TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:15:30 EDT 2025






Walden Font [Oliver Weiss]

Walden Font (est. 1997) sells historical typefaces&clip-art by Oliver Weiss from Winchester, MA. Walden's site includes a brief history of blackletter, as summarized in the PDF document The Gutenberg Press: Five Centuries of German Fraktur (1997). Typefaces by categories:

  • The nice 14-font package called Civil War Press.
  • The free art nouveau font Jugend WF (2006).
  • Kraftwerk Press (2016-2017), a collection of 25 German industrial fonts emulating the era from 1920-1930:
    • WFBorderBergland, WFBorderLineal, WFBorderLorbeer, WFBorderRauhreif, WFBorderRiesel, WFBorderSaftig, WFBorderSandmann, WFBorderSchnuppe, WFBorderWolkig, WFBorderZahnung, WFKraftwerkOrnamente, WFKraftwerkVignettenFett, WFKraftwerkVignettenLicht. Great borders and ornaments that were mainly revived from Neues Schmuckmaterial (Schriftguss AG, formerly Brüder Butte).
    • WFFettdruck, WFHochdruck, WFNormdruck: Examples of Reklameschrift originally designed in 1908, 1926 and 1920, respectively.
    • WFFetteKrause. Inspired by an advertisement for printing machinery in a 1924 issue of the Hungarian trade magazine Magyar Grafika.
    • WFKaracho: Inspired by a bit of hand-lettering from a 1926 issue of the German advertising art periodical Gebrauchsgrafik.
    • WFLuftpost. Based on lettering samples for sign painters.
    • WFNeueOhioSchrift. Weiss writes: The Brüder Butter foundry in Dresden had a good working relationship with ATF, and thus several American typefaces found their way into the Butter catalog. Among them was Pabst Oldstyle, designed in 1902. Brüder Butter changed the erect peak of Pabst's A to a flaccid one, and distributed the result as Ohio Schrift, starting about 1913. Throughout the 1920s, Brüder Butter marketed the Ohio family through a series of leaflets that put the typeface through its paces in innovative ways. WFNeueOhioKursiv is the Italian companion. In 1922, Brüder Butter added a bold typeface to the Ohio family. This was not an ATF transplant, but a new design by Eduard Lautenbach. It was available with a set of swash capitals, and several curly-cued, lowercase alternates, ideally suited for children's books. Weiss's revival is WFNeueOhioKraft.
    • WFNeueWerbeKraft. Based on Arthur Schulze's Werbkraft (1926).
    • WF Paletti. Loosely based on the popular monoline silent movie script typeface Tango-Kursiv (1913, Ernst Deutsch).
    • WF Vulkan. A loud all caps typeface based on an advertisement in the April 1926 issue of Gebrauchsgraphik.
  • Their Renaissance&Handwriting font pack has nine different handwriting fonts from 1450 to 1700.
  • The Minuteman Printshop set contains 18 colonial fonts: Ancient Black, Caslon Book, Caslon Book Italic, Caslon Swash Italic, Webster Italic, Webster Roman, English Hand, Rev.War Heroes, Signers of the DoI, Colonial Bullets, Daisy Border, Lily Border, Marigold Border, Needlepoint Border, Pine Cone Border, Quilt Border, Rose Border, Tulip Border.
  • Eighteen blackletter fonts, called the Gutenberg Press series: Alte Schwabacher, Breitkopf Fraktur, Coelnisch Current, Fette Haenel Fraktur, Ganz Grobe Gotisch, Grossvater Kurrent, Gutenberg Bibelschrift, Kurrent Kupferstich, Luthersche Fraktur, Maximilian Gotisch, Neue Schwabacher, Peter Schlemihl, Suetterlin, Theuerdank Fraktur, Unger Fraktur, W'bg. Schwabacher, Zentenar Fraktur.
  • Wood type, the Wild West Press series (2010, 47 fonts), and related fonts: Sawtooth WF (2002), Acanthus Border, Ashwood Condensed, Ashwood Extra Bold, Asphaltum, Aubrey Landing, Baubles Border, Bear Gulch, Brass Rules, Bullion Extra Condensed, Bullion Italic, Bullion, Cattle Brands, Chalk Bluff, Clifford Eight, Cut and Shoot, Dead Man's Hand, Faywood Extra Condensed, Faywood Italic, Faywood, Fringe Border, Garland Border, Gatlin Bold, Grid Border, Heroes and Villains, Jawbones Condensed, Lace Border, Langtry, Matchwood Bold Italic, Matchwood Bold, Matchwood Italic, Matchwood, Muleshoe, Ophir, Rawhide, Round Mountain, Royal Nonesuch, Sageland, Sawtooth, Seal Border, Shelldrake, Stockton, Thousandsticks, Thunder Mountain, Vine Border, Western Bullets, Whitecross, Wildwash.
