TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:01:22 EDT 2025






EFI Home Page (Educational Fontware)

Sells handwriting-fonts designed to exactly replicate many educational handwriting styles. In particular, they have these:

  • D'Nealian: DN Cursive and DN Manuscript.
  • Zaner-Bloser: ZB Manuscript, ZB Cursive, OZ Manuscript, OZ Cursive.
  • A Beka: AB Cursive and AB Manuscript, based on the style shown in workbooks developed by A Beka Book, Inc.
  • Bob Jones University: CCU Cursive and CCU Manuscript, ugly fonts based on materials copyrighted by Bob Jones University.
  • DKL Cursive and DKR Cursive, patterned after the handwriting methods in the workbooks Cursive Writing Skills (Educators Publishing Service, Inc, 31 Smith Place, Cambridge, MA), by Diana Hanbury King.
  • Frank Schaffer: FS Classic, FS Contemporary, and FS Manuscript, developed using materials copyrighted by Frank Schaffer Publishing.
  • Getty-Dubay Italic: GDI Basic, GDI Combined, and GDI Cursive, a handwriting method developed by Barbara M. Getty and Inga S. Dubay at Portland State University, Continuing Education Press. EFI worked with Getty and Dubay to develop its GDI fonts.
  • Handwriting Without Tears: HWT Cursive and HWT Manuscript, pretty upright cursives and a hairline geometric sans. Handwriting Without Tears is a registered trademarked of Jan Z. Olsen.
  • Harcourt Brace: HB Cursive and HB Manuscript.
  • Loops and Groups: LG Cursive, based on the handwriting samples in the copyrighted Instructor's Manual Loops and Other Groups---A Kinesthetic Writing System by Mary Benbow.
  • McDougal, Littell: McD Cursive and McD Manuscript, based on materials copyrighted by McDougal, Littell&Company.
  • Palmer: Palmer Manuscript (simple hairline sans), Vintage Palmer and New Palmer, which include several variations of the cursive handwriting style that constitute the Palmer Method. Vintage Palmer is based on a 1923 workbook, and New Palmer on a 1987 workbook.
  • Pentime: PT Cursive and PT Manuscript, developed for use by the Amish communities, through workbooks rather than directly with computers. The fonts were created for JKL Services, who use the fonts to produce handwriting materials for the Amish community.
  • Peterson Directed Handwriting: PM Cursive, PM Block, and PM Slant.
  • Queensland: QM Cursive and QBA Manuscript, based on samples from workbooks by Horowitz Martin Education.
  • Russian: RU Cursive and Manuscript families (9 fonts) for Cyrillic.
  • Seattle School District: SSD Cursive and SSD Printscript, based on handwriting samples and methods developed by Patricia Heller and Elaine M. Aoki for the Seattle Public Schools. samples were found in a 1993 K-5 handwriting manual called Write It Right (Seattle Public Schools).
  • Steck Vaughn: SV Cursive and SV Manuscript, developed using materials copyrighted by Steck Vaughn Company.
  • Specialty Fonts: four Ball-and-stick and Dashes fonts, Braille 24 and Braille 24 Hollow, Clocks, EFI Count Dots on Numbers, EFI Direct Instruction, EFI Music Symbols, Emo-faces, Fingerletters (for American Sign Language), Lettersound Pictures, Morse Code, Phonetics Phont, POSTNET-16.

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Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ School fonts ⦿ Very thin (hairline sans) typefaces ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Barcode fonts ⦿ Morse fonts ⦿ Braille typefaces ⦿ Music fonts ⦿ Smilie Fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Phonetic (IPAfonts) ⦿ Type scene in Washington ⦿ Type scene in Massachusetts ⦿ Penmanship ⦿

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html