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100types [Ben Archer]
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38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources) [Muhammad Ridha Agusni]
[More] ⦿
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ABC Types Collection (was: ABC Types, Absolutetype) [Tony Mayers]
[More] ⦿
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Affolter und Gschwind AG [Werner Affolter]
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Alexandr Galuzin [Alexandr Galuzin (was: Tangramus)]
[More] ⦿
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Alexandr Galuzin (was: Tangramus) [Alexandr Galuzin]
[More] ⦿
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Alfred Riedel
[More] ⦿
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Allouse Studio [Fachrizal Yusuf]
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Alois Ritter Auer von Welsbach [Google]
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Alphabets Inc (or: Fontsonline.com) [Peter Fraterdeus]
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Alphabetum [Juan-José Marcos García]
[More] ⦿
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Alter Littera [José Alberto Mauricio]
[More] ⦿
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Alvaro De Amicis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Amsterdam Continental Types and Graphic Equipment Co. [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Höfeld [Fontgrube AH]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Seidel [astype.de (or: Astype)]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Stötzner [SIAS (or: Signographical Institute Andreas Stötzner)]
[More] ⦿
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Andrei Nesterov [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrew Berry [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andy Benedek [Font Factory]
[More] ⦿
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Annette Ward [PC Crafters (was: Provo Craft)]
[More] ⦿
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Anthony Nash [Classic Font Company]
[More] ⦿
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Aon Celtic Art [Cari Buziak]
[More] ⦿
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Apostrophic Laboratory [Fredrick M. Nader]
[More] ⦿
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Arthur Baker [Arthur Baker Designs (or: Glyph Systems)]
[More] ⦿
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Arthur Baker Designs (or: Glyph Systems) [Arthur Baker]
[More] ⦿
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Arthur Schuricht [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Arty Type [James Marsh]
[More] ⦿
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Ashley Muir
[More] ⦿
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Astigmatic One Eye [Brian J. Bonislawsky]
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astype.de (or: Astype) [Andreas Seidel]
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ATRI [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin [Google]
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Aure Font Design [Aurora Isaac]
[More] ⦿
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Aurora Isaac [Aure Font Design]
[More] ⦿
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Axel Leyer [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Archer [100types]
[More] ⦿
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Betatype [Christian Robertson]
[More] ⦿
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Bill Horton [Foster and Horton]
[More] ⦿
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Bjorn Capens [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bo Berndal
[More] ⦿
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Bookhands [Peter R. Wilson]
[More] ⦿
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Boris Kahl
[More] ⦿
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Brendan Leen [Four centuries of printing in the Irish character]
[More] ⦿
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Brenden C. Roemich [Digital Graphic Labs]
[More] ⦿
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Brett Naughton [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brian J. Bonislawsky [Astigmatic One Eye]
[More] ⦿
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Bruno Aedys Camargo [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cabarga type (was: Flashfonts) [Leslie Cabarga]
[More] ⦿
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Cari Buziak [Aon Celtic Art]
[More] ⦿
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Carter Scholz [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Casady&Greene (Fluentlaserfonts) [Terry Kunysz]
[More] ⦿
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CAT Design Wolgast [Peter Wiegel]
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Catharsis [Christian "Cinga" Thalmann]
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Celtic fonts at Scriptorium [Google]
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Celtic Fonts by the Celtic Lady [Susan Zalusky]
[More] ⦿
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Châteaux Celtes et Chimères [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Brand
[More] ⦿
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Christian "Cinga" Thalmann [Catharsis]
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Christian Robertson [Betatype]
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Chuck Davis [Letterhead Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Ciarán Ó Duibhín [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Clare Bell [Google]
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Classic Font Company [Anthony Nash]
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Claude Médiavilla
[More] ⦿
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Coen Hofmann
[More] ⦿
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Contrafonts (or: Frutitype; was: Sindicato de la Imagen, or: Cooperativa de Fundicion Tipografica) [Joaquín (jko) Contreras]
[More] ⦿
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Coron's Sources of Fonts [Google]
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Coruja do Norte [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cyrus Highsmith [Occupant Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Dan M. Zadorozny [Iconian Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Dan Reynolds [TypeOff]
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Dan Smith's Fantasy Fonts for Windows [Daniel Steven Smith]
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Dan X. Solo [Solotype]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Mellis [Google]
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Daniel Reeve
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Steven Smith [Dan Smith's Fantasy Fonts for Windows]
[More] ⦿
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Darrell Flood [Google]
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Das Nest der Qualle [Ren Kiryu]
[More] ⦿
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David Bergsland [Hackberry Font Foundry (Was: NuevoDeco Typography, or: Bergsland Design)]
[More] ⦿
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David Fleming Nalle [Scriptorium (Ragnarok Press, Fontcraft)]
[More] ⦿
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David Kerkhoff [Hanoded]
[More] ⦿
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David Kettlewell [New Renaissance Fonts (was: New Fontografia, or: David's Fontografia 2006)]
[More] ⦿
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David Pankow [Google]
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David Thometz [David Thometz Design]
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David Thometz Design [David Thometz]
[More] ⦿
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David Works [Google]
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D.C. Scarpelli [The Ampersand Forest]
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Deffeyes Design [Steve Deffeyes]
[More] ⦿
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Delve Fonts (was: Delve Media Arts) [Delve Withrington]
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Delve Withrington [Delve Fonts (was: Delve Media Arts)]
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Denis A. Serikov [OT Lab]
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Dennis Ludlow [Sharkshock]
[More] ⦿
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Dick Pape [Dick Pape: Initials]
[More] ⦿
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Dick Pape [Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces]
[More] ⦿
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Dick Pape: Initials [Dick Pape]
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Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces [Dick Pape]
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Die Entwicklung unserer Schrift [Peter Doerling]
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Diego Aravena Silo [Without Foundry (or W Foundry; was: Diego Aravena)]
[More] ⦿
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Dieter Steffmann [Google]
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Digital Graphic Labs [Brenden C. Roemich]
[More] ⦿
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Dima Pole [Slovolitni de Grande Tartaria]
[More] ⦿
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Dino Art Corporation [Google]
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djr [Google]
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Doug Larson [Illustration Ink (was: Lettering Delights)]
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Doyald Young [Doyald Young: Logotypes and Letterforms]
[More] ⦿
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Doyald Young: Logotypes and Letterforms [Doyald Young]
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Dubina Nikolay [Intertype Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Edgard Rupel [Google]
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Edmund Fry
[More] ⦿
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Edward Johnston
[More] ⦿
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Edy Type [Ricardo Victor Rousselot Schmitt]
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Eko Setiawan [Emyself Design]
[More] ⦿
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Electric Typographer [Judith Sutcliffe]
[More] ⦿
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Eli T. Evans [Logos Bible Software]
[More] ⦿
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Emyself Design [Eko Setiawan]
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Ernst Bentele
[More] ⦿
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Evertype (was: Everson Typography) [Michael Everson]
[More] ⦿
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Fabian Dornhecker [La Bolde Vita]
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Fabian Pfeifhofer [Protofonts (and Loosy Design)]
[More] ⦿
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Fachrizal Yusuf [Allouse Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Facundo Beccaglia [Google]
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Feòrag NìcBhrìde [Feorag's Place]
[More] ⦿
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Feorag's Place [Feòrag NìcBhrìde]
[More] ⦿
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Fergus Costello Studios [Pádraig McCarthy]
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Finaltype [Hans Heitmann]
[More] ⦿
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Fine Fonts
[More] ⦿
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Font Factory [Andy Benedek]
[More] ⦿
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Fontek (Letraset Fontek) [Google]
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Fontgrube AH [Andreas Höfeld]
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Fontmunkások [Gábor Kóthay]
[More] ⦿
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FontSite [Sean Cavanaugh]
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Foster and Horton [Bill Horton]
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Four centuries of printing in the Irish character [Brendan Leen]
[More] ⦿
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Frank Chouteau Brown [Google]
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Frantisek Storm [Storm Type Foundry]
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Frederic William Goudy [Goudy's typefaces]
[More] ⦿
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Fredrick M. Nader [Apostrophic Laboratory]
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Free Celtic Fonts [Google]
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Friar [Google]
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Fritter Donut [Google]
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Fundicion Tipografica Richard Gans [Richard Gans]
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Gábor Kóthay [Fontmunkások]
[More] ⦿
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Gaelchló [Vincent Morley]
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Gaelic [Google]
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Gaelic Typefaces: History and Classification [Michael Everson]
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Galaxie Software (or: Biblescript) [Google]
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Ganlo R. Ithsm [Xenophilius]
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Geo Ben [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Geoff Anderson [Sparklefonts]
[More] ⦿
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George Douros [Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts]
[More] ⦿
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George Petrie [Google]
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George Williams [Google]
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Gerhard Helzel [Google]
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Gilles Le Corre [GLC --- Gilles Le Corre]
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Giraldo Fernandes de Prado [Google]
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GLC --- Gilles Le Corre [Gilles Le Corre]
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Godelief Tielens [Kalligarfie 't Veertje]
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Gothic uncial [Google]
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Goudy's typefaces [Frederic William Goudy]
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Greek Uncial fonts [Google]
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Grover Foundry [Thomas Grover]
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Günter Gerhard Lange
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Hackberry Font Foundry (Was: NuevoDeco Typography, or: Bergsland Design) [David Bergsland]
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Half Uncial English [Google]
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Hanoded [David Kerkhoff]
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Hans Heitmann [Finaltype]
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Hans van Leeuwen [Visualogik Technology & Design]
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Harold Lohner [Harold's Fonts]
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Harold's Fonts [Harold Lohner]
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Henric Pieterszoon Lettersnijder [Google]
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Herman Miller [Google]
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Hermann Zapf
[More] ⦿
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Historical Gaelic metal fonts [Google]
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History of gothic [Google]
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Hoefler (was: Hoefler&Frere-Jones, and Hoefler Type Foundry) [Jonathan Hoefler]
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Horacio Duek [Google]
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HT Enhanced [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hugo Dumont [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hunt Brothers [Walter Bernard "Ben" Hunt]
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HypoTypo [Google]
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Ian Lynam [Wordshape]
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Ian Lynam
[More] ⦿
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Iconian Fonts [Dan M. Zadorozny]
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Illustration Ink (was: Lettering Delights) [Doug Larson]
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Intertype Studio [Dubina Nikolay]
[More] ⦿
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Iryna Trigubova [Red Ink]
[More] ⦿
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Iza Wilma Lima Peixoto
[More] ⦿
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Jacek Machowski [Macha]
[More] ⦿
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Jack Kilmon [Jack's Scribal and Epigraphic Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Jack's Scribal and Epigraphic Fonts [Jack Kilmon]
[More] ⦿
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James Marsh [Arty Type]
[More] ⦿
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Jana Horackova [Google]
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Janno Hahn [Google]
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JC Fonts [Joël Carrouché]
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Jeffrey Glen Jackson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jerry Landers [Mouser Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Jim Lyles [Stiggy & Sands]
[More] ⦿
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Jimmy Adair [Scholars Press]
[More] ⦿
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Joao Henrique Lopes
[More] ⦿
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Joaquín (jko) Contreras [Contrafonts (or: Frutitype; was: Sindicato de la Imagen, or: Cooperativa de Fundicion Tipografica)]
[More] ⦿
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Jobst-Hartmut Lueddecke [Metafont Quellen]
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Joelle's Font Collection [Google]
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Joël Carrouché [JC Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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John H. Schmidt [Neurological Associates Inc]
[More] ⦿
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John Nahmias [Jonah Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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John R. Scotford [Google]
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John Spencer [Google]
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Jonah Fonts [John Nahmias]
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Jonathan Hoefler [Hoefler (was: Hoefler&Frere-Jones, and Hoefler Type Foundry)]
[More] ⦿
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José Alberto Mauricio [Alter Littera]
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Joseph Moulton Jaquinta Grant [Google]
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Journal of Biblical Studies [Google]
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Jovan Gavrilovic [Google]
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Juan de Iciar [Google]
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Juan Diego López Medina [Google]
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Juan-José Marcos García [Alphabetum]
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Judith Sutcliffe [Electric Typographer]
[More] ⦿
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Jules Durand [Google]
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Julius de Goede
[More] ⦿
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Kalligarfie 't Veertje [Godelief Tielens]
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Karin Skoglund
[More] ⦿
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Karl Klingspor [Klingspor (or: Gebrüder Klingspor)]
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Karlgeorg Hoefer
[More] ⦿
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Kathryn Darnell
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keith [Google]
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Keith Bates [K-Type]
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Kiosk Works (or: Playfaces Type Foundry) [Google]
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Klaus-Peter Schaeffel [KPS Fonts]
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KLIM (or: Klim Type Foundry) [Kris Sowersby]
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Klingspor (or: Gebrüder Klingspor) [Karl Klingspor]
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Korvigelloù An Drouizig [Google]
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Korvigelloù An Drouizig (or: KAD) [Google]
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KPS Fonts [Klaus-Peter Schaeffel]
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Kris Sowersby [KLIM (or: Klim Type Foundry)]
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K-Type [Keith Bates]
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La Bolde Vita [Fabian Dornhecker]
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Lars Harmsen [Volcano Type (MAGMA)]
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Laurence Schall [Google]
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Lazar Dimitrijevic [Posterizer KG]
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Leslie Cabarga [Cabarga type (was: Flashfonts)]
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Leticia Fuentelsaz [Google]
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Letterhead Fonts [Chuck Davis]
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Logos Bible Software [Eli T. Evans]
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Lord Kyl's Medieval and Fantasy Fonts [Robert D. Anderson]
[More] ⦿
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Lorna Grace Vibert [Google]
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Lou Harrison [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Lucas Franco [Now Type]
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Ludwig Type [Ludwig Übele]
[More] ⦿
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Ludwig Übele [Ludwig Type]
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M. Moullet [Google]
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Macha [Jacek Machowski]
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Mad Irishman [Patrick Michael Murphy]
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Manfred Klein [TypOasis 2006]
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Manfred Klein [TypOasis 2005]
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Manfred Klein [Manfred Klein at Fontshop]
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Manfred Klein [Moksford]
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Manfred Klein [Typoasis output before 2001]
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Manfred Klein [TypOasis, 2002]
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Manfred Klein [Manfred Klein: Blackletter, Fraktur, Rotunda]
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Manfred Klein [Manfred Klein: Uncials]
[More] ⦿
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Manfred Klein [TypOasis 2004]
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Manfred Klein [Manfred Klein: Animals]
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Manfred Klein [TypOasis 2003]
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Manfred Klein: Animals [Manfred Klein]
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Manfred Klein at Fontshop [Manfred Klein]
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Manfred Klein: Blackletter, Fraktur, Rotunda [Manfred Klein]
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Manfred Klein: Uncials [Manfred Klein]
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Marin Santic
[More] ⦿
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Match Fonts [Michel Bujardet]
[More] ⦿
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Matthew Carter
[More] ⦿
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Maximiliano Sproviero [Sproviero Type (was: Lián Types)]
[More] ⦿
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McLetters Hand-Made Type [Tom McAuliffe]
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[More] ⦿
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Medieval Fonts [Peter Keel]
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Melinda Long [Google]
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Merce Vilchis Carmona [Google]
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Metafont Quellen [Jobst-Hartmut Lueddecke]
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Michael Biggs [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Everson [Gaelic Typefaces: History and Classification]
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Michael Everson [Evertype (was: Everson Typography)]
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Michael Gills [ULGA Type (was: Creative Goats)]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Parson [Typogama]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Scarpitti
[More] ⦿
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Michael White [Google]
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Michel Bujardet [Match Fonts]
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Moksford [Manfred Klein]
[More] ⦿
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Mouser Fonts [Jerry Landers]
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Muhammad Ridha Agusni [38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources)]
[More] ⦿
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MyFonts: Uncial typefaces [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nancy Lorenz [Google]
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Natan Sabatello [Google]
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Nate Nielson [Google]
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Neufville Digital
[More] ⦿
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Neurological Associates Inc [John H. Schmidt]
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New Renaissance Fonts (was: New Fontografia, or: David's Fontografia 2006) [David Kettlewell]
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Nick Curtis [Nick Curtis: Celtic or uncial typefaces]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Curtis: Celtic or uncial typefaces [Nick Curtis]
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Norbert Reiners
[More] ⦿
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Now Type [Lucas Franco]
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Nurron Shodiqin [Nurrontype (was: Neuron Neuron, or: Neuron Type)]
[More] ⦿
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Nurrontype (was: Neuron Neuron, or: Neuron Type) [Nurron Shodiqin]
[More] ⦿
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Occupant Fonts [Cyrus Highsmith]
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Oldrich Menhart
[More] ⦿
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Oldrich Menhart: Classification of blackletter types [Google]
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OSTYPE [Yury Ostromentsky]
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OT Lab [Denis A. Serikov]
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Pádraig McCarthy [Fergus Costello Studios]
[More] ⦿
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Patrick Griffin
[More] ⦿
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Patrick Michael Murphy [Mad Irishman]
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Paul Baker [Google]
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Paul Hayden Duensing [The Private Press and Type foundry]
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Paul Koch
[More] ⦿
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Paul Shaw [Google]
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Paulo Heitlinger [Google]
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Pavel Drakunov [Google]
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Pawel Burgiel
[More] ⦿
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PC Crafters (was: Provo Craft) [Annette Ward]
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Pedro Díaz Morante [Google]
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Peter Baker's old English page at the University of Virginia [Peter S. Baker]
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Peter Doerling [Die Entwicklung unserer Schrift]
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Peter Fraterdeus [Alphabets Inc (or: Fontsonline.com)]
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Peter Keel [Medieval Fonts]
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Peter Klassen [Google]
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Peter R. Wilson [Bookhands]
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Peter Rempel [PR Fonts]
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Peter S. Baker [Peter Baker's old English page at the University of Virginia]
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Peter von Zezschwitz [Zetafonts (Tangram Studio)]
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Peter Wiegel [CAT Design Wolgast]
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Philip Bouwsma
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Polina Loseva [Google]
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Pontifial de Metz [Google]
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Posterizer KG [Lazar Dimitrijevic]
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PR Fonts [Peter Rempel]
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Présence Typo [Thierry Puyfoulhoux]
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PrimaFont [Google]
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Protofonts (and Loosy Design) [Fabian Pfeifhofer]
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Rainer Will [Will Software]
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Ralph Michael Unger [RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign)]
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Ray Meadows
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Red Ink [Iryna Trigubova]
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Ren Kiryu [Das Nest der Qualle]
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René Ponot [Google]
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Rian Magee [Twinbrush Image Forge]
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Ricardo Victor Rousselot Schmitt [Edy Type]
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Richard Beatty [Google]
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Richard Gans [Fundicion Tipografica Richard Gans]
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Richard J. Bradley
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Richard Keith Frazine [Google]
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Richard William Mueller [Google]
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Richard Yeend
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Rick Lawrie [Google]
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Ritzy Spacedweller [rzy-- SD Fonts]
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RMU (Ralph Michael Unger Typedesign) [Ralph Michael Unger]
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Robert D. Anderson [Lord Kyl's Medieval and Fantasy Fonts]
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Robert Pfeffer [Google]
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Rocio Aballay Vidal [Google]
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Roger White [Google]
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Ron Ruedisueli [Sed4 Type Foundry (or: Sed4tives)]
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Ross F. George [Ross F. George: Speedball 10 (1927)]
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Ross F. George: Speedball 10 (1927) [Ross F. George]
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Rudolf Koch
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rzy-- SD Fonts [Ritzy Spacedweller]
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Salvador Rodriguez Lagos [Soda]
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ScanVec [Google]
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Scholars Press [Jimmy Adair]
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Schriftklassifikation nach DIN 16 518 [Google]
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Schuyler Shipley [Skyline Type Foundry]
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Scriptorium (Ragnarok Press, Fontcraft) [David Fleming Nalle]
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Sean Cavanaugh [FontSite]
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Sed4 Type Foundry (or: Sed4tives) [Ron Ruedisueli]
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Serbian Orthodox Church [Google]
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Shane Bonfield [Google]
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Sharkshock [Dennis Ludlow]
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SIAS (or: Signographical Institute Andreas Stötzner) [Andreas Stötzner]
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Silvio Napoleone
