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110design [Alexei Vanyashin]
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2nd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication [Google]
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38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources) [Muhammad Ridha Agusni]
[More] ⦿
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440EMU [Google]
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4th February [Sergiy Tkachenko]
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A1DownFont [Google]
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Ace of Space Graphics [Google]
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Acolina [Google]
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Adam Jagosz
[More] ⦿
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Adam Katyi [Hungarumlaut (was: Cila Design)]
[More] ⦿
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Aditya Bayu Perdana [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Adrien Midzic
[More] ⦿
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Aerowsol [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Aggeliki Skandalelli
[More] ⦿
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Aggelos Bakas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Agios Eugraphos Type Optic Synergy [Nick Margaritis]
[More] ⦿
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Ahoi [Google]
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Aimilios Galipis [Banned Graphics]
[More] ⦿
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Aka Acid (or: Cybertronical Design) [Myrto Orfanoudaki Simic]
[More] ⦿
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Akira Kobayashi [Neue Frutiger]
[More] ⦿
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Alan M. Stanier [Cypriote metafont]
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Alan Wood's Unicode Resources [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alberto Romanos [Branding with Type]
[More] ⦿
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Aldus Manutius
[More] ⦿
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Alejandro Torres [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alekos Politis [Google]
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Aleksandar Nikov [Google]
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Aleksandar Nikov [Google]
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Aleksandr Savenkov [Google]
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Alessandro (Alex) Segalini
[More] ⦿
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Alex Pol [Google]
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Alexander Bobrov [Indian Summer Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Alexander Grazhdan [Google]
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Alexander Lange [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alexander Nedelev [Typedepot]
[More] ⦿
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Alexandros Mavrogiannis [Studio Big Horror]
[More] ⦿
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Alexandros Papalexis
[More] ⦿
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Alexandros Pertsinides [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alexandros Poursanidis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alexandros Skouras [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alexandros Traianos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alexei Vanyashin [110design]
[More] ⦿
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Alexey Kryukov
[More] ⦿
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Alexios Zavras [MgOpen Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Alice Savoie [Alice Savoie, Frenchtype]
[More] ⦿
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Alice Savoie, Frenchtype [Alice Savoie]
[More] ⦿
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Alif Nuryasin [Alifinart Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Alifinart Studio [Alif Nuryasin]
[More] ⦿
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Alja Herlah
[More] ⦿
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Alkaios [Lucius Hartmann]
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Allan Loder [New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection]
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Allotype Typographics [Google]
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Alphabetum [Juan-José Marcos García]
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ALT Foundry [Andreas Leonidou]
[More] ⦿
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Alter [Google]
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Altgriechische Zeichensätze [Lucius Hartmann]
[More] ⦿
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Amadeus Information Systems [Phil Chastney]
[More] ⦿
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Amar Arif [KaryAmo Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Amélie Bonet [Google]
[More] ⦿
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American Philological Association [Donald Mastronarde]
[More] ⦿
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Amy Dittman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ana Novakovic [Google]
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Anastasia Dimitriadi [DimitriAna]
[More] ⦿
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Anastasios Koutsofavas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anastasios Nanopoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anastasios Pappas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andili Rachouti [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrea Groisman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Kalpakidis [Inde Graphics]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Larsen [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Leonidou [ALT Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Nolda [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Stötzner [SIAS (or: Signographical Institute Andreas Stötzner)]
[More] ⦿
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Andrey V. Panov [CM Unicode]
[More] ⦿
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Andrey V. Panov [Computer Modern Unicode fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Andrij Shevchenko [Andrij Type]
[More] ⦿
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Andrij Type [Andrij Shevchenko]
[More] ⦿
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Andriy Konstantynov [Mint Type (was: PDesign 6.0)]
[More] ⦿
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Androniki Sioki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Angel Giovan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Angela Fragou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Angela Poghosova
[More] ⦿
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Angeliki Georgiadi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Angelo Haritsis [EelVex]
[More] ⦿
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Anna Bai [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anna Danilova [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anna Raven
[More] ⦿
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Anna Tsuranova [Letter Muzara]
[More] ⦿
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Antigone [Google]
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Antioch [Ralph Hancock]
[More] ⦿
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Antonio Hernández Marín [El Circulo de Oro de Uresh-Nefer]
[More] ⦿
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Antonis Margaronis [Google]
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Antonis Tsolomitis [Kerkis]
[More] ⦿
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Antonis Tsolomitis [Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software]
[More] ⦿
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Antonis Tsolomitis [Sophia Kalaitzidou]
[More] ⦿
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Anugrah Pasau [Lafontype (pr: tardiexwas: Pixifield, Elementype, Fontliner Studio)]
[More] ⦿
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Aoife Mooney [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Apostolos D. Tsiovaras [Cursor Design]
[More] ⦿
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Apostolos Syropoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Apostrophic Laboratory [Fredrick M. Nader]
[More] ⦿
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Appligraph Ltd [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Arabia Ware Benelux [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Archaeological Fonts (by Bonneville Electronics) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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archaic [Peter R. Wilson]
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Archäologie Online [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Archer Hutchinson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ardas 2001 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Area Download [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Areopag.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Arev Fonts [Stephen Schrenk]
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Ari Rafaeli [ARTypes]
[More] ⦿
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Aria Kaloudi [Google]
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Arial Unicode MS [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Armtype [Edik Ghabuzyan]
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Arno Teigseth [Google]
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Arquivos para baixar [Google]
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Art City [Daniel Bak]
[More] ⦿
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Art Gorbunov (or: Gorbunov Bureau) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Artegra [Ceyhun Birinci]
[More] ⦿
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Artemis Panousieri [Google]
[More] ⦿
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ARTypes [Ari Rafaeli]
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As Symbols [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ascender Corporation
[More] ⦿
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Athenian Font [Jeffrey Rusten]
[More] ⦿
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AthenMacGr [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Athens School of Fine Arts [Google]
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Athina Konstiantou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Atypical [George Triantafyllakos]
[More] ⦿
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Auguste Bernard [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Avenir Next World
[More] ⦿
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Avi Fonts [Panayotis Katsaloulis]
[More] ⦿
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Babis Touglis [The Zyme]
[More] ⦿
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Babylon Lingua [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Backpacker [George Triantafyllakos]
[More] ⦿
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Banned Graphics [Aimilios Galipis]
[More] ⦿
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Barsik [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bastarda Type (was: No Name Type Foundry) [Sebastian Castellanos De La Hoz]
[More] ⦿
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Bayer Corp [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Becca Hirsbrunner Spalinger [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Belleve Invis [Renzhi Li]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Bold [Bold Studio (was: Studio BB)]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Harris [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Jones [Protimient.com]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Kiel
[More] ⦿
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Beopho Choi
[More] ⦿
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Bet HaShem Midrash [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bianca Berning [Google]
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Bible Study Tools [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bible Works Fonts [Michael S. Bushell]
[More] ⦿
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Bigelow&Holmes [Charles Bigelow]
[More] ⦿
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Bitstream Cyberbit [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Blancoletters [Juan Luis Blanco]
[More] ⦿
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Bob Studio [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bogdan Balatchi [DePlictis Type (was: ESS Fonts)]
[More] ⦿
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Bogz Designs [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bold Monday [Pieter van Rosmalen]
[More] ⦿
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Bold Studio (was: Studio BB) [Ben Bold]
[More] ⦿
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Borutta (or: Duce Type) [Mateusz Machalski]
[More] ⦿
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Borys Kosmynka [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Botio Nikoltchev [Lettersoup]
[More] ⦿
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Branding with Type [Alberto Romanos]
[More] ⦿
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Bretagne Type Foundry [Lucas Le Bihan]
[More] ⦿
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Brett T. Johnson [Simeon out West Foundry]
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Brian Hamilton Kelly [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brian Jongseong Park [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bridge Postcard Collector's [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brill [John Hudson]
[More] ⦿
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British Library [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bruno La Versa [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bruno Maag [Dalton Maag]
[More] ⦿
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Burim Loshaj [Loshaj Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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ByoungHeon Park
[More] ⦿
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Byzantine Fonts to Download Thread [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Byzantine Music Fonts [Ioannis A. Vamvakas]
[More] ⦿
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Byzantines Grammatoseires [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cafe.no [Cato Hernes Jensen]
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Cahya Sofyan [Studio Sun (or: Sun Brand Co)]
[More] ⦿
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Camille Moisset [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cannibal Fonts [Panos Haratzopoulos]
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Canonical Design [Dalton Maag]
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Carmelo Lupins [Google]
[More] ⦿
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[More] ⦿
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Castle Type [Jason Castle]
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Catharsis [Christian "Cinga" Thalmann]
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Catherine [Google]
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Cato Hernes Jensen [Cafe.no]
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cb fonts [Claudio Beccari]
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cb Greek fonts [Google]
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Cerement [Google]
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Cerulean Stimuli [Kevin Pease]
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Ceyhun Birinci [Artegra]
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Chair of Medieval English Literature [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Changchun Ye [Google]
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Charilaos Emmanouil Papakostas [Google]
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Charis Tsevis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Charles Bigelow [Bigelow&Holmes]
[More] ⦿
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CHC Software Archive [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Brand
[More] ⦿
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Chris' British Road Directory [Nathaniel Porter]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Kokoris [Google]
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Chris Ouzounis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Taklis [Google]
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Christ Trek Fonts [Tim Larson]
[More] ⦿
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Christian "Cinga" Thalmann [Catharsis]
[More] ⦿
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Christian Mengelt
[More] ⦿
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Christine Asimakopoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Christine Lee [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Christo Bino [Google]
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Christoph Koeberlin
[More] ⦿
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Christos Chiotis [Pixelogical (was: Unicorg)]
[More] ⦿
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Christos Diafas [Google]
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Christos Onoufriou [Google]
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Christos Petropoulos [Google]
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Christos Tsolerides [Google]
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Church of Greece [Google]
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Classical Greek and Linux [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Classical Greek Fonts [Matthew Robinson]
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Claudio Beccari [cb fonts]
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Claus Eggers Sørensen [Google]
[More] ⦿
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ClearlyU BDF font [Google]
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CM Unicode [Andrey V. Panov]
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Coji Morishita [M+ Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Colin Banks
[More] ⦿
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Computer Modern Unicode fonts [Andrey V. Panov]
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Conceptum S.A. [Google]
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Constantina Klepetsani [Google]
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Constantine Terzopoulos [Psaltic Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Constantinos Chaidalis [Google]
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Constantinos Charitos [Google]
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Context Ltd [Stefan Peev]
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Coptic [Google]
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Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini
[More] ⦿
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Costas Mylonas [Google]
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CoType Foundry [Google]
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Craceltype [Joao Cracel]
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Crossswire [Google]
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Cucu [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cursor Design [Apostolos D. Tsiovaras]
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Cuttlefish Fonts [Jason Pagura]
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Cyanotype [Damian Guerrero]
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Cyllogos Mousikofilon Con [Google]
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Cyn Fonts [Petros Vasiadis]
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Cypriote metafont [Alan M. Stanier]
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D. Paul Alecsandri [Every Witch Way]
[More] ⦿
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Daidala [Jonathan Coltz]
[More] ⦿
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Daisuke Suzuki [VL Gothic]
[More] ⦿
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Dalton Maag [Canonical Design]
[More] ⦿
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Dalton Maag [Bruno Maag]
[More] ⦿
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Damian Guerrero [Cyanotype]
[More] ⦿
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Dan Carr [Golgonooza Letter Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Dan Rhatigan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Bak [Art City]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Benjamin Miller [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Grumer [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Johnson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Lyons [Lyons Type]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Ralph [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daphne Kontomina [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Darien Valentine [Fixedsys]
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Darius Samek [Elster Fonts]
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Darren Rigby [Darren Rigby]
[More] ⦿
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Darren Rigby [Darren Rigby]
[More] ⦿
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Dave Rowland [Dave Rowland Type (was: Eclectotype, Schizotype)]
[More] ⦿
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Dave Rowland Type (was: Eclectotype, Schizotype) [Dave Rowland]
[More] ⦿
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David Brezina
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David J. Perry [Fonts for Scholars]
[More] ⦿
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DBSV [Vangelis Dim. Gardikiotis]
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Debbie Sinis [dgs Designs]
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Deckersche Schriftgießerei [Rudolf Ludwig Decker]
[More] ⦿
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DejaVu Fonts [Stepan Roh]
[More] ⦿
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Deniart Systems [Jan Koehler]
[More] ⦿
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Denis Liegois [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Denis Roegel [LaTeX Navigator]
[More] ⦿
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Denise Koehler
[More] ⦿
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Dennis Ludlow [Sharkshock]
[More] ⦿
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DePlictis Type (was: ESS Fonts) [Bogdan Balatchi]
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DEPOTzNET [Google]
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Derek Green [Gawr Juhs]
[More] ⦿
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Design Under Pressure [Google]
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dgs Designs [Debbie Sinis]
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Di Barros [Roberto Teixeira]
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Diabetes Australia Multilingual Fonts [Google]
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Diego Rodas [Google]
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Diego Sanz Salas
[More] ⦿
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Dimitra ITD [Google]
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Dimitra Tzanos [Google]
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DimitriAna [Anastasia Dimitriadi]
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Dimitrios Filippou on Greek TEX [Google]
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Dimitrios Giannakoulias [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dimitrios Kyriazis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dimitris Anasto [Google]
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Dimitris Arvanitis [Espresso Society Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Dimitris Bouskos [Google]
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Dimitris Chatzelas [Google]
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Dimitris Foussekis
[More] ⦿
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Dimitris Goro [Google]
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Dimitris Kanellopoulos [Google]
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Dimitris Koliadimas [Google]
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Dimitris Kolyris [Sirylok (was: Popdog Fonts, or Fiberia)]
[More] ⦿
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Dimitris Mitsiopoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dimitris Papazoglou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dimitris Perdikopoulos [Google]
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Dimitris Sakkas [Google]
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Dimosthenis Kaponis [Google]
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Dino dos Santos [dstype]
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Diogenes [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dmitrij Greshnev [Green Type]
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Dmitry Goloub
[More] ⦿
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DolWork [Gerben Dollen]
[More] ⦿
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Donald Mastronarde [American Philological Association]
[More] ⦿
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Donald P. Goodman III [Google]
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Donald P. Reiher [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Douglas Lyle McCue Jr [typO969]
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Download Greek and Byzantine Fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Download Greek Fonts [Google]
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Download Greek Fonts [Google]
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Dr. Shirley J. Rollinson [Google]
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Dry Heaves Fonts (was: Phil Fonts) [Phillip Andrade]
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dstype [Dino dos Santos]
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Dual Type [Zrinka Buljubasic]
[More] ⦿
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Dylsectic [Google]
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Ectaco [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ed Ashby-Hayter [Google]
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Edik Ghabuzyan [Armtype]
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Edward Detyna [Electronic Font Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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EelVex [Angelo Haritsis]
[More] ⦿
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Efstratios Moysis [StratosMFonts]
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Ege Esin [Esintype]
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Ekke Wolf [Wannatype (was: Typic)]
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El Cappuccino [Google]
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El Circulo de Oro de Uresh-Nefer [Antonio Hernández Marín]
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El Yeshuati [Google]
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Eleana Gkogka [Google]
[More] ⦿
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elections.gr [Google]
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Electra Vasiliadi [Google]
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Electronic Font Foundry [Edward Detyna]
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Elena Papassissa [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eleni Beveratou
[More] ⦿
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Elia Tsamantaki [Google]
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Elias Papanikolaou [EPA Greek Workbench]
[More] ⦿
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Elis Bello [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Elisavet Zioga [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Elpenor [Google]
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Elsa Baussier [Google]
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Elster Fonts [Darius Samek]
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Emilios Theofanous [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emilios Theofanous [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emmanuel Margetis [Google]
