TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 07:55:32 EDT 2025
Type scene in Washington [Headline set in Garamond No. 9, a URW++ adaptation of Italian or Simoncini Garamond]
Aaron Bell [Saja TypeWorks] [More] ⦿
Aartvark Graphics [Jim O'Bryan] [Google] [More] ⦿
Abby Martinez [Google] [More] ⦿
AEP (or: An Elektrum Press) [Ashley Evan Pond] [Google] [More] ⦿
Alaina Johnson [Google] [More] ⦿
Alden Verdan [Google] [More] ⦿
Alejandro Cespedes [Google] [More] ⦿
Alejandro Cruz [Google] [More] ⦿
Alex Jones [Google] [More] ⦿
Alicia Yeargin [Google] [More] ⦿
Alissa Mazzenga [Google] [More] ⦿
Amir Asgari [Google] [More] ⦿
Ana Sofia Mariz [Google] [More] ⦿
Andrea Leksen [Leksen Design] [More] ⦿
Andrea Wicklund [Google] [More] ⦿
Andrew Glass [Google] [More] ⦿
Anne Alden [Google] [More] ⦿
Anshuman Pandey [Google] [More] ⦿
Anthony Neil Dart [Google] [More] ⦿
archaic [Peter R. Wilson] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ariel Chan [Google] [More] ⦿
Arlinda Lalaj [Google] [More] ⦿
Art Chantry [Google] [More] ⦿
Ashleigh Darby [Google] [More] ⦿
Ashley Evan Pond [AEP (or: An Elektrum Press)] [More] ⦿
Ashley Hjalseth [Google] [More] ⦿
Ashley Jhaveri [Google] [More] ⦿
Aure Font Design [Aurora Isaac] [Google] [More] ⦿
Aurora Isaac [Aure Font Design] [More] ⦿
Austin Dailey [Google] [More] ⦿
Azalea Software [Jerry Whiting] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ben Bauermeister [ElseWare Corporation] [More] ⦿
Ben Ramer [Google] [More] ⦿
Benjamin Harthun [Google] [More] ⦿
Benny Mamani [Google] [More] ⦿
Bill Duncan [G. William Music Production] [More] ⦿
Bill Tchakirides [UTF Type Foundry] [More] ⦿
Bobby Rice [Google] [More] ⦿
Bookhands [Peter R. Wilson] [Google] [More] ⦿
Borges Lettering (was: CBdO Fonts Foundry) [Charles Borges de Oliveira] [Google] [More] ⦿
Bowfin Printworks [Mike Yanega] [Google] [More] ⦿
Brandice Baggarley [Google] [More] ⦿
Brandon Conboy [Google] [More] ⦿
Brianna Schulz [Google] [More] ⦿
Bronson Folz-Edwards [Google] [More] ⦿
Bruce Hale [Google] [More] ⦿
Cale Burr [Cerebral Art Lab] [More] ⦿
Carlie Penning [Google] [More] ⦿
Carly Allred [Google] [More] ⦿
Carolyn Wassmer [Google] [More] ⦿
Carolyn X. Yang [Google] [More] ⦿
Cartoon Link [Stu Heinecke] [Google] [More] ⦿
Cassidy Billie [Google] [More] ⦿
Cassie Thomsen [Google] [More] ⦿
Cerebral Art Lab [Cale Burr] [Google] [More] ⦿
Charles Borges de Oliveira [Borges Lettering (was: CBdO Fonts Foundry)] [More] ⦿
Charles Ramsey [Google] [More] ⦿
Charles Whiteside [Google] [More] ⦿
Chieu Van [Google] [More] ⦿
Chris Ballasiotes [Studio De Luz] [More] ⦿
Chymerick Digisign [Google] [More] ⦿
Connie Scoble [Google] [More] ⦿
Craig Watjen [Google] [More] ⦿
Creative Toucan (was: Leo Supply Co) [Leonard Posavec] [Google] [More] ⦿
Dana Pride [Google] [More] ⦿
Daniel Held [Google] [More] ⦿
Daniella Spinat [Google] [More] ⦿
Darren McArdel [Google] [More] ⦿
Dave Howell [Google] [More] ⦿
David M [Google] [More] ⦿
David Phillips [Radar Design] [More] ⦿
David Phillips [Komet & Flicker (was: StockBucket)] [More] ⦿
David Siegel [Google] [More] ⦿
David Thometz [David Thometz Design] [More] ⦿
David Thometz Design [David Thometz] [Google] [More] ⦿
DB Thai Text [Google] [More] ⦿
Derrick Jackson [Google] [More] ⦿
Devon DeLapp [Google] [More] ⦿
Digital Type Foundry [James Banner] [Google] [More] ⦿
Doug Fast [Google] [More] ⦿
Doug Keith [Google] [More] ⦿
Doug Penick [Google] [More] ⦿
Doug Sheets [Google] [More] ⦿
Dulce Flores [Google] [More] ⦿
Dustin Smith [Google] [More] ⦿
EFI Home Page (Educational Fontware) [Google] [More] ⦿
Einar Gylfason [Google] [More] ⦿
Ekloff Design (was: Liquid Parallax) [Joseph Ekloff] [Google] [More] ⦿
Elchin Panahov [Fonteca] [More] ⦿
Eli Heuer [Google] [More] ⦿
Eli T. Evans [Logos Bible Software] [More] ⦿
ElseWare Corporation [Ben Bauermeister] [Google] [More] ⦿
Emerald City Fontworks [Steven J. Lundeen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Emilee Higgins [Google] [More] ⦿
Eric Stevens [Tower of Babel] [More] ⦿
Erik Kennedy [Google] [More] ⦿
Fanny Luor [Google] [More] ⦿
fontdue [Google] [More] ⦿
Fonteca [Elchin Panahov] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fontologie [Google] [More] ⦿
Fontroduction [Ian Obermuller] [Google] [More] ⦿
FontSite [Sean Cavanaugh] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fort Foundry [Mattox Shuler] [Google] [More] ⦿
Fraction Fonts (or: Northwest Web Works) [Google] [More] ⦿
Fran Berney [Google] [More] ⦿
Frankie Benka [Google] [More] ⦿
Frans Velthuis [Google] [More] ⦿
Free Movie Themed Fonts [Tober Welsh] [Google] [More] ⦿
G. William Music Production [Bill Duncan] [Google] [More] ⦿
Gabriel Moats [Google] [More] ⦿
Gabriel Santos Salvador [Google] [More] ⦿
Garrett Boge [Google] [More] ⦿
Garrett Boge [LetterPerfect] [More] ⦿
George Harmon [Google] [More] ⦿
Gilbert Van Citters [Google] [More] ⦿
Glasshouse DF [Google] [More] ⦿
Glenn Pajarito [Google] [More] ⦿
Graticle [Shawn Hooghkirk] [Google] [More] ⦿
Grey Fortress Ent [Lesley McGrew] [Google] [More] ⦿
Han-Yi Shaw [HYS Design] [More] ⦿
Happy Heart Fonts [Google] [More] ⦿
Harvey Tonkin [Harvey&Karen Tonkin] [More] ⦿
Harvey&Karen Tonkin [Harvey Tonkin] [Google] [More] ⦿
Hold Fast Foundry [Mattox Shuler] [Google] [More] ⦿
Honnah Weber [Google] [More] ⦿
HYS Design [Han-Yi Shaw] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ian Obermuller [Fontroduction] [More] ⦿
Ibycus [Pierre MacKay] [Google] [More] ⦿
Indestructible Type [Owen Earl] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ireland Wheeler [Google] [More] ⦿
Iskra Johnson [Google] [More] ⦿
Jack A. Gardner [Jackson's Lettering] [More] ⦿
Jack Bloom [Google] [More] ⦿
Jackson's Lettering [Jack A. Gardner] [Google] [More] ⦿
Jake Lunde [Google] [More] ⦿
James Banner [Digital Type Foundry] [More] ⦿
James Lafuente [Google] [More] ⦿
Jason R. Welter [Google] [More] ⦿
Jason Zagreab [Google] [More] ⦿
Jayme Yen [Google] [More] ⦿
Jeff Davis [Google] [More] ⦿
Jeff Woodley [Google] [More] ⦿
Jennifer Kennard [Google] [More] ⦿
Jeremy Bowen [seven eight] [More] ⦿
Jerry Whiting [Azalea Software] [More] ⦿
Jesse J. Anderson [Google] [More] ⦿
Jesse Thomas [Google] [More] ⦿
Jessica Davis [Google] [More] ⦿
Jessica Gordon [Google] [More] ⦿
Jessica McCarty [Rare Bird Font Foundry] [More] ⦿
Jim O'Bryan [Aartvark Graphics] [More] ⦿
Joe Dolack [Google] [More] ⦿
Joel Decker [Google] [More] ⦿
John D. Berry [Google] [More] ⦿
John Downer [Google] [More] ⦿
John Merrifield [Stiff Upper Glyph] [More] ⦿
Jonathan Ball [Google] [More] ⦿
Jordan Kay Phillip [Google] [More] ⦿
Joseph Ekloff [Ekloff Design (was: Liquid Parallax)] [More] ⦿
Joseph Steck [Rocketroom] [More] ⦿
Josh Oakley [Google] [More] ⦿
Juliet Shen [Shen Design] [More] ⦿
Karen Cheng [Google] [More] ⦿
Karl Leuthold [Google] [More] ⦿
Karthesios [Google] [More] ⦿
Kat Wang [Google] [More] ⦿
Kelly Hobkirk [Typekirk] [More] ⦿
Kendra Aldrich [Google] [More] ⦿
Kerrie Carbary [Turtle Arts Fonts] [More] ⦿
Kevin Chang [Google] [More] ⦿
Kevin Larson [Google] [More] ⦿
Khaito Gengo [Google] [More] ⦿
Kim Carney [Google] [More] ⦿
Kimmy Design [Kimmy Kirkwood] [Google] [More] ⦿
Kimmy Kirkwood [Kimmy Design] [More] ⦿
Kitabat Arabic Calligraphy and Typography Conference [Google] [More] ⦿
Komet & Flicker (was: StockBucket) [David Phillips] [Google] [More] ⦿
Kyle Gonzales Leitch [Google] [More] ⦿
La Seoha [Google] [More] ⦿
Lacey Verhalen [Google] [More] ⦿
Larry Anderson [Google] [More] ⦿
LaserTamil [Google] [More] ⦿
Laura Worthington [Laura Worthington Design] [More] ⦿
Laura Worthington Design [Laura Worthington] [Google] [More] ⦿
Laurel Fisher [Google] [More] ⦿
Leif Giering [Google] [More] ⦿
Leksen Design [Andrea Leksen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Leonard Posavec [Creative Toucan (was: Leo Supply Co)] [More] ⦿
Lesley McGrew [Grey Fortress Ent] [More] ⦿
Leslie Badani [Google] [More] ⦿
LetterPerfect [Garrett Boge] [Google] [More] ⦿
Linguist Software [Google] [More] ⦿
Linguist's Software [Google] [More] ⦿
Lloyd M. Kelchner [Google] [More] ⦿
Logos Bible Software [Eli T. Evans] [Google] [More] ⦿
Lost Type [Tyler Galpin] [Google] [More] ⦿
Lou Stone [Google] [More] ⦿
Lyle Zapato [ZPi Fonts (or: Zapato Productions)] [More] ⦿
Madison Angus [Google] [More] ⦿
Maged Abdelsalam [Google] [More] ⦿
Mamoun Sakkal [Sakkal Design] [More] ⦿
Maria Reisinger [Google] [More] ⦿
Marisol Ortega [Google] [More] ⦿
Mark Popich--Dan Saimo [Google] [More] ⦿
Martin P. Pfeiffer [Scooter Graphics (Fonts by Marty Pfeiffer)] [More] ⦿
Mattox Shuler [Fort Foundry] [More] ⦿
Mattox Shuler [Hold Fast Foundry] [More] ⦿
Megan Mudge [Google] [More] ⦿
Melinda Boyle [Pictifont] [More] ⦿
Mia Wibberley [Google] [More] ⦿
Michael Fournier [Google] [More] ⦿
Michael Montoure [Google] [More] ⦿
Microsoft [Google] [More] ⦿
Mike Fretto [Google] [More] ⦿
Mike Yanega [Bowfin Printworks] [More] ⦿
Mits Katayama [Google] [More] ⦿
Molly Boyd [Google] [More] ⦿
Morgan Lynch [Google] [More] ⦿
Nate Nielson [Google] [More] ⦿
Nathan Watkins [Google] [More] ⦿
Nerd Fonts (or: Ryanoasis) [Ryan L. McIntyre] [Google] [More] ⦿
Nick Mann [Google] [More] ⦿
Nick Moore [Google] [More] ⦿
Nick Stewart [Vanguard Design Co] [More] ⦿
Nicola Scutt [Google] [More] ⦿
Nicole Eberhart [Google] [More] ⦿
Nikala Bond [Google] [More] ⦿
Owen Earl [The Cowboy Collective] [More] ⦿
Owen Earl [Indestructible Type] [More] ⦿
Pablo Airth [Google] [More] ⦿
Patrick Perkins [Google] [More] ⦿
Paula Lavalle [Google] [More] ⦿
Perdita Goodenow [Google] [More] ⦿
Peter R. Wilson [Bookhands] [More] ⦿
Peter R. Wilson [archaic] [More] ⦿
Philip Barton Payne [Google] [More] ⦿
Philip Glenn [Google] [More] ⦿
Pictifont [Melinda Boyle] [Google] [More] ⦿
Pierre A. MacKay [Google] [More] ⦿
Pierre MacKay [Ibycus] [More] ⦿
Radar Design [David Phillips] [Google] [More] ⦿
Randy Willoughby [Google] [More] ⦿
Raphael Boguslav [Google] [More] ⦿
Rare Bird Font Foundry [Jessica McCarty] [Google] [More] ⦿
Riley Cran [Google] [More] ⦿
Robert Keding [The TypeGuy Font Studio] [More] ⦿
Rocketroom [Joseph Steck] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ross F. George [Ross F. George: Speedball 10 (1927)] [More] ⦿
Ross F. George [Google] [More] ⦿
Ross F. George: Speedball 10 (1927) [Ross F. George] [Google] [More] ⦿
Ryan L. McIntyre [Nerd Fonts (or: Ryanoasis)] [More] ⦿
Ryan Ogborn [Google] [More] ⦿
Ryan Smith [Google] [More] ⦿
Saja TypeWorks [Aaron Bell] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sakkal Design [Mamoun Sakkal] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sakkal Design [Google] [More] ⦿
Samantha Tait [Google] [More] ⦿
Sarah Paulhus [Google] [More] ⦿
Scooter Graphics (Fonts by Marty Pfeiffer) [Martin P. Pfeiffer] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sean Cavanaugh [FontSite] [More] ⦿
Sean Cavanaugh [Google] [More] ⦿
Setion Branko [Google] [More] ⦿
seven eight [Jeremy Bowen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Shannon Renee [Google] [More] ⦿
Shaun Carson Kennedy [Google] [More] ⦿
Shawn Hooghkirk [Graticle] [More] ⦿
Shen Design [Juliet Shen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sienna Gray [Google] [More] ⦿
Simon Daniels [Google] [More] ⦿
Stacy Kendra [Google] [More] ⦿
Steven J. Lundeen [Emerald City Fontworks] [More] ⦿
Stiff Upper Glyph [John Merrifield] [Google] [More] ⦿
Stine Hansen [Google] [More] ⦿
Stu Heinecke [Cartoon Link] [More] ⦿
Studio De Luz [Chris Ballasiotes] [Google] [More] ⦿
Sue Lang [Google] [More] ⦿
Susan Evans [Google] [More] ⦿
Susannah Brinkley [Google] [More] ⦿
Tara Irene Martin-Chen [Google] [More] ⦿
The Cowboy Collective [Owen Earl] [Google] [More] ⦿
The TypeGuy Font Studio [Robert Keding] [Google] [More] ⦿
Thomas Phinney [Google] [More] ⦿
Thomas Ridgeway [Google] [More] ⦿
Tiago Figueiredo [Google] [More] ⦿
Tim Degner [Google] [More] ⦿
Tim Girvin [Google] [More] ⦿
Tober Welsh [Free Movie Themed Fonts] [More] ⦿
Toto Ng [Google] [More] ⦿
Tower of Babel [Eric Stevens] [Google] [More] ⦿
Tracey Coon [Google] [More] ⦿
Traci Daberko [Google] [More] ⦿
Turtle Arts Fonts [Kerrie Carbary] [Google] [More] ⦿
Tyler Galpin [Lost Type] [More] ⦿
Type Americana 2 [Google] [More] ⦿
TypeCon 2007 [Google] [More] ⦿
TypeCon 2016 [Google] [More] ⦿
TypeCon venues [Google] [More] ⦿
Typekirk [Kelly Hobkirk] [Google] [More] ⦿
Typographic Principles [Google] [More] ⦿
UTF Type Foundry [Bill Tchakirides] [Google] [More] ⦿
Van Anderson [Google] [More] ⦿
Vanguard Design Co [Nick Stewart] [Google] [More] ⦿
Videogame Text [Zach Whalen] [Google] [More] ⦿
Vince Connare [Vincent Connare] [Google] [More] ⦿
Vincent Connare [Vince Connare] [More] ⦿
Waner Deng [Google] [More] ⦿
Weston Vierregger [Google] [More] ⦿
Yachung Peng [Google] [More] ⦿
Yahya Said [Google] [More] ⦿
Zach Whalen [Videogame Text] [More] ⦿
Zooey Ingles [Google] [More] ⦿
ZPi Fonts (or: Zapato Productions) [Lyle Zapato] [Google] [More] ⦿