  • Art nouveau revivals. His Art Nouveau Printshop Vol. 1 (2020) includes these fonts:
    • WF Border Edellinien: Based on borders by Schelter & Giesecke, 1901.
    • WF Border Eos.
    • WF Border Flach: After a specimen seen in a 1915 specimen book at Bauersche Giesserei.
    • WF Border Nimbus.
    • WF Border Patriz Huber: After a Schelter & Giesecke design from 1906 called Patriz Huber Ornamente, which was named after designer, goldsmith and furniture maker Patriz Huber, 1878-1902.
    • WF Border Peacock: Based on borders by Schelter & Giesecke, 1904 (or earlier).
    • WF Border Seerosen.
    • WF Border Ver Sacrum: Based on borders by Heinz Keune for Schelter & Giesecke, 1901 (or earlier).
    • WF Dahlia: Closely based on a draft for F. Schweimann's Wodan, first issued by Stempel & Co in 1902.
    • WF Fafner: After a poster typeface by Schelter & Giesecke first seen in 1905. Unknown designer.
    • WF Habsburg: After an original by Heinz Keune from 1903 for Schelter & Giesecke.
    • WF Jugendstil Ornaments.
    • WF Liane Semibold: A condensed Plakatschrift that revives Liane Semibold (1908, Schelter & Giesecke).
    • WF Maria Theresia: After Maria-Theresia-Versalien (1903, Heinz Keune for Schelter & Giesecke).
    • WF Meierschrift: Based on Meierschrift (1903, C.F. Meier), which was produced by Schelter & Giesecke in 1904.
    • WF Ovid: After an original by Heinz Keune from 1903 for Schelter & Giesecke.
    • WF Radium: After an original white on black typeface by Schelter & Giesecke (1905).
    • WF Rienzi Versalien: After Versalienschrift Rienzi (1901).
    • WF Schelter Antiqua: A revival of Schelter Antiqua (1905, Schelter & Giesecke).
    • WF Wallenstein: Based on an original by Heinz Keune (1904), who intended it as a heavy weight companion of Habsburg and Wittelsbach,
    • WF Wittelsbach: After an original by Heinz Keune from 1903 for Schelter & Giesecke.
  • Gnomos is a grungified merovingian typeface [Walden Font claims that it was found in a 16th century house].
  • Magick: A series of 11 alchemic and medieval typefaces, including custom creations by Australian calligrapher Mark Calderwood: Astaroth, Bastarda, Batwynge, Gnomos, Luxeuil, Orgeuil, Runor, Salem 1692, Alchemy Symbols, Astrological Symbols.
  • Diverse Handes: Nine historically accurate script fonts from the Renaissance era: 10th Century Bookhand WF, Bastarda WF, Copperplate 1672 WF, English Hand WF, German Latin WF, James the Second WF, Spanish Court Hand WF, Uncial WF, William Shakespeare WF.
  • A collection of 62 American poster fonts of World War II, heavily influenced by art deco, was created in 2013: Acie WF, Almanzo WF, Balfrey WF, Bellofatto WF, Bleecker WF, Bleecker WFShaded, Bobbin WF, Bullshorn WF, Calt WF, Cassino WF, Cephus WF, Chippett WF, Cutright Bold ItalicWF, Cutright Bold WF, Cutright WF, Dickie WF, Dragoo WF, Elbie WF, Eldon WF, Elmira WF, Enlow WF, Epsom WF, Falaise WF, Fansler WF, Fustian WF, Glancy WF, Golden WF, Graveney WF, Greenlaw WF, Hackett WF, Hardwick WF, Harlie WF, Huntley WF, Irby WF, Iva WF, Jowdy WF, Kilroy WF, Kododa WF, Lacar WF, Maximino WF, Nelda WF, Nuisance WF, Odon WF, Olindo WF, Payson WF, Payson WFBold, Payson WFBold Italic, Payson WFItalic, Perlina WF, Poster Bullets WF, Remely WF, Reny WF, Sharkey WF, Sheffie WF, Telmoss WF, Tilmon WF, Toxie WF, Ula WF, Wallington WF, Wilber WF, Wylie WF, Zipnut WF.
  • Other fonts in the collection: 10thCenturyBookhand, AcanthusBorder, Alchemy-Symbols, Alte Schwabacher, AncientBlack, AshwoodCondensed, AshwoodExtraBold, Asphaltum, Astaroth, Astrological-Symbols, AubreyLanding, Bastarda, Batwynge, BaublesBorder, BearGulch, BrassRulesBorder, BreitkopfFraktur, Bullion, BullionExtraCondensed, BullionItalic, BullionRoman, CWP_TypeNo08, CWP_TypeNo09, CaslonBook-Italic, CaslonBook, CaslonSwashItalic, Cattle Brands, ChalkBluff, CliffordEight, CoelnischCurrentFraktur, ColonialBullets, ConfederateSignatures, Copperplate1672, Cut&Shoot, DaisyBorder, Dead Man's Hand, EnglishHand, Faywood, FaywoodExtraCond, FaywoodItalic, FetteHaenelFraktur, FinalFrontierShipside, FringeBorder, GanzGrobeGotisch, GarlandBorder, GatlinBold, GebetbuchFraktur, GermanLatin, Gnomos, GridBorder, GrossvaterKurrent, GutenbergBibelschrift, Heroes & Villains, JamesII, JawbonesCond, Jugend, KurrentKupferstich, LaceBorder, Langtry, LilyBorder, LutherscheFraktur, Luxeuil, MarigoldBorder, Matchwood, MatchwoodBold, MatchwoodBoldItalic, MatchwoodItalic, MaximilianGotisch, Muleshoe, NeedlepointBorder, NeueSchwabacher, OldStateHouse, Ophir, Orgeuil, Pangho, Panghobl, Pangolin, Pangbl, PeterSchlemihl, PineConeBorder, QuiltBorder, Rawhide, RevolutionaryWarHeroes, RoseBorder, RoundMountain, RoyalNonesuch-Bold, Runor, Sageland, Salem1692, Sawtooth, SealBorder, Shelldrake, SignersoftheDOI, SpanishCourtHand, Stockton, Sütterlin, TheuerdankFraktur, Thousandsticks, ThunderMountain, TulipBorder, TypeNo1, TypeNo2, TypeNo3, TypeNo4, TypeNo5, TypeNo6, TypeNo7, TypeNo8, TypeNo9, TypeNo10, TypeNo11, TypeNo12, TypeNo13, TypeNo14, Uncial, UngerFraktur, UnionSignatures, VineBorder, WebsterRoman, Western Bullets, Whitecross, WilliamShakespeare, WittenbergSchwabacher, ZentenarFraktur.
  • The New Victorian Printshop collection (56 fonts): Absalom, Adelar, Amaltea, Amilcar, Augur, Banter, Baretto Italic, Baretto Shaded, Baretto, Barettoshaded Italic, Beamish, Blaisdell, Blinov, Braham, Brinton, Brunel Script, Chatelaine, Cupboard, Devough, Dewitt, Ephinol, Gano Extended, Giglio, Gresley, Grubb Script, Hester, Hipolon, Hiram, Inigo, Isherwood, Jasper, Jophet, Klabasto, Lightburn, Medola, Monboddo, Nestor, Oldkirk Italic, Oldkirk, Ormsby, Pennyfarthing, Phectic, Pomeroy, Rebstock, Rudyard, Rungholt, Sedgwick, Steam Border Medium Aztec, Steam Border Medium Bar and Balls, Steam Border Medium Bar and Curls, Steam Border Medium Bar and Leaves, Steam Border Medium Baroque, Steam Border Medium Belgian Lace, Steam Border Medium Dish and Wire, Steam Border Medium Drainfly, Steam Border Medium Flourish, Steam Border Medium Frill, Steam Border Medium Geometric, Steam Border Medium Leaf, Steam Border Medium Loops, Steam Border Medium Picture Frame, Steam Border Medium Quatrefoil, Steam Border Medium Ribbon, Steam Border Medium Shells, Steam Border Medium Spruce, Steam Border Medium Tiles, Steam Border Medium Triangles, Steam Border Medium Woody, Steam Border Thin Brick Bar, Steam Border Thin Cordula, Steam Border Thin Double Wavy, Steam Border Thin Double, Steam Border Thin Fine Dots, Steam Border Thin Forward Wave, Steam Border Thin Oscillations, Steam Border Thin Scallop, Steam Border Thin Straight Rule, Steam Border Thin Tight Oscillations, Steam Border Thin Triple, Steam Border Thin Undulations, Steam Border Wide Arch and Vine, Steam Border Wide Argent Leaf, Steam Border Wide Bar and Acanthus, Steam Border Wide Bower, Steam Border Wide Knots and Weeds, Steam Border Wide Lattice, Steam Border Wide Mephisto, Steam Border Wide Peacock, Steam Border Wide Rebstock, Steam Border Wide Roccoco, Steam Border Wide Shield and Acanthus, Steam Border Wide Shield and Vine, Steam Border Wide Stipple, Steam Border Wide Stone Leaf, Steam Border Wide Vault, Steam Charms, Steam Flourishes, Steam Gems, Steam Logotypes, Steam News Cuts 1, Steam News Cuts 2, Steam News Cuts 3, Swartwood, Tempris, Tilson Initials, Tivadar, Trowbridge, Twiselton, Whitcomb, Whittle, Winan.

