TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:18 EDT 2025






DJ Inkers (or Fontastic!) [Dianne J. Hook]

Not to be confused with another Fontastic site, this is a vendor of original fonts created by Dianne J. Hook, or Diane J. Hook-Willis. It has scrapbook, comic book and balloon fonts. Part of DJ Inkers Software.

The fonts made between 1996 and 2000 include DJ 4 Skin, DJ Angels, DJ Applique, DJ Awesome, DJ Baby Stuff, DJ Balloons, DJ Bang, DJ Bassoon, DJ Big Dot, DJ Big Stick, DJ Birthday, DJ Blocks, DJ Bowtie, DJ Bud, DJ Bumple, DJ Butterfly, DJ Cabin, DJ Calli, DJ Cancun, DJ Candy Cane, DJ Candy Heart, DJ Cheer, DJ Chunky, DJ Classic, DJ Cloud, DJ Confetti, DJ Cool, DJ Corners, DJ Country Bold, DJ Countrytime, DJ Cozy, DJ Crayon, DJ Crazed, DJ Cross Stitch, DJ Curl, DJ Daze, DJ Dark Daze, DJ Dash, DJ Delight, DJ Desert, DJ Dingle, DJ Doozie, DJ Double Tick, DJ Dream, DJ Drop, DJ Dude, DJ Easter, DJ Easter Egg, DJ Eight Ball, DJ Fancy DJ Fat Chat, DJ Fiddle Sticks, DJ Fiddle Sticks Bold, DJ Finch Ditto, DJ Finch Knobs, DJ Finch Stick, DJ Finch Stocky, DJ Flowers, DJ Football, DJ Framed, DJ Frilly, DJ Funky, DJ Garden, DJ Golf, DJ Goo, DJ Graduation, DJ Groovey, DJ Hardball, DJ Heart, DJ Heart ART, DJ Hearty, DJ Helium, DJ Hip, DJ Holly Days, DJ Home Made, DJ Jenn Pen, DJ Jumble, DJ Keepsake, DJ Kettle, DJ Kink, DJ Knobbish, DJ Kool Skool, DJ Ladybug, DJ Leaf, DJ Lex, DJ Light, DJ Lights, DJ Love, DJ Luck, DJ Mix Up, DJ Moo, DJ Moose, DJ Moose Dark, DJ Moose Plaid, DJ Morse Code, DJ Music, DJ Needles, DJ O Lucky, DJ Oldstitch, DJ Outline, DJ Parade, DJ Patch, DJ Pencil Point, DJ Pencils, DJ Picket, DJ Pillowcase, DJ Plank, DJ Polka Dot, DJ Popstick, DJ Poster, DJ Puffy, DJ Punkin, DJ Quilt Squares, DJ Ribbon, DJ Roman Funk, DJ Rugged Stone, DJ Salsa, DJ Scrap Wood, DJ Scraps, DJ Script, DJ Script Bold, DJ Serif, DJ Shamrock, DJ Showtime, DJ Signpost, DJ Sketched, DJ Snow, DJ Snow Plop, DJ Soccer, DJ Spaz, DJ Speckle, DJ Spiffy, DJ Squared, DJ Squiggle, DJ Squirrelly, DJ Star, DJ Stars n Stripes, DJ Stars, DJ Stick, DJ Stitch, DJ Stressed Out, DJ Stroke, DJ Stumble, DJ Sunny, DJ Sweet, DJ Teddy, DJ Tee Time, DJ Thread, DJ Tracks, DJ Tweek, DJ Twirl, DJ Web, DJ Wedgie, DJ Whimsey, DJ Wiggle, DJ Wind, DJ Wink, DJ Wood Heart.

Klingspor link.

DJ Inkers (or Fontastic!)
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Christmas / Season's Fonts ⦿ Easter fonts ⦿ Typefaces for stitching ⦿ Typefaces that emulate crayons ⦿

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: Diane J Hook Catalog

file name: D J Fancy 1995

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html