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A. Y. [Google]
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Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio) [Panggah Laksono]
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Adella Guo [Google]
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Adult Human Male [Alex Hy]
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Alex Hy [Adult Human Male]
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Allison James [Chequered Ink]
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Allouse Studio [Fachrizal Yusuf]
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Anastasiia Macaluso [Google]
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Andinistas [Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero]
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Andreas Johansson [unfontunately]
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Andrew Dick [Google]
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Andrew Galarza [Andrew Galarza Foundry (was: Chance Type Co, and Krayon Ink, and before that, Jedi Serpent Fonts)]
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Andrew Galarza Foundry (was: Chance Type Co, and Krayon Ink, and before that, Jedi Serpent Fonts) [Andrew Galarza]
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Angela Rangel [Estudio Ambos]
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Angga Suwista [Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk)]
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Anita Jürgeleit [Type This Studio]
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Anthony Bowe [Geronimo Fonts (or: Paradox Fontworks, or: Typewire Studios)]
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April Carter Grant [La Lettre de Luxe]
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Arendx Studio [Asep Rendi]
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Ariel Roth [Google]
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Asep Rendi [Arendx Studio]
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Astrolux [Glenn Parsons]
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Atelier Vonau [Bernd Vonau]
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Awan Setiawan [Awan Studio]
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Awan Studio [Awan Setiawan]
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Barbara Lambert [Google]
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Becky Higgins [Google]
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Bernd Vonau [Atelier Vonau]
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Billy Bear's Playground [Loraine Wauer Ferus]
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Bogdan Casota [Design A Lot]
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Bokuwatensai [Google]
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Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero [Andinistas]
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Carolina Suarez [Google]
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Catriona DiNero [Google]
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Chequered Ink [Allison James]
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Cheri Borgstrom [Google]
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Christoph Windmueller [Kix]
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Claude Pelletier [Google]
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Cock-a-doodle Design [Google]
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Cove 703 (was: ComicVector 703) [Cundrawan Tan]
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Craft Graphic (was: Thrift and Thistle) [Matt Hull]
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Crayon [Google]
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Creativeqube Design [Lucy Chugg]
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Crow Studio [Efe Gürsoy]
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Cundrawan Tan [Cove 703 (was: ComicVector 703)]
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Dale Harris [Utopiafonts]
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Danny Bernecker [Google]
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Darcy Baldwin [DJBFontography]
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Darko Arts [Darko Mohedien]
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Darko Mohedien [Darko Arts]
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Darrell Flood [Google]
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David Kerkhoff [Hanoded]
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Design A Lot [Bogdan Casota]
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Dianne J. Hook [DJ Inkers (or Fontastic!)]
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Dick Pape [Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces]
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Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces [Dick Pape]
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DJ Inkers (or Fontastic!) [Dianne J. Hook]
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DJBFontography [Darcy Baldwin]
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DS Design [Jane Scarano]
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Eddy Biel [Layerform Magazine]
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Efe Gürsoy [Crow Studio]
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Elena Genova [My Creative Land (was: Mosquito Place)]
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Eleonora Petrova [Rabbit and Pencil]
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Emil Karl Bertell [Fenotype]
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Estudio Ambos [Angela Rangel]
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Etcetera Type Company (or: ETC; was: Finck Font Co) [Tyler Finck]
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Ethan Paul Dunham [Fonthead Design]
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Fachrizal Yusuf [Allouse Studio]
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Fenotype [Emil Karl Bertell]
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Font Environment [Samuel Marcius]
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Fonthead Design [Ethan Paul Dunham]
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Francis Fonye [Jack Oatley]
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Gala Studio [Lilia Chak]
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Gblack Id [Wahyu Nurcahyo]
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Gennaro Palmieri [Google]
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Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio) [Haris Anggar Setioko]
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Geronimo Fonts (or: Paradox Fontworks, or: Typewire Studios) [Anthony Bowe]
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Giuseppe Salerno [Resistenza]
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Gleb Guralnyk
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Glenn Parsons [Astrolux]
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Graphicboom [Google]
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Hamam Jauhari [Wacaksara Co]
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Hanoded [David Kerkhoff]
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Hans Brehmer [Henry Brehmer]
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Haris Anggar Setioko [Gerobuck (was: Koko Studio)]
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Harried Type [Harry G. Blakeman]
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Harry G. Blakeman [Harried Type]
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Henry Brehmer [Hans Brehmer]
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Hermann Ihlenburg
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Hilmius Akbar [Type Factory]
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Ian Williams [Ian Williams]
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Ian Williams [Ian Williams]
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Icelar [Google]
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imagex [Google]
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Ingo Zimmermann [Ingofonts]
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Ingofonts [Ingo Zimmermann]
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Inspire Graphics.com [Google]
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Iryna Trigubova [Red Ink]
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It's Lativa [Google]
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J. Randall Harris [Just My Type]
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Jack Oatley [Francis Fonye]
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Jaione Erviti [Google]
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Jakob Fischer [PizzaDude]
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Jane Scarano [DS Design]
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Java Pep
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Javier Guaschetti [Google]
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Jeri Ingalls [Jeri's Fonts]
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Jeri's Fonts [Jeri Ingalls]
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Jihye Lee
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Jo Costello [Google]
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Joanne Taylor [Google]
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Joe vanderHam [Joebob Graphics]
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Joebob Graphics [Joe vanderHam]
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Jonathan Stephen Harris [Tattoo Woo (or: JSH Creates, or: Smokewire)]
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Josefina Duvieilh [Google]
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JTHZ.com software productions [Julius B. Thyssen]
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Juan Manuel Valdes Piñeyro [Google]
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Julia Kunshchykova [Google]
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Julia Moore
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Julius B. Thyssen [JTHZ.com software productions]
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Just My Type [J. Randall Harris]
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Kat Rakos [Kat's Fun Fonts]
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Kate Brady [Google]
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Kat's Fun Fonts [Kat Rakos]
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Kerrie Carbary [Turtle Arts Fonts]
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Keystone Type Foundry [Google]
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Kix [Christoph Windmueller]
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Konstantine Studio
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La Lettre de Luxe [April Carter Grant]
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Layerform Magazine [Eddy Biel]
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Le Thi Thu Huong [Google]
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Letters&Numbers (or: Seagull Hut). [Ursula Hitz]
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Lilia Chak [Gala Studio]
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Loraine Wauer Ferus [Billy Bear's Playground]
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Lucy Chugg [Creativeqube Design]
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Ludovica Lanciotti [Google]
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Luke William Turvey [Okaycat]
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M. Moullet [Google]
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M U R [Richard Moore]
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Malvolio [Google]
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Maniackers Design (or: MKS) [Masayuki Sato]
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Marcus Melton [Google]
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Marta Waniek [Polish Your Art (was: Marta Van Eck Designs)]
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Mas Anis Studio [Muhammad Naufal Anis]
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Masayuki Sato [Maniackers Design (or: MKS)]
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Matt Hull [Craft Graphic (was: Thrift and Thistle)]
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Max Infeld [Xerographer Fonts]
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Mikiyu Showji [Google]
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Misti Hammers [Misti's Fonts]
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Misti's Fonts [Misti Hammers]
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Muhammad Naufal Anis [Mas Anis Studio]
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Muhammad Nazarudin [Niznaztype (was: Em Nazar)]
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Muneo Amano [Google]
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My Creative Land (was: Mosquito Place) [Elena Genova]
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MyFonts: Crayon typefaces [Google]
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MyFonts: Lipstick fonts [Google]
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Naikin Ke [Pilagn]
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Natasha Boehm [Google]
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Neil Summerour [Positype]
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Nicolas Servajean [Google]
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Niznaztype (was: Em Nazar) [Muhammad Nazarudin]
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Noah Ross [Google]
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Nurul Hidayani [Olive Type]
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Okaycat [Luke William Turvey]
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Oleg Agafonov [Yoursdesign (or: Oleg and Katja)]
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Olive Type [Nurul Hidayani]
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Only The Originals [Google]
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Panggah Laksono [Abo Daniel Studio (or: Abodnyl Studio)]
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Pankaj Chauhan [Google]
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Parid Chaiworn [Google]
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Petar Pank [Google]
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Pilagn [Naikin Ke]
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Pink Coffie [Google]
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PizzaDude [Jakob Fischer]
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Polish Your Art (was: Marta Van Eck Designs) [Marta Waniek]
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Positype [Neil Summerour]
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Primedia Scrapbooking [Google]
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Qaees Khan [Google]
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Rabbit and Pencil [Eleonora Petrova]
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Red Ink [Iryna Trigubova]
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Rendy Yanwar
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Resistenza [Giuseppe Salerno]
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Richard Moore [M U R]
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Rometheme [Yahdi Kumala]
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Sadegul Bal [Google]
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Sam Kerkhoff [Google]
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Samuel Marcius [Font Environment]
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SangHyeon Park
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Sans and Sons (was: Agga Swistblnk) [Angga Suwista]
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Sarid Ezra
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Schuyler Shipley [Skyline Type Foundry]
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Simone Guggiari [Google]
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Skyline Type Foundry [Schuyler Shipley]
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Steve Cloutier [Google]
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Suk-Hoon Pyun
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Summer's Fonts [Google]
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Tary Meutia [Zatari]
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Tattoo Woo (or: JSH Creates, or: Smokewire) [Jonathan Stephen Harris]
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Thibault Dietlin [Thibault Dietlin]
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Thibault Dietlin [Thibault Dietlin]
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Thomas Miguel [Google]
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Turtle Arts Fonts [Kerrie Carbary]
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Tyler Finck [Etcetera Type Company (or: ETC; was: Finck Font Co)]
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Type Factory [Hilmius Akbar]
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Type This Studio [Anita Jürgeleit]
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unfontunately [Andreas Johansson]
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Ursula Hitz [Letters&Numbers (or: Seagull Hut).]
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Utopiafonts [Dale Harris]
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Viorel Popescu [Google]
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Vlad Mikhailov [Google]
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Wacaksara Co [Hamam Jauhari]
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Wahyu Nurcahyo [Gblack Id]
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Will Stewart
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Willian Lopes [Google]
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Xerographer Fonts [Max Infeld]
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Yahdi Kumala [Rometheme]
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Yehyeong Lee
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Yoursdesign (or: Oleg and Katja) [Oleg Agafonov]
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Zatari [Tary Meutia]
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