TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:44 EDT 2025






Giambattista Bodoni

Italian typographer and type designer, b. Saluzzo (1740), d. Parma (1813). Bodoni began his career as a typesetter at the Vatican's Propaganda Fide printing press in Rome before setting up a Royal Press (Stamperia Reale) for the Duke of Parma. In 1782, he was appointed court typographer for Charles III of Spain and opened his own printing press, Tipi Bodoni. Bodoni designed hundreds of fonts in his lifetime. In 1788, he published his masterpiece, the Manuale Tipografico (look at it here), which contained 291 alphabets, and was full of ornaments and borders. In 1818, 5 years after his death, his wife Margherita Dall'Aglio published a second edition, which contained 373 alphabets. He was influenced by Fournier and Firmin Didot. Today, most of his work resides in the Museo Bodoni of Parma.

The early modern attempts at recreating his type are due to ATF (ATF Bodoni by Morris Fuller Benton, 1907-1915), Mergenthales Linotype Bodoni (1914-1916), Haas Bodoni (1924-1939), Bauer Bodoni (by Louis Hoell, 1924), and Berthold Bodoni (1930). Today, Linotype lists 114 weights/versions/faces of Bodoni. Some find Bodoni too severe, but I like its proud upright strong and mathematically exact look.

Links: The story of Bodoni Open. Bio by Nicholas Fabian. Another URL for that piece by Fabian. Another bio. FontShop link. MyFonts link. Wiki. Another wiki. Giambattista Bodoni, génie ou assassin? (2007, Jonathan Perez's thesis at Estienne). Linotype link. Klingspor link

Pink poster below created by Michael Robinson (Raleigh, NC).

Giambattista Bodoni
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Italy ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Morris Fuller Benton ⦿ Fournier ⦿

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Abstract Portrait by Thorbjorn Kongshavn 2017

file name: Bodoni Manuale Tipografico

file name: G Bodoni Manuale Tipografico 1818

file name: Original Bodoni 1789

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni Poster by Michael Robinson 2013

file name: Berthold Bodoni B E Bold

file name: Berthold Bodoni B E Bold Condensed

file name: Berthold Bodoni Berthold B Q Medium

file name: Berthold Bodoni Berthold B Q

file name: Berthold Bodoni Berthold B Q Cond Bold

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni Poster by Stuti Kamboj 2015

file name: Bodoni Poster by Evgenia Skalyha 2015

file name: Bodoni Antiqua Fett Bauersche 1952

file name: Bodoni Kursiv Bauersche 1926

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Jim Parkinson Sumner Stone Holly Goldsmith Janice Fishman I T C Bodoni Twelve 1994

file name: Janice Fishman Holly Goldsmith Jim Parkinson Sumner Stone I T C Bodoni Seventytwo Book 1994 1995

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1798 poster by Jeremy Pecl 2020

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1798 poster by Jeremy Pecl 2020

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1798 Poster by Shiloh Lenz 2015

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Poster by Merryy Sharp 2015

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1798 Poster by Jess Lee 2019

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1798 Poster by Jess Lee 2019

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1788 Poster by Amber Lamoreaux 2019

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1788 Poster by Ana Julia Raldi 2017

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1788 Poster by Ana Julia Raldi 2017

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1788 Poster by James Mc Ewan Design 2019

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodini 1798 poster by Husaini Liakbar 2017

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni 1798 Poster by Valeria Lopez 2018

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Bodoni Poster by Jessica Luna Pena 2017

file name: Linotype Bodoni Bold Poster by Andrea Berryman 2015

file name: Linotype Bodoni Bold Poster by Donald Lamb 2017

file name: Bodoni Poster by Nacho Timonieri 2015

file name: Gio Fuga Technical Drawing By Bodoni 1986

file name: Peter Saville Substance Cover 1987

file name: S E A Made In Italy Bodoni In Print

file name: U L C Magazine Bodoni Cover 1994

file name: Bodoni Poster by Noura Zaher 2017

file name: Bodoni Poster by Alissa Kastendick 2017

file name: Bodoni Sample

file name: Bodoni

file name: Bodoni Poster by Liz Mehr 2015

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Bodoni Std A T F 1908 1915b

file name: Bodoni Std

file name: Bodoni portrait

file name: Bodoni Poster by Lili Yurch 2021

file name: Giambattista Bodoni by Giuseppe Lucatelli

file name: Pic Bodoni

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html