eller [Eller Type] [More]  ⦿

Emma Zakharova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Encyclopaedia Aethiopica [Thomas Rave] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ENSAD [Google] [More]  ⦿

Erhard Kaiser [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eric de Berranger [Google] [More]  ⦿

Eric Gill [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ericsson Roman and Sans [Google] [More]  ⦿

Exljbris [Jos Buivenga] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Expert Alphabets [George Abrams] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fabrica / Basel Roman [Johann Froben] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fake (faux) versus true Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Famous Fonts [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fanny Hamelin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fatima Nasser [Google] [More]  ⦿

fbb [Michael Sharpe] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Filip Tydén [Rotalic] [More]  ⦿

Flanker (or: Studio di Lena) [Leonardo Di Lena] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fonderie Peignot et Fils [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fonderie Typographique Française [Google] [More]  ⦿

Font Folio 10 [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontanova [Johan Ström] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fontleech discussion on piracy [Google] [More]  ⦿

FontSite [Sean Cavanaugh] [Google] [More]  ⦿

François Rappo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Francesco Simoncini [Officine Simoncini] [More]  ⦿

Franck Jalleau [Google] [More]  ⦿

Frank Hainze [MicroLogic Software] [More]  ⦿

Franko Luin [Omnibus Typographi] [More]  ⦿

Fritz Renzo Heinze [Digital Type Company (or: DTC)] [More]  ⦿

Fyrisfonts [Stefan Lundhem] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Galliard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ganlo R. Ithsm [Xenophilius] [More]  ⦿

Garaldes [Ludwig M. Souzen] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond: Gabor compares [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond Math [Yuansheng Zhao] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond or Garamont (Berry, Johnson and Jaspert) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond poster [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond powerline [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond Premier Pro [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamond Serial [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garamont and Garamont Italic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Garrett Boge [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gayaneh Bagdasaryan [Cyreal] [More]  ⦿

Georg Duffner [Google] [More]  ⦿

George Abrams [Abrams Legacy] [More]  ⦿

George Abrams [Expert Alphabets] [More]  ⦿

George Douros [Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts] [More]  ⦿

George Tulloch [Google] [More]  ⦿

George William Jones [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gerda Delbanco [Delbanco-Frakturschriften] [More]  ⦿

Gerhard Helzel [Google] [More]  ⦿

German Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ghostscript fonts (URW) [Google] [More]  ⦿

Giampaolo Bottoni [SudEuro typefaces] [More]  ⦿

Gigofonts--Gigodesign [Matevz Medja] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gilles Le Corre [GLC --- Gilles Le Corre] [More]  ⦿

GLC --- Gilles Le Corre [Gilles Le Corre] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Graphic bureau Az-Zet [Google] [More]  ⦿

Greek Font Society [Google] [More]  ⦿

Günter Gerhard Lange [Google] [More]  ⦿

Habib Khoury [AvanType] [More]  ⦿

Hallmark [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hans van Maanen [Google] [More]  ⦿

Harbor Bickmore [That That Creative (or: Utah Type Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

Héctor Gatti [Omnibus Type] [More]  ⦿

Hector Haralambous [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hendrik D.L. Vervliet [Google] [More]  ⦿

Henry Parmentier [Google] [More]  ⦿

Henry Stiles [Artifex] [More]  ⦿

Herbert Thannhäuser [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hermann Zapf [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hibernia Type [Christopher Burke] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hildegard Korger [Google] [More]  ⦿

Hirwen Harendal [Arkandis Digital Foundry] [More]  ⦿

Hoftype [Dieter Hofrichter] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Holger Peter Sandhofe [Bund für Liturgie und Gregorianik] [More]  ⦿

HS Fonts (was: HermesSoft Type Library) [Ivan Neytchev] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Huy Fonts [Juan José Lopez] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ian Party [Newglyph] [More]  ⦿

Igino Marini [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ilja Pfeijffer [CL Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Infinitype [Google] [More]  ⦿

ITC Garamond opinion [Tony Stan] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ITC Garamond opinion [Bill Troop] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Delmic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Louette [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ivan Neytchev [HS Fonts (was: HermesSoft Type Library)] [More]  ⦿

Jacques de Sanlecque the elder [Robert Granjon] [More]  ⦿

Jacques Sabon [Google] [More]  ⦿

James Hultquist-Todd [James Todd (or: JTD Type)] [More]  ⦿

James Todd (or: JTD Type) [James Hultquist-Todd] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jan Erasmus [CyberGraphics] [More]  ⦿

Jan Thor [jGaramond] [More]  ⦿

Jan Tschichold [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jay Rutherford [Typoart GmbH (or: VEB Typoart)] [More]  ⦿

Jérémie Hornus [Black Foundry] [More]  ⦿

Jean Jannon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jean Paillard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jean-François Porchez [Typofonderie (was: Porchez Typofonderie)] [More]  ⦿

jGaramond [Jan Thor] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jill Pichotta [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jim Rimmer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jim Wasco [Google] [More]  ⦿

JLH Fonts [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jochen Haertel [Google] [More]  ⦿

Johan Ström [Fontanova] [More]  ⦿

Johann Froben [Johannes Frobenius] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Johann Froben [Fabrica / Basel Roman] [More]  ⦿

Johannes Frobenius [Johann Froben] [More]  ⦿

John D. Boardley [Old Style typefaces] [More]  ⦿

John Hudson [Tiro TypeWorks] [More]  ⦿

Jonathan Wheal [Baramond] [More]  ⦿

Jos Buivenga [Exljbris] [More]  ⦿

Juan José Lopez [Huy Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Klaus Bartels [Babylon Schrift Kontor] [More]  ⦿

KLIM (or: Klim Type Foundry) [Kris Sowersby] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kostic Type Foundry [Nikola Kostic] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kris Sowersby [KLIM (or: Klim Type Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

La Fonderie [Google] [More]  ⦿

Laon Bottex [Google] [More]  ⦿

Large Unicode fonts [Alan Wood] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lars Bergquist [Timberwolf Type] [More]  ⦿

Latinotype [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lazydogs Type foundry [Oliver Linke] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lee-Jeff Bell [Rubicon Computer Labs Inc.] [More]  ⦿

Lella7 [Mohammed M. Khatib] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Leonardo Di Lena [Flanker (or: Studio di Lena)] [More]  ⦿

Letraset Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Letraset Studio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Levi Halmos [no image fonts] [More]  ⦿

Linotype Library GmbH [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lo-ol Type foundry [Loris Olivier] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Loris Olivier [Lo-ol Type foundry] [More]  ⦿

Ludlow [Robert Hunter Middleton] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ludlow Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ludlow Typefaces [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ludwig M. Souzen [Garaldes] [More]  ⦿

Ludwig&Mayer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Luzi Gantenbein [Luzi Type] [More]  ⦿

Luzi Type [Luzi Gantenbein] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mac McGrew on Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mac McGrew on Garamont [Google] [More]  ⦿

Maître Constantin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Malcolm Wooden [DTP Types Limited] [More]  ⦿

Marath Salychow [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marco Rodili [Google] [More]  ⦿

Maria Kuznetsova [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marion Delsuc [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mark Roble [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mark van Bronkhorst [MvB Design] [More]  ⦿

Marta Sieczkowska [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martin Forsslund [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martin Kotulla [SoftMaker Software GmBH (or: freefont.de)] [More]  ⦿

Mateusz Machalski [Borutta (or: Duce Type)] [More]  ⦿

Matevz Medja [Gigofonts--Gigodesign] [More]  ⦿

Matevz Medja [Archive Type] [More]  ⦿

Math Design fonts [Paul Pichaureau] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matteo Federico Bologna [Mucca Design (or: Mucca Typo)] [More]  ⦿

