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101 Editions [Carolina de Bartolo]
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45 Symbols [Google]
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A Primer on Bezier Curves [Mike "Pomax" Kamermans]
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A Primer on Bezier Curves [Pomax]
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A specimen of cast ornaments by William Caslon, Letter founder to the King, London, printed by C. Whittingham, London, 1795 [Google]
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A specimen of printing types by William Caslon, Letter founder to the King, London, [Google]
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A specimen of printing types by William Caslon, Letter founder to the King, London, [Google]
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A Specimen of the Several Sorts of Printing-types Belonging to the University of Oxford, at the Clarendon Printing-house [Google]
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ABC3D [Google]
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Abebooks [Google]
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Ada Wardi [Google]
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Ada Yardeny
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Adobe black book [Google]
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Adobe Type Catalogs [Google]
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Adolf Meier [Google]
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Adrian Frutiger
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A.F. Johnson [Google]
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Afrikan Alphabets [Saki Mafundikwa]
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Agata Szydlowska [Google]
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Agenturtschi [Ralf Turtschi]
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Agenturtschi Buchtipps [Google]
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AIAP [Google]
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A.J. Hewett [Google]
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Akademie der bildenden Künste Stuttgart [Google]
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Akira Kataoka [Kataoka Design Works]
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Akke Ragnar Kumlien
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Al Imelli [Google]
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Alan Marshall [Google]
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Alan Peckolick [Google]
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Alastair Johnston [Google]
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Albert Corbeto [Google]
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Albert Kapr
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Albert-Jan Pool
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Albrecht Seemann [Google]
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Aldo Novarese
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Aldo Novarese: Alfa Beta (1964) [Google]
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Alejandro Fauré [Google]
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Aleksandra Korolkova
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Alessio Leonardi [BuyMyFonts (or: BMF)]
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Alexander Koch [Google]
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Alexander W. White [Google]
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Alfa-Beta [Davide Tomatis]
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Alfred John Fairbank
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Allan Haley
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Alpha Beta [Google]
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Alphabeta Linguarum Orientalium: typia congregationia de propag. fide [Google]
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Alphabets and Others [Google]
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Alphabets de Style [Google]
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Alphabetum [Juan-José Marcos García]
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Alphonso Edwin Tripp
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Alston W. Purvis [Google]
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Amazon.com [Google]
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Ambroise Firmin Didot [Google]
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American Sign Museum [Google]
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American Technical Society [Google]
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American Type Founders Company: Handy Specimen Book, 1897 [Google]
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American Type Founders Company: Specimen Book And Catalogue 1923 [Google]
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American Type Founders (or: ATF)
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American Wood Type Manufacturing Company [Google]
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An exploration of the Latin Modern fonts [Will Robertson]
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Andrea Brogiotti [Google]
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Andrea Brugiotti [Google]
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Andrea Schweiger [Google]
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André Jammes [Google]
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André Vigneau [Google]
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Andreas Stötzner [SIAS (or: Signographical Institute Andreas Stötzner)]
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Andreu Balius Planelles
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Andrew Haslam [Google]
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Angus Duggan's home page [Google]
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Ann Camp [Google]
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Anne Cuneo [Google]
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Annette Ludwig [Google]
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Annie Thomson [Google]
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Anonima Impressori [Google]
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Anthon Beeke [Google]
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Anthony DiVivo [Google]
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Antikvariat Morris [Google]
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Antiquariaat A. Kok&Zn. [Google]
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Antiquariaat Adr. van den Bemt [Google]
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Aon Celtic Art [Cari Buziak]
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A.P. Boyce [Google]
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Archer Zuo [Zuo Zuotype (or: Zuo Zuo Studio)]
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Archive.org: Type and Typefounding [Google]
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Ari Davidow [Google]
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Arktype (was: Atelier René Knip) [René Knip]
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Armin Hofmann [Google]
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Arne Freytag [Fontador (was: Arne Freytag)]
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Arnold Binger [Google]
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Art Deco Display Alphabets [Google]
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Art of the Printed Book, 1455-1955: Masterpieces of Typography Through Five Centuries [Google]
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Arthur S. Osley [Google]
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Arthur Schulze [Google]
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A.S. Barnes [Google]
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Atelier Perrousseaux [Google]
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Atelier Plumereau [Google]
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ATF: Online books [Google]
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Auguste Bernard [Google]
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Auguste Vitu [Google]
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Austin Norman Palmer [Portfolio of Ornate Penmanship]
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Autograff [Daniel Berio]
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Azerty requiem [Google]
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Bapurao S. Naik [Google]
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Barbara Brownie [Google]
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Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay [Google]
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Barnhart Bros. Spindler Type Founders: Book of Type Specimens, 1907 [Google]
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Bauersche Giesserei: Hauptprobe in gedrängter Form der Bauerschen Giesserei [Google]
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Bauhaus [Google]
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Bauhaus: Monoskop's page [Google]
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Bauhaus School [Walter Gropius]
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Beat Stamm
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Beatrice L. Warde
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Bell & Stephenson [Google]
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Ben Alexander [Google]
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Ben Shahn [Google]
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Ben Wittner [Google]
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Benedikt Gröndal [Handwriting Models]
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Bengt Bengtsson [Google]
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Benjamin Franklin [Google]
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Bernard Stein [Google]
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Bernd Holthusen [Google]
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Bert Bos [Google]
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Berthold Wolpe
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Bertrand Galimard Flavigny. [Google]
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B.G. Teubner [Google]
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Biblio@BoyBeaver [Google]
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BibliOdyssey [Google]
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Bibliograhy on type, fonts and postscript [Google]
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Bibliographie typo [Google]
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Bibliographies on typesetting [Google]
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Bibliographies on typesetting [More] ⦿
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Bibliography on typographic fonts [Google]
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Bibliothèque de l'école Estienne [Google]
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Bibliothèque virtuelle de livres de typographie [Jacques André]
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Bill Boley [Google]
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Binny&Ronaldson [James Ronaldson]
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BiViTy: Bibliothèque virtuelle de typographie [Jacques André]
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Bjoern Karnebogen [Google]
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Bob Gordon [Google]
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Bodoni's books [Google]
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BookLook [Google]
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Books by Dan X. Solo [Google]
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Books Jumpstation: Typography [Google]
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Books on letterforms for sale [Google]
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Books on Wood Type [Google]
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Bowfin Printworks [Mike Yanega]
