TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:34 EDT 2025
burodestruct (or: Typedifferent.com)
[Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda]
Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda's foundry in Bern, Switzerland, est. 1994, called Burodestruct and Typedifferent.com. Free fonts include(d) the gorgeous GalaQuadra (by Angela Pestalozzi, 1999), Eject Katakana (1998), Dippex (1995, grunge font), Ticket (1995), Rocket 70 (1996), Ratterbit (1995, pixel font), Plakatbau (1995), Lodel Fizler (1996), Flossy (1995), Faxer (1995), Console Remix (1998), Cravt (1998, by "Katrin"), Stereotype (1998, by M. Brunner), Brockelmann (1995, free), Kristallo (1997, very original display face) and Billiet (1996). Other fonts: Acidboyz (1998), Alustar (1999), BD Asciimax (1999, ascii art font), BD Billding, Bdr_mono (1999), Brick (1996, like Kalendar), Cluster (1996), Console (1997), Doomed (1998), Eject (1998), Electrobazar (1995), Elside (1995), Globus (1996), Fazer (1996), Lofi (1997), Medled (1995), Paccer (1995), Solaris (1998), Spicyfruits_brush_rmx (1998, a nice high-contrast face), Spicyfruits_rmx, Wurst (free, by Heiwid, 2000), Relaunch (2000), Relaunch Katakana (2000, free), Rainbow (2000), DeLaFrance (2000, free, by Heiwid), Electronic Plastic (2000), Colonius (2001), Cash (2001), Cashbox (2001), Bilding (2001), Meter (2001), Mustang (2001), Bankwell (2001), BD Alm (2001), Balduin (2001), Tatami (2001, oriental look font), Hexades (2001, free), Nippori (2002, techno), Jura (2002), Bonbon (2002, free), Band (2002, free), Navyseals (2002, kitchen tile font), Ritmic (2002), BDR Mono (1999, OCR-like font), Mann (2003, ultra fat stencil), Aroma (2003), Zenith (2003), Nebraska (2003), BD Equipment (2004), BD El Autobus (2004), BD Unexpected (2004), BD Wakarimasu (2004, free kana face), BD Bernebeats (2004, futuristic), BD Deckard (2004), BD Spinner (2004), BD Victoria (2004), BD Designer (2004), BD Kalinka (2005, a curly ultra-fat display face), BD Equipment (2004), BD El Autobus (2004), BD Unexpected (2004), BD Varicolor (2005, stencil), BD Chantilly (2005), BD Memory (2005), BD Emerald (2005, beveled), BD Kalinka (2005, Cyrillic simulation), BD Extrwurst (2005), BD Aquatico (2005), BD Mandarin (2005), BD Polo (2005), BD Beans (2005), BD Tiny (2005, pixel face), BD Times New Digital (2006), BD Panzer (2006), BD Jupiter, BD Jupiter Stencil (2006), BD Pipe (2006), BDR Mono 2006 (2006), BD Fimo Outline (2007, free, by Nathalie Birkle), BD Bermuda (2007, experimental and geometric), BD Smoker (2007, psychedelic), BD Radiogram (2007), BD Mother (2007, exaggerated black Egyptian), BD Fimo Regular (2007, free), BD Demon (2007), BD Reithalle (2007, free), BD Halfpipe (2007, free), BD Broadband (2008, free; not to be confused with the much older fonts BroadbandICG or FLOP Design's Broadband), BD Viewmaster and BD Viewmaster Neon (2008), BD Electrobazaar (2008), BD Motra (2008, stencil), BD Virtual (2008), BD Spacy 125 (2008), BD AsciiMax, BD ElAutobus (2004), BD Equipment (2004), BD Ramen (2003), BD Retrocentric (2009), BDR A3MIK (2009, virile Latin and Cyrillic slab), BD HitBit (2009), BD Unicorse (2010, unicase and techno), BD Telegraph (2011), BD Schablone (2012, stencil face), BD Pankow (2013, stencil), BD Algebra (2014), BD Hiragana Kuro (2014), BD Qualle (2014, a fat poster typeface), BD Tribler (2015, a tribal font). Alphabetical listing of their pre-2015 free typefaces: Algebra, Alm, Apotheke, AsciiMax, Baldrian, Band, Bankwell, Bardust, Beans, Billding, Billiet, Bonbon, Brockelmann, Burner, Cash, Cashbox, Chantilly, Circo, Console, Console Remix, Cravt, Delafrance, Designer, Destination, Dippex, Eject Katakana, ElAutobus, Elmax, Elside, Equipment, Faxer, Fazer, Fimo, Flossy, Fluke, Galaquadra, Geminis, Halfpipe, Hexades, Hiragana Kuro, Jayn Fonta, Kristallo, Lodelfizler, Lofi, Medled, Meter, Mustang, Outline, Paccer, Pipe, Plakatbau, Plankton, Polo, Ragout, Ramen, Ratterbit, Reithalle, Relaunch, Relaunch Ktna, Rocket70, Sirca, Sirca Rmx, Solaris, Spacy125, Spicyfruits, Spinner, Stella, Stencler, Stereotype, Ticket, Times New Digital, TinyFont, Tribler, Unfold, Wakarimasu. Alphabetical listing of their pre-2015 commercial typefaces: A3mik, Acidboyz, Alustar, Aquatico, Aroma, Balduin, BDR Mono 2006, Bermuda, Bernebeats, Breakbeat, Brick, Broadband, Calamares, Central, Cluster (Corporate), Colonius, Deckard, Demon, Discount, Doomed, Edding850, Eject, Electrobazar 2008, Electronicplastic, Elk, Emerald, Endless, Extrawurst, Fontabello, Globus, Good Wood, Hell, Hitbit, Jupiter, Jura, Kalinka, Kameron, Kinski, Las Palmas, Mandarin, Mann, Memory, Mother, Motra, Naranino (2012: a children;s script), Navyseals, Nebraska, Nippori, Nokio, Orlando, Pankow, Panzer, Qualle, Radiogram, Rainbow, Retrocentric, Ritmic, Robotron, Schablone, Showlong, Smoker, St.Moritz, Stalker, Stonehenge, Sweethome, Tatami, Telegraph, Unexpected, Unicorse, Varicolor, Victoria, Viewmaster, Virtual, Wotka, Wurst, Wurst Directors Cut, Zenith. In 2015, Gianfreda designed BD Barbeaux (a condensed typeface with the fashionable chic of the French art nouveau or film noir). Typefaces from 2016: BD Kickrom Mono (LED emulation type). Typefaces from 2018: BD Westwork. Typefaces from 2020: BD Aubergin (an experimental poster font with Bauhaus elements), BD Microna (a pixelish variable font), BD Micron Robots (dingbats). Typefaces from 2021: BD Supper (a food packaging sans), BD Roylac (a stylish poster font that evokes modern furniture), BDRmono 2021 (hipster style techno). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |