TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:14:57 EDT 2025






PR Fonts [Peter Rempel]

Peter Rempel (b. 1958) is a Winnipeg-based calligrapher. Nice graphic about classical roman types. He designed some exquisite shareware fonts: PR Uncial Creepy (2010), PR Agamemnon Bold (2008), PR-Uncial (2003), PR-UncialAltCapsExtended, PR-UncialAlternateCapitals (1998), Demo-ofGabrielCondensed, Demo-ofGabrielRegular, Demo-version:Gabrielextended, PR-CelticNarrow (1998), Magickal Signs, PR Runes (2000), PR Rune Stones (2000), Pi Rho Runestones (1998), PR Astrological (1998), PR Compass Rose (2007), PR Viking (2007; +Alternates) and Pirho Herakles (1998, an Etruscan-style or Greek simulation font). In preparation: PR Alchemyst, PR Snaggly, PR Monk's Holiday.

He writes about himself: educated in music composition and visual design. In his family home, there were many wall plaques with German Bible verses, rendered in a variety of gothic and fraktur lettering styles. In the 1980s he discovered the art of calligraphy, first through the speedball lettering textbook, and later by joining the calligraphers Guild of Manitoba. He has studied a variety of lettering styles, but his strongest interest is in the letter styles of the Middle Ages, starting with the German Fraktur styles he knew from childhood, and extending back, into uncials, runic shapes, and the Classical Roman Letter. The Chancery cursive, or Italic hand, which to many people is synonymous with calligraphy, never held much interest for him. He released his first shareware fonts in 1996.

In 2010, he went partially commercial. His first pay font is PR Pointers (2010, an arrows font).

In 2011, he designed the commercial typefaces PR Mapping and PR Stars.

In 2012, he published PR Arco (arcs for framing curved lines of text, in a style common on Victorian posters and almanac covers) and PR Hydra (a Greek simulation font).

Typefaces from 2013 include PR Snowflakes 01, PR Bramble Wood 1 and 2, PR Valendoodle 01 (Valentine's Day ornaments), PR Swirlies (in series numbered 01 through 13), PR Swirlies Frames, PR HallowDoodles (Halloween dingbats), PR Nouveau Ornaments (art nouveau), PR Viking (a rune simulation face), PR Foxtail 01, PR Foxtail 02, PR Scrolls 03, 04 and 05 (2014), PR Sprucewood (2014), PR Swells One (2014), PR Xmas Doodles (2014), PR Hearts Take Wing 01, PR Mysticon 01 (star dingbats), PR Pointers 01 (arrows), PR Valknut (Norse god symbolism), PR Scrolls, PR Uncial (1998), PR Dim Sum (brush face), PR Columban (a Celtic uncial, named after Irish monk Columbanus), PR Columbian.

Typefaces from 2014: PR Cauldron (a scary Celtic style font), Vanaheim (a flared display typeface influenced by Nordic runes).

Typefaces from 2015: PR Hallow Doodles 03, PR Ex Cathedra (Trajan capitals).

MyFonts link. MyFonts foundry link. Klingspor link. Fontsy link. Dafont link. Castles&Crypts link.

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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Celtic/Gaelic fonts ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Rune fonts ⦿ The Canadian type scene ⦿ Astrological (or Zodiac) fonts ⦿ Old Italic Fonts ⦿ Stone age fonts ⦿ Greek simulation fonts ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Typefaces with arrows ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Typefaces for alchemy ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Rune simulation fonts ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Valentine's Day Fonts ⦿ Snowflake fonts ⦿ Christmas / Season's Fonts ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿

file name: Peter Rempel P R Viking 2007d

file name: Peter Rempel P R Viking 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Viking Alternates 2007

file name: Peter Rempel Pirho Herakles

file name: Peter Rempel P R Vanaheim 2014

file name: Peter Rempel P R Vanaheim 2014b

file name: Peter Rempel P R Vanaheim 2014c

file name: Peter Rempel P R Ex Cathedra 2015

file name: Peter Rempel P R Cauldron 2014

file name: Peter Rempel P R Sprucewood01 2014

file name: Peter Rempel P R Snowflakes01 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Hallow Doodles01 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Hallow Doodles01 2013b

file name: P R Fonts P R Hallow Doodles03 2015 192735

file name: Peter Rempel P R Nouveau Ornaments01 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Swirlies01 2013

file name: P R Fonts P R Swirlies13 2015 178864

file name: P R Fonts P R Swirlies13 2015

file name: Peter Rempel P R Swirlies02 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Swirlies04 2014

file name: Peter Rempel P R Swirlies09 2014

file name: Peter Rempel P R Swirlies11 2014

file name: Peter Rempel P R Hydra 2012

file name: Peter Rempel P R Hydra 2012b

file name: Peter Rempel P R Scrolls 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Columbian 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Columbian 2013b

file name: Peter Rempel P R Columban 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Columban 2013b

file name: Peter Rempel P R Mysticon01 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Pointers01 2013

file name: Peter Rempel P R Dim Sum 2013

file name: Peter Rempel Uncial K A D

file name: Peter Rempel P R Viking 2007

file name: Peter Rempel On Classical Roman Types

file name: Peter Rempel P R Astrological 1998

file name: Peter Rempel P R Celtoc Narrow Normal 1998

file name: Peter Rempel P R Uncial 2003

file name: Peter Rempel P R Uncial 1998c

file name: Peter Rempel P R Uncial 1998

file name: Peter Rempel P R Uncial 1998b

file name: Peter Rempel P R Uncial Alt Caps 1998

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html