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Berthold Wolpe

German type designer (b. Offenbach, 1905, d. London 1989), who studied under Rudolf Koch from 1924-27 at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Offenbach. With the help of Stanley Morison, he emigrated to England in 1935 because of his Jewish background. Wolpe taught at the Camberwell College of Art (1948-53), at the Royal College of Art in London (1956-75) and at the City&Guilds of London School of Art (from 1975 onwards). From 1941 until 1978, he worked as a book designer for Faber&Faber in London, designing over 1500 book jackets. He published Schriftvorlagen (Kassel 1934), Marken und Schmuckstücke (Frankfurt am Main, 1937), A Book of Fanfare Ornaments (London, 1939), Renaissance Handwriting (with A. Fairbanks, London 1959), and Architectural Alphabet. J. D. Steingruber (London, 1972). Designer of

  • Albertus (Monotype, 1932-1940) is a famous lapidary roman with thickened terminals. The Bitstream version is called Flareserif 821. The Ghostscript/URW free version is called A028 (2000). The Softmaker and Infinitype versions are both called Adelon. The original Monotype version is Albertus MT. The letters are flared and chiseled, and the upper case U looks like a lower case u. The northeast part of the e is too anorexic to make this typeface suitable for most work. Some say that it is great for headlines. It is reminiscent of World War II. See also Albertus Nova (2017) by Toshi Omagari for Monotype.
  • Cyclone (Fanfare Press). A travel poster typeface family.
  • Fanfare. Revived by Toshi Omagari at Monotype in 2017 as Wolpe Fanfare.
  • Hyperion (1931, Bauersche Giesserei). Berry, Johnson and Jaspert write: An angular pen-lettered design, with several unusual letters. The right hand serifs of upper- and lower-case V and W run inwards, the Y descends below the line and has a pronounced serif running to the right. Also done by Berthold in 1952.
  • Pegasus (1938, Monotype). Monotype's digital revival, Wolpe Pegasus, was done in 2017 by Toshi Omagari for Monotype.
  • Tempest (1936). Digital revival in 2017 by Toshi Omagari at Monotype as Wolpe Tempest.
  • The blackletter typeface Sachsenwald-Gotisch (1936-1937, Monotype). In 2017, Monotype published the digital revival Sachsenwald by Toshi Omagari. Sachsenwald was originally called Bismarck Schrift, when it was first designed by Wolpe in the early 1930s.
  • The blackletter typeface Deutschmeister (1934, Wagner&Schmidt, Ludwig Wagner). Revival by Gerhard Helzel in 2009. Warning: The German type community believes that this typeface was not designed by Wolpe, so further research is needed. See also the revival called Deutschmeister by Ralph M. Unger in 20017.
  • Decorata (1950).
  • Johnston's Sans Serif Italic (1973).
  • LTB Italic (1973). Done for the London Transport, and unpublished.

In 2017, Toshi Omagari designed the Wolpe Collection for Monotype, all based on Berthold Wolpe's distinctive typefaces: Wolpe Pegasus, Wolpe Tempest, Wolpe Fanfare, Sachsenwald, Albertus Nova.

Bio at Klingspor. FontShop link. Wiki page. Linotype page.

View Berthold Wolpe's typefaces. Klingspor link.

Berthold Wolpe
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file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus 1932 1940 poster by Anna Morena 2013

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus 1938 194152

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus 1938 194153

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus 1938 194153

file name: Andrew Henderson Poster Albertus 2010

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017 245352

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017 245357

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017 245359

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus

file name: Monotype Berthold Wolpe Albertus M T Std Light

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus M T 1932 1940

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus 1932

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus Bold Titling 1932

file name: Berthold Wolpe Albertus Titling 1932

file name: Flareserif821 B T Roman

file name: U R W A028 Extra Bold 2000

file name: U R W A028 Extra Bold 2000b

file name: U R W A028 Medium 2000

file name: U R W A030 Bold 2000

file name: U R W A028 2000

file name: Soft Maker Adelon Serial Bold 1996

file name: Berthold Wolpe Hyperion 1931

file name: Ludwig Wagner Deutschmeister Magere 1934

file name: Ludwig Wagner Deutschmeister Schmalfette 1934

file name: Ralph M Unger Deutschmeister 2016 224072

file name: Ralph M Unger Deutschmeister 2016

file name: Gerhard Helzel Deutschmeister 2009 after Ludwig Wagner 1934

file name: Gerhard Helzel Deutschmeister after Ludwig Wagner 1934

file name: Ludwig Wagner Deutschmeister Halbfette 1934

file name: Berthold Wolpe Deutschmeister 1934c

file name: Berthold Wolpe Deutschmeister 1934

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017 245341

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017 245346

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017 245348

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017

file name: Michael Winifred Bixler Sachsenwald after Berthold Wolpe Sachsenwald 1936 Bismarck Script 1930s

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245273

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245277

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245278

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245279

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017a

file name: Shelley Winter Matthew Carter for Berthold Wolpe Pegasus 1980

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245281

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245286

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245287

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245288

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017 245290

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017 245295

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017 245297

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017

file name: Rudolf Koch Berthold Wolpe Decorative Alphabet

file name: Berthold Wolpe Portrait

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html