TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 16:52:57 EST 2025






Castle Type [Jason Castle]

Designs by Jason Castle from San Rafael, CA, who studied psychology at Dominican University of California. He does custom font design and sells commercial typefaces through MyFonts and FontShop. Blog. These include:

  • A: AfrikaBorders, Afrika Motifs, Agency Open (M. F. Benton, 1934, revival Jason Castle), Agency Gothic Inline, Ampersands, Azbuka (2005, a heavy slab serif).
  • B: Brasileiro (2007, an art deco face).
  • Carisma (2007, a clean geometric sans), Carlos (art deco inspired by Elektra), Castle Fleurons, Chinoise (2008, based on hand lettering that is reminiscent of a style of ancient Chinese square-cut ideograms), Cloister Black, Copperplate Script, Cradley (2015, a Caslon titling family with Greek and Cyrillic, named after the birthplace of William Caslon).
  • D: Deko Initials (1993, discontinued in 2007; based on NADA0 drawn in 1972 by Marcia Loeb), Dionisio (2008, didone).
  • E: Eden (Bold, Light; originally designed by Robert H. Middleton in 1934).
  • F: Fat Freddie, Futura CT and Futura CT Inline (2007, based on Futura ND, but discontinued after only a few weeks).
  • G: Goudy Lombardy (Lombardic), GoudyStout, Goudy Text, Goudy Trajan (1994-2010, free; +alternates).
  • H: Handsome (2002, nice finger dingbats, aka fists).
  • J: Jensen Arabique (left field art deco, based on work of Gustav Jensen, 1933).
  • K: Koloss (art deco).
  • L: Latin CT (2008, 6 styles), Latin Wide, Laureat, Lise Informal (2008, hand-printed), Lombardy.
  • M: Maximilian CS (Rudolf Koch, 1917), Metropolis Bold and Shaded (based on the 1932 Stempel cut as designed by W. Schwerdtner), Minotaur (2008, an original monoline design based on an Oscan votive inscription from the second century BC; looks like simulated Greek).
  • N: Norberto (2009, an all-caps Bodoni; +Stencil).
  • O: Ogun (2008, inspired by an Egyptian-style Russian block alphabet and useful for athletic lettering; formerly named Azbuka).
  • P: Plantain (2002, a digital version of Plantin Adweight, a 1913 typeface by F. H. Pierpont), Plantain Stencil (2009), Progreso (2010, a condensed, unicase, serif gothic type design inspired by the hand-lettering on Russian posters from the 1920s).
  • R: Radiant, Radiant Extra Condensed CT (both Radiants are revivals of Roger Middleton's typeface by that name, 1940), Ransahoff (2002, ultra condensed didone), Rudolf (1992, based on Rudolf Koch's German expressionist work such as Neuland).
  • S: Samira (2008, art nouveau style; based on Peter Schnorr's Schnorr Gestreckt, from 1898), Shango (1993, based on Schneidler Initials by F.H.E. Schneidler (1936), and including a digital version of Schneidler Cyrillic (1992); extended in 2007 to Shango Gothic and in 2008 to a 3-d shadow version, Shango Chiseled, and in 2009 to Shango Sans), Sculptura (2005, an all caps typeface based on Diethelm's Sculptura from 1957), Sencia (2008, based on Spanish art deco stock certificate lettering from 1941), Sonrisa (2009, art deco family---Sonrisa Thin is free), Standard CT (a neo-grotesque family), Standard CT Stencil (2012: free).
  • Tambor (Light, Black, Inline, Adornado) (1992) (note: Jason claims that it was remotely based on Rudolf, which in turn was based on calligraphy of Rudolf Koch), Trio (an art deco sansserif), Trooper Roman (discontinued).
  • V: Vincenzo (2008, a slabby didone), Warrior (2009, a 3d font based on Ogun; +Shaded).
  • X: Xavier (art deco family based on Ashley Crawford by Ashley Havinden, 1930, revival by Jason Castle in 1992).
  • Z: Zagora, Zamenhof (2011: an all caps poster face with constructivist ancestry, named after the inventor of Esperanto), Zuboni Stencil (2009, Latin and Cyrillic, constructivist and perhaps even military).

