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A. Grimoldi [Google]
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ABC ETC INC [Nazareno Crea]
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Abinaya Ananthachary [Google]
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Adalberto Libera [Google]
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Adam Rot [Google]
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ADB Studio [Antonio Del Bino]
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Adler Traldi [Google]
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Adolfo Monti
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Adrea Vercetti [Google]
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Agnese Addone [Google]
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Aki Pentatonica [Google]
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Alan Mattano [Google]
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Albert Pinggera [Design Buero]
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Alberto Antoniazzi [Google]
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Alberto Casagrande [Google]
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Alberto Larizza [Flash Design]
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Alberto Mafficini [Google]
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Alberto Malossi [Google]
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Alberto Manzella [Google]
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Alberto Milli
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Alberto Moreu [Google]
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Alberto Tallone [Google]
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Alberto Terribile [Google]
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Alberto Vitullo [Google]
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Aldo Novarese
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Aldo Novarese: Alfa Beta (1964) [Google]
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Aldus Manutius
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Alejandra Sepulveda [Google]
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Alessandro (Alex) Segalini
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Alessandro Anselmi [Google]
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Alessandro Becagli [Champagne Design]
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Alessandro Butti
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Alessandro Colizzi
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Alessandro Da Corte [Font Ale]
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Alessandro Malcotti [Google]
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Alessandro Morelli [Google]
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Alessandro Panichi and Jonathan Pierini [Google]
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Alessandro Pascoli [Sezione Aurea]
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Alessandro Segalini [Izmir University of Economics]
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Alessandro Tartaglia [FF3300]
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Alessandro Vigoni [Google]
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Alessandro&Katiusha [Google]
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Alessia Mazzarella [Typeland]
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Alessia Nicotra [Google]
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Alessia Pettinari Ventura [Google]
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Alessio D'Amico [Google]
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Alessio D'Ellena [Google]
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Alessio Laiso
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Alessio Leonardi [BuyMyFonts (or: BMF)]
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Alessio Pompadura [Google]
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Alessio Sabbadini [Google]
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Alessio Sciascia [Google]
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Alex Alberico [Google]
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Alex joystikX [Google]
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Alex Passi [Google]
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Alex Ruocco [Google]
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Alex Sanmartino [Google]
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Alex Valentina [Google]
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Alexandra De Angelis [Google]
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Alfa-Beta [Davide Tomatis]
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AlfaType [Joseph Miceli]
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Alice Alisss Mignogna [Google]
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Alice Donadoni [Google]
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Alice Mignogna [Google]
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Alice Tebaldi
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Allessia Castelli [Google]
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Alphabeta Linguarum Orientalium: typia congregationia de propag. fide [Google]
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Alphabet&Type [Paolo Vannucci]
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Alphan Typefaces [Roberto Baldassari]
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Amarpreet Singh [Runikh Art]
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Ambra Farris [Google]
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Amedeo Mencarini [Google]
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Ampersand (or: Vladocar) [Vladimir Carrer]
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Ana Hoxha [Google]
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Anastasiia Macaluso [Google]
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Andrea Alati [Google]
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Andrea Amato [Tipiblu]
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Andrea Amoretti [Fratelli Amoretti]
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Andrea Ascari [Google]
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Andrea Basile [Google]
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Andrea Bassan [Google]
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Andrea Bax [Google]
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Andrea Bergamini [Mintea.org]
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Andrea Biagi [Chef Studio]
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Andrea Bianchi [Google]
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Andrea B-Ja Bigiarini [Google]
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Andrea Braccaloni [Leftloft]
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Andrea Brogiotti [Google]
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Andrea Carrer [Fonderia Serena]
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Andrea Cerboneschi [Monofonts (or: Monocromo Creative Factory)]
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Andrea D'Antonio [Google]
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Andrea D'Auria [Google]
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Andrea Delbene [Google]
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Andrea Evangelista [Google]
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Andrea Ferrari [Google]
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Andrea Gaspari
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Andrea Laureti [Google]
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Andrea Lodato [Google]
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Andrea Maccarini [Google]
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Andrea Malpede [Google]
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Andrea Mantegna
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Andrea Mantuano [Google]
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Andrea Meriggioli [Google]
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Andrea Occhetta [Google]
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Andrea Pela [Google]
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Andrea Pinchi [Google]
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Andrea Prina [Google]
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Andrea Rauch [Rauch Design]
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Andrea Ricciarini [Google]
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Andrea Savelli [Google]
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Andrea Tardivo
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Andrea Tartarelli
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Andrea Unali [Google]
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Andrea Vendetti [Google]
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Andrea Venditti [Google]
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Andrea Zanchetta [Civico13]
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Andrea Zucca [Google]
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André Nunes [Google]
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Andy Anzollitto
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Angela Pappalardo [Google]
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Angelica Baini [Google]
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Anna Bulycheva [Google]
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Anna Clara Fanesi [Google]
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Anna Morena [Google]
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Anna Ronchi [Ronchi Tubaro Thom]
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Annalinda Ruocco [Google]
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Anne Cuneo [Google]
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Anne-Cécile Manfré [Google]
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Annesio Nobili [Google]
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Anonima Impressori [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Art Nouveau [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Bastone [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Egizi Antichi (classical slab serifs) [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Egizi Moderni (modern slab serifs) [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Graziati Antichi [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Ornati (script fonts) [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Razionali [Google]
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Anonima Impressori: Scritti (script fonts) [Google]
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Antiqua (or: Venetian) typefaces [Google]
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Antonello Bertozzi [Google]
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Antonio Basoli [Google]
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Antonio Blado
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Antonio Bodoni [More] ⦿
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Antonio Cavedoni [Google]
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Antonio Cerri [CRR TNN]
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Antonio Del Bino [ADB Studio]
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Antonio Filigno [Google]
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Antonio Iaconesso
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Antonio Locicero [Google]
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Antonio Moro [Itomi]
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Antonio Mosca [Google]
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Antonio Natola [Google]
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Antonio Pace
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Antonio Possemato [Google]
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Antonio Schiratti [Google]
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Antonio Sinibaldi [Google]
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Antonio (Tony) DiSpigna [Thinstroke]
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Antonio Vignali [RM WD]
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Antonio Zatta e Figli [Google]
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Arcangelo V [Google]
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Archivio Grafica Italiana [Google]
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Archivio Tipografico [Gabriele Fumero]
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Ariel Graphics [Jury Zambon]
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Armando Grimaldi [Google]
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Arnold Pannartz
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Arnoldas Dambrauskas [Google]
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Arthur S. Osley [Google]
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Asa Ama [Google]
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Associazione Calligrafica Italiana [Google]
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Asterios Kokkinis [Google]
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Athena Tejada [Google]
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Att Arts [Google]
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Aurora Biancardi [Google]
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Aurora Fioramonti [Google]
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Autograff [Daniel Berio]
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Azzurra Pini [Google]
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Barbara Jelenkovich [Google]
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Barbara Lasagna [Google]
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Bartolomeo Sanvito [Google]
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Battle Fonts [Marco Battaglia]
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Bauke van der Laan [Google]
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Beatrice Brunelli [Google]
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Beatrice Caciotti [Google]
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Beatrice D'Agostino
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Beatrice Davies
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Beatrice Giaramita [Google]
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Beatrice Tamagnini [Google]
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Beatrice Tonon [Google]
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Beatrice Vivaldi [Google]
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Belle Lettere [Google]
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Bellini Studio [Savio Bellini]
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Bellistrami [Google]
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BelTypo [Sergio Lelli]
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Bembo: Comments [Google]
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Benedetta Bovani [Google]
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Beniamino Verdirosi [Google]
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Bennardino Cataneo [Google]
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Bia Andrade [Just Bia]
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Biagio Di Stefano [Google]
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Biagio Imitizione [Google]
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Bianca Vagnoli [Google]
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Biblioteca Bodoni [Google]
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Biroakakarati [Roberto Sofi]
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BKappa93 [Google]
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Blackmoon Foundry (was: La Letteria, or: Anatole Type Foundry) [Elena Albertoni]
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BLAZER [Google]
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Blazrdsky [Niccolo Agnoletti]
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Bob Noorda [Google]
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Boba Fonts [Davide Canavero]
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Bodoni (Dave Farey) [Google]
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BohFonts [Giuseppe de Cesare]
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Boyer [Google]
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b-rain [Google]
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Brandi Violetta [Google]
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Brando Corradini [Google]
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Brito Renato
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Bruce Rogers [Bruce Rogers: Italian Printers in Venice]
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Bruce Rogers: Italian Printers in Venice [Bruce Rogers]
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Brumale [Stefano Giliberti]
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Bruno Bonamore [Google]
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Bruno Capezzuoli [Pixel Orchestra]
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Bruno La Versa [Google]
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Bruno Munari [Google]
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Bruno Pierini [Google]
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BrushScriptX-Italic [Maurizio Loreti]
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Brutatypes [Google]
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Bunker [Marco Comastri]
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BuyMyFonts (or: BMF) [Alessio Leonardi]
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Caffè italic Group [Google]
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Cagil Aygen [Velvele Design Community]
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Calligraphy Shop [Google]
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Cameron Moll [Google]
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Camilla Bertoni [Google]
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Camilla Cima [Google]
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Campivisivi [Google]
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Caratteri [Marco Anelli]
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Carla Scorda
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Carlo Buffa [Google]
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Carlo Favale e Comp. [Google]
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Carlo Occhiena [Google]
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Carlo Vinti [Google]
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Carlotta Mazuy [Google]
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Carlotta Megali [Google]
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Carmen Cavallo [Google]
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Carola Baiotti [Google]
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Carol-Anne Ryce-Paul [Google]
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Carolina Mauri [Google]
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Carolina Monaco [Google]
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Caterina Chiarello [Google]
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Caterina Scardillo [Google]
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cb fonts [Claudio Beccari]
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Cecilia A. Nuñez [Google]
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Cecilia Negri [Google]
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Cerchio Perfetto [Google]
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Cesar Bourgeois [Google]
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Cesare Vagnoni [Google]
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Champagne Design [Alessandro Becagli]
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Chef Studio [Andrea Biagi]
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Chiara Di Terlizzi [Google]
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Chiara Dozio [Google]
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Chiara Picano [Google]
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Chiara Quaggia [Google]
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Chiara Ricolfi [Google]
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Chiara Sotgiu [Google]
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Chiara Vianello [Google]
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Chiara Virdis [Google]
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Chicks and Types [Google]
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Chintal Bharat [Google]
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Christie Liberatore [Google]
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Cira Viggiano [Google]
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Ciro Continisio [Google]
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Civico13 [Andrea Zanchetta]
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Cláudio Rocha
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Clara [Google]
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Clara Reali [Google]
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Clara Zorzoli [Google]
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Clarissa Bolettieri [Google]
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Clarissa La Viola [Google]
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Claudia Altavilla [Google]
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Claudia Cattelan [Google]
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Claudia Ripanti [Google]
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Claudia Rolletto [Google]
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Claudio Beccari [cb fonts]
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Claudio Beccari [LXfonts]
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Claudio Chiocchio [Google]
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Claudio Gomboli [Grafisticceria]
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Claudio Parisi [Google]
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Claudio Piccinini
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Claudio Vegilante [Google]
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Claudius Marcus [Marcloud]
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Clément Thévenoux [Google]
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Clio Chaffardon [Google]
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Collletttivo [Google]
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Colombo Coen [Google]
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Cordial Campari [Google]
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Corrado Mariani [Google]
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Corso di alta formazione in Type Design [Google]
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Cose Design [Google]
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Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini
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Cosimo Torsoli [Google]
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Costanza Tarabella [Google]
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Cristian Iaccarino [Google]
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Cristian Mantovani [Google]
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Cristina Guareschi [Google]
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Cristina Pagnotta [Cristina Pi]
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Cristina Pellicano [Google]
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Cristina Pi [Cristina Pagnotta]
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CRR TNN [Antonio Cerri]
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Cynthia Torrez [Google]
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Dadakool [Gregory Flajszer]
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Dafne Salvatori [Google]
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Dalila Capelli [Google]
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Damiano Cenderelli [Google]
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Damiano Stingone [Google]
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Dana Asfoura [Google]
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Daniel Berio [Autograff]
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Daniel Comerci [Google]
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Daniela Arnoldo [Google]
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Daniela Cominale [Google]
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Daniela Verona [Google]
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Daniele Bruno [Google]
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Daniele Capelli [Lasagner]
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Daniele Capo [Google]
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Daniele Cima [Google]
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Daniele De Nigris [Google]
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Daniele Fieni [Google]
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Daniele Franchi [Google]
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Daniele Piccone [Google]
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Daniele Politini [Google]
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Daniele Togninelli [Google]
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Daniele Vignato [Google]
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Daniele Zanchi [Google]
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Danielle Abbon [Google]
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Danilo De Marco [Google]
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Danilo Musci [Google]
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Dario Ferrando [Google]
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Dario Lipani [Google]
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Dario Quadri [The Words Face]
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Dario Sepe [Google]
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Dariusz Jasak [Google]
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Dave Humphrey [Google]
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David Terzano [Souldavid (or: Wrktag, or: Work It)]
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Davide Ardissone [Google]
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Davide Baratta [Google]
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Davide Bassu [Google]
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Davide Bernardi [Google]
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Davide Canavero [Boba Fonts]
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Davide Cariani [Google]
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Davide DallAra [Google]
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Davide Di Mattina [du2]
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Davide Francesco Montesano [Google]
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Davide Gigi Rizzi [Google]
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Davide Giovanni Steccanella [Google]
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Davide Lasagni [Google]
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Davide Laudati [Google]
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Davide Mancini [Google]
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Davide Mascioli
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Davide Melotti [Dubbio Gusto]
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Davide Molinari [Google]
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Davide Mottes [Google]
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Davide Natalucci [Google]
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Davide Paoletti [Google]
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Davide Piscitelli [Google]
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Davide Romito
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Davide Scarpantonio [Google]
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Davide Tarsi [Google]
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Davide Terenzi [Google]
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Davide Tomatis [Alfa-Beta]
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Davide Zomer [Google]
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Davide Zomer [Google]
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Debora Manetti [Google]
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Design Buero [Albert Pinggera]
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Design Lab SRL, Milan [Jane Patterson]
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Design.it [Stefano Meriggi]
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Device Motion Graphics [Google]
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DF Type (or: Fischbachpresse) [Giovanni de Faccio]
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Diana Elisa Militano [Google]
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Diego Massaro
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Diego Ornato [Google]
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Diego Quijano [Google]
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Ditta Nebiolo&Comp. [Google]
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DJ Andrea Esu [Studio Volk]
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djeddy [Google]
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Dmitry Goloub
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Domenico Catapano [Google]
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Domenico Cristallo [Google]
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Domenico Ruffo
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Domina Fidanzati [Google]
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Dominique Barbieri [Google]
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Donatella Craparo [Google]
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Donatello D'Angelo [Google]
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Drako Mallafoglia [Google]
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DTP Italia (or: Tipi e contratipi) [Google]
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du2 [Davide Di Mattina]
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Dubbio Gusto [Davide Melotti]
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Due Studio [Google]
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Dusan Lazarevic [Google]
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Dynadraw [Google]
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Easy Reading [Federico Alfonsetti]
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Edgar Olivas [Google]
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Edoardo Cotti [Google]
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Edoardo Richetti [Google]
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Edoardo Santamato [Invasione Creativa]
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Eduardo Notizia [Google]
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Edward Catich [Google]
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Edward Elric [Google]
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Egidio Filippetti [Google]
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Egle Kirdulyte [Google]
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Einaudi Garamond [Google]
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Elena Albertoni [Blackmoon Foundry (was: La Letteria, or: Anatole Type Foundry)]
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Elena Gullace [Google]
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Elena Maroccia [Google]
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Elena Papassissa [Google]
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Eliabetta Giordana [Google]
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Eliana Dedda [Google]
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Elis Bonini [Google]
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Elisa Basile [Google]
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Elisa Bavieri [Google]
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Elisa Brandi [Google]
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Elisa Iadicicco [Google]
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Elisa Leotti [Google]
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Elisa Lucaccini [Google]
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Elisa Marsigliante [Google]
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Elisa Rastello [Google]
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Elisa Tarchini [Google]
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Elisa Terbonetti [Google]
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Elisabetta Alesi [Google]
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Elisabetta Vedovato [Google]
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Elisafer [Google]
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Eloise Barbanera [Google]
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Elvira Butera [Google]
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Emanuela Conidi
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Emanuela Drei [Google]
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Emanuele Caira [Google]
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Emanuele Catena [Google]
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Emanuele Fabrizioli [Pavlov Design]
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Emanuele Fonticoli [Google]
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Emanuele Luppino [Google]
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Emanuele Papale [Google]
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Emilia Viscido [Google]
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Emilie Rollandin [Google]
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Emilio Cassanese [Google]
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Emilio Grazzi [Google]
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Emilio Ignozza [Google]
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Emilio Macchia [Google]
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Emma Zazio [Google]
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Emo Risaliti
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Enoz [Google]
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Enrico Baldetti [Google]
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Enrico Bevere [Google]
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Enrico Bravi [Google]
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Enrico Rudello [Google]
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Enza Gianfrancesco [Google]
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Enzo Lo Re [Google]
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Enzo Ruta [Google]
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Epta [Fabrizio Torchia]
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Erasmo Ciufo [Hellotype]
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Ergisto Reggiani [Fonderia Reggiani]
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ErgoType (or: Ergonauth) [Google]
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Erika Bordonali [Google]
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Erlend Storaker [Google]
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Ernesto Saroglia [Google]
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Eskimo Alberto Scialo [Google]
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Ester Valorio [Google]
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Etcetera [Google]
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Eugenio de Riso [Google]
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Eugenio Pancaldi [Google]
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Eurotypo [Olcar Alcaide]
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Eusebius [Google]
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Eventi: Italic 2.0 [Google]
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Evolution Publishing and Manufacturing [Google]
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Fabian Pfeifhofer [Protofonts (and Loosy Design)]
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Fabio Corubolo [Google]
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Fabio Furlanis [Google]
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Fabio Giorgi [Google]
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Fabio Matteo Dozio [Google]
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Fabio Milito [Fabio Milito Design (or FMD)]
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Fabio Milito Design (or FMD) [Fabio Milito]
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Fabio Rovere [Google]
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Fabio Servolo [Google]
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Fabio Tridenti [Google]
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Fabio Viola [Google]
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Fabrizio Gilardino
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Fabrizio Narcisi [Google]
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Fabrizio Pastori [Google]
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Fabrizio Schiavi [Fabrizio Schiavi Design (or: FSD)]
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Fabrizio Schiavi Design (or: FSD) [Fabrizio Schiavi]
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Fabrizio Serra [Google]
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Fabrizio Torchia [Epta]
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Fabrizio Torchia [Google]
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Fatih Günes [Oldschool Designer Co (or: Design Dukkan, or: Font Art)]
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Fausto Bassini [Google]
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Fausto Gallico [Google]
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Fausto Renier [Google]
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Federica Bernile [Google]
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Federica Ciotola [Google]
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Federica Colombo [Google]
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Federica Moscariello [Google]
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Federica Palomby [Google]
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Federica Pezzuto [Google]
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Federica Pignata [Google]
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Federico Alfonsetti [Easy Reading]
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Federico Galvani [Happycentro]
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Federico Landini
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Federico Meroni [Google]
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Federico Neeva Orrù [Google]
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Federico Panelli [Google]
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Federico Piras [Google]
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Federico Salesi [Google]
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Federico Zerbinati [Google]
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Felice Feliciano
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Ferdinando Ruano [Google]
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Fereshteh Ghareh Khani [Google]
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FF3300 [Alessandro Tartaglia]
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Filippo Dalla Fina [Google]
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Filippo Dalla Villa [Google]
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Filippo Di Virgilio [Google]
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Filippo Gin [Google]
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Filippo Morara [Google]
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Filippo Pellini [Google]
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Filippo Tommaso Marinetti [Futurismo]
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Filippo Vecchi [Google]
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Flanker (or: Studio di Lena) [Leonardo Di Lena]
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Flash Design [Alberto Larizza]
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Flavia Bocco [Google]
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Flavia Isk [Isik Chic]
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Flickr: Italian typography [Google]
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Fonderia Caratteri Augusta [Google]
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Fonderia Cisalpina [Google]
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Fonderia Italiana [Google]
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Fonderia Reggiani [Ergisto Reggiani]
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Fonderia Serena [Andrea Carrer]
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Fonderia Tipografica Cooperativa [Google]
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Fonderia Tipografica Meridionale Armando De Luca [Google]
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Font & Co [Francesco Gianesini]
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Font Ale [Alessandro Da Corte]
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Fontikon [Michela Graziani]
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FontsandFashion.com [Google]
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Fontscafe (was: Fonts-Lab)
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Fortunato Depero
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Fra Luca Pacioli
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Fran De Martino [Google]
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Francesca Bolognini
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Francesca Bruzzone [Google]
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Francesca Casnati [Google]
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Francesca Guida [Google]
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Francesca Iovino [Google]
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Francesca Lapsus [Google]
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Francesca Maggiore [Google]
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Francesca Schioppo [Google]
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Francesca Schiro [Google]
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Francesca Spinicci [Google]
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Francesca Sterpone [Google]
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Francesco [Google]
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Francesco Barbieri [Google]
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Francesco Bonvecchio [Google]
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Francesco Caponi [Google]
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Francesco Corberi [Google]
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Francesco Cutolo [Google]
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Francesco Faggiano [Google]
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Francesco (Felice) Polanzani [Google]
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Francesco Filigoi [Google]
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Francesco Fioretto [Google]
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Francesco Fonteviva [Google]
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Francesco Franchi [Google]
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Francesco Gianesini [Font & Co]
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Francesco Gioia [Google]
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Francesco Graziano [Google]
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Francesco Griffo
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Francesco Innocenti [Google]
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Francesco Loschiavo [Google]
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Francesco Mantovani [Google]
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Francesco Messina [Polystudio]
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Francesco Mistico Canovaro [Zetafonts (or: Studio Kmzero, or: ZeroFont)]
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Francesco Necco [Google]
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Francesco Panella [Google]
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Francesco Paolo Lo Galbo [Pugnax]
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Francesco Paolo Siniscalco [Francesco Paolo Siniscalco Typefounders]
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Francesco Paolo Siniscalco Typefounders [Francesco Paolo Siniscalco]
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Francesco Pastonchi [Google]
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Francesco Paternoster [Google]
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Francesco Periccioli [Google]
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Francesco Pezzotti [Google]
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Francesco Scotti [Google]
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Francesco Sesto [Google]
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Francesco Simoncini [Officine Simoncini]
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Francesco Terragin [Google]
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Francesco Torniello [Google]
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Francesco Zorzi [Google]
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Franco Grignani [Google]
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Franco Lancio [Google]
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Franklin Soler [Google]
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Franko Luin [Omnibus Typographi]
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Franziska Purucker [Google]
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Franziska Weitgruber
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Fratelli Amoretti [Andrea Amoretti]
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Frederic Argazzi [Google]
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Fregio Mecano [Google]
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Fresko Design [Katiuscia Mari]
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Frida Garibay [Google]
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Fugostudio [Google]
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Fuk Studio Labs [Google]
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Fulvio Bisca
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Fulvio Mhu Calzamiglia [Google]
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Furetto Bislacco [Google]
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Futurismo [Filippo Tommaso Marinetti]
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G. Commoretti&Figlio [Google]
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Gabriel Figueiredo [Typeoca]
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Gabriele Archibugi [Google]
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Gabriele Bellanca [Rumors Foundry]
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Gabriele Cecere [Google]
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Gabriele Fumero [Archivio Tipografico]
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Gabriele Magurno [Google]
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Gabriele Malaspina [Google]
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Gabriele Rigamonti
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Gaetano La Peruta [Google]
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Gaia Marrone [Google]
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Gaiata Verriti [Google]
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Genna Cadangyao [Google]
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George Antony [George Katticaran]
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George J. Fox [Google]
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George Katticaran [George Antony]
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Ghadi Wali [Google]
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Gi Gi Illustrations [Google]
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Giacomo Bonomi [Google]
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Giacomo Dal Pra [Google]
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Giacomo Franco [Google]
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Giacomo Marangon [Google]
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Giacomo Paolini [Google]
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Giacomo Silva [Google]
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Giacomo Urgeghe [Nues Design]
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Giada Bettio [Google]
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Giaime Del Bello [Giaimefontz]
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Giaimefontz [Giaime Del Bello]
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Giambattista Bodoni
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Giambattista Bodoni [Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (full)]
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Giambattista Bodoni [Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (partial)]
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Giammarco Alfio Formiconi [Google]
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Giampiero Quaini [Google]
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Giampietro Bubola [Google]
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Gian Luca Fonderico [Google]
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Gian Marco Favretto [Google]
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Giancarlo Barison [Google]
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Giancarlo Candela [Google]
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Giancarlo Illiprandi [Google]
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Gianfranco Barco [Google]
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Gianfranco il Cane Bisceglia [Google]
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Giangiorgio Fuga [Giò Fuga Type]
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Giangiuseppe Vedele [Google]
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Gianka Petracco [Google]
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Gianluca Aiello [Google]
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Gianluca Cassioli Qassjo [Google]
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Gianluca Cerulli [Google]
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Gianluca De Vivo [Google]
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Gianluca Malimpensa [Google]
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Gianluca Migliorini [Google]
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Giannabella Sacco [Google]
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Gianni Marcolongo [TrueBlue]
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Gianni Sinni [LCD Graphics]
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Gillian Riley [Google]
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Gino Manicone [Google]
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Gioele Castevetere [Google]
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Giò Fuga Type [Giangiorgio Fuga]
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Gioia Silvia Buracchini
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Giordano Cruciani [Google]
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Giorgia B [Google]
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Giorgia Brunamonti [Google]
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Giorgia Pinotti [Google]
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Giorgio Catalisano [Google]
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Giorgio del Buono [Google]
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Giorgio Dovas [Google]
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Giorgio Espen [Google]
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Giorgio Giaiotto [Google]
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Giorgio Sellari [Google]
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Giorgio Tropiano [Google]
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Giovambattista Palatino [Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino cittadino romano]
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Giovanantonio Tagliente
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Giovanbattista Palatino
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Giovanni Anceschi [Google]
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Giovanni B. Landi [Google]
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Giovanni Battista Braccelli [Google]
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Giovanni Battista Sassi [Google]
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Giovanni Battistini [Google]
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Giovanni de Faccio
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Giovanni de Faccio [DF Type (or: Fischbachpresse)]
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Giovanni Francesco Cresci
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Giovanni Landi [Google]
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Giovanni Luca Mendola [Google]
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Giovanni Lussu [Google]
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Giovanni Mardersteig
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Giovanni Marenigh [Google]
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Giovanni Mei [Google]
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Giovanni Padovana [Google]
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Giovanni Pisciottaro [Google]
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Giovanni Roccabianca [Google]
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Giovanni Santovito [Google]
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Giovanni Spagnoli [Google]
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Giovannino dei Grassi [Google]
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Girgio Coraglia [Linotype&Linotipisti]
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Giuditta Brusadelli [Google]
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Giulia Belcastro [Google]
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Giulia Boggio [Google]
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Giulia Borsi [Google]
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Giulia Conte [Google]
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Giulia De Grazi [Google]
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Giulia Filippi [Google]
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Giulia Gambino [Google]
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Giulia Russo [Google]
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Giulia Tasso [Google]
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Giulia Ursenna Dorati
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Giuliano Antonio Lo Re [Google]
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Giulio Battelli [Google]
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Giulio Bertolotti [Google]
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Giulio Bordonaro [Google]
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Giulio Carrucciu [Google]
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Giulio da Milano
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Giulio Galli [Google]
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Giulio Grigollo [Google]
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Giuseppe Attisani [Google]
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Giuseppe Cacciatore [Google]
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Giuseppe Cunsolo [Peqpe]
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Giuseppe de Cesare [BohFonts]
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Giuseppe de Lama [Google]
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Giuseppe De Luca [Google]
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Giuseppe Errico
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Giuseppe Fierro [Google]
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Giuseppe Laterza [Google]
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Giuseppe Levi [Google]
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Giuseppe Librace [Google]
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Giuseppe Maria Mitelli [Google]
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Giuseppe Salerno [Resistenza]
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Giuseppe Stillitano [Google]
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Gizem Evci [KAF Design]
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Goa Shape [Google]
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Good Idea Graphic Solution [Google]
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Gottlieb Stalder [Google]
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Grafici Senza Frontiere [Google]
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Grafici Senza Frontiere (was: Tomaso Typo Baj Fonts) [Tomaso Baj]
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Grafisticceria [Claudio Gomboli]
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Graphic Content [Google]
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Graphic Dash [Google]
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Gravitype [Marco Pezzotta]
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Graziano De Rossi [Google]
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Gregorio Manetti [PerSeo Design]
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Gregory Flajszer [Dadakool]
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Greta Bassanese [Google]
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Greta Silvi [Google]
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Guido Dal Pra [Google]
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Guido Grugnola [Google]
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Guido Modiano [Google]
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Hajra Tariq [Google]
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Hanae Aoki [Google]
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Hans Brünnel [Google]
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Happycentro [Federico Galvani]
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Happyloverstown [Jonathan Calugi]
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Harendra Kapur [Google]
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Haru Graphic [Google]
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Hayley Parsons [Google]
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Hélène Barraud [Google]
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Headstudio [Google]
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Hederae Creative (or: Hederae Type Foundry) [Valerio Dell'Edera]
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Heinz Waibl [Google]
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Hellotype [Erasmo Ciufo]
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Hellron [Google]
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Heric Longe Abramo [Google]
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Histoire de l'imprimerie à Venise [Google]
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Hugh T. Gilmore [Google]
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Huny [Google]
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I. Paulini [Google]
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IAM (or: AIEMM) [Google]
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Iara Principe [Google]
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Ida Greco [Google]
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Igino Marini [iKern]
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Igino Marini
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iKern [Google]
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iKern [Igino Marini]
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Ilaria Bondanelli [Google]
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Ilaria Buttari [Google]
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Ilaria Dell'Oro [Google]
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Ilaria Iacoviello [Google]
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Ilaria Padovani [Google]
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Ilario Strazzullo [Google]
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Ilenia Rizza [Google]
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Ilio Negri [Google]
