TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 16:52:53 EST 2025






Stone Type Foundry [Sumner Stone]

The Stone Type Foundry in Guinda (ex-Rumsey and ex-Palo Alto), CA, is Sumner Stone's outfit, which he founded in 1990. Born in Venice, Florida in 1945, Sumner Stone is a major designer, and creator of the Stone family. He studied calligraphy with Lloyd Reynolds at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and then went to work for Hallmark cards as a lettering artist. In 1979, he became type director at Autologic, and in 1984, he became the Director of Typography at Adobe Systems (until 1989). His typefaces:

At ATypI 2007 in Brighton, he spoke about The foundation of the humanist sans serif. As of 2008, his entire collection can be licensed for 20 computers in an educational lab for just 300 dollars. Scripps College pages. CV at Agfa. Bio at Linotype. Page at Emodigi. His lecture in 2007 on W.A. Dwiggins. PDF file of his work. Signature. 2012 Newyear's card. Interview by MyFonts in 2014. FontShop link. Klingspor link.

View Sumner Stone's typefaces. Summary overview of Sumner Stone's typefaces.

Stone Type Foundry
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Phonetic (IPAfonts) ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Greek simulation fonts ⦿ Type scene in Oregon ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Type scene in Massachusetts ⦿ Type scene in Missouri ⦿ Type scene in Florida ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Basque fonts ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Chiseled fonts ⦿

file name: Sumner Stone 2012 New Year Card

file name: Sumner Stone Magma 2004

file name: Sumner Stone Magma Munc

file name: Sumner Stone Magma I I 2014

file name: Sumner Stone Magma I I 2014b

file name: Sumner Stone Magma I I 2014c

file name: Sumner Stone Sans

file name: Sumner Stone Serif

file name: Sumner Stone Signature 2010

file name: Stone I T C Bodoni 1994

file name: Stone I T C Bodoni72 1994b

file name: Sumner Stone I T C Bodoni72 1994 Poster by Luis Alvito 2018

file name: Sumner Stone I T C Bodoni72 1994 Poster by Daniel Mancilla 2017

file name: Stone I T C Bodoni Figures 1994

file name: Stone Stone Sans I I Condensed 2010

file name: Giambattista Bodoni Jim Parkinson Sumner Stone Holly Goldsmith Janice Fishman I T C Bodoni Twelve 1994

file name: Janice Fishman Holly Goldsmith Jim Parkinson Sumner Stone I T C Bodoni Seventytwo Book 1994 1995

file name: Stone Munc

file name: Sumner Stone Dignitas 2011

file name: Stone Tuff 2009

file name: Sumner Stone Tuff 2008

file name: Sumner Stone Tuff 2008b

file name: Stone Silica Semibold

file name: Sumner Stone Silica 1993a

file name: Sumner Stone Silica 1993b

file name: Sumner Stone Silica Black 1993

file name: Sumner Stone Silica Extra Light 1993

file name: Sumner Stone Davanti Sator Popvlvs 2010

file name: Sumner Stone Davanti 2010

file name: Sumner Stone Popvlvs 2010

file name: Sumner Stone Sator 1995

file name: Sumner Stone John Renner I T C Stone Sans 1992

file name: Sumner Stone John Renner I T C Stone Serif 1987

file name: Sumner Stone John Renner I T C Stone Serif 1987 poster by Sanem Tokyay 2019

file name: Sumner Stone John Renner I T C Stone Serif Bold 1987

file name: Sumner Stone John Renner I T C Stone Serif Medium 1987

file name: Sumner Stone Stone Serif I T C

file name: Sumner Stone Leaves Straw 2003

file name: Sumner Stone Numaiota Magma Munc

file name: Sumner Stone Numa Titling

file name: Sumner Stone Numa Titling

file name: Sumner Stone A Typ I Sao Paulo 2015

file name: Pic sumner stone

file name: Pic sumner stone2

file name: A Typ I2015 Sumner Stone Photo by Luke Garcia Andre Hawk

file name: Sumner Stone Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html