TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Jan 20 08:08:02 EST 2025






Fontek (Letraset Fontek)

Collection of typefaces at Letraset. Newest typefaces include Donaldson Hand (Tim Donaldson), La Gioconda (based on letters from Giovanni Francesco Cresci, done by Richard Dawson and Dave Farey), Spidercave (Michael Gills), Locomotiv (Phill Grimshaw), Bobbysox (Alan Dempsey), Bouchon (Roselyne and Michel Besnard), Eplica (Yvonne Diedrich), Uffington (Tim Donaldson). The fonts: Aachen Bold, Aachen Medium, Academy Engraved, Agincourt, Algerian Condensed, Ambrose, Aquinas, Aquitaine Initials, Aristocrat, Arriba, Arriba-Arriba, Artiste, Augustea Open, Avalanche Script, Avenida, Axis Bold, Balmoral, Bang, Banner, Becka Script, Belwe Mono, Belwe Mono Italic, Bendigo, Bergell, Bertie, Bertram, Bible Script, Bickley Script, Bitmax, Blackmoor, Bluntz, Bobbysox, Boink, Bordeaux Display, Bordeaux Family, Bordeaux Italic, Bordeaux Roman, Bordeaux Roman Bold, Bordeaux Script, Bouchon Bold, Bouchon Light, Brighton Bold, Brighton Light, Brighton Medium, Bronx, Burlington, Buzzer 3, Cabaret, Cabarga Cursiva, Campaign, Cancellaresca Script, Carlton, Carumba, Caslon 540 Ital/Swash, Caxton Light Italic, Caxton Roman Bold, Caxton Roman Book, Caxton Roman Light, Chalkline Bold, Challenge Bold, Challenge Extra Bold, Champers, Charlotte Bold, Charlotte Book, Charlotte Book Italic, Charlotte Family, Charlotte Medium, Charlotte Sans Bold, Charlotte Sans Book, Charlotte Sans Book Italic, Charlotte Sans Family, Charlotte Sans Medium, Charlotte Sans Small Caps, Charlotte Small Caps, Chiller, Chipper, Choc, Chromium One, Citation, Claude Sans, Claude Sans Bold Italic, Claude Sans Italic, Collins, Comedy, Commercial Script, Compacta, Compacta Bold, Compacta Italic, Coptek, Corinthian Bold, Corinthian Bold Condensed, Corinthian Light, Corinthian Medium, Crillee Bold Italic, Crillee Extra Bold Italic, Crillee Italic, Crillee Italic Inline Shadow, Cult, Dancin', Data 70, Dave Farey Display Fonts, David Quay Display Fonts, David Quay Scripts, Demian, Demian Bold, Design Font Attitudes, Design Font Calligraphic Ornaments, Design Font Celebrations, Design Font Commercials, Design Font Delectables, Design Font Diversions, Design Font Diversities, Design Font Eclectics, Design Font Energetics, Design Font Expressions, Design Font Incidentals, Design Font Industrials, Design Font Inspirations, Design Font Journeys, Design Font Mo' Funky Fresh Symbols, Design Font Moderns, Design Font Naturals, Design Font Organics, Design Font Organics II, Design Font Primitives, Design Font Radicals, Design Font Urbans, Design Font Well Beings, Design Font Wildlife, Digitek, Dolmen, Donaldson Hand, Doodlebug, Dynamo Shadow, Edwardian Medium, Elysium Bold, Elysium Book, Elysium Book Italic, Elysium Family, Elysium Medium, Elysium Small Caps, Emphasis, Enviro, Eplica Bold, Eplica Bold Italic, Eplica Book, Eplica Book Italic, Eplica Family, Eplica Medium, Eplica Medium Italic, Epokha, Equinox, Etruscan, Faithful Fly, Fashion Compressed No. 3, Fashion Engraved, Figural Bold, Figural Book, Figural Book Italic, Figural Family, Figural Medium, Figural Small Caps, Fine Hand, Flamenco Inline, Flamme, Flight, Fling, Follies, Forest Shaded, Frances Uncial, Frankfurter, Frankfurter Highlight, Frankfurter Inline, Frankfurter Medium, Freestyle Script, Freestyle Script Bold, Gigi, Gilgamesh Bold, Gilgamesh Book, Gilgamesh Book Italic, Gilgamesh Family, Gilgamesh Medium, Gilgamesh Small Caps, Gilgamesh Titling, Gill Display Compressed, Gill Kayo Condensed, Gillies Gothic Extra Bold Shaded, Glastonbury, Globale, Globale Bold, Globale Bold Italic, Globale Family, Globale Italic, Goo Goo Gjoob, Gravura, Green, Greyton Script, Hadfield, Hand Drawn, Harlow, Harlow Solid, Harvey, Hazel, Heliotype, Helvetica Bold Condensed, Helvetica Medium Condensed, Highlight, Hollyweird, Ignatius, Impakt, Indy Italic, Informal Roman, Inscription, Iris, Isis, Jazz, John Handy, Jokerman, Kanban, Katfish, Katytude, Klee, La Bamba, La Gioconda, La Gioconda Bold, Lambada, Laser, Laser Chrome, Latino Elongated, Laura, LCD, Le Griffe, Lexikos, Lightnin', Limehouse Script, Lino Cut, Locarno Italic, Locarno Light, Locomotiv, Magatama, Malibu, Marguerita, Martin Wait Display Fonts, Martin Wait Scripts, Mastercard, Mekanik, Mekanik Italic, Milano, Mistral, Mo' Funky Fresh, Montage, Neo Neo, Oberon, Odessa, Old English, One Stroke Script, One Stroke Script Bold, One Stroke Script Shaded, Orange, Orlando, Pablo, Papyrus, Party, Pendry Script, Phill Grimshaw Display Fonts, Phoenikia, Pink, Plaza, Pleasure Bold Shaded, Pneuma, Potato Cut, Prague, Premier Lightline, Premier Shaded, Princetown, Pristina, Pritchard, Pritchard Line Out, Pump, Pump Demi Bold, Quadrus, Quixley, Rage Italic, Ragtime, Rapier, Refracta, Regatta Condensed, Retail Script, Retro Bold, Retro Bold Condensed, Riva, Robotik, Robotik Italic, Romic Light, Romic Light Italic, Roquette, Ru'ach, Rubber Stamp, Rundfunk, Santa Fe, Savoye, Scratch, Scriba, Scriptease, Scriptek, Scriptek Italic, Scruff, Shaman, Shatter (op-art), Sinaloa, Skid Row, Slipstream, Smack, Smudger, Spidercave Bold, Spidercave Book, Spidercave Book Italic, Spidercave Family, Spidercave Ornamented, Spooky, Spotlight, Squire, Squire Extra Bold, Strobos, Superstar, Synchro, Tag, Tannhauser, Teknik, Telegram, Tiger Rag, Tim Donaldson Display Fonts, Tim Donaldson Scripts, Tiranti Solid, Trackpad, Tropica Script, Twang, Uffington, Ulysses, University Roman, University Roman Bold, University Roman Italic, Van Dijk, Van Dijk Bold, Varga, Vegas, Vermont, Victorian, Victorian Inline Shaded, Vienna Extended, Vivaldi, Wade Sans Light, Wanted, Waterloo Bold, Westwood, Wild Thing, Willow, Xylo, Young Baroque, Zaragoza, Zennor, Zinjaro.

Fontek (Letraset Fontek)
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Blackboard type ⦿ Victorian typefaces ⦿ LED / LCD fonts ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Op-art Typefaces ⦿ Potato cut printing ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Caxton ⦿ Typefaces related to Paul Klee ⦿ Typefaces that emulate chalk ⦿

file name: Bob Newman Nick Belshaw Alan Meeks Frankfurter

file name: David Harris Becka Script 1985

file name: David Quay Agincourt 1983

file name: David Quay Latino Elongated 1988

file name: Colin Brignall Andreww P Smith Retro Bold 1992

file name: Letraset Cancellaresca Script L E T Plain 1990

file name: Colin Brignall Epokha 1992

file name: Alan Meeks Bickley Script 1986

file name: Alan Meeks Bickley Script 1986b

file name: David Quay Mekanik 1988

file name: Letraset Young Baroque L E T Plain 1990

file name: Elsner Flake Data70 E F

file name: Esselte Letraset Data70 Plain 1988

file name: Letraset Xylo

file name: Letraset Xylo

file name: Letraset Xylo

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html