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Empirica [Michel Dricot]
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EPA Greek Workbench [Elias Papanikolaou]
[More] ⦿
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Epsilon Alpha competition [Google]
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Erewhon [Michael Sharpe]
[More] ⦿
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Eri Papaefstathiou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eric Pement [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eric Wannin [Quartet Systems]
[More] ⦿
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Erik Spiekermann
[More] ⦿
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Eros Androulidakis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Esintype [Ege Esin]
[More] ⦿
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Espresso Society Studio [Dimitris Arvanitis]
[More] ⦿
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Essqué Productions [Stephen M. Knouse]
[More] ⦿
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Estampilles [Nikos Goulandris]
[More] ⦿
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Esteriografica (was: Familia Design) [Rafael Dietzsch]
[More] ⦿
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ETC Type [Mateo Broillet]
[More] ⦿
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Eudora Greek Tables [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eudora Greek Tables (Norway) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eugen Sudak [WDC Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Eugene Alefragi [Google]
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Eugene Bunin
[More] ⦿
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[More] ⦿
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European Parliament [Google]
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European Space Agency [Google]
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Euschemon Creative [Google]
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Eva Karapidaki [Google]
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Eva Masoura [Google]
[More] ⦿
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EversonMono for MacOs [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Every Witch Way [D. Paul Alecsandri]
[More] ⦿
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Evita Tachataki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Explogos [Steve Gardner]
[More] ⦿
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Eye Opium [Google]
[More] ⦿
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EZ Byzantine Music Font Package [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fabio Haag Type (was: ByType, and: Foco Design) [Fabio Luiz Haag]
[More] ⦿
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Fabio Luiz Haag [Fabio Haag Type (was: ByType, and: Foco Design)]
[More] ⦿
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Faculty of Classics, Oxford University [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fani Dimopoulou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fani Ikonomopoulou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fani Kokolaki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fantasy Fonts Archive [Google]
[More] ⦿
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FauxFoundry [Laurence Penney]
[More] ⦿
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Ferdie Balderas [Indieferdie]
[More] ⦿
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Fermin Guerrero
[More] ⦿
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Fernando Haro
[More] ⦿
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Ferran Milan Oliveras
[More] ⦿
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Finder [Google]
[More] ⦿
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findmyfont [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fixedsys [Darien Valentine]
[More] ⦿
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Flanker (or: Studio di Lena) [Leonardo Di Lena]
[More] ⦿
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Flawless Supplies [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fleha Type [Teja Smrekar]
[More] ⦿
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Fontarkivet [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fontbilisi (was: Germán León) [Germán León]
[More] ⦿
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Fontry West [James L. Stirling]
[More] ⦿
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Fonts for Scholars [David J. Perry]
[More] ⦿
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Fonts for the New Testament Greek [Jonathan Robie]
[More] ⦿
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Fonts Jos Kunst [Jos Kunst]
[More] ⦿
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Fonts.gr (or: Greek Digital Types, or: Ellenike Psephiake Typotheke) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fontsmith [Jason Smith]
[More] ⦿
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Fontworld [Israel Seldowitz]
[More] ⦿
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Fontworld (Greek) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Forme Type [Jeremy Johnson]
[More] ⦿
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Forth Net [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Foundry 5 Limited
[More] ⦿
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Fountain--A Friendly Type Foundry [Peter Bruhn]
[More] ⦿
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Four Greek and Byzantine fonts [More] ⦿
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François H. Villebrod [Typiko]
[More] ⦿
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François Rappo [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Franck Jalleau
[More] ⦿
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Frantisek Storm [Storm Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Franziska Hubmann [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fredrick M. Nader [Apostrophic Laboratory]
[More] ⦿
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Free Font FORA [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Friedemann Dittrich [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fulvio Bisca
[More] ⦿
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FUNDP: Tablinum [Paul Pietquin]
[More] ⦿
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G. Azzaro [Google]
[More] ⦿
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G. Thomas Schroer [Numus Moneta Font]
[More] ⦿
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Gahee Park
[More] ⦿
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Galaxie Software (or: Biblescript) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Galeb [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Galini Scarlatou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Galinos Paparounis [Holy (was: Odysseas GP)]
[More] ⦿
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Garamond Premier Pro [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Gary Munch [MunchFonts]
[More] ⦿
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Gary S. Dykes [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Gawr Juhs [Derek Green]
[More] ⦿
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gbt.org [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Genilson Lima Santos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Georg Duffner [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Georg John
[More] ⦿
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Georg Seifert [Schriftgestaltung]
[More] ⦿
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George B. Walsh [GreekKeys]
[More] ⦿
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George Bickham
[More] ⦿
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George Bourle [George Bourletsikas]
[More] ⦿
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George Bourletsikas [George Bourle]
[More] ⦿
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George Chandrinos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George D. Matthiopoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Douros [Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts]
[More] ⦿
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George Kalantzopoulos [Marathon Data]
[More] ⦿
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George Katsigiannis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Lygas
[More] ⦿
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George Nikolaidis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Nimas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Roussos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Ryan
[More] ⦿
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George Strouzas [KEIK Design Bureau]
[More] ⦿
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George Strouzas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Thomas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Toumbalis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Triantafyllakos [Atypical]
[More] ⦿
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George Triantafyllakos [Backpacker]
[More] ⦿
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George Valmas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Vassos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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George Veloudis [Google]
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George Williams [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Georgia Kaltapanidou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Georgina Aliazi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Gerard Unger
[More] ⦿
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Gerben Dollen [DolWork]
[More] ⦿
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Gerber Fonts [Google]
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Germán León [Fontbilisi (was: Germán León)]
[More] ⦿
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German Donaldist Society (D.O.N.A.L.D.) [Thomas Pryds Lauritsen]
[More] ⦿
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Gerry Leonidas
[More] ⦿
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Ghostscript fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Giannis Arkoudos [Google]
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Giorgos Soulios [Google]
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Giovanni Landi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Glyn [Google]
[More] ⦿
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GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts) [Steve White]
[More] ⦿
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gnu.org [Google]
[More] ⦿
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goGREECE.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Golgonooza Letter Foundry [Dan Carr]
[More] ⦿
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Google Font Directory: Greek [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Gor Jihanian [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Grab The Eye [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Gradient (was: Mindburger Studio) [Milos Mitrovic]
[More] ⦿
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Graeca [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Grammata [Juan-José Marcos]
[More] ⦿
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Granshan 2010 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Granshan 2011 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Granshan 2012 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Graphic Quest [Google]
[More] ⦿
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GRCONV [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek and Hebrew Fonts for Microsoft Windows [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek at Linguist's Software [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek (Babel) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Font Archive: unicode Fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Font Society [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Fonts Gateway [Michael Palmer]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Grammar on the Web [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek (Haralambous) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek House of Fonts [Sebastian Riessen]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Market--Greek Fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek (Silvio Levy) [Silvio Levy]
[More] ⦿
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Greek Uncial fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Greek unicode [Google]
[More] ⦿
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GreekBoston.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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GreekKeys [George B. Walsh]
[More] ⦿
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greektex [Google]
[More] ⦿
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GreeKTeX Ver 3.1 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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greektype.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Green Type [Dmitrij Greshnev]
[More] ⦿
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Grenet - free Greek font [Sven-Olav Paavel]
[More] ⦿
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Griechische Schrift [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Griegoweb [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Griekse Lettertypes [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Grinder Collective [Nick Kandy]
[More] ⦿
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Grixel [Nikos Giannakopoulos]
[More] ⦿
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Grover Foundry [Thomas Grover]
[More] ⦿
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GR-Soft [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Guy Buhry [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Haerin Lee [Heummdesign]
[More] ⦿
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Hagiography database [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hanna Donker [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hans J. Simon Verlag [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hara Mesdaniti [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Haralambous: Greek typeface classification [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Haralampos Andreanidis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Harald Tomesch [Google]
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Haratzopoulos Panayiotis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Haris Bekrakis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Harris Darmawan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Harrisson [Open Source Publishing (or: OSP)]
[More] ⦿
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Hector Charalambous [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hector Haralambous
[More] ⦿
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Hein Boekhout [OTC (Odyssey Type Company)]
[More] ⦿
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Helen Gabara [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Helena Lekka [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hellas Arial [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hellenic Resources Network [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hellenistic Greek Linguistics Pages [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hello OSX [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Henry Warwick [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Heracles Papatheodorou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Herman Miller [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hermann Zapf
[More] ⦿
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Heummdesign [Haerin Lee]
[More] ⦿
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Hildegund Mueller [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hillel Glueck [Tamar Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Hilti [Google]
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hobz [Google]
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Holy (was: Odysseas GP) [Galinos Paparounis]
[More] ⦿
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Hotam [Hotam Mahmadiev]
[More] ⦿
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Hotam Mahmadiev [Hotam]
[More] ⦿
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Hugo Chargois [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hungarumlaut (was: Cila Design) [Adam Katyi]
[More] ⦿
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Hyphen A Typographic Forum [Google]
[More] ⦿
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I & O Media (or: Iset and Osiri, or: Imagine and Ordain) [T. Christopher White]
[More] ⦿
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I Shot The Serif [Matthew Welch]
[More] ⦿
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Ibycus [Pierre MacKay]
[More] ⦿
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ICTVC: International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication [Klimis Mastoridis]
[More] ⦿
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IFAO [Google]
[More] ⦿
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iframe [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Igor Dimitrijevic [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Igor Freiberger [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ilektra Mandragou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ilias [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ilias Koukoumatsas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Inde Graphics [Andreas Kalpakidis]
[More] ⦿
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Indian Summer Studio [Alexander Bobrov]
[More] ⦿
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Indieferdie [Ferdie Balderas]
[More] ⦿
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Ingo Zimmermann [Ingofonts]
[More] ⦿
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Ingofonts [Ingo Zimmermann]
[More] ⦿
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Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altorientalistik [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Intelligent Design (was: Intelligent Foundry) [Kostas Bartsokas]
[More] ⦿
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InTheBeginning.org [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Into the Type [Slavka Jevcinova]
[More] ⦿
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Ioana Archontaki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ioanna Zan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ioannis A. Vamvakas [Byzantine Music Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Ioannis Fetanis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ioannis Gamvets [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ioannis Panagiotopoulos [IPL Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Iordanis Passas [IP Art]
[More] ⦿
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IP Art [Iordanis Passas]
[More] ⦿
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IPL Type Foundry [Ioannis Panagiotopoulos]
[More] ⦿
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Irene Vlachou [Polytonic Greek tutorial]
[More] ⦿
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Irene Vlachou [Irene Vlachou Type]
[More] ⦿
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Irene Vlachou Type [Irene Vlachou]
[More] ⦿
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Isagogik [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Isay Solomonovich Slutsker
[More] ⦿
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Israel Seldowitz [Fontworld]
[More] ⦿
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ISTVC [Google]
[More] ⦿
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ITP Berkeley [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ivan Kyosev
[More] ⦿
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Ivana Bacanek [VIDI Visual Design Studio]
[More] ⦿
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J. Victor Gaultney [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jack Kilmon [Jack's Scribal and Epigraphic Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Jack's Scribal and Epigraphic Fonts [Jack Kilmon]
[More] ⦿
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Jakob Runge [Typemefonts (was: 26plus zeichen)]
[More] ⦿
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James K. Tauber [Melanos]
[More] ⦿
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James Kass [Google]
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James L. Stirling [Fontry West]
[More] ⦿
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James Naughton [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jan Janecek [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jan Koehler [Deniart Systems]
[More] ⦿
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Jan Thor [jGaramond]
[More] ⦿
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Jane Greckova [Jane's Den]
[More] ⦿
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Jane's Den [Jane Greckova]
[More] ⦿
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Janos Csoma [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Janus Lascaris
[More] ⦿
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Jany Belluz [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jason Castle [Castle Type]
[More] ⦿
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Jason Pagura [Cuttlefish Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Jason Smith [Fontsmith]
[More] ⦿
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Jawaher Alali [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jean McGuire [Wintertree Software]
[More] ⦿
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Jean-Pierre Olivier [Linear A Texts]
[More] ⦿
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Jeff Kellem [Slanted Hall]
[More] ⦿
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Jeffrey Rusten [Athenian Font]
[More] ⦿
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Jeongmin Kwon [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jeremy Johnson [Forme Type]
[More] ⦿
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Jeremy Tankard [Jeremy Tankard Typography]
[More] ⦿
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Jeremy Tankard Typography [Jeremy Tankard]
[More] ⦿
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jGaramond [Jan Thor]
[More] ⦿
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Jim Rimmer
[More] ⦿
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Jim Tsipoutas [Google]
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Jimmy Adair [Scholars Press]
[More] ⦿
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JL-types Ky [Juhani Lehtiranta]
[More] ⦿
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Joana Maria Correia da Silva [Nova Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Joana Ranito [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Joao Cracel [Craceltype]
[More] ⦿
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Joe Leadbeater [Google]
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Jogi Weichware [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Johann Karl Ludwig Prillwitz
[More] ⦿
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Johannes Giesecke [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John Barounis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John Bowman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John Dale Obedoza [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John H. Bowman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John Hudson [Brill]
[More] ⦿
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John Hudson [Society of Biblical Literature]
[More] ⦿
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John Hudson [Tiro TypeWorks]
[More] ⦿
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John M. Fiscella [Production First Software]
[More] ⦿
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John Mawby [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John Saranto [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jonas Hecksher [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jonas Schudel
[More] ⦿
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Jonathan Coltz [Daidala]
[More] ⦿
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Jonathan Perez [Typographies.fr]
[More] ⦿
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Jonathan Robie [Fonts for the New Testament Greek]
[More] ⦿
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Jordan Bell [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jordan Seth [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jos Kunst [Fonts Jos Kunst]
[More] ⦿
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Jose Carratala [Google]
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Joseph Champion [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Joseph Staleknight [Google]
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Joshua Olsthoorn [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jost Gippert [TITUS Unicode Greek]
[More] ⦿
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Journal of Biblical Studies [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Jovica Veljovic
[More] ⦿
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Juan Bruce
[More] ⦿
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Juan Luis Blanco [Blancoletters]
[More] ⦿
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Juan-José Marcos [Grammata]
[More] ⦿
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Juan-José Marcos García [Alphabetum]
[More] ⦿
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Jueun Kim
[More] ⦿
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Juhani Lehtiranta [JL-types Ky]
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Jujumisur [Jujumisur's Ficus]
[More] ⦿
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Jujumisur's Ficus [Jujumisur]
[More] ⦿
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Jules Hénaffe [Google]
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Julia Sysmäläinen [Juliasys]
[More] ⦿
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Julian Moncada Tobar
[More] ⦿
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Juliasys [Julia Sysmäläinen]
[More] ⦿
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Julie Janet Chauffier [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Julien Gionis [KRFX Kazekami]
[More] ⦿
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Jürgen Weltin [Typematters.de]
[More] ⦿
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K. J. Dryllerakis [KD Greek fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Kadmos, Bosporos, and Attika Fonts [Google]
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Kaja Slojewska [Nomad Fonts]
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Kalos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Kanella Arapoglou
[More] ⦿
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Kapatija [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Karandash [Vassil Nikolaev Kateliev]
[More] ⦿
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Karl Grech [Google]
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Karlgeorg Hoefer
[More] ⦿
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Karsten Lücke [KLTF (Karsten Lücke Type Faces)]
[More] ⦿
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KaryAmo Studio [Amar Arif]
[More] ⦿
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Karydis-Karodsis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Kate Wiliwinska [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Katerina Alivizatou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Katerina Kinna [Google]
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Kathleen Rothschild [Google]
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Kazuo Kanai [Ren Font]
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KD Greek fonts [K. J. Dryllerakis]
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KEIK Design Bureau [George Strouzas]
[More] ⦿
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Kenny Publications [Google]
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Kerkis [Antonis Tsolomitis]
[More] ⦿
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Kevin Pease [Cerulean Stimuli]
[More] ⦿
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Khaled Hosny [Libertinus]
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Khaled Hosny [XITS]
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Khaled Hosny [Khaled Hosny]
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Khaled Hosny [Khaled Hosny]
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Kilotype [Selma Losch]
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Kimmy Design [Kimmy Kirkwood]
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Kimmy Kirkwood [Kimmy Design]
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Klaus-Peter Schaeffel [KPS Fonts]
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Klimis Mastoridis [Google]
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Klimis Mastoridis [ICTVC: International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication]
[More] ⦿
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Klinge Art [Michael Klinge]
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KLTF (Karsten Lücke Type Faces) [Karsten Lücke]
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Koine font [Google]
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Konstadinos Giannakoudis [Google]
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Konstantina Louka [Nantia]
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Konstantinos Spaliaras [Google]
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Korinthus web page [Google]
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Kosal Sen [Philatype]
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Kostas Bartsokas [Intelligent Design (was: Intelligent Foundry)]
[More] ⦿
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Kostas Hatzopoulos [Google]
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Kostas Kaparos [Google]
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KPS Fonts [Klaus-Peter Schaeffel]
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Kreative Korporation (was: Relay Fonts, or: Kreative Software) [Rebecca Bettencourt]
[More] ⦿
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KRFX Kazekami [Julien Gionis]
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Kris Alans [Google]
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Krista Likar
[More] ⦿
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Krysztof Chuc [Visual Works]
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ktf [Google]
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kvant [Google]
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Kyriakos Filippis [Google]
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Laboratory of Digital Typography and Mathematical Software [Antonis Tsolomitis]
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Lafontype (pr: tardiexwas: Pixifield, Elementype, Fontliner Studio) [Anugrah Pasau]
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Laïc [Maciej Polczynski]
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L'Alpha et l'Oméga [Google]
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Language Fonts for Mac [Google]
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Laridian [Google]
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Lascaris [Rolf Noyer]
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LaserGreek [Google]
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LaTeX Navigator [Denis Roegel]
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Laurence Penney [FauxFoundry]
[More] ⦿
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Laurent Bourcellier [Google]
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Laurie Field [Google]
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Laval Chabon [Google]
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LCT (or: Atelier La Casse) [Quentin J. Stavinsky]
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least1234 [Google]
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Lefteris Protopapas [Google]
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Leif Wikaeren Nilsen [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Leo Colalillo
[More] ⦿
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Leo Philp
[More] ⦿
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Leonardo Di Lena [Flanker (or: Studio di Lena)]
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Lerfu [Mark E. Shoulson]
[More] ⦿
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Letter Muzara [Anna Tsuranova]
[More] ⦿
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Letterjuice [Pilar Cano]
[More] ⦿
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Lettersoup [Botio Nikoltchev]
[More] ⦿
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Lewis McGuffie
[More] ⦿
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Libertine Open Fonts Project [Philipp H. Poll]
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Libertinus [Khaled Hosny]
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Lida Alexandri [Google]
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Lilith Laborey [Google]
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Linear A Texts [Jean-Pierre Olivier]
[More] ⦿
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Linus Romer [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Lire le grec dans le texte [Google]
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Lisa Dröes [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Lisa Fischbach
[More] ⦿
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Lisa Schultz
[More] ⦿
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Literata [Google]
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Lola Herst
[More] ⦿
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Looseleaf Fonts [Nathanael Bonnell]
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Loshaj Foundry [Burim Loshaj]
[More] ⦿
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Louisa-Helen Fröhlich
[More] ⦿
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Luca Bresolin [Google]
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Lucas de Groot [LucasFonts (and: FontFabrik)]
[More] ⦿
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Lucas Le Bihan [Bretagne Type Foundry]
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LucasFonts (and: FontFabrik) [Lucas de Groot]
[More] ⦿
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Luce Avérous
[More] ⦿
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Lucius Hartmann [Alkaios]
[More] ⦿
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Lucius Hartmann [Altgriechische Zeichensätze]
[More] ⦿
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Luisa Baeta [Google]
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Lukas Paltram
[More] ⦿
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Lynn Di [Google]
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Lyons Type [Daniel Lyons]
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M+ Fonts [Coji Morishita]
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MacCampus [Sebastian Kempgen]
[More] ⦿
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Maciej Polczynski [Laïc]
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Magdalini Stefanatou [Google]
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Magenta [Google]
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Magical journey to Greece [Google]
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Magna [Google]
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Malvern [P. Damian Cugley]
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MAN [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Manchson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Marath Salychow [Google]
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Marathon Data [George Kalantzopoulos]
[More] ⦿
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Maria Afroditi Patsi Jackson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Maria Afroditi Patsi Jackson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Maria Georgiou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Maria Ramos Silva [Marsi Desino]
[More] ⦿
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Marianna Angouridaki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Marianna Pefani [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Marion Delsuc [Google]
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Marios Balaskas [Google]
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Marios Zachariadis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Marius Mitran
[More] ⦿
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Mark Bloom [Mash Creative]
[More] ⦿
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Mark E. Shoulson [Lerfu]
[More] ⦿
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Mark Goodacre [The Greek New Testament Gateway: Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Mark Jamra [Type Culture]
[More] ⦿
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Mark Williamson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Markela Bgiala [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Marsi Desino [Maria Ramos Silva]
[More] ⦿
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Martin Schuster [Schriftarten für den theologischen Gebrauch]
[More] ⦿
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Mary Petropoulou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mash Creative [Mark Bloom]
[More] ⦿
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Mateo Broillet [ETC Type]
[More] ⦿
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Mateus Boga [Google]
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Mateusz Machalski [Borutta (or: Duce Type)]
[More] ⦿
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Matthew Robinson [Classical Greek Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Matthew Stephen Stuckwisch [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Matthew Welch [I Shot The Serif]
[More] ⦿
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Matthias Pauwels [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Maurice Eduard Pinder [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mediolanum [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Melanie Duarte [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Melanie Malzahn [Google]
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Melanos [James K. Tauber]
[More] ⦿
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Melina Touros [Google]
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Mellel [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Melpomeni Chatzipanagiotou [Menis Art]
[More] ⦿
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Memexikon [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Meni Chatzipanagiotou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Menis Art [Melpomeni Chatzipanagiotou]
[More] ⦿
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Merck [Google]
[More] ⦿
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MetaType [Google]
[More] ⦿
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MgOpen Fonts [Alexios Zavras]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Gene Adkins [The Fontry]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Klinge [Klinge Art]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Lee Finney [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Neuhold [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Palmer [Greek Fonts Gateway]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Parson [Typogama]
[More] ⦿
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Michael S. Bushell [Bible Works Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Michael S. Macrakis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Sharpe [Nimbus 15]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Sharpe [Erewhon]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Sharpe [ScholaX]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Spivak [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Wallner [The Type Fetish]
[More] ⦿
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Michail Semoglou [Type Initiative]
[More] ⦿
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Michail Semoglou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Michel Dricot [Empirica]
[More] ⦿
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Michele Patanè [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Miguel Bernardino [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mihai Sorin
[More] ⦿
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Mihail JP [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mike Karolos [Smirap Designs]
[More] ⦿
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Milka Peikova
[More] ⦿
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Milos Mitrovic [Gradient (was: Mindburger Studio)]
[More] ⦿
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Mindaugas Strockis
[More] ⦿
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Mint Type (was: PDesign 6.0) [Andriy Konstantynov]
[More] ⦿
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miqraot.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Miranda Roth [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mitja Miklavčič
[More] ⦿
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Mohamad Dakak
[More] ⦿
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Moisture [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Molly Suber Thorpe
[More] ⦿
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Monario [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Monospace [Google]
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Monotype: Greek [Google]
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Monotype Greek 90 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Montse Soler [Google]
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morrolan [Google]
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Moshovos [Google]
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Mr. Karakas [Google]
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Muhammad Ridha Agusni [38 Lineart Studio (or: Grayscale, or: Fontsources)]
[More] ⦿
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Muna Abdel Hadi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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MunchFonts [Gary Munch]
[More] ⦿