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Bram de Does
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Bram Stein [Google]
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Bret Victor [Google]
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Brigitte Schuster
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Bruce Kennett [Google]
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Bruce Willen [Google]
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Brush Lettering [Google]
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BuyMyFonts (or: BMF) [Alessio Leonardi]
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C. van der Post Jr [Google]
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C. Webb [Google]
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Cabarga type (was: Flashfonts) [Leslie Cabarga]
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Cade Type Foundry [Philip Cade]
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Calligraphy and Penmanship in History 42 Books [Google]
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Campgràfic [Google]
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Caratteri Nebiolo [Google]
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Cari Buziak [Aon Celtic Art]
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Carl Dair
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Carl Faulmann [Google]
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Carl G. Liungman [Google]
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Carl Gustav Naumann [Google]
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Carl Hermann Albert Anklam [Google]
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Carl Hrachowina [Google]
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Carl Volmer Nordlunde [Nordlundes Bogtrykkeri]
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Carol Belanger Grafton [Google]
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Carolina de Bartolo [101 Editions]
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Carolyn Porter
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Caslon & Catherwood [Google]
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Catherine Dixon [Google]
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Céline Hurka
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Cecil A. Wade
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Cees W. De Jong [Google]
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C.G. Wrentmore [Google]
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Charles Ayers Faust [Google]
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Charles Enschedé [Google]
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Charles Hasler
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Charles J. Strong [Google]
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Charles L. Adams [Google]
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Charles L.H. Wagner [Google]
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Charles Mazé [Google]
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Charles Nix: Books on typography [Google]
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Charles Paxton Zaner [Google]
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Charles Pearce [Google]
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Charles Percival Bluemlein
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Charles Rollinson [Google]
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Charlotte Rivers [Google]
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Chas W. Reinhardt [Google]
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Christer Hellmark [Google]
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Christian Axel-Nilsson [Google]
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Christian Laucou-Soulignac [Google]
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Christian Paput
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Christine Hartmann [Google]
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Christine Thompson [Google]
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Christoph Schwedhelm [Google]
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Christopher Burke [Hibernia Type]
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Christopher Dean [Google]
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Chromatic type [Google]
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Círculo de Tipógrafos [Google]
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Cláudio Rocha
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Clarence Pearson Hornung [Dick Pape]
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Claude Lamesle [Google]
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Claude Médiavilla
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Claudia Walde [Google]
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Clemens De Wolf [Google]
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Colgate Collection [Google]
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Colin Banks
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Colin Clair [Google]
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Conrad William Schmidt [Google]
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Convention typographique [Google]
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Cornelis Dirckszoon Boissens [Google]
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CRA list of books [Google]
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Cristóbal Henestrosa [Estudio CH]
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CSA Creative Studio [Curtis Canham]
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Curtis Canham [CSA Creative Studio]
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Curwen Press [Google]
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C.W. Jones [Google]
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Cyrus Highsmith [Occupant Fonts]
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D. Bolle [Google]
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D. Duvillé [Google]
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Dagmar Welle [Google]
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Dan Cederholm [SimpleBits (or: Icon Shoppe)]
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Dan X. Solo [Dan X. Solo: Art Deco Display Alphabets]
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Dan X. Solo [Dan X. Solo: His books]
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Dan X. Solo [Solotype]
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Dan X. Solo: Art Deco Display Alphabets [Dan X. Solo]
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Dan X. Solo: His books [Dan X. Solo]
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Daniel Berio [Autograff]
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Daniel Berkeley Updike [Google]
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Daniel Mellis [Google]
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Daniel Sauthoff [Google]
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Daniel T. Ames [Google]
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David Bergsland [Hackberry Font Foundry (Was: NuevoDeco Typography, or: Bergsland Design)]
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David Carson
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David Consuegra [Google]
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David Covington [Google]
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David Earls [Google]
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David Harris
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David Kindersley
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David Lance Goines [Google]
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David Pankow [Google]
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David Rault [Google]
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David Ryan [Google]
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David S. Rose
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Davide Tomatis [Alfa-Beta]
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D'Avignon [Google]
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Davis Printing Company [Google]
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De Amsterdamse Krulletter [Ramiro Espinoza]
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Dean Norman [Google]
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Deborah Littlejohn [Google]
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Delve Fonts (was: Delve Media Arts) [Delve Withrington]
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Delve Withrington [Delve Fonts (was: Delve Media Arts)]
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Denis Diderot et Jean le Rond d'Alembert [Google]
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Derek Yaniger [Mister Retro]
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Dermot McGuinne [Google]
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Design with FontForge [Google]
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Designing with Type [James Craig]
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Design:Technology:Society [Google]
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designwithfontforge.com [Google]
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Detroit Type Foundry [Google]
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Devanagari Linotype [Google]
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Dick and Fitzgerald [Google]
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Dick Dooijes
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Dick Pape [Clarence Pearson Hornung]
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Didot [Google]
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Die Hochdeutschen Schriften aus dem 15ten bis zum 19ten Jahrhundert der Schriftgiesserei und Druckerei [Google]
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Digital Scriptorium [Google]
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Digital Type Design Guide [Sean Cavanaugh]
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Digital Typography (Don Knuth) [Google]
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DigitalThread Fonthaus [Google]
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DIN specifications [Google]
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Dino dos Santos [dstype]
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Display Material Company [Google]
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Ditta Nebiolo&Comp. [Google]
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D.J.R. Bruckner [Google]
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D.M. Campana [Google]
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Dmitriy Horoshkin's Library [Google]
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Dolphus Mieg (or Dollfus Mieg) [Google]
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Don Hosek's Essential Books on Type [More] ⦿
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Donald E. Knuth
[More] ⦿
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Donny Truong [Vietnamese Typography]
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Doug Clouse [Google]
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Douglas C. McMurtrie [McMurtrie: A Memorandum on Early Printing on the Island of Malta]
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Douglas C. McMurtrie [McMurtrie: The Didot Family of Typefounders]
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Douglas Crawford McMurtrie
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Douglas Thomas [Google]
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Dover Pictorial archive series [Google]
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Doyald Young [Doyald Young: Logotypes and Letterforms]
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Doyald Young: Logotypes and Letterforms [Doyald Young]
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Dr. Maurits Sabbe [Google]
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DRAIM [Victor Miard]
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dstype [Dino dos Santos]
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Duncan Glen [Google]
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Dunwich Type Founders [James Walker Puckett]
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Dutch Alphabets [Mathieu Lommen]
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E. Ventris [Google]
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E. Wetzig [Google]
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E.A. Ducompex [Google]
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Eagle Reading Company [Google]
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Eberhard Dilba [Google]
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E.C. Matthews [Google]
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Ed Cleary [Google]
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Edgar Bond [Google]
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Editions 205 [Quentin Margat]
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Editions Alternatives [Google]
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Edmund Fry
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Edo Smitshuijzen [Google]
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Edoardo Cotti [Google]
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Eduardo Herrera Fernandez [Google]
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Edward C. Mills [Google]
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Edward Johnston [Johnston's Underground Type]
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Edward Johnston
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Edward Rondthaler
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Edward Rowe Mores [Google]
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Edward Tufte [Google]
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Edward W. Lynam [Google]
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Eldesign [Google]
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Electronic Publishing [Google]
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Elisabeth Friedländer
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Ellen Lupton [Google]
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Elmar Schmitt [Google]
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Elsie Svennas [Google]
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E&M Cohen [Google]
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Emil F. Hornikel [Google]
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Emil Franke [Google]
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Emil Ruder
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Emotional Digital [Google]
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Encyclopedia Typographica [Google]
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Enric Jardi
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Epreuves de caractères et lettres de deux points... [Google]
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Eric Gill
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Eric Gill: An Essay on Typography [Google]
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Eric Kindel [Google]
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Eric Olivares [Google]
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Erich Alb
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Eric-Jean Müller [Google]
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Erik Brandt [Google]
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Erik Lindegren [Google]
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Erik Schmitt [Google]
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Erik Spiekermann
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Ernst Bentele
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Essential Books on Type [Google]
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Esterbrook Pen Company [Google]
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Estudio CH [Cristóbal Henestrosa]
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Eugen Nerdinger [Google]
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Excellence in Lettering&Typography [Google]
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Excelsior Publishing [Google]
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F. Arthur Pearson [Google]
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F. Schweimanns [Google]
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F. Weber & Co [Google]
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F.A. Duprat [Google]
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Fabrizio Serra [Google]
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Fachliteratur [Google]
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Fat Faces: origins [Sebastien Morlighem]
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Faythe Levine & Sam Macon [More] ⦿
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Fernand Baudin
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Fine Art in Print [Google]
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Fiona G.E. Ross
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Flickriver: Nike's photosets [Google]
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Fonderie Normale [Jules Didot]
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Font Book [Google]
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Fontador (was: Arne Freytag) [Arne Freytag]
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Fontarte [Magdalena Frankowska]
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Fontbook [Samvado Gunnar Kossatz]
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FontBook online [Google]
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Fontographer: Type by Design [Google]
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FontShop's new font book [Google]
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Fontsite bookstore [Google]
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Formatting Font Formats [Google]
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Fotosetter Type Faces [Google]
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Fr. G. Knudtzons Bogtrykkeri [Google]
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François Chastanet [Google]
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François Thibaudeau [Thibaudeau's classification]
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François Thibaudeau: La Fonderie Typographique Française Album d'alphabets (1920) [Google]
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Frances Wakeman Books [Google]
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Francis Meynell
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Francisco Galvez Pizarro
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Frank Adebiaye [Velvetyne Type Foundry (or: VTF)]
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Frank Chouteau Brown [Google]
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Frank Denman [Google]
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Frank Heine [UORG]
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Frank J. Romano [Google]
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Frank Romano [Google]
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Frank Steeley [Google]
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Franklin Gage Delamotte [Google]
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Franklin Photolettering [Google]
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Fred Afrikyan [Google]
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Fred Smeijers [OurType]
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Frederic Goudy [Typologia]
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Frederic Warde
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Frederich Friedl [Google]
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Frederick William Hamilton [Google]
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Fredrick S. Copley [Google]
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Freeman Gage Delamotte
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Friedrich Bauer
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Friedrich Forsmann [Google]
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Friedrich Groegel [Fritz Grögel]
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Friedrich Neugebauer
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Friedrich Soennecken [Google]
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Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books [Google]
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Fritz Funke [Google]
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Fritz Genzmer [Google]
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Fritz Grögel [Friedrich Groegel]
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From Old Books [Google]
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Fundición Tipográfica Bauer (or: Bauertypes)
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Futura: The Typeface [Google]
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G. Scott Clemons [Google]
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Gail Anderson [Google]
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Gavin Ambrose [Google]
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Gérard Blanchard
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Gebr. Klingspor: Schriftkartei [Google]
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Geen Bitter [Thom Janssen]
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Gems of Penmanship by Williams&Packard [Google]
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Gene Gable [The Best Type Book with No Typesetting]
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Geoffrey Dowding [Google]
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George Bickham
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George J. Becker
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Georgia Mansbridge [Google]
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Georgina Llados [Google]
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Gerald Cinamon [Google]
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Gerard Unger
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Gerlach & Schenk [Martin Gerlach]
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Gerrit Noordzij
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Gerrit Noordzij Prize: Books [Google]
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Gerry Leonidas' reading lists [Google]
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Gert Wiescher [Wiescher Design]
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Giambattista Bodoni [Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (full)]
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Giambattista Bodoni [Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (partial)]
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Gilbert Powderly Farrar [Intertype]
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Giovambattista Palatino [Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino cittadino romano]
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Giovanbattista Palatino
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Giovanni Tonso [Google]
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Giuseppe de Lama [Google]
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Glossary of Typesetting Terms [Google]
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Google Books [Google]
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Graham Moss and Kathy Whalen [Google]
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Greg Ruffa [Google]
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Gregor Stawinski [Google]
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Gruso [Google]
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Gunnar Klack [Google]
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Gunnlaugur Briem
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Gunnlaugur S.E. Briem [The Icelandic Method]
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Gustav Behre [Google]
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Gustav Mori [Google]
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Gustave Mayeur [Mayeur Type Foundry]
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Gustavo Machado [Type for Change]
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Gutenberg Bible [Google]
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Günter Schuler [Google]
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Guy Oring
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Gwyn Headley [Google]
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Gyöngyi Bujdosó [Google]
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György Haiman [Google]
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H. George Fletcher [Google]
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Hackberry Font Foundry (Was: NuevoDeco Typography, or: Bergsland Design) [David Bergsland]
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Handwriting Models [Benedikt Gröndal]
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Hans Adolf Halbey [Google]
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Hans Lijklema [Google]
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Hans Peter Willberg [Google]
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Hans Reichardt [Google]
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Hans Rudolf Bosshard [Google]
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Hans-Jürgen Wolf [Google]
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Harald Haarmann [Google]
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Harald Süß [Google]
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Harold Holland Day [Google]
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Harry B. Wright [Google]
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Harry C. Pears [Typeface Research Pty Ltd]
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Harry Carter
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Harry Lawrence Gage [Google]
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Harry W. Jacobs [Google]
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Hartley E. Jackson [Google]
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Haruta Design Studio [Yukari Haruta]
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Hazeltine Typesetting Inc [Google]
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H.C. Martin [Google]
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H.D. Smith [Google]
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Hebrew Calligraphy [Google]
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Heidrun Osterer [Google]
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Heinz Hantschke [Google]
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Helmut Schmid [Google]
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Hendricus Theodorus Wijdeveld
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Hendrik D.L. Vervliet [Google]
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Henri Fournier [Google]
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Henry Caslon [Google]
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Henry Shaw [Google]
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Henry Sylvester Jacoby [Google]
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Henry Taylor Wyse [Google]
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Herbert Spencer
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Hermann Delitsch
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Hermann Hoffmann
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Hermann Zapf
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Hibernia Type [Christopher Burke]
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Hildegard Korger
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Hiroshi Komiyama [Google]
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Histoire de la typographie [Google]
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H.M. Lambert [Google]
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Honoré de Balzac [Imprimerie H. Balzac]
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Horacio Gorodischer [Google]
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Howard B. Jeremy [Google]
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H.R. Plomer [Google]
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Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès [Google]
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Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès [Typographic Matchmaking]
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H.W. Caslon&Co Ltd [Justin Howes]
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H.W. Kibbe [Google]
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Hyphen Press [Google]
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I Love Typography [John D. Boardley]
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Iampeth [Google]
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Idea mag [Google]
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ILAB--LILA [Google]
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Ilene Strivzer [The Type Studio]
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Ilene Strizver
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Imprimerie H. Balzac [Honoré de Balzac]
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Ina Saltz [Google]
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Index Book [Google]
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Indie Fonts [Google]
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Indra Kupferschmid [Google]
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Institut de l'Histoire du Livre [Google]
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Institute of typography engineering research [Google]
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Internet Archive [Google]
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Intertype [Gilbert Powderly Farrar]
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Irene Korol Scala [Google]
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Irma Puskarevic [Google]
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Isabel Naegele [Google]
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Issuu [Google]
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italic 1.0 [Silvia Sfligiotti]
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Italic 2.0 [Google]
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Ivan Vartarian [Google]
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J. Ben Lieberman [Google]
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J. de Haan [Google]
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J. Eric S. Thompson [Google]
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Jacek Mrowczyk [Google]
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Jack Curry [Google]
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Jack W. Stauffacher [Google]
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Jacob I. Biegeleisen [Google]
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Jacqueline Svaren [Google]
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Jacques André [Bibliothèque virtuelle de livres de typographie]
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Jacques André [Google]
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Jacques André [BiViTy: Bibliothèque virtuelle de typographie]
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James Clough [Google]
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James Craig [Designing with Type]
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James Eckmann [Google]
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James Moran [Google]
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James Mosley
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James Moyes [Google]
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James Ronaldson [Binny&Ronaldson]
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James Shimada [The Font Wars]
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James T. Edmondson [Oh No Type]
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James Walker Puckett [Dunwich Type Founders]
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Jan Hendrik Scholte [Google]
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Jan Hendrik Weber
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Jan Middendorp [Google]
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Jan Pas [Google]
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Jan Tschichold
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Jan van Krimpen
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Jan Visser [Google]
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Janon Co [Google]
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Jaro Springer [Google]
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Jaroslav Andel [Google]
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Jason Dewinetz [Google]
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Jason Pamental [Google]
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J.C. van Lunteren [Google]
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Jérôme Knebusch [Poem Editions (or: Atelier Jerome Knebusch)]
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Jean de Beauchesne [Google]
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Jean Joseph Marcel [Google]
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Jean Joveneaux [Google]
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Jean Larcher
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Jean Méron [Google]
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Jean Paillard [Google]
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Jean-Antoine Alessandrini
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Jean-François Porchez [Typofonderie (was: Porchez Typofonderie)]
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Jean-Luc Dusong [Google]
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Jean-Luc Froissart [Google]
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Jean-Michel Papillon [Google]
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Jean-Pierre Fournier [Google]
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Jean-Pierre Lacroux [Google]
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Jef Tombeur [Google]
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Jeff Level [Google]
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Jennifer Bass [Google]
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Jerry Kelly [Google]
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Jerry Kelly and Alice Koeth [Google]
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Jesse Noel [Google]
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J.F. Coakley [Google]
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J.G. Bissell [Google]
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J.H. Furst Company [Google]
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Jim Byrne [Google]
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Jim Felici [Google]
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J.J. Augustin [Google]
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J.N. Halsted [Google]
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Jo de Baerdemaeker [Studio Type (or: Typojo)]
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Joannes Weenink [Google]
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Joao Henrique Lopes
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Joaquim Carneiro da Silva [Google]
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Jodocus Hondius [Google]
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Joep Pohlen [Letterfountain: Bibliography]
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Joep Pohlen [Polka Design / Letterfontein]
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Joh. A. Moesman [Google]
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Johan Kroeger [Google]
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Johann Friedrich Unger
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Johann Heinrich Gottfried Ernesti [Google]
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Johann Jacob Losenawer [Google]
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Johann Neudörffer [Google]
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Johanna Balusikova
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Johanna Drucker [Google]
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Johannes Bergerhausen [Google]
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Johannes Missillie [Google]
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John A. Lane [Google]
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John Albert Cavanagh
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John B. Wiggins [Google]
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John D. Berry
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John D. Boardley [I Love Typography]
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John G. Cooley [Google]
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John G. Ohnimus [Google]
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John Gustave Dreyfus
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John H. Bowman [Google]
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John Haddon & Co (or: Haddon-Caxton Type Foundry) [Phil May]
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John J. Palmer [Palmer and Rey]
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John Jackson [Google]
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John Johnson [Google]
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John Lewis [Google]
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John M. Bergling
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John M. Clark [Google]
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John M. Clark [Google]
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John Neal Booksellers [Google]
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John R. Biggs [Google]
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John Ryder [Google]
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John S. Fass
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Johnny Bekaert [Google]
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Johnson Ball [Google]
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Johnston's Underground Type [Edward Johnston]
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Jordan Davies Books [Google]
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Jorge de Buen Unna
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José Cruzado [Google]
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José Gestoso Pérez [Google]
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José Luis Martín Montesinos [Google]
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José Scaglione
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Josef Heim [Google]
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Joseph Balthazard Silvestre [Google]
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Joseph Bertram Jowitt
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Joseph de Casanova [Google]
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Joseph Kiermeier-Debre [Google]
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Joseph Thorp
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Joshua Langman [Orbis Typographicus]
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Jost Hochuli [Google]
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Juan-José Marcos García [Alphabetum]
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Judith Schalansky [Google]
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Juhuj [Google]
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Jukka Korpela [Tutorial on character codes]
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Jules Blondeau [Google]
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Jules Didot [Google]
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Jules Didot [Fonderie Normale]
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Julian Rothenstein and Mel Gooding [Google]
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Julian Waters
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Julien Gineste [Google]
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Julius Rodenberg [Google]
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Just Another Foundry (or: JAF34) [Tim Ahrens]
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Justin Howes [H.W. Caslon&Co Ltd]
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Jürgen F. Schopp [Google]
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Jürgen Siebert [Google]
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J.V. Éon [Google]
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Kai F. Oetzbach [Typo Knowledge Base (tkb)]
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Karel Dyrynk
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Karel Martens [Google]
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Karen Cheng [Google]
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Karl Gerstner
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Karl Klimsch [Google]
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Karl Vöhringer [Google]
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Karl-Erik Forsberg
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Kataoka Design Works [Akira Kataoka]
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Kate Clair [Google]
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Kate Gladstone [Kate Gladstone: Handwriting Repairwoman]
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Kate Gladstone: Handwriting Repairwoman [Kate Gladstone]
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Kees Broos [Google]
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Ken Lunde [Google]
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Kenneth B. Butler [Google]
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Khatt Books [Google]
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Klaas van Leeuwen [Google]
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Klara Kvizova [Google]
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KLIM (or: Klim Type Foundry) [Kris Sowersby]
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Klimis Mastoridis [Google]
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Knowles and Maxim [Google]
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Kris Sowersby [KLIM (or: Klim Type Foundry)]
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Kurt H. Volk [Google]
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Kurt Weidemann
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Kvartira Belogo [Google]
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La Operina [Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi]
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Ladislas Mandel
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Lars Müller [Google]
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Lars Olof Laurentii [Google]
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Laura Antonucci [Google]
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Laura Meseguer
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Laure Bernard [Google]
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Laurence Scarfe [Google]
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Laurent Pflughaupt [Google]
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L'aventure des écritures [Google]
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Lawrence Wallis
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Lazydogs: Bitte Setzen [Google]
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Lazydogs Type foundry [Oliver Linke]
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L.C. Evetts [Google]
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Le Peintre de Lettres [Google]
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Lee Hendrix [Google]
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Les Chiffres et Festons de Modes&Travaux [Google]
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Leslie Cabarga [Cabarga type (was: Flashfonts)]
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Letterfountain: Bibliography [Joep Pohlen]
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Letterhead Studio YG [Yuri Gordon]
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Lettering books [Google]
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Lettering Library Mega Bundle [Google]
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Letterjuice [Pilar Cano]
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Levrault [Google]
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Lewis Blackwell
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Lewis Foreman Day [Google]
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Liam Quin [Liam's Pictures from Old Books]
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Liam's Pictures from Old Books [Liam Quin]
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Libreria AIAP [Google]
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Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino cittadino romano [Giovambattista Palatino]
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Lida Lopes Cardozo [The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop]
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Linguarum orientalium alphabeta: hebraicae, rabinicae, samaritanae, syriacae, graecae, arabicae, turcicae, armenicae [Google]
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Linn Boyd Benton, Morris Fuller Benton, and Typemaking at ATF [Google]
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Lippmann & Döhme [Google]
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Literat [Google]
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Literaturliste Typographie [Google]
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Livres Anciens&Belgicana [Google]
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Livres Typographie [Google]
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Lorenz Reinhard Spitzenpfeil [Google]
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Los Logos [Google]
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Louis Perrin
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Louise Fili
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Lubomir Longauer [Google]
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Luciano Perondi [Molotro]
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Luc's Library [Google]
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Ludlow Typefaces [Google]
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Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi da Vicenza
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Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi [La Operina]
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Ludwig Petzendorfer [Google]
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M. Moullet [Google]
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M. Rawski [Google]
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Mac Font Vault Bookstore [Google]
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Mac McGrew [Google]
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Macclesfield Alphabet Book [Google]
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Magdalena Frankowska [Fontarte]
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Mai-Linh Thi Truong [Google]
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Manoel Andrade de Figueiredo [Google]
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Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (full) [Giambattista Bodoni]
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Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (partial) [Giambattista Bodoni]
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Manuela Rattin and Matteo Ricci [Google]
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Marc H. Smith [Ménestrel]
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Marcos Rafael Blanco-Belmonte [Google]
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Margaret Richardson [Google]
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Margaret Shepherd [Google]
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Maria Hemmleb [Google]
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Maria Luisa Ghianda [Google]
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María Esther Pérez Salas [Google]
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Marian Misiak [Three Dots Type]
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Mariko Takagi [Google]
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Mario Piazza [Google]
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Marion Bataille [Google]
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Marius Audin [Google]
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Mark Batty
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Markus Rathgeb [Google]
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Marta Erica Bernstein [Google]
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Martin Gerlach [Gerlach & Schenk]
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Martin Kaye [Google]
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Martin Kuckenburg [Google]
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Martin Lorenz [TwoPoints.net]
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Martin Lowry [Google]
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Martin Majoor
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Martin Meijer
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Massimo Vignelli [Google]
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Mathieu Lommen [University of Amsterdam: Special Collections]
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Mathieu Lommen [Dutch Alphabets]
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Matthew Butterick [MB Type]
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Maurice Annenberg [Google]
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Mauro Zennaro
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Max Bruinsma [Google]
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Max Caflisch
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Max Rooses [Google]
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Mayeur Type Foundry [Gustave Mayeur]
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MB Type [Matthew Butterick]
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McMurtrie: A Memorandum on Early Printing on the Island of Malta [Douglas C. McMurtrie]
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McMurtrie: Le Moreau-le-Jeune A Typographical Specimen with an Introduction by Douglas C. Murtrie [Google]
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McMurtrie: The Didot Family of Typefounders [Douglas C. McMurtrie]
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Ménestrel [Marc H. Smith]
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Mercier [Google]
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Merijn Dietvorst [Google]
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mfutils [Google]
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M&H Type (or: Mackenzie&Harris Typographers and Typefounders) [Google]
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Michael Brandt [The Evolution of Type]
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Michael Leary
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Michael Perry [Google]
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Michael S. Macrakis [Google]
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Michael Twyman
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Michael Wörgötter [Google]
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Michiel Drost [Google]
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Miguel Pedraza [Google]
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Mika Mischler [Google]
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Mike "Pomax" Kamermans [A Primer on Bezier Curves]
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Mike R. Stevens
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Mike Rohde [Roh Design]
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Mike Yanega [Bowfin Printworks]
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Milton Bradley [Google]
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Misha Beletsky [Google]
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Mister Retro [Derek Yaniger]
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Mitja Miklavčič [Three chapters in the development of Clarendon---Ionic typefaces]
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Mittelpunkt Zhongdian [Susanne Zippel]
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Modern Typography [Paul Barnes]
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Molé le Jeune [Google]
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Molotro [Luciano Perondi]
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Monika Thomas [Google]
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Monotypia [Google]
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Monroco Freres [Google]
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Monsen Typographers Inc [Google]
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Morgan Press [Google]
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Mortimer Leach [Google]
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Motter Fonts (and Motter & Klapka OeG) [Siegmund Motter]
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Muriel Paris [Google]
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Nadine Monem [Google]
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Naghi Naghachian [Naghi Naghashian]
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Naghi Naghashian [Naghi Naghachian]
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Nancy and Don Wansick [Google]
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Nancy Stock-Allen [Google]
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Nathan Gale [Google]
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Nathaniel C. Knapp & Levi Rightmeyer [Google]
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Neil Macmillan [Google]
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Nekropolis [Google]
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Nelson Beebe's bibliography on typographic fonts [More] ⦿
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New York Pulbic Library (NYPL) [Google]
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Nicholas Ott [Google]
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Nick Gadd [Google]
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Nick Shinn [Shinn Type]
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Nicolete Gray
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Nijhof&Lee [Google]
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Nora Bekes [Google]
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Nordlundes Bogtrykkeri [Carl Volmer Nordlunde]
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Norman S. Weinberger [Google]
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N.S. Dearborn [Google]
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Oak Knoll Bookstore: Typography [Google]
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Oberlin Business College [Google]
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Occupant Fonts [Cyrus Highsmith]
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Oh No Type [James T. Edmondson]
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Old German handwritten scripts [Google]
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Oldrich Hlavsa [Google]
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Oldrich Menhart
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Oliver Linke [Lazydogs Type foundry]
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Oliver Weiss [Walden Font]
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Open Library [Google]
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Orbis Typographicus [Joshua Langman]
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Oriol Moret-Vinals [Google]
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Ornamental Typography at BibliOdyssey [Google]
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Oscar Jennings [Google]
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Oscar Ogg [Google]
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Otl Aicher
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OurType [Fred Smeijers]
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P. Buttgen [Google]
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P. Idarius [Google]
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P. Meyrat [Google]
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P. Moreau / Veuve Hérissant [Pierre Moreau]
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Palmer and Rey [John J. Palmer]
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Paolo Cadeddu [Paulfalco]
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Paolo Daniele Corda [Google]
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Paper and Ink Arts [Google]
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Patricia A. Cost [Google]
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Patricia Córdoba [Google]
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Patterson & Heward [Google]
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Paul Baker [Google]
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Paul Barnes [Modern Typography]
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Paul Beaujon
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Paul Carlyle
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Paul E. Kennedy [Google]
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Paul Felton [Google]
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Paul Frigyes [Google]
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Paul Jammes [Google]
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Paul McPharlin [Google]
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Paul N. Hasluck [Google]
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Paul Rand
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Paul Shaw
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Paulfalco [Paolo Cadeddu]
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Paulo Heitlinger [Google]
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Paulus Franck [Google]
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Pedro Guitton [Google]
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Pen&Brush Lettering and Practical Alphabets [Google]
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Pepe Gimeno
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Pepin Van Roojen [Google]
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Percy J. Delf Smith
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Peter Alma [Google]
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Peter Bain [Peter Bain Design (was: Incipit)]
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Peter Bain Design (was: Incipit) [Peter Bain]
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Peter Bezdek [Rudolf Koch]
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Peter Bilak [Typotheque]
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Peter Dawson [Google]
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Peter Enneson [Google]
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Peter Gericke [Google]
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Peter Holliday [Google]
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Peter Karow
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Peter Wegner [Google]
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Petra Docekalova
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Petra Eisele [Google]
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Pettingill & Co [Google]
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Phil Baines
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Phil May [John Haddon & Co (or: Haddon-Caxton Type Foundry)]
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Philip Bertheau [Google]
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Philip Cade [Cade Type Foundry]