Matthew Carter [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matthieu Cortat [Nonpareille (was: Chastellun.net)] [More]  ⦿

Matthieu Salvaggio [Blaze Type Foundry (was: Adèle Type Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

Maurice Ollière [Maurice Ollière et cie] [More]  ⦿

Maurice Ollière et cie [Maurice Ollière] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Merijn Dietvorst [Google] [More]  ⦿

MGI Software [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Bierut: I hate ITC Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Sharpe [fbb] [More]  ⦿

Michael Sharpe [URW Garamond No. 8] [More]  ⦿

MicroLogic Software [Frank Hainze] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Minion [Robert Slimbach] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Minion and Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mixing Garamonds [Google] [More]  ⦿

Modern Typography [Paul Barnes] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mohammed M. Khatib [Lella7] [More]  ⦿

Monotype ESQ Fonts [Google] [More]  ⦿

Monotype Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Morris Fuller Benton [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mucca Design (or: Mucca Typo) [Matteo Federico Bologna] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Murat Yegul [Google] [More]  ⦿

MvB Design [Mark van Bronkhorst] [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Garalde or Garamond typefaces [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Granjon [Google] [More]  ⦿

MyFonts: Sabon [Google] [More]  ⦿

NA Graphics [Google] [More]  ⦿

Newglyph [Ian Party] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nikola Kostic [Kostic Type Foundry] [More]  ⦿

no image fonts [Levi Halmos] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Nonpareille (was: Chastellun.net) [Matthieu Cortat] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Océ Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Octavio Pardo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Officine Simoncini [Francesco Simoncini] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Old Style typefaces [John D. Boardley] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Oliver Linke [Lazydogs Type foundry] [More]  ⦿

Omnibus Type [Héctor Gatti] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Omnibus Typographi [Franko Luin] [Google] [More]  ⦿

P22 Type Foundry [Richard Kegler] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Panos Haratzopoulos [Cannibal Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Panos Vassiliou [Parachute] [More]  ⦿

Parachute [Panos Vassiliou] [Google] [More]  ⦿

ParaType [Google] [More]  ⦿

Paul Barnes [Modern Typography] [More]  ⦿

Paul Hickson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Paul Pichaureau [Math Design fonts] [More]  ⦿

Peter Gabor [Peter Gabor: A comparison of five Garamonds] [More]  ⦿

Peter Gabor: A comparison of five Garamonds [Peter Gabor] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Phil Martin [Alphabet Innovations International -- TypeSpectra (Was: MM2000)] [More]  ⦿

Pierre Baron [Google] [More]  ⦿

Pierre Haultin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rahma Hutami [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ralph Michael Unger [RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign)] [More]  ⦿

Raslani Abdou Ousseni [Google] [More]  ⦿

Raslani Seraphin [Google] [More]  ⦿

Red Rooster Collection (was: Red Rooster Type Foundry) [Steve Jackaman] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co [Google] [More]  ⦿

Review of ITC Galliard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ricardo Rodrigues dos Santos [Vanarchiv] [More]  ⦿

Richard Kegler [P22 Type Foundry] [More]  ⦿

RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign) [Ralph Michael Unger] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robert Granjon [Jacques de Sanlecque the elder] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robert Hunter Middleton [Ludlow] [More]  ⦿

Robert Hunter Middleton [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robert Slimbach [Adobe Garamond] [More]  ⦿

Robert Slimbach [Minion] [More]  ⦿

Robert Slimbach [Google] [More]  ⦿

Robert Strauch [Google] [More]  ⦿

Roch Modrzejewski [ROHH] [More]  ⦿

Rogier C. Van Dalen [Google] [More]  ⦿

ROHH [Roch Modrzejewski] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rotalic [Filip Tydén] [Google] [More]  ⦿