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mwfon103 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Myrto Orfanoudaki Simic [Aka Acid (or: Cybertronical Design)]
[More] ⦿
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Myrto Papadaki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Najla M. Badran [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nantia [Konstantina Louka]
[More] ⦿
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Nata Is At [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Natalia Qadreh [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Natalie Rauch [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Natasha Raissaki
[More] ⦿
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Nathan Willis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nathan Zimet [NCT]
[More] ⦿
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Nathanael Bonnell [Looseleaf Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Nathanael Dorange [Par Défaut]
[More] ⦿
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Nathaniel Porter [Chris' British Road Directory]
[More] ⦿
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Nationale Software Wijzer Download Games [Google]
[More] ⦿
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NCT [Nathan Zimet]
[More] ⦿
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Neobyzantine [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nestoras Kechagias [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Netian.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Neue Deutsche (was: Der Graph) [Wolf Böse]
[More] ⦿
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Neue Frutiger [Akira Kobayashi]
[More] ⦿
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Neue Helvetica World [Google]
[More] ⦿
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New Breed Software [Google]
[More] ⦿
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New Testament Manuscripts Font Collection [Allan Loder]
[More] ⦿
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Newtgreek [Google]
[More] ⦿
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NFLEKTO [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Job
[More] ⦿
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Nick Kandy [Grinder Collective]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Margaritis [Agios Eugraphos Type Optic Synergy]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Nicholas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Novell [Nikos Chouliaras]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Shinn [Shinn Type]
[More] ⦿
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Nicolas Koultoukis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nicole Dotin [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nicolien van der Keur [VanderKeur]
[More] ⦿
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Nikiforos Kollaros [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nikolaos Moskofidis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nikos Chouliaras [Nick Novell]
[More] ⦿
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Nikos Georgopoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nikos Giannakopoulos [Grixel]
[More] ⦿
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Nikos Giuris [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nikos Goulandris [Estampilles]
[More] ⦿
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Nimbus [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nimbus 15 [Michael Sharpe]
[More] ⦿
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Nipadetski Inc [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Noel Pretorius [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nomad Fonts [Kaja Slojewska]
[More] ⦿
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North Park [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Northwest semitic links [Google]
[More] ⦿
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nosepol [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Noto [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nova Type Foundry [Joana Maria Correia da Silva]
[More] ⦿
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NSM Worldwide (or: Greek House of Fonts) [Phelan Riessen]
[More] ⦿
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Numismatica Font Project [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Numus Moneta Font [G. Thomas Schroer]
[More] ⦿
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Odyssey--Ellenikes GrAFES [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oleg Macujev [Omtype]
[More] ⦿
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Oleg Stepanov
[More] ⦿
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Oleh Lishchuk [Pepper Type]
[More] ⦿
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Olga Belousova [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Olga Mishyna [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Omega Type Foundry [Toshi Omagari]
[More] ⦿
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Omtype [Oleg Macujev]
[More] ⦿
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Online bible resources [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Open Printing Project [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Open Source Publishing (or: OSP) [Harrisson]
[More] ⦿
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Orestes Chouchoulas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oscar Yáñez [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Osman Nuri Alkan [Runic World Tamgaci]
[More] ⦿
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OTC (Odyssey Type Company) [Hein Boekhout]
[More] ⦿
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P. Damian Cugley [Malvern]
[More] ⦿
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Palatino Unicode Greek [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Paleofonts V. 2 [Vasil Gligorov]
[More] ⦿
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Palina Pliashchanka [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Panagiotis Chatzigeorgiou [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Panayotis Katsaloulis [Avi Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Panos Athanasiadis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Panos Haratzopoulos [Cannibal Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Panos Nikolakakis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Panos Vassiliou [Parachute]
[More] ⦿
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Panos Voulgaris [Google]
[More] ⦿
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papimi.gr [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Par Défaut [Nathanael Dorange]
[More] ⦿
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Parachute [Panos Vassiliou]
[More] ⦿
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Paradigm Software Development [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Parash2001 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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[More] ⦿
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Paris Koutsikos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Parmigiano Typographic System [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pathloss4.0 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Patrick Fury [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Patrick Giasson
[More] ⦿
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Paul Hanslow [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Paul James Miller [PJM Homebrew Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Paul Pietquin [FUNDP: Tablinum]
[More] ⦿
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Paula Nazal Selaive
[More] ⦿
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Pavlos Levendellis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pedro Arilla
[More] ⦿
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Pely F [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pepper Type [Oleh Lishchuk]
[More] ⦿
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Peter Bilak [Typotheque]
[More] ⦿
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Peter Bruhn [Fountain--A Friendly Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Peter R. Wilson [archaic]
[More] ⦿
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Peter Specht [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Petros Vasiadis [Cyn Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Petros Voulgaris [Google]
[More] ⦿
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phantis.com [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Phelan Riessen [NSM Worldwide (or: Greek House of Fonts)]
[More] ⦿
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Phil Chastney [Amadeus Information Systems]
[More] ⦿
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Philatype [Kosal Sen]
[More] ⦿
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Philip Barton Payne [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Philip Garnham
[More] ⦿
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Philip Jones [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Philip Tagg [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Philipp Caroline Neumeyer [Rüdiger]
[More] ⦿
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Philipp H. Poll [Libertine Open Fonts Project]
[More] ⦿
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Philippe Cochy [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Phillip Andrade [Dry Heaves Fonts (was: Phil Fonts)]
[More] ⦿
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Pierre Cot [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pierre MacKay [Ibycus]
[More] ⦿
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Pieter van Rosmalen [Bold Monday]
[More] ⦿
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Pilar Cano [Letterjuice]
[More] ⦿
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Pixelogical (was: Unicorg) [Christos Chiotis]
[More] ⦿
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PJM Homebrew Fonts [Paul James Miller]
[More] ⦿
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Plectron Logos [Google]
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Polytonic (ancient) Greek in Mac OS X [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Polytonic Greek tutorial [Irene Vlachou]
[More] ⦿
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Pomoerium [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pretty Poly Project [Google]
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ProcopiouNet [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Production First Software [John M. Fiscella]
[More] ⦿
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Prokopios Tzoulis [Tzoulis Graphic Design (or: TZ-Design)]
[More] ⦿
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Protimient.com [Ben Jones]
[More] ⦿
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Protogenea [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Przemyslaw Hoffer [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Psaltic Fonts [Constantine Terzopoulos]
[More] ⦿
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Psychonomicon Library [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Quartet Systems [Eric Wannin]
[More] ⦿
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Quentin J. Stavinsky [LCT (or: Atelier La Casse)]
[More] ⦿
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R255 [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Rachel Reveley [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Radek Lukasiewicz
[More] ⦿
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Rafael Dietzsch [Esteriografica (was: Familia Design)]
[More] ⦿
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Rainer Will [Will Software]
[More] ⦿
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Ralf Vollmann [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ralph Hancock [Antioch]
[More] ⦿
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Raphael Lazaros [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Raphael Polixronis [Google]
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Rasmus Andersson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ray Larabie [Typodermic]
[More] ⦿
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Raymond Bobar [Google]
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Rebecca Bettencourt [Kreative Korporation (was: Relay Fonts, or: Kreative Software)]
[More] ⦿
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Rectorat de Toulouse [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Redwood [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Reinhold Kainhofer [RK Ancient Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Ren Font [Kazuo Kanai]
[More] ⦿
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Renzhi Li [Belleve Invis]
[More] ⦿
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Riccardo De Franceschi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Riccardo Lorusso [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Riccardo Olocco
[More] ⦿
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Richard G. Spaulding [The Greek Font Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Richard Goulet [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Richard Porson [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Richard T. Austin
[More] ⦿
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RK Ancient Fonts [Reinhold Kainhofer]
[More] ⦿
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Rob McKaughan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Robert Proctor [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Robert Slimbach
[More] ⦿
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Roberto Alessi [Google]
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Roberto Teixeira [Di Barros]
[More] ⦿
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Rodney J. Decker [Google]
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Rogier C. Van Dalen [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Rolf Noyer [Lascaris]
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Romaiika Polytonika [Google]
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Roman Type [Roman Wilhelm]
[More] ⦿
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Roman Wilhelm [Roman Type]
[More] ⦿
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Ron Whitney [Google]