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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ African fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Fists, pointing hands ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Athletic lettering faces ⦿ Oriental simulation fonts ⦿ Greek simulation fonts ⦿ Stone age fonts ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Type design and constructivism ⦿ 3D fonts ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Type blogs ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿ Unicase type design ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Copperplate ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Typefaces related to German expressionism ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Military typefaces ⦿

file name: Jason Castle Sonrisa Black 2011

file name: Jason Castle Sonrisa Bold 2011

file name: Jason Castle Zamenhof 2011

file name: Jason Castle Zamenhof 2011b

file name: Jason Castle Zamenhof 2011c

file name: Jason Castle Zamenhof 2011e

file name: Jason Castle Progreso 2010

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Lombardy

file name: Castle Type Goudy Lombardy 2011 11 16

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Lombardy Goudy Text Cloistrer Black

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Text C T Caps

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Text C T

file name: Jason Castle Cradley 2015

file name: Jason Castle Cradley 2015b

file name: Jason Castle Cradley 2015c

file name: Jason Castle Cradley 2015d

file name: Jason Castle Cradley 2015e

file name: Jason Castle Cradley 2015f

file name: Jason Castle Cloister Black

file name: Jason Castle Carisma 2007

file name: Jason Castle Carisma Regular

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Trajan 2010

file name: Jason Castle Dionisio Medium 2008

file name: Jason Castle Plantain Stencil 2009

file name: Jason Castle Plantain Stencil

file name: Jason Castle Plantain 2009

file name: Jason Castle Zuboni Stencil 2009

file name: Jason Castle Zuboni Stencil 2009

file name: Jason Castle Zuboni Stencil 2009b

file name: Jason Castle Agency Gothic C T Condensed

file name: Jason Castle Brasileiro

file name: Jason Castle Chinoise

file name: Jason Castle Chinoise

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Stout

file name: Jason Castle Koloss C T

file name: Jason Castle Metropolis Bold

file name: Jason Castle Metropolis Bold

file name: Jason Castle Metropolis Bold 1990 after Willy Schwerdtner 1928

file name: Jason Castle Metropolis Bold 1990 after Willy Schwerdtner 1928b

file name: Jason Castle Metropolis Shaded 1990 after Willy Schwerdtner 1928

file name: Jason Castle Minotaur

file name: Jason Castle Norberto Stencil 2012

file name: Jason Castle Norberto Stencil 2012b

file name: Jason Castle Norberto Cyrillic 2012c

file name: Jason Castle Norberto Cyrillic 2012d

file name: Jason Castle Norberto Stencil 2012

file name: Jason Castle Ransahoff

file name: Jason Castle Rudolf

file name: Jason Castle Samira

file name: Jason Castle Samira 2008 after Peter Schnorr Schnorr Gestreckt 1898

file name: Jason Castle Samira 2008 after Peter Schnorr Schnorr Gestreckt 1898

file name: Jason Castle Sculptura

file name: Jason Castle Shango

file name: Jason Castle Shango Regular

file name: Jason Castle Tambor Adornado 2012

file name: Jason Castle Trio Medium

file name: Jason Castle Warrior Shaded

file name: Jason Castle Vincenzo Bold 2008

file name: Jason Castle Eden Bold 2010 after R H Middleton 1934

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T 2012d

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T Condensed 2012

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T 1991 2008

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T 1991 2008b

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T Condensed 1991 2008

file name: Jason Castle Standard C T Stencil Bold 2012

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Stout 2002 146719

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Stout 2002 170915

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Stout 2002 170916

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Stout 2002 170917

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Stout 2002 19478

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Trajan 1994

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Trajan 1994b

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Trajan

file name: Jason Castle Goudy Trajan Alternates

file name: Jason Castle Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html