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Walden Font
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ School fonts ⦿ Type scene in Massachusetts ⦿ Wood Type ⦿ Bauhaus and type design ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Bastarda / Bâtarde / Schwabacher ⦿ Textura ⦿ Books on type design ⦿ Military typefaces ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Letterpress ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Victorian typefaces ⦿ Steampunk typefaces ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Astrological (or Zodiac) fonts ⦿ Typefaces for alchemy ⦿ Bastarda / Bâtarde / Schwabacher ⦿ Rune simulation fonts ⦿ Silent movie fonts ⦿

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font Art Nouveau Printshop Collection 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Border Edellinien 2020 after Schelter Giesecke Edellinien Border 1901

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Border Eos 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Border Flach 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Border Nimbus 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Border Seerosen 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Border Ver Sacrum 2020 after Heinz Keune 1901

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Dahlia 2020 after F Schweimann Wodan 1902

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Fafner 2020 after Schelter Giesecke Fafner 1905

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Habsburg 2020 after Heinz Keune Habsburg 1903

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Jugendstil Ornaments 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Jugendstil Ornaments 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Liane Semibold 2020 after Schelter Giesecke Liane Semibold 1908

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Maria Theresia 2020 after Heinz Keune Maria Theresia 1903

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Meierschrift 2020 after C F Meier Meierschrift 1904

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Ovid 2020 after Heinz Keune Ovid 1903

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Radium 2020 after Schelter Giesecke Radium 1905

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Rienzi Versalien 2020

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Schelter Antiqua 2020 after Schelter Giesecke Schelter Antiqua 1905

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Wallenstein 2020 after Heinz Keune Wallenstein 1903

file name: Oliver Weiss Walden Font W F Wittelsbach 2020 after Heinz Keune Wittelsbach 1903

file name: Walden Font The Civil War Press Type No10 1996

file name: Walden Font The Civil War Press Type No12 1996

file name: Walden Font The Civil War Press Type No4 1996

file name: Walden Font The Civil War Press Type No8 1996

file name: Oliver Weiss Braham 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Brinton 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Brunel Script 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss English Hand

file name: Oliver Weiss New Victorian Printshop 2017 Poster by Marcel Bontempi

file name: Oliver Weiss New Victorian Printshop 2017 Poster by Marcel Bontempi

file name: Oliver Weiss New Victorian Printshop 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss New Victorian Printshop Catalog 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss New Victorian Printshop Catalog 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss New Victorian Printshop Catalog 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss W F Ovid 2020 after Heinz Keune Ovid 1903

file name: Oliver Weiss Penyfarthing 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Perlina 2013

file name: Oliver Weiss Phectic 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Steam Charms Newspaper Cuts1 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Steam Flourishes Newspaper Cuts2 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Steam Gems Newspaper Cuts3 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Western Bullets 2010

file name: Oliver Weiss Wild West Press Fonts 2010 Poster by Bob Coronato

file name: Walden Font Sawtooth W F 2002

file name: Walden Wild West Press 2010

file name: Walden Font Jugend W F 2006

file name: Walden Font Jugend W F 2006b

file name: Walfdenfont ad2009

file name: Walden Font Co Acie W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Acie W F 2013b

file name: Walden Font Co Bellofatto W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Cutright W F Bold 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Dragoo W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Emira W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Enlow W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Epsom W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Epsom W F 2013b

file name: Walden Font Co Falaise Script W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Fansler W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Glancy W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Hackett W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Lacar Script W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Maximino W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Olindo W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Payson W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Remely W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Sharkey W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Sheffie W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Telmoss W F 2013

file name: Walden Font Co Wallington W F 2013

file name: Oliver Weiss Fett Druck Luftpost 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Fett Druck 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Fett Druck 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Norm Druck 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Hoch Druck 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Fette Krause 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Fette Krause 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Karacho 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Karacho 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Ornamente Kraftwerk Vignetten 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Press 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Fett 2016

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Fett 2016

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Fett 2016b

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Fett 2016c

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Licht 2016

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Licht 2016b

file name: Oliver Weiss Kraftwerk Vignetten Licht 2016c

file name: Oliver Weiss Luftpost 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Neue Ohio Kraft 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Neue Ohio Kursiv 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Neue Ohio Schrift 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Neue Ohio Schrift 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Neue Werbekraft 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Paletti W F 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Vulkan 2017

file name: Oliver Weiss Copperplate1672

file name: Oliver Weiss Magick

file name: Walden Font Logo

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html