TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:01:10 EDT 2025






Letraset Studio

Formed in 1956, the company started by doing transfer sheet lettering. Since 1964, Colin Brignall has been involved in Letraset as its design director. In the late seventies, they set up TSI, a digital type group, which lasted until 1983. Then, as Esselte Letraset, they produced new fonts, such as the Fontek library of display fonts. Letraset type designers included Martin Wait, Philip Kelly, Michael Gills, and Friedrich Peter. Esselte went on to acquire ITC, and the font libraries were merged to some extent. Nowadays, the collection is often marketed together with the ITC fonts. Esselte sold ITC to Agfa-Monotype, along with certain rights to Letraset fonts. On June 1, 2001, Esselte sold Letraset to directors Martin Gibbs and Mike Travers who were both former managers within Esselte Letraset. The new company is called Letraset Limited. It intends to continue to develop and market new fonts under the Fontek brand name. Colin Brignall continued to be involved with the new company in a consultant capacity [until his death]. It is presently based in Ashford, UK.

MyFonts page, where one can buy over 360 typefaces.

In 2009, Ascender started selling the Letraset fonts. But a couple of years later, Ascender too was bought by Monotype Imaging, so it is believed that Monotype now owns all designs.

Examples of its typefaces: Optex Letraset (1970), Bergell, Carlton (1983, after Ehmcke Antiqua, 1909), Slipstream, Stripes (1973), Letraset Garamond [the scan is of a clone by Infinitype called Garamond Elegant].

MyFonts link.

View the Letraset typeface collection.

Letraset Studio
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿

file name: Letraset Ad in U L C 1982

file name: Letraset Letragraphica Series 1982

file name: Letragraphica 1990 Letraset Willow

file name: Letraset Optex1970

file name: Letraset Bergell

file name: Letraset Slipstream

file name: Letraset Carlton 1983 after Stephenson Blake Carlton 1900s

file name: Letraset Carlton 1983 after Stephenson Blake Carlton 1900s

file name: Letraset Carlton 1983 after Stephenson Blake Carlton 1900s

file name: Letraset Carlton 1983 after Stephenson Blake Carlton 1900s

file name: Stephenson Blake Letraset Carlton 1983

file name: Letraset Stripes1973

file name: Letraset Fists

file name: Infinitype Garamond Elegant based on Letraset Garamond

file name: Letraset Aristocrat L E T Plain 1994

file name: Letraset Aristocrat L E T Plain 1994b

file name: Letraset Cancellaresca Script L E T Plain 1990

file name: Letraset Young Baroque L E T Plain 1990

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html