TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:05 EDT 2025






HS Fonts (was: HermesSoft Type Library) [Ivan Neytchev]

Company and font vendor run by Ivan Neytchev from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, which was founded in 1989. The fonts are designed by a team of Bulgarian type designers who used to work for Monotype in the 1980s. Makers of high quality (expensive) Cyrillic, Western, Greek, Central European, and Baltic typefaces, plus multiple master fonts.

Discussion of some typefaces: Universum MM: Free demo of a limited character set of the new Universum multiple master font, developed by HermesSoft. They also made the sans serif font Grotesk MM.

Note: Most fonts were made in 2004 and 2005. Some can be found now on standard font archives, such as Helen BG (a Helvetica clone by Vassil Nikolov).

The font list: Bell House Bg, Brilliant Bg (a very nice didone; closest to Berthgold or URW Bodoni), Egyptian Bg, Erika Bg, Fresco Bg, Grotesk Bg, Helen2 Bg, Helen Bg (2004), Hermes Bg, Helen Pro, HS Compact Bg (close to Nimbus Sans Cond Black by URW++), HS Garamond Bg, KK3045 Bg, M06 Bg, Platinum Bg, Renault Bg, School Bg, Tempora Bg, Universum Bg, Viol Bg.

In 2020, they started selling fonts via MyFonts. The fonts there include KK3045 Pro by Kuncho Kunev.

HS Fonts (was: HermesSoft Type Library)
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type design in Bulgaria ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿

file name: H S Fonts K K3045 Pro 2020 1

file name: H S Fonts K K3045 Pro 2020 2

file name: H S Fonts K K3045 Pro 2020 3

file name: H S Fonts K K3045 Pro 2020 4

file name: H S Fonts K K3045 Pro 2020 5

file name: H S Fonts Helen Bg 2022 1

file name: H S Fonts Helen Bg 2022 2

file name: H S Fonts Helen Bg 2022 3

file name: H S Fonts Helen Bg 2022 4

file name: H S Fonts Helen Bg 2022 5

file name: H S Fonts Helen Bg 2022

file name: Hermes Soft Helen B G 2004

file name: Hermes Soft Bell House Bg 2004

file name: Hermes Soft Brilliant Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Brilliant Bg 2005b

file name: Hermes Soft Brilliant Bg 2005c

file name: Hermes Soft Egyptian Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Erika Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Fresco Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Glagolitic

file name: Hermes Soft Old Bulgarian Cyrillic

file name: Hermes Soft H S Compact Bg 2004

file name: Hermes Soft H S Garamond Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft H S Grotesk Bold Cond Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Hermes Bg 2004

file name: Hermes Soft K K3045 Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft M06 Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Platrinum Bg 2004

file name: Hermes Soft Renault Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft School Bg 2005

file name: Hermes Soft Tempora Bg 2004

file name: Hermes Soft Universum Condensed Bg 2005

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html