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Sjoerd Hendrik de Roos
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Skyline Type Foundry [Schuyler Shipley]
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Slovolitni de Grande Tartaria [Dima Pole]
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Soda [Salvador Rodriguez Lagos]
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Solotype [Dan X. Solo]
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Sparklefonts [Geoff Anderson]
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Sproviero Type (was: Lián Types) [Maximiliano Sproviero]
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Steve Deffeyes [Deffeyes Design]
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Steve Matteson
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Steven Skaggs
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Stiggy & Sands [Jim Lyles]
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Stone Type Foundry [Sumner Stone]
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Stonehenge [Google]
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Storm Type Foundry [Frantisek Storm]
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Sue Lang [Google]
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Sumner Stone [Stone Type Foundry]
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Susan Zalusky [Celtic Fonts by the Celtic Lady]
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Ted Staunton
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Terry Kunysz [Casady&Greene (Fluentlaserfonts)]
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The Ampersand Forest [D.C. Scarpelli]
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The Font Company [Google]
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The Gothic or Wulfilan alphabet [Google]
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The Paris Irish type [Google]
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The Private Press and Type foundry [Paul Hayden Duensing]
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Théo Guillard
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Thierry Puyfoulhoux [Présence Typo]
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Thomas E. Harvey [Google]
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Thomas Grover [Grover Foundry]
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Thomas Wood Stevens [Google]
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Tom McAuliffe [McLetters Hand-Made Type]
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Tony Fahy [Tony Fahy Font Foundry]
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Tony Fahy Font Foundry [Tony Fahy]
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Tony Mayers [ABC Types Collection (was: ABC Types, Absolutetype)]
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Torleiv Sverdrup
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Torsten Weisheit
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Twinbrush Image Forge [Rian Magee]
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Typedia: Typeface classification [Google]
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TypeOff [Dan Reynolds]
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TypOasis, 2002 [Manfred Klein]
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TypOasis 2003 [Manfred Klein]
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TypOasis 2004 [Manfred Klein]
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TypOasis 2005 [Manfred Klein]
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TypOasis 2006 [Manfred Klein]
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TypOasis: Christmas Fonts [Google]
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Typoasis output before 2001 [Manfred Klein]
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Typogama [Michael Parson]
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ULGA Type (was: Creative Goats) [Michael Gills]
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Uncial Letters [Google]
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Une petite histoire de la calligraphie [Google]
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Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts [George Douros]
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URW Type Foundrty (was: urw++)
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Valérie de Berardinis [Google]
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Victor Hammer
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Victor Kuchmin [Google]
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Victoria Castro [Google]
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Viktor Kharyk
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Vincent Morley [Gaelchló]
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Visualogik Technology & Design [Hans van Leeuwen]
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Volcano Type (MAGMA) [Lars Harmsen]
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Vsevolod Buravchenko [Google]
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Vyaz [Google]
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Walter Bernard "Ben" Hunt [Hunt Brothers]
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Walter Friedrich Haettenschweiler
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Werner Affolter [Affolter und Gschwind AG]
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Wilhelm Woellmer [Google]
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Will Software [Rainer Will]
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William Addison Dwiggins
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William Boyd [Google]
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William Hoyt Worrell [Google]
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William Leverette [Google]
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Without Foundry (or W Foundry; was: Diego Aravena) [Diego Aravena Silo]
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Wojciech Kalinowski [Google]
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Wordshape [Ian Lynam]
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Xenophilius [Ganlo R. Ithsm]
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Yellowyellow [Google]
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Yevhenii Melnychuk [Google]
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Yury Ostromentsky [OSTYPE]
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Yury Sokolnikov [Google]
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Zetafonts (Tangram Studio) [Peter von Zezschwitz]
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