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1871 Project [Alex Joganic]
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60 Kilos (or: Sesenta Kilos) [Google]
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Aaron Pedersen [Google]
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Abdullah Cakmakoglu [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Adan Lobato [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Adi Dizdarevic [DYYA Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Adriana Ozawa Rodrigues [Google]
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Adrien Midzic
[More] ⦿
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Adrien Zammit [Formes Vives]
[More] ⦿
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Adrienni Klering [Google]
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Aidan Cooke [Google]
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Aino Sipilä [Google]
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Akbar Rohmanto [Harmnessless]
[More] ⦿
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Alan Parley [Google]
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Alberto Romanos [Branding with Type]
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Alejandro Paul [Sudtipos]
[More] ⦿
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Alejandro Paul
[More] ⦿
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Alessio Pompadura [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alex Davies [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alex Haigh [Thinkdust]
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Alex Joganic [1871 Project]
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Alex O. Kaczun [Type Innovations]
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Alex Roux [Google]
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Alexander Beck
[More] ⦿
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Alexander Sheliketo [No Regular Fonts]
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Alexey Atapin [Google]
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Alexey Atapin [Google]
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Alif Devan [Deerhead Studio (was: Micromove Design)]
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Alisa Nowak
[More] ⦿
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Alissa Recil [Google]
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Alizée Thily [Google]
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Allison James [Chequered Ink]
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Almarena [Jérémie Gauthier]
[More] ⦿
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ALT Foundry [Andreas Leonidou]
[More] ⦿
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Alvaro F. Echavarri [Google]
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Alvaro Muñoz Perez [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Alvaro Yuste [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ami Littlefair [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Amina Urkumbayeva [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Amondo Szegi [FONTana Typestudio]
[More] ⦿
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Amy Meyer [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Amy Rowland [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Amy Wallace [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ana Garcia [Stoned Handmade]
[More] ⦿
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Anand Kishore [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anastasia Fekete [Google]
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Anastasiia Macaluso [Google]
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Andrea Cerboneschi [Monofonts (or: Monocromo Creative Factory)]
[More] ⦿
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Andrea Rodriguez Milla [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrea Savelli [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andreas Leonidou [ALT Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Andree Paat [Kirjatehnika]
[More] ⦿
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Andrei Palomäki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andres Lugo [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrew Carter [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrew Hart [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrew Herndon [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Andrey Chernevich [Mister Chek]
[More] ⦿
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Anesis Kim [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Angel Falcon [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anish Sundaran [Google]
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Anjar Putra [Kecik Creative (was: Kecik Studio)]
[More] ⦿
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Ankita Amlathe [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ann Gree [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anna Seslavinskaya [Popkern]
[More] ⦿
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Anna Werigo [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anna Wexler [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anne Lefebvre [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anny Idebøen [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Another Other [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anton Bohlin [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anton Hurski [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anton Moglia [Maous Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Anton Motuzov [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Anwar Patihan [Jehoo Creative]
[More] ⦿
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Aqueno Design [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Aqueño Design [Google]
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Arief Setyo Wahyudi [Typia Nesia]
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Aritra Das [Nautica Studios]
[More] ⦿
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Artcoast Design (was: Mankoff) [Dmitry Mankoff]
[More] ⦿
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Artimasa [Muhajir]
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Ashlee Bennett [Google]
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Atelier About [Valentin Besset]
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Attak Fonts [Peter Korsman]
[More] ⦿
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Audrey Stanton [Google]
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Aurore Mathieu [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Authentype (or: Mix Jpg) [Ekayasa Ekayasa]
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Bagas Ardiatma [Trustha Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Bagerich Type Foundry (was: Zealab Fonts Division, Zea Fonts, Zea Lab, Zeaspace) [Reza Rasenda]
[More] ