TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 16:51:52 EST 2025






Imre Reiner

Typographer, architect, designer and type designer, b. Versec, Hungary, 1900, d. Lugano, Switzerland, 1987. He emigrated from Hungary, and studied at the Staatliche Bildhauerschule Zalatua, the Kunstgewerbeschule Frankfurt, and the Kunstgewerbeschule in Stuttgart, where Prof. F. H. Ernst Schneidler was his teacher. After a brief stint (1923-1925) as a graphic designer in London, Paris, New York and Chicago, he returned to study with Schneidler, and from 1931 onwards, he worked in Ruvigliana near Lugano as painter, graphic designer and illustrator. His list of fonts includes:

  • Bazaar or Bazar (1956, D. Stempel; this brush typeface was revived in 2005 by Patrick Griffin, Canada Type, as Boondock).
  • The brush script Contact (Deberny&Peignot, 1952; Ludwig&Mayer, 1968 (according to Jaspert), and 1963 according to others).
  • Corvinus (Bauersche Giesserei, 1934; Swisstypedesign mentions 1932-1935). See also here. Corvinus Skyline (1934). Digital typefaces derived from this include Corvinus Skyline (1991, Group Type), Skyline (1992, Jane Patterson, Font Bureau).
  • Figaro (1940).
  • Floride or Florides Initiales (Deberny&Peignot, 1938): 3d horizontally shaded caps.
  • The Gotika fraktur font (Bauersche Giesserei, 1933), revived as Gotika by Petra Heidorn (2005, no downloads) and as Leather by Canada Type (2005). Manfred Klein created Gotika Buttons (2005) based on Petra Heidorn's Gotika. Gotika discussion on Typophile. Eric West intends to do a digitization as well, and Neufville is not cooperating.
  • London Script (1957). This was digitized twice at Canada Type, once by Phil Rutter in 2004 as Almanac, and once in 2007 by Rebecca Alaccari as Reiner Hand.
  • Matura MT (1938, Monotype), Matura Swash (1938).
  • Mercurius MT (1957).
  • Meridian (1930, Klingspor: a fat display face). Swisstypedesign says 1929.
  • Mustang (1956, D. Stempel, a brush script revived in 2005 by Canada Type as Hunter).
  • Pepita MT (1959).
  • Reiner Black (1955, Berthold, a brush script). For a digital vrsion, see Rough Script (2012, SoftMaker).
  • Reiner Script (1951, Amsterdam). Digitizations of this brush script under the same name include those of Dieter Steffmann and Tobias Frere-Jones (Font Bureau, 1993).
  • Sassa (1939).
  • Stradivarius (1945, identical to his Symphonie; Bauersche Giesserei, 1938), a formal script font with a compressed straightened lower case alphabet. [Note: Neufville copied it in its Sinfonia later, and in 2005, Petra Heidorn made a digitized version called Symphonie.] Martin Z. Schröder discusses its origins here. Also called Neue Symphony (1938). Digitizations include the free font Symphonie (2015, Peter Wiegel) and the commercial typeface by Group Type (1993) called Stradivarius.
  • Amsterdam Primula Ornaments. A digital version by Ari Rafaeli is called Ornaments 5 (2010).

In 1992, Manfred Klein made Tokay-MK after one of Reiner's ideas. In 2004, he added VariationsForImre, a playful typeface based on Reiner's lettering, and this was followed in 2005 by Magyarish.

Reiner wrote several books, including Modern and Historical Typography An Illustrated Guide (1946, Paul A. Struck, New York, and 1948, Zollikofer and Comp., St. Gallen).

Linotype page on him. FontShop link. Klingspor link.

View Imre Reiner's typefaces.

Imre Reiner
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Type design in Hungary ⦿ Type design in Switzerland ⦿ Manfred Klein ⦿ Type scene in Illinois ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ 3D fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Skyline Typefaces ⦿ Dieter Steffmann ⦿

file name: Ari Rafaeli Ornaments5 2010 after Imre Reiner Amsterdam Primula Ornaments 1949

file name: Imre Reiner Bazaar 1956

file name: Imre Reiner Bazaar 1956

file name: Patrick Griffin Boondock 2005 after Imre Reiner Bazaar 1956

file name: Imre Reiner Reiner Consilium

file name: Imre Reiner Contact 1952

file name: Imre Reiner Contact Gras

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus 1934

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus Fett 1934

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus Fett

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus Halb Fett 1934

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus Halb Fett

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus Mager 1934

file name: Jane Patterson Skyline Black 1992 after Imre Reinrer Corvinus

file name: hostetler/hostetler 36 medium

file name: Group Type Corvinus Skyline 1991 after Imre Reiner

file name: Imre Reiner Corvinus Skyline 1934 Group Type Version 1991

file name: Colin Kahn L T C Glamour Bold after Lanston Glamour 1948 based on Imre Reiner Corvinus

file name: Imre Reiner Floride 1937 85

file name: Imre Reiner Floride 1937 86

file name: Imre Reiner Floride 1937 87

file name: Imre Reiner Floride 1937 88

file name: Imre Reiner Floride 1937 89

file name: Patrick Griffin Leather 2005 after Imre Reiner Gotika 1933

file name: Manfred Klein Gotika Buttons after Gotika Imre Reiner 1933

file name: Imre Reiner London Script 1957

file name: Rebecca Alaccari Reiner Hand 2007 after Imre Reiner London Script 1957

file name: Imre Reiner Matura496 1938

file name: Imre Reiner Matura496 1938

file name: Imre Reiner Matura M T

file name: Imre Reiner Mercurius M T Bold Script

file name: Imre Reiner Mercurius Bold Scrip584 1957

file name: Imre Reiner Mercurius Bold Scrip584 1957

file name: Imre Reiner Meridian 1930

file name: Imre Reiner Mustang 1956

file name: Patrick Griffin Hunter 2005 after Imre Reiner Mustang 1956

file name: Imre Reiner Olivetti Graphika 1957

file name: Imre Reiner Pepita M T

file name: Imre Reiner Pepita613 1959

file name: Imre Reiner Pepita613 1959

file name: Imre Reiner Reiner Black 1955

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Reiner Script 1993 after Imre Reiner 1951

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Reiner Script 1993 after Imre Reiner 1951

file name: Corvinus Stradivarius

file name: Stradivarius

file name: Peter Wiegel Symphonie 2015 after Imre Reiner Symphonie 1938 Stradivarius 1945

file name: Peter Wiegel Symphonie 2015 after Imre Reiner Symphonie 1938 Stradivarius 1945b

file name: Group Type Stradivarius 1993 after Imre Reiner

file name: Petra Heidorn Symphonie 2005 after Imre Reiner Symphonie 1938

file name: hutchings/4928 medium

file name: imrereiner/imrereiner cover

file name: Imre Reiner

file name: Imre Reiner Logo Huge

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html