R-Type (or: Rui Abreu) [Rui Abreu] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rubicon Computer Labs Inc. [Lee-Jeff Bell] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rudolf Wolf [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rui Abreu [R-Type (or: Rui Abreu)] [More]  ⦿

Sabon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sabon [Google] [More]  ⦿

Salvador Rodriguez Lagos [Soda] [More]  ⦿

Sandra Romano Martin [Semata] [More]  ⦿

Sans versions of Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Scangraphic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Schriftklassifikation nach DIN 16 518 [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sean Cavanaugh [FontSite] [More]  ⦿

Sebastian Kosch [Google] [More]  ⦿

Secret Fontasies [Christian Bauer] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Semata [Sandra Romano Martin] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Serge Agronsky [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shinya Okabe [Daylight Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Shoko Mugikura [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simon Cozens [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simon de Colines [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simoncini Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Simone Massoni [Google] [More]  ⦿

Sjoerd Hendrik de Roos [Google] [More]  ⦿

Soda [Salvador Rodriguez Lagos] [Google] [More]  ⦿

SoftMaker Software GmBH (or: freefont.de) [Martin Kotulla] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stanislav Marso [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stanley Morison [Bembo] [More]  ⦿

Stanley Morison [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stefan Lundhem [Fyrisfonts] [More]  ⦿

Stempel Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stephen G. Hartke [A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX] [More]  ⦿

Steve Jackaman [Red Rooster Collection (was: Red Rooster Type Foundry)] [More]  ⦿

SudEuro typefaces [Giampaolo Bottoni] [Google] [More]  ⦿

T4 Typography AB [Bo Berndal] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tanja Oppel [Google] [More]  ⦿

Teddy Wing [Google] [More]  ⦿

Terrestrial Design [Carl Crossgrove] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Textism: Granjon [Google] [More]  ⦿

TFaces [Alexander Tarbeev] [Google] [More]  ⦿

That That Creative (or: Utah Type Foundry) [Harbor Bickmore] [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Font Company [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Garamond mess [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Nina story [Google] [More]  ⦿

Theygraphics [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thomas Maitland Cleland [Google] [More]  ⦿

Thomas Rave [Encyclopaedia Aethiopica] [More]  ⦿

Timberwolf Type [Lars Bergquist] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tipoteca Italiana fondazione [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tiro TypeWorks [John Hudson] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tom Ahn [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tom Grace [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tony Stan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tony Stan [ITC Garamond opinion] [More]  ⦿

Total Identity [Aad van Dommelen] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tracy Sabin [Barmoor Foundry] [More]  ⦿

TypeShop Collection [Walter Florenz Brendel] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typia Nesia [Arief Setyo Wahyudi] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typoart GmbH (or: VEB Typoart) [Jay Rutherford] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typofonderie (was: Porchez Typofonderie) [Jean-François Porchez] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Typographie et Civilisation [Google] [More]  ⦿

Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts [George Douros] [Google] [More]  ⦿

University of Kentucky [Google] [More]  ⦿

URW Garamond [Google] [More]  ⦿

URW Garamond No. 8 [Michael Sharpe] [Google] [More]  ⦿

US fonts in 40s and 50s [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vanarchiv [Ricardo Rodrigues dos Santos] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Venezia Italic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Victor Sarabia [Google] [More]  ⦿

Walter Florenz Brendel [TypeShop Collection] [More]  ⦿

Walter Schmidt [Google] [More]  ⦿

Werner Schulze [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wilhelm Bilz [Google] [More]  ⦿

Without Foundry (or W Foundry; was: Diego Aravena) [Diego Aravena Silo] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Wm. Ross Mills [Google] [More]  ⦿

Xavier Dupré [Google] [More]  ⦿

Xenophilius [Ganlo R. Ithsm] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yoann Minet [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yuansheng Zhao [Garamond Math] [More]  ⦿

Zoran Kostic [Google] [More]  ⦿