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Philip Luckombe [Google]
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Philip Meggs [Google]
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Philipp Luidl [Google]
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Philipp Luidl [Google]
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Philipp Stamm [Google]
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Phillip DiLemme [Google]
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Philobiblon [Google]
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Pierre Didot
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Pierre Le Bé [Google]
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Pierre Moreau [P. Moreau / Veuve Hérissant]
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Pierre-Simon Fournier
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Pierre-Simon Fournier: Bibliography [Google]
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Pieter L. Folmer [Google]
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Pieter van Looy [Google]
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Pilar Cano [Letterjuice]
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P.K. Thomajan [Google]
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Plakatschriften [Google]
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Poem Editions (or: Atelier Jerome Knebusch) [Jérôme Knebusch]
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Polka Design / Letterfontein [Joep Pohlen]
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Pomax [A Primer on Bezier Curves]
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Portfolio of Ornate Penmanship [Austin Norman Palmer]
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Powner [Google]
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Pracha Suveeranont [Google]
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Precision Type Font Reference Guide [Google]
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Priscila Lena Farias
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Prix Fernand Baudin prijs [Google]
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Progothics [Google]
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Project BibOpera [Google]
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Psychedelitypes [Google]
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PTF Gazette [Google]
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Qiu Yin [Google]
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Quentin Margat [Editions 205]
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Qwerty Arts: Book Links [Google]
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R. H. Munsch [Google]
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R. Panzani (Successeur) [Google]
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Raban Ruddigkeit [Typodarium 2009]
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Ralf de Jong [Google]
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Ralf Turtschi [Agenturtschi]
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Ramiro Espinoza [De Amsterdamse Krulletter]
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Ramiro Espinoza [Re-Type]
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Ramon Stirling [Google]
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Raul Rosarivo [Google]
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Ray J. Matasek [Google]
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Ray Nash [Google]
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Rayan Abdullah [Google]
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Rémi Jimenes [Google]
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Real Pen-Work [Google]
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Reardon & Krebs [Google]
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Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co [Google]
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Reginald Orcutt [Google]
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Reginald Salis Hutchings [Google]
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Renaissance Editions: Printing History [Google]
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Renate Tost [Google]
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René Knip [Arktype (was: Atelier René Knip)]
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René Ponot [Google]
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Re-Type [Ramiro Espinoza]
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Richard Southall
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Rick Cusick
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Rick Poynor [Google]
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Rob Becker [Google]
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Rob Carter [Google]
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Rob Dewey's list of books on graphic design [Google]
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Rob Roy Kelly [Google]
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Robert A. Mullen [Google]
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Robert Banham [Google]
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Robert Bringhurst
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Robert Chwalowski [Google]
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Robert Fauver [Typeology]
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Robert Lee [Web Museum of Wood Types]
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Robert Thorne
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Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich [Google]
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Robin Dodd [Google]
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Robin Kinross
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Robin Williams [Google]
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Roger Chatelain [Google]
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Roger Druet [Google]
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Roger Walton [Google]
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Roh Design [Mike Rohde]
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Ron Eason [Google]
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Rosemarie Kloos-Rau
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Rosemary Sassoon [Sassoon Williams]
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Ross F. George [Ross F. George: Speedball 10 (1927)]
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Ross F. George
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Ross F. George: Speedball 10 (1927) [Ross F. George]
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Roumond [Google]
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Roy Cleon Claflin [Google]
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Roy Millington [Google]
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Ruari McLean
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Rudolf Hostettler [Google]
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Rudolf Koch [Peter Bezdek]
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Rufino Blanco y Sánchez [Google]
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Rulon-Miller Books [Google]
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Runic bibliography [Google]
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Russell Laker [Google]
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Russische Schriften [Google]
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Rüdiger Lorenz [Google]
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Sait Maden [Google]
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Saki Mafundikwa [Afrikan Alphabets]
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Samuel Welo
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Samuel Winfield Tommy Thompson [Google]
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Samvado Gunnar Kossatz [Fontbook]
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Sandra Chamaret [Google]
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Sandra Garcia
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Sassoon Williams [Rosemary Sassoon]
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Sébastien Morlighem [Google]
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Sean Cavanaugh [Digital Type Design Guide]
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Sean Cavanaugh
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Sean Jennett [Google]
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Sebastian Carter
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Sebastien Bruggeman [Google]
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Sebastien Morlighem [Fat Faces: origins]
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Sergio Polano [Google]
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Shigenobi Fujita [Google]
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Shinn Type [Nick Shinn]
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SIAS (or: Signographical Institute Andreas Stötzner) [Andreas Stötzner]
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Siegmund Motter [Motter Fonts (and Motter & Klapka OeG)]
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Silver Buckle Press [Google]
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Silvia Sfligiotti [italic 1.0]
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Silvia Sfligiotti [Google]
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Simon Garfield [Google]
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Simon Loxley [Google]
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SimpleBits (or: Icon Shoppe) [Dan Cederholm]
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Soffi Beier
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Solotype [Dan X. Solo]
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Sonja Steiner-Welz [Google]
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Stan Knight [Google]
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Stanley C. Hlasta [Google]
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Stanley Morison
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Steen Ejlers [Google]
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Stefan Rögener [Google]
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Stefan Schlesinger
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Stefan Waidmann [Google]
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Stefania Cantù [Google]
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Stelio Crise [Google]
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Stephen Coles [Typographica]
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Stephen Coles
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Stephen G. Moye [Google]
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Stephen O. Saxe [Google]
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Steve&Marie Campbell [Google]
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Steven Heller
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Steven Skaggs
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Studies in Pen Art [William E. Dennis]
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Studio Bibliografico Scriptorium [Google]
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Studio Type (or: Typojo) [Jo de Baerdemaeker]
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Sue Walker [Google]
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Suomen typografinen atlas 16421827 [Google]
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Susanne Zippel [Mittelpunkt Zhongdian]
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SWIPE [Google]
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Talbot Baines Reed [Google]
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Talus [Google]
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Tamye Riggs
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Taylor & Taylor [Google]
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T.E. Jansen [Google]
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Teal Triggs [Google]
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The Best Type Book with No Typesetting [Gene Gable]
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The Book Den [Google]
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The Cardozo Kindersley Workshop [Lida Lopes Cardozo]
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The Elements of Style [Google]
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The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces [Google]
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The Evolution of Type [Michael Brandt]
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The Farm and Trades School [Google]
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The Fell Types [Google]
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The Font Wars [James Shimada]
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The FontBook [Google]
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The Icelandic Method [Gunnlaugur S.E. Briem]
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The Inland Printer [Google]
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The Kingsport Press [Google]
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The Lettering Art: Works by Moscow Book Designers 1959-1974 [Google]
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The Manual Of Linotype Typography [Google]
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The Menhenitt Company [Google]
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The Museum of Printing: McGrew Collection [Google]
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The New Typography [Google]
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The Practice of Typography [Google]
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The Silver Buckle Press Collection [Google]
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The Text&Typography Page [Google]
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The Type Studio [Ilene Strivzer]
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Théophile Beaudoire
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Theodore Low De Vinne
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Theodore Rosendorf [Google]
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Thibaudeau's classification [François Thibaudeau]
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Thom Janssen [Geen Bitter]
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Thomas Curson Hansard [Google]
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Thomas Ewing French [Google]
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Thomas F. Adams [Google]
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Thomas Wood Stevens [Google]
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Three chapters in the development of Clarendon---Ionic typefaces [Mitja Miklavčič]
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Three Dots Type [Marian Misiak]
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Tibor Szantó [Google]
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Tiffany Wardle
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Tim Ahrens [Just Another Foundry (or: JAF34)]
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Tim Brayshaw [twisty.com]
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Tipoitalia3 [Google]
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Titus Nemeth
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Tom Carnase
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Tom Kemp [Twice Publishing]
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Toni Pecoraro [Google]
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Trine Rask
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Triona Pers [Google]
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Tutorial on character codes [Jukka Korpela]
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Twice Publishing [Tom Kemp]
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twisty.com [Tim Brayshaw]
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TwoPoints.net [Martin Lorenz]
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Type and calligraphy 1450-1830 [Google]
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Type bibliography [Google]
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Type Distortions [Google]
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Type for Change [Gustavo Machado]
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Type Library [Google]
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Type Navigator [Google]
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Type specimen books [Google]
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Type Specimen of the Adagio Press [Google]
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Type Together [Veronika Burian]
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Typeface and Lettering [Google]
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Typeface Research Pty Ltd [Harry C. Pears]
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Typeology [Robert Fauver]
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Typo [Google]
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Typo Knowledge Base (tkb) [Kai F. Oetzbach]
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Typodarium 2009 [Raban Ruddigkeit]
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Typofonderie (was: Porchez Typofonderie) [Jean-François Porchez]
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Typographeee [Google]
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typographer.com [Google]
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Typographic Matchmaking [Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès]
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Typographica [Stephen Coles]
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Typographische Variationen [Google]
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Typography Papers 9 [Google]
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Typologia [Frederic Goudy]
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TypoLyrics [Google]
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Typophile Books [Google]
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Typosphere [Google]
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Typotek [Google]
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Typotheque [Peter Bilak]
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Ugo da Carpi [Google]
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University of Amsterdam: Special Collections [Mathieu Lommen]
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University of Strasbourg [Google]
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University of Toronto [Google]
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UORG [Frank Heine]
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V. J. Moss Books [Google]
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Valérie Lejeune [Google]
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Valter Falk [Google]
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Vari-Typer Type Faces [Google]
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V.B. Grinnell [Google]
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Velvetyne Type Foundry (or: VTF) [Frank Adebiaye]
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Veronika Burian [Type Together]
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Veruschka Götz [Google]
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Vicente Fernandez Valliciergo [Google]
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Victor Miard [DRAIM]
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Victor Oliva [Google]
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Victor Scholderer [Google]
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Victor T. Wilson [Google]
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Videogame Text [Zach Whalen]
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Vietnamese Typography [Donny Truong]
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Viktor Kharyk
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Villu Toots [Google]
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Vincent F. Apicella [Google]
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Vincent Figgins
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Vincent Zoonekynd [Google]
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Visible Language [Google]
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Walter Gropius [Bauhaus School]
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Walter John Pearce [Google]
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Walter Käch [Google]
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Walter Plata [Google]
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Walter Tracy
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Warren Chappell
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W.E. Dennis [Google]
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Web Designers Guide to Typography [Google]
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Web Museum of Wood Types [Robert Lee]
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Wei-Hsiang Su [Google]
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Wendell Krieg [Google]
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Wiebke Höljes [Google]
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Wiescher Design [Gert Wiescher]
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Wilhelm Diebener [Google]
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Wilhelm Hilder [Google]
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Wilkonson, Heywood, & Clarke [Google]
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Will Hill
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Will Powers [Google]
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Will Robertson [An exploration of the Latin Modern fonts]
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Willem Silvius [Google]
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Willem Tietsema [Google]
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Willi Kunz [Google]
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William Blades [Google]
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William Caslon III
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William Day Streetor [Google]
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William E. Dennis [Studies in Pen Art]
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William E. Loy [Google]
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William Graily Hewitt
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William Hugh Gordon
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William Levwyn Longyear [Google]
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William Morris
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Wilson A. Bentley [Google]
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W.M. Tompson [Google]
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Wolfgang Homola
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Wolfgang Schmittel [Google]
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Wolfgang Weingart
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Wood Type Listings [Google]
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W.R. Symms [Google]
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Yukari Haruta [Haruta Design Studio]
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Yuri Gherchuk [Google]
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Yuri Gordon [Letterhead Studio YG]
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Yves Perousseaux [Google]
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Zach Whalen [Videogame Text]
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Zoltán Nagy
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Zuo Zuotype (or: Zuo Zuo Studio) [Archer Zuo]
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Zuzana Lednicka [Google]
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Zuzana Licko
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ZVAB: Zentrales Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher [Google]
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