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IMPRINT TeSRE Archive [Google]
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Indieground Design (was: Optimistic Designs) [Roberto Perrino]
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Ines Cipolla [Google]
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Invasione Creativa [Edoardo Santamato]
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Irene Torresi [Google]
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Isa Lloret [Google]
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Isabella Ahmadzadeh [Google]
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ISIA Urbino [Luciano Perondi]
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Isik Chic [Flavia Isk]
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Istituto Artigianelli Milano [Google]
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Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia [Google]
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Italian foundries of the 19th century [Google]
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Italian penmanship and calligraphic teaching books [Google]
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Italian Type Foundry
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italic 1.0 [Silvia Sfligiotti]
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Italic 2.0 [Google]
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Italo Typo Tour [Google]
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Itomi [Antonio Moro]
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Ivan Favalezza [Google]
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Ivana Concilio [Google]
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Ivana Tubaro [Google]
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Ivano Colombo [Google]
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Izmir University of Economics [Alessandro Segalini]
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Jacopo Rosano [Google]
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Jacques de Sanlecque the elder [Robert Granjon]
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Jaime Guisado [Google]
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Jaini Parekh [Google]
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Jambo Fonts [Google]
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James Clough [Google]
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James Mosley [Type foundry: Italian writing masters and calligraphers of the 16th and 17th centuries]
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Jan Burchiellaro Falinski [Google]
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Jan Falinski [Google]
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Jane Patterson
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Jane Patterson [Design Lab SRL, Milan]
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Jérémy Ruiz [L'Ile Foundry]
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Jeanet Tello [Google]
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Jeanlouis David Amodio [Google]
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Jecko Development [Google]
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Jekyll&Hyde [Marco Molteni]
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Jessica Gaudino [Google]
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Joana Pais [Google]
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Joao Celio Caneschi [Google]
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Joao Pucci [Google]
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Johanna Lo Bosco [Google]
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Johannes de Spira
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John Luigi Flores [Google]
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Jonathan Calugi [Happyloverstown]
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Jonathan Pierini
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Joseph Miceli [AlfaType]
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Josie Maszk [Google]
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Jules Durand [Google]
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Julia [Valerio Di Lucente]
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Julian Hoxhaj [Google]
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Julius Mordecai Pincas [Google]
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Jury Zambon [Ariel Graphics]
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Just Bia [Bia Andrade]
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Justin Paul Villa [Google]
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K Projects [Simone Giorgio]
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KAF Design [Gizem Evci]
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Kaktus [Luca Ricci]
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Kalimera [Google]
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Kate Seatter [Google]
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Katherine Khimenets [Google]
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Katiuscia Mari [Fresko Design]
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Kerning [Google]
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Kidstudio [Marco Innocenti]
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Klaudio Bojaxhiu [Google]
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Konrad Sweynheym
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Kornnet [Google]
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Kosha Shah [Google]
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Kseniia Zhuk [Google]
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La Fondografica [Google]
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La Operina [Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi]
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La Susina [Google]
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Lampridio Giovanardi [Google]
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Lara D. Gobbi [Google]
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Lasagner [Daniele Capelli]
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Laura Addari [Google]
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Laura Anastasio [Google]
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Laura Antonucci [Google]
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Laura Lezman [Google]
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Laura Quarto [Google]
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Laura Rosina [Google]
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Laura Sansotera [Google]
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LCD Graphics [Gianni Sinni]
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Leandro Leanza [Google]
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Leandro Lisboa [Google]
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Leftloft [Andrea Braccaloni]
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Leo Colalillo
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Leonardo Di Lena [Flanker (or: Studio di Lena)]
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Leonardo Gava [Google]
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Leonardo Guardigli [Google]
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Leonardo Gubbioni [Google]
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Leonardo Guerra [Google]
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Leonardo Maltese [Google]
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Leonardo Sonnoli [Google]
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Leonardo Suozzo [Google]
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Leopardo Antonozzi [Google]
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Letizia Depedri [Google]
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Letizia Picuno [Google]
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Letteralmente Mediterraneo Giornata della tipografia 2007 [Google]
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LeVision [Google]
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Lia Ra [Google]
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Libreria AIAP [Google]
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Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino cittadino romano [Giovambattista Palatino]
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L'Ile Foundry [Jérémy Ruiz]
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Lilith Fate [Google]
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Linda Sciutto [Google]
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Linh Vu Pham Ferrari [Google]
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Lino Russo [Google]
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Linotype&Linotipisti [Girgio Coraglia]
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Lisi Borriello [Google]
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Liuna Virardi [Google]
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Lodovico Curione [Google]
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Lorenza Liguori [Google]
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Lorenzo Attenni [Google]
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Lorenzo Ballarini [Google]
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Lorenzo Castelli [Google]
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Lorenzo Fernandez [Google]
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Lorenzo Lalatta [Google]
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Lorenzo Miola [Google]
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Lorenzo Properzi [Google]
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Lorenzo Richetta [Google]
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Lorenzo Rigamonti [Google]
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Lorenzo Tommasi [Google]
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Lovink [Scilla Corbelli]
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LR Type foundry [Luca Romeo]
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LS Graphic Design Tipografia [Google]
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Luca Barcellona [Google]
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Luca Bolognese
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Luca Bresolin [Google]
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Luca Capretti [Google]
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Luca Casini [Google]
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Luca Chiti
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Luca De Stefano [Google]
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Luca Devinu [Google]
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Luca D'Onofrio [Google]
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Luca Egidio Galessi [Google]
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Luca Emme [Google]
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Luca Ferrario [Google]
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Luca Grande [Google]
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Luca Grimaz [Google]
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Luca Marsano [Google]
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Luca Mescoli [Google]
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Luca Pagot [Google]
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Luca Pedrotti [Google]
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Luca Ricci [Kaktus]
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Luca Romeo [LR Type foundry]
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Luca Sabatini [Google]
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Luca Saleppichi [Google]
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Luca Taddeo [Google]
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Luca Terzo
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Luca Tornatola [Google]
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Lucas Franco [Now Type]
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Lucas Leo Catalano [Google]
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Luciano Perondi [Molotro]
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Luciano Perondi [ISIA Urbino]
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Luciano Quaranta [Studio Variabile]
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Lucilla Lombardi [Google]
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Lucio Bolognesi [Google]
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Lucio Passerini [Google]
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Lucy Denning [Google]
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Ludiko kidult lab [Google]
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Ludovica Jannello [Google]
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Ludovico Cesetti [Google]
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Ludovico Scurto [Google]
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Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi da Vicenza
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Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi [La Operina]
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Luigi Gorlero [Google]
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Luigi Oriani [Google]
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Luisa Somaschini [Google]
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LXfonts [Claudio Beccari]
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Mahsa Bamdadi Nejad Shafti [Google]
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Maje Navarro [Google]
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Malica Worms [Google]
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Manfredo Massironi [Google]
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Manouche M [Google]
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Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (full) [Giambattista Bodoni]
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Manuale Tipografico: 1818 (partial) [Giambattista Bodoni]
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Manuel Alvaro [Google]
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Manuel Lazzarin [Google]
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Manuela Ladu [Google]
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Manuela Rattin and Matteo Ricci [Google]
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Manuele Mascheroni [Oven Foundry]
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Mara Giurgola [Google]
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Marca Tipografica [Google]
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Marcello Della Puppa [MCP Typefaces]
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Marcello Nizzoli [Google]
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Marcello Raffo [Google]
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Marcelo Omegna [Google]
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Marcelo Vendramel [Google]
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Marcloud [Claudius Marcus]
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Marco Anelli [Caratteri]
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Marco Antonio Rossi [Google]
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Marco Ballaré [Google]
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Marco Battaglia [Battle Fonts]
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Marco Bergamini Pzeros [Google]
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Marco Biraghi [Google]
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Marco Campardo [Tankboys]
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Marco Comastri [Bunker]
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Marco Condello [Google]
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Marco Corna [Google]
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Marco D'Ambrosio [Google]
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Marco de Luca Gaetani [Upper Type Foundry]
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Marco Fornasier [Google]
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Marco Fox [Google]
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Marco Galtarossa [Google]
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Marco Goran Romano [Google]
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Marco Goran Romano [Google]
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Marco Greppi [Pimpa Gerroc]
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Marco Innocenti [Kidstudio]
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Marco Invernizzi [Google]
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Marco Lucidi [Google]
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Marco Marciano [Google]
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Marco Marzoli [Google]
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Marco Milone [Google]
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Marco Molteni [Jekyll&Hyde]
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Marco Napoletano [Google]
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Marco Oggian [Google]
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Marco Pezzotta [Gravitype]
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Marco Rodili [Google]
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Marco Rollo [Google]
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Marco Santinelli [Google]
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Marco Sbaraglia [Google]
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Marco Serpieri [Google]
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Marco Ugolini [Google]
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Marco Virgillito [Unknown Studio]
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Margherita Monguzzi [Google]
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Margherita Rubini [Google]
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Maria Bruno [Google]
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Maria Chiara Fantini
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Maria Felicia [Google]
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Maria Gabriella Aronne [Google]
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Maria Luisa Bertazzoni [Google]
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Maria Luisa Ghianda [Google]
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Maria Lyng [Google]
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Maria Modafferi [Google]
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Maria Pirogova [Google]
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Mariaelena Caputi [Google]
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Mariagrazia Marino [Google]
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Marianna Rossi [Google]
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Marianne Stoico [Google]
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Mariano Cellini [Google]
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Mariarosaria Digregorio [Google]
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Mariia Parkhomenko [Google]
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Marika Sartori [Google]
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Marina Castro [Google]
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Marina di Cocco [Google]
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Marina Tercelan [Google]
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Mario de Libero
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Mario Macca [Google]
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Mario Piazza [Google]
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Mario Viti [Google]
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Mark Tamagnini [UP Comunicazione]
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Mark van Leeuwen [Google]
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Marta Ambrosetti [Google]
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Marta Cagno [Google]
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Marta Coppola [Google]
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Marta Erica Bernstein [Google]
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Marta Hofer [Google]
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Marta Isabella Reina [Google]
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Marta Panetto [Google]
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Marta Ramacciotti [Google]
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Marta Rusconi [Google]
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Martina Casonato [Google]
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Martina Cullen [Google]
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Martina Elisa Cecchi [Google]
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Martina Filippella [Google]
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Martina Ginevra Albano [Google]
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Martina Giordano [Google]
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Martina Zanini [Google]
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Martino Bombonato [Google]
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Martino Mardersteig [Google]
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Marzia Larusso [Google]
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Massimiliano Frangi [Typomilan]
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Massimiliano Musina [Google]
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Massimiliano Vitti [Google]
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Massimo Dalle Pezze [Google]
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Massimo Pitis [Google]
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Massimo Polello [Google]
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Massimo Vignelli [Google]
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Master Pier [Google]
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Matilde Capacciola [Google]
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Matteo Berton
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Matteo Billia [Utilitype]
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Matteo Binci [Google]
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Matteo Blandford [Google]
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Matteo Bologna [Mucca Typo]
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Matteo Brogi [Google]
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Matteo Carraturo [Google]
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Matteo Chiti
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Matteo Civaschi
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Matteo Colombo
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Matteo Colombo [Google]
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Matteo Costa [Google]
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Matteo Di Iorio [Google]
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Matteo Federico Bologna [Mucca Design (or: Mucca Typo)]
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Matteo Gallinelli [Google]
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Matteo Giordano [Google]
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Matteo Lucarelli [Google]
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Matteo Maggi [Google]
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Matteo Milone [Google]
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Matteo Molinaro [Google]
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Matteo Oliverio [Google]
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Matteo Panico [Google]
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Matteo Piana [Google]
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Matteo Proietti [Google]
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Matteo Zilla [Google]
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Mattia Bonanomi [MTT Type Firm (was: Type Firm)]
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Mattia Bonanomi [MTT]
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Mattia Capitani [Google]
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Mattia Compagnucci [Google]
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Mattia Donati [Google]
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Mattia Gabellini [Google]
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Mattia "Hondrus" Martelli [Google]
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Mattia Inghlieri [Google]
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Mattia Montanari [Google]
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Maurizio Boscarol [Google]
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Maurizio Carpani [Google]
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Maurizio Loreti [BrushScriptX-Italic]
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Maurizio Osti
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Maurizio Pagnozzi [Google]
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Maurizio Strippoli [Google]
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Mauro Abbattista [Google]
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Mauro Carichini
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Mauro De Donata [Google]
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Mauro de Donatis [Google]
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Mauro Gatti [Google]
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Mauro Poggi [Google]
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Mauro Zennaro
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Max Pirsky [Google]
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McFerry [Google]
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MCP Typefaces [Marcello Della Puppa]
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Médan Savamhel [Google]
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Melania Branca [Google]
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Michael Basso [Google]
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Michael Dalpiaz [Google]
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Michela Chiucini [Google]
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Michela Fagnocchi [Google]
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Michela Ferretti [Google]
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Michela Graziani [Fontikon]
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Michelangelo Nigra [Google]
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Michele Cricco [Google]
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Michele Giordano [Google]
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Michele Meggiolan [Savoydoor]
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Michele Patanè [Google]
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Michele Pavan
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Michele Raffaele Stimola [Google]
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Michele Romani [Google]
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Michele Smaldini [Google]
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Mikhaela Martin [Google]
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Mintea.org [Andrea Bergamini]
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Mirco Amme [Google]
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Mirko Camia [Google]
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Mirko Landi [Google]
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Miryam Travisani [Google]
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Misha Vlasov [Google]
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Mok Ultra Pop Design [Google]
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Molotro [Luciano Perondi]
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Monica Celletti [Google]
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Monica Dengo [Google]
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Monica di Giacinto [Google]
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Monofonts [Valentino Coppi]
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Monofonts (or: Monocromo Creative Factory) [Andrea Cerboneschi]
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Monotype Dante [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Morelli [Google]
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MTT [Mattia Bonanomi]
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MTT Type Firm (was: Type Firm) [Mattia Bonanomi]
[More] ⦿
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Mucca Design (or: Mucca Typo) [Matteo Federico Bologna]
[More] ⦿
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Mucca Typo [Matteo Bologna]
[More] ⦿
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Murid Rahhal [Sfaranda]
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Museo Bodoniano [Google]
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My Mummy's Font [Pamela Orrico]
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MyFonts: Aldine typefaces [Google]
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MyFonts: Eurostile [Google]
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MyFonts: Italy [Google]
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MyFonts: Trajan [Google]
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Nadia Abate [Google]
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Nadja Kargruber [Nana Kar]
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Nagla Gaafar [Google]
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Nana Kar [Nadja Kargruber]
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Natálya e Cibelli [Google]
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Natale Varetti [Google]
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Natale Ventre [Google]
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Natalie Mihlin [Google]
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Natan Sabatello [Google]
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Nazareno Crea [ABC ETC INC]
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Nedo Mion Ferrario
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Niccolo Agnoletti [Blazrdsky]
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Nick Asphodel [Google]
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Nick Öhlo [Google]
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Nico Nannavecchia [Google]
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Nico Pernice [Google]
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Nico189 [Google]
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Nicola Caleffi [Google]
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Nicola Giordani [Google]
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Nicola Iannibello [Google]
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Nicola Manzari [Unio Creative Solutions]
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Nicola Serradimigni
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Nicola Spisso [Google]
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Nicolas Jenson
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Nicolas Vargas [Google]
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Nicolo Arena [Google]
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Nicolo Bertoncin [Google]
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Nicolo Bosio [Google]
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Nicolo Tromben [Google]
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Nicolò Giacomin [Google]
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Niklas Design [Niklas Johnson]
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Niklas Johnson [Niklas Design]
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Nistri [Google]
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Nivi Jasa [Google]
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Nocive Lab [Google]
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NodeBox [Google]
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Noemi De Feo [Google]
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Nomad Visuals Co [Google]
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Nora Ferrutch [Google]
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Now Type [Lucas Franco]
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Nues Design [Giacomo Urgeghe]
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Nunzio Mazzaferro [Google]
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OBOstudio [Google]
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Officine Simoncini [Francesco Simoncini]
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ohjeannyjeanny [Google]
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Olcar Alcaide [Eurotypo]
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Oldschool Designer Co (or: Design Dukkan, or: Font Art) [Fatih Günes]
[More] ⦿
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Olivetti [Google]
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Olivetti Typewriters [Google]
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Olivia Nepi [Google]
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Ombretta Tavano [Google]
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Omnibus Typographi [Franko Luin]
[More] ⦿
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Orlando T.M. Merone [Google]
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Ortho-Type [Google]
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Ottavia Alieri [Google]
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Ottaviano Petrucci [Google]
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Ottaviano Scoto
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Oven Foundry [Manuele Mascheroni]
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o-zone [Google]
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Ozone Agency Italy [Google]
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Pablo de Mello [Google]
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Pacioli [Peter R. Wilson]
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Paka Pups [Google]
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Pamela Orrico [My Mummy's Font]
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Panos Voulgaris [Google]
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Pansa Studio [Trini Testi]
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Paola Berardelli [Google]
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Paola Gallo [Google]
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Paola Sanseviero [Google]
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Paola Vecchi [Google]
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Paolo Batori [Google]
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Paolo Beraldo [Google]
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Paolo Cadeddu [Paulfalco]
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Paolo Campanelli
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Paolo d'Alessandro [Google]
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Paolo Daniele Corda [Google]
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Paolo Palma [Google]
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Paolo Tassinari [Google]
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Paolo Vannucci [Alphabet&Type]
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Paolo Vendramini [Google]
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Parmigiano Typographic System [Google]
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Patchpo Graphics [Silvia Porcu]
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Patricia Sartori [Google]
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Paul Gatedove [Google]
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Paul Henry Robb [S6 Foundry]
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Paula [Google]
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Paulfalco [Paolo Cadeddu]
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Paulini [Google]
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Pavan Orfeo [Xilografia Adige]
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Pavlov Design [Emanuele Fabrizioli]
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Peqpe [Giuseppe Cunsolo]
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PerSeo Design [Gregorio Manetti]
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Peter R. Wilson [Pacioli]
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Philippe Nicolas [Google]
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Pier Francesco Martini [Google]
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Pier Paolo Bigioni [Google]
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Pierallini Turchi [Google]
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Pierfrancesco Annicchiarico [Google]
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Pierluigi Portolano [Google]
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Pierluigi Velotto [Google]
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Piero De Macchi [Google]
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Piero Di Biase [Google]
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Pierpaolo Vetta [Google]
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Pietro Bembo
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Pietro Bonati [Google]
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Pietro Filippeschi [Google]
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Pietro Gregorini [Google]
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Pimpa Gerroc [Marco Greppi]
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Pino Sartorio [Google]
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Pino Tovaglia [Google]
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Piotr Fedorczyk [Google]
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Pixel Orchestra [Bruno Capezzuoli]
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Pol [Google]
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Politecnico di Milano [Google]
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Polystudio [Francesco Messina]
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ProDomoSua [Google]
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Protofonts (and Loosy Design) [Fabian Pfeifhofer]
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Prozzillo Studio Associati [Google]
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ps2html [Google]
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Psy Tech [Roberto Tifi]
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Pugnax [Francesco Paolo Lo Galbo]
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Puntuale [Google]
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Quarantype [Google]
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Rachel Graham [Google]
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Rachele Lo Piano [Google]
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Raffaele Amici [Google]
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Raffaella Isidori [Google]
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Raffaello Bertieri
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Raimondi&Zucca [Google]
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Rania Azmi
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Rauch Design [Andrea Rauch]
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Raul Di Bert [Google]
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Ray Oranges [Google]
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Recreo [Google]
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Resistenza [Giuseppe Salerno]
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Resy [Google]
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Riccardo Agostinelli [Google]
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Riccardo De Franceschi [Google]
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Riccardo Fissore [Google]
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Riccardo Imperiale [Google]
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Riccardo La Leggia [Google]
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Riccardo Latini [Google]
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Riccardo Lorusso [Google]
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Riccardo Mecheri [Google]
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Riccardo Menoncin [Google]
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Riccardo Olocco
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Riccardo Sabatini [Google]
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Riccardo Zanotti [Google]
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RM WD [Antonio Vignali]
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Robert Granjon [Jacques de Sanlecque the elder]
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Roberta Cipriani [Google]
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Roberta Donatini [Google]
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Roberta Grudeva [Google]
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Roberta Leoni [Google]
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Roberto Arista [Google]
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Roberto Bagatti [Google]
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Roberto Baldassari [Alphan Typefaces]
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Roberto Boschetto [Google]
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Roberto Brunetti [Google]
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Roberto Cacace [Google]
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Roberto Cecchi [Google]
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Roberto F [The Worst Truetype Font]
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Roberto Luciani [Google]
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Roberto Mocci [Google]
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Roberto Perrino [Indieground Design (was: Optimistic Designs)]
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Roberto Rigon [Google]
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Roberto Ruoli [Google]
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Roberto Scotti [Google]
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Roberto Sofi [Biroakakarati]
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Roberto Tifi [Psy Tech]
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Roberto Turla [Google]
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Rocco Barbaro [Google]
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Rocco Dipoppa [Google]
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Rocco Gallo [Google]
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Rock Art [Google]
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Ronchi Tubaro Thom [Anna Ronchi]
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Rosaria Uva [Google]
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Rosario Nocera
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Rosario Nove [Google]
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Rossella Giordano [Google]
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Rudolf von Larisch
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Ruggero Magri [Google]
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Ruggero Motta [Google]
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Rumors Foundry [Gabriele Bellanca]
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Runikh Art [Amarpreet Singh]
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S6 Foundry [Paul Henry Robb]
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Sabato Urciuoli [Google]
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Sabin Bik [Google]
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Sabrina Mencarelli [Google]
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Salvatore Maruccio [Google]
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Salvo Nicolosi [Google]
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Sama [Google]
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Samantha Di Prospero [Google]
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Sandra Hiralal [Google]
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Sandra Sisofo [Google]
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Sandro Bonomo [Google]
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Sandro Londero [Google]
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Santino Calvo [Google]
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Saoirse Nat [Google]
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Sara Andrini [Google]
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Sara Barsotti [Google]
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Sara Capriello [Google]
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Sara Confalonieri [Google]
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Sara Lavazza [Google]
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Sara Montelatici [Google]
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Sara Neri [Google]
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Sara Olmos [Google]
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Sara Panepinto [Google]
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Sara Romic [Google]
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Sara Staffelli [Google]
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Sara Wird Raffaelli [Google]
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Sarah Sellars [Google]
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Savio Bellini [Bellini Studio]
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Savoydoor [Michele Meggiolan]
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Scilla Corbelli [Lovink]
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Sebastian Zanilla [Google]
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Sebastiano Barbieri [Google]
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Sebastiano Castiglioni
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Sebastiano Serlio [Google]
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Segno Scrittura [Google]
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Seir Falcone [Google]
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Sephora Laghi [Google]
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Serena Paratore [Google]
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Serena Petraglia [Google]
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Sergio Lelli [BelTypo]
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Sergio Polano [Google]
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Sergio Vento [Google]
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Sezione Aurea [Alessandro Pascoli]
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Sfaranda [Murid Rahhal]
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Shasa Samuels [Google]
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Sigismondo Fanti [Google]
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Silvia Ballerini [Google]
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Silvia Bargelli [Google]
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Silvia Boracchi [Google]
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Silvia Caturano [Google]
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Silvia Fantini [Google]
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Silvia Mainoni [Google]
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Silvia Mondello [Google]
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Silvia Porcu [Patchpo Graphics]
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Silvia Sfligiotti [italic 1.0]
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Silvia Sfligiotti [Google]
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Silvia Virgillo [Google]
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Silvio Cocco [Google]
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Silvio Lorusso [Google]
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Silvio Mancini [Google]
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Simon Laudati [Google]
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Simona Bruzzi [Google]
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Simone Bianchetti [Google]
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Simone Caglio [Google]
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Simone Corsi [Google]
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Simone Costagliola [Google]
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Simone Giorgio [K Projects]
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Simone Guerra [Google]
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Simone Ippoliti [Google]
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Simone Mariano [Google]
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Simone Massoni [Google]
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Simone Restifo Pilato [Google]
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Simone Scimmi [Google]
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Simone Simola [Google]
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Simone Wolf [Google]
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sixtyeight [Google]
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Societa Nebiolo: Genealogy [Google]
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Societa Uranio [Google]
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Società Augusta Torino [Google]
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Sofia Bandini [Google]
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Sofia Fonda [Google]
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Sofia Lanzoni [Google]
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Sofia Norgaard Manara [Google]
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Sonia Mion [Google]
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Sonia Pippinato [Google]
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Soolid Comunicazione [Google]
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Souldavid (or: Wrktag, or: Work It) [David Terzano]
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Soulpowerworks [Google]
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Sreenihal Pouka [Google]
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Stampa Tipografia [Google]
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Stamperia di compositori-tipografi, Turin [Google]
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Stamperia Reale [Google]
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Stef Elmrabet [Google]
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Stefania Cantù [Google]
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Stefania Pizzichi [Google]
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Stefania Quattropani [Google]
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Stefano Agabio [Google]
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Stefano Bellucci Sessa [Google]
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Stefano Bianca [Google]
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Stefano Buffoni [Google]
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Stefano Ciri [Google]
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Stefano Corradetti [Google]
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Stefano Ferraro [Google]
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Stefano Finocchi [Google]
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Stefano Fusaro [Google]
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Stefano Giliberti [Brumale]
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Stefano Maccarelli [Google]
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Stefano Mazzari [Google]
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Stefano Meriggi [Design.it]
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Stefano Meroni [Google]
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Stefano Perrone [Google]
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Stefano Picci [Google]
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Stefano Piscitello [Google]
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Stefano Polli [Google]
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Stefano Temporin [Google]
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Stefano Tonti
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Stefano Torregrossa [Google]
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Stelio Crise [Google]
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Stella Musi [Google]
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Students at Politecnico in Milan [Google]
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Studio Bibliografico Scriptorium [Google]
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Studio Charlie
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Studio Cheste [Google]
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Studio FM Milano [Google]
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Studio Polpo [Google]
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Studio Variabile [Luciano Quaranta]
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Studio Volk [DJ Andrea Esu]
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Sunday Büro [Valentina Casali]
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Supernulla Creative Studio [Google]
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Swan Lefevre [Google]
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Tankboys [Marco Campardo]
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Tasam Design [Google]
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Teo Gagliano [Google]
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Teresa Ancona [Google]
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Teresa Types [Google]
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The Maccio (or: Webstilus) [Google]
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The Words Face [Dario Quadri]
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The Worst Truetype Font [Roberto F]
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Think Work Observe (TWO) [Google]
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Thinstroke [Antonio (Tony) DiSpigna]
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Thoughtype [Google]
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Tipiblu [Andrea Amato]
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Tipografia Leone sas [Google]
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Tipografia Vittoria [Google]
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Tipoitalia [Google]
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Tipoitalia3 [Google]
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Titta Moccia [Google]
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Tiziana Alocci [Google]
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Tiziano Adamini [Google]
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Tiziano Fani Braga [Google]
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Tom Oc [Google]
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Tomaso Baj [Grafici Senza Frontiere (was: Tomaso Typo Baj Fonts)]
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Tommaso Baldi [Google]
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Tommaso Bovo [Google]
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Tommaso Elli [Google]
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Tommaso Vidus Rosin [Google]
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Toni Pecoraro [Google]
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Trini Testi [Pansa Studio]
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TrueBlue [Gianni Marcolongo]
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Tsolyani [Google]
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Type Dynamic
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Type foundry: Italian writing masters and calligraphers of the 16th and 17th centuries [James Mosley]
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Typecampus [Google]
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Typeland [Alessia Mazzarella]
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Typeoca [Gabriel Figueiredo]
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Typo Tour [Google]
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Typographia Historia [Google]
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Typomilan [Massimiliano Frangi]
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tyu78eddy [Google]
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Ugo da Carpi [Google]
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Ulises Chacon [Google]
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Umberto Fenocchio
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Umberto Lignarolo [Google]
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Umberto Mischi [Google]
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Unio Creative Solutions [Nicola Manzari]
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Univisual [Google]
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Unknown Studio [Marco Virgillito]
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UP Comunicazione [Mark Tamagnini]
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Upper Type Foundry [Marco de Luca Gaetani]
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Urania [Google]
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Utilitype [Matteo Billia]
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Utku Civelek [Google]
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Valérie de Berardinis [Google]
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Valentina Aufiero [Google]
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Valentina Casali [Sunday Büro]
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Valentina D'Angelo [Google]
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Valentina Marchio [Google]
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Valentina Moroni [Google]
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Valentina Nitti [Google]
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Valentina Rizzo [Google]
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Valentino Coppi [Monofonts]
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Valeria Santarelli [Google]
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Valerio Barba [Google]
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Valerio Dell'Edera [Hederae Creative (or: Hederae Type Foundry)]
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Valerio Di Lucente [Julia]
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Valerio Ghirardani [Google]
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Valerio Poltrini [Google]
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Vanessa Farano [Google]
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Velvele Design Community [Cagil Aygen]
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Vermi di Rouge [Google]
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Veronica DF [Google]
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Vidit Narang [Google]
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Vincenzo Abet [Google]
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Vincenzo Crisafulli
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Vincenzo Gioanola [Google]
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Vincenzo Lubrano Foundry [Google]
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Vincenzo Onnembo [Google]
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Vincenzo Silvestroni [Google]
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Vincenzo Vuono [Google]
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Vittorio Schiavo [Google]
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Vittorio Turla
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Vladimir Carrer [Ampersand (or: Vladocar)]
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Volantina [Google]
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Vrishti Jain [Google]
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Walter Paggioro
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Wilma Traldi [Google]
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Xilografia Adige [Pavan Orfeo]
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Yana Erysheva [Google]
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Yonatan Sheinker [Google]
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Zara Avdalyan [Google]
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Zara Sarich [Google]
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Zazi Alimo [Google]
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Zeina Georges Baaklini [Google]
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Zemfira Alekperova [Google]
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Zetafonts (or: Studio Kmzero, or: ZeroFont) [Francesco Mistico Canovaro]
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