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Rosetta Type Foundry
[More] ⦿
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Ross Mills [STIX Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Rote-Grafik [Google]
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Rouli Diamond [Google]
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RR Donnelley [Google]
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Rudolf Ludwig Decker [Deckersche Schriftgießerei]
[More] ⦿
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Rumi Kim
[More] ⦿
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Rune Bjørnerås [Google]
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Runic World Tamgaci [Osman Nuri Alkan]
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Russell Cottrell [Google]
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Rüdiger [Philipp Caroline Neumeyer]
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Ryota Doi
[More] ⦿
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Sacha Rein
[More] ⦿
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Salih Kizilkaya
[More] ⦿
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Sandra Romano Martin [Semata]
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Sandra Winter
[More] ⦿
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SangHyeon Park
[More] ⦿
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Santhi Thomaidi [Google]
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Sarah Allison Bullock [Google]
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Sarasiti-Victoria [Google]
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Satsuyako [Google]
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Schola Classic Tutorials [Google]
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Scholars Press [Jimmy Adair]
[More] ⦿
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ScholaX [Michael Sharpe]
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Schriftarten für den theologischen Gebrauch [Martin Schuster]
[More] ⦿
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Schriftgestaltung [Georg Seifert]
[More] ⦿
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Schueler [Google]
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Séamas Ó Brógáin [Seirbhísí Leabhar]
[More] ⦿
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Sean Redmond [Google]
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Sebastian Castellanos De La Hoz [Bastarda Type (was: No Name Type Foundry)]
[More] ⦿
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Sebastian Kempgen [MacCampus]
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Sebastian Riessen [Greek House of Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Seirbhísí Leabhar [Séamas Ó Brógáin]
[More] ⦿
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Selina Bernet [Google]
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Selma Losch [Kilotype]
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Selwyn Image [Google]
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Semata [Sandra Romano Martin]
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Seminar on typography and optical communication [Google]
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Senso Type & Graphic [Google]
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Sentouka Rodanthi [Google]
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Serbian Orthodox Church [Google]
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Sergei Egorov
[More] ⦿
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Sergio Trujillo [Google]
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Sergios Hatzinikolas [Google]
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Sergiy Tkachenko [4th February]
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Severin Meyer [Google]
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Sevi Spanou [Google]
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SGreek fixed [Google]
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Shareware Greek Fonts for the PC [Google]
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Sharkshock [Dennis Ludlow]
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Shinn Type [Nick Shinn]
[More] ⦿
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Shriftovik Foundry [Tikhon Reztcov]
[More] ⦿
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SIAS (or: Signographical Institute Andreas Stötzner) [Andreas Stötzner]
[More] ⦿
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SIL Apparatus Fonts [Google]
[More] ⦿
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SIL Greek Font System [Google]
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Silver Mountain Software [Google]
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Silvio Levy [Greek (Silvio Levy)]
[More] ⦿
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Simeon out West Foundry [Brett T. Johnson]
[More] ⦿
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Simtel.Net Windows 95 Collection [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sirylok (was: Popdog Fonts, or Fiberia) [Dimitris Kolyris]
[More] ⦿
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Slanted Hall [Jeff Kellem]
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Slavka Jevcinova [Into the Type]
[More] ⦿
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SMF Baskerville [Yannis Haralambous]
[More] ⦿
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Smirap Designs [Mike Karolos]
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Society of Biblical Literature [John Hudson]
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Sofia Karioti [Google]
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Sofia Pliakopanou [Google]
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Sofia Valvi [Google]
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Software for Classicists [Google]
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Software Ignegneria [Google]
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Soixantedeux [Google]
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Soledad Degl'Innocenti [Google]
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Son of WinGreek v2.2 [Google]
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Sophia Apostolopoulou [Google]
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Sophia Drogoudi [Google]
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Sophia Kalaitzidou [Antonis Tsolomitis]
[More] ⦿
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Sophie Mili [Google]
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Sophy Vini [Google]
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Sotiris Sioutzioukis [Google]
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Source Han Sans [Google]
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Source Han Serif [Google]
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Sources chrétiennes [Google]
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Southern Software Inc. (SSi) [Google]
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SPTiberian, SPIonic [Google]
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Spyros Athanassopoulos [Google]
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start.gr [Google]
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Stavros A. Georgakopoulos [Google]
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Stefan Hagel [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Stefan Peev [Context Ltd]
[More] ⦿
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Stefan Stoychev
[More] ⦿
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Stefania Vlastari [Google]
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Stefanos Noutsias [Google]
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Stelios Ypsilantis [Google]
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Stella Daidou [Google]
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STEP fonts [Google]
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Stepan Roh [DejaVu Fonts]
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Stephen M. Knouse [Essqué Productions]
[More] ⦿
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Stephen Schrenk [Arev Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Stergios Tsiamis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Steve Bailgamis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Steve Gardner [Explogos]
[More] ⦿
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Steve Massie [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Steve White [GNU Freefont (or: Free UCS Outline Fonts)]
[More] ⦿
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STIX Fonts [Ross Mills]
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Storm Type Foundry [Frantisek Storm]
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Stratos Doumanis [Google]
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Stratos Politis [Google]
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StratosMFonts [Efstratios Moysis]
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Studio Big Horror [Alexandros Mavrogiannis]
[More] ⦿
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Studio Domahoka [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Studio Moccoro [Google]
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Studio Sun (or: Sun Brand Co) [Cahya Sofyan]
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Suitcase Type Foundry [Tomás Brousil]
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Summer Institute of Linguistics (also: Fonts in Cyberspace) [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sun-Ext [Google]
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Superior Type [Vojtech Riha]
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supernet.gr [Google]
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Sven-Olav Paavel [Grenet - free Greek font]
[More] ⦿
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T. Christopher White [I & O Media (or: Iset and Osiri, or: Imagine and Ordain)]
[More] ⦿
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Ta Meta Ta Phonetika [Google]
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Tagir Safayev
[More] ⦿
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Takis Katsoulidis [Google]
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Tamar Fonts [Hillel Glueck]
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Tamara Pilz
[More] ⦿
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Tambov State Technical University [Google]
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Tania Zacharaki-Karamanou [Google]
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Tanya George [Google]
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Tasos Eclipse [Google]
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Tasos Kapa [Google]
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Tassos Hatzipanagos [Google]
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Technologies 'N Typography [Google]
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Teja Smrekar [Fleha Type]
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Teknia Software [William Mounce]
[More] ⦿
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Teknike [Thoma Kikis]
[More] ⦿
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Tero Kivinen [Google]
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Terrance Weinzierl
[More] ⦿
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Terzakis [Google]
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TeX Gyre Project [Google]
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Thalassinos Anastasiou [Google]
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Thanos Poulakidas [Google]
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Tharkun Smith [Google]
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Thatcher Ulrich [Google]
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The Eighth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2022) [Google]
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The Examined Life [Google]
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The Fifth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2013) [Google]
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The Fontry [Michael Gene Adkins]
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The Fourth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2010) [Google]
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The Greek Font Foundry [Richard G. Spaulding]
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The Greek New Testament Gateway: Fonts [Mark Goodacre]
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THE GREEK PACK CP-1253 for Windows [Google]
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The PAP Type foundry [Theod. Paraskevopoulos]
[More] ⦿
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The Seventh International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2019) [Google]
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The Shalom fonts for Windows Collection [Google]
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The Sixth International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC 2016) [Google]
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The Third International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication [Google]
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The Type Fetish [Michael Wallner]
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The Zyme [Babis Touglis]
[More] ⦿
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Theo Kontaxis [Theokon Design]
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Theod. Paraskevopoulos [The PAP Type foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Theokon Design [Theo Kontaxis]
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Thesaurus Linguae Graecae [Google]
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Thessaloniki: Seminar on typesetting and page layout [Google]
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Thoma Kikis [Teknike]
[More] ⦿
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Thomas Grover [Grover Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Thomas Phinney
[More] ⦿
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Thomas Pryds Lauritsen [German Donaldist Society (D.O.N.A.L.D.)]
[More] ⦿
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Thomas T. Pedersen [Transliteration of Non-Roman Alphabets]
[More] ⦿
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Ti92Pluspc [Google]
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Tikhon Reztcov [Shriftovik Foundry]
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Tim Larson [Christ Trek Fonts]
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Tiro TypeWorks [John Hudson]
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TITUS Instrumenta [Google]
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TITUS Unicode Greek [Jost Gippert]
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Tobias Benjamin Köhler [www.uncia.de (was: uncifonts)]
[More] ⦿
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Tofutype [Tzu-yuan "Erik" Yin]
[More] ⦿
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Tomás Brousil [Suitcase Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Tomas Kindahl [Google]
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Tony Evreniadis [Visualize United]
[More] ⦿
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Toshi Omagari [Omega Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Transliteration of Non-Roman Alphabets [Thomas T. Pedersen]
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Trevor Bullock [Google]
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Tsiplakos Grigoris [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Tural Alisoy [Tural Aliyev]
[More] ⦿
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Tural Aliyev [Tural Alisoy]
[More] ⦿
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Twelve Times two [Yiorgos Yiacos]
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Tyfont [Google]
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Type Culture [Mark Jamra]
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Type for Scholars [Google]
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Type Initiative [Michail Semoglou]
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Typedepot [Alexander Nedelev]
[More] ⦿
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Typematters.de [Jürgen Weltin]
[More] ⦿
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Typemefonts (was: 26plus zeichen) [Jakob Runge]
[More] ⦿
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Typical Organization [Google]
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Typiko [François H. Villebrod]
[More] ⦿
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typO969 [Douglas Lyle McCue Jr]
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Typodermic [Ray Larabie]
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Typogama [Michael Parson]
[More] ⦿
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Typographie grecque [Google]
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Typographies.fr [Jonathan Perez]
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Typotheque [Peter Bilak]
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Tzoulis Graphic Design (or: TZ-Design) [Prokopios Tzoulis]
[More] ⦿
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Tzu-yuan "Erik" Yin [Tofutype]
[More] ⦿
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Ueli Kaufmann [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ulrich Harsch [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Umbreon 126 [Google]
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Under Pressure [Google]
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UNESCO Kazakhstan [Google]
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Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts [George Douros]
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Unicode Greek [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Unicode ISO 8859 [Google]
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Unicode Polytonic Greek for the Web [Google]
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Unine.ch [Google]
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unipd.it [Google]
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United Hellas [Google]
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URW Braille [Google]
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URW++ Core 35 Fonts [Google]
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URW Nimbus Sans Global [Google]
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URW Type Foundrty (was: urw++)
[More] ⦿
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VAG Rounded [Google]
[More] ⦿
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VAGDesign Greek Opentype fonts [Vangelis Makridakis]
[More] ⦿
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Val Kalinic [VP Type (or: VP Pixel Fonts)]
[More] ⦿
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VanderKeur [Nicolien van der Keur]
[More] ⦿
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Vangelis Dim. Gardikiotis [DBSV]
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Vangelis Karageorgos [Google]
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Vangelis Makridakis [VAGDesign Greek Opentype fonts]
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Vasgrav [Vasilis Gravaritis]
[More] ⦿
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Vasil Gligorov [Paleofonts V. 2]
[More] ⦿
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Vasil Gligorov [Google]
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Vasileios Synanidis [We Love Rain]
[More] ⦿
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Vasiliki Zotou [Google]
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Vasilis Grammaticos [Ypatia]
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Vasilis Gravaritis [Vasgrav]
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Vasilis Kanaris [Google]
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Vasilis Manousardis [Google]
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Vasilis Pallas [Google]
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Vasilis Sinanidis [Google]
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Vasilis Skandalos [Google]
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Vasilis Tanos [Google]
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Vassil Nikolaev Kateliev [Karandash]
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Vassilis Georgiou [Google]
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Veronika Burian
[More] ⦿
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Victor Scholderer [Google]
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VIDI Visual Design Studio [Ivana Bacanek]
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Viktor Kharyk
[More] ⦿
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Vilma Lappalainen [Google]
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Vincenzo Vuono [Google]
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Visual Works [Krysztof Chuc]
[More] ⦿
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Visualize United [Tony Evreniadis]
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Vivi Manthou [Google]
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VL Gothic [Daisuke Suzuki]
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Vladimir Radibradovic
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Vladimir Radibradovich [Google]
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Vladimir Radibratovic [Google]
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Vlasis Androutsos [Google]
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Vlassis Fotinos [Google]
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Vojtech Riha [Superior Type]
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VP Pixel [Google]
[More] ⦿
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VP Type (or: VP Pixel Fonts) [Val Kalinic]
[More] ⦿
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Wannatype (was: Typic) [Ekke Wolf]
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WDC Fonts [Eugen Sudak]
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We Love Rain [Vasileios Synanidis]
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Weidmüller [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Wenceslaus Joannes Crabat [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Wilhelm Eckert
[More] ⦿
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Will Software [Rainer Will]
[More] ⦿
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William Caslon III
[More] ⦿
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William Mounce [Teknia Software]
[More] ⦿
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WinGreek [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Wintertree Software [Jean McGuire]
[More] ⦿
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Wm. Ross Mills
[More] ⦿
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Wojciech Kalinowski [Google]
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Wolf Böse [Neue Deutsche (was: Der Graph)]
[More] ⦿
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WorldScript Macintosh Support [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Würth [Google]
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www.uncia.de (was: uncifonts) [Tobias Benjamin Köhler]
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Xanthippe [Google]
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xfonts [Google]
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XITS [Khaled Hosny]
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Yanghee Ryu [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yannis Aggelakos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yannis Haralambous [SMF Baskerville]
[More] ⦿
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Yannis Haralambous [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yehyeong Lee
[More] ⦿
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Yiannis Karlopoulos [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yiannis Kefallinos [Google]
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Yiannis Kouroudis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yiannis N. Moschovakis on Greek TEX [Google]
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Yiorgos Bodrelis [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yiorgos Yiacos [Twelve Times two]
[More] ⦿
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Ypatia [Vasilis Grammaticos]
[More] ⦿
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Yui Yoshitomi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yulia Tigina [Google]
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Yuriy and Tatyana Krivoguz [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Yves Gouraud [Google]
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Y&Y [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Zacharias Callierges [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Zawgyi.net&Alpha Mandalay [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Zenab Bastawala [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Zhang Miao [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Zhivko Stankulov [Google]
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Zofos [Google]
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Zoren Tomahok [Google]
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Zrinka Buljubasic [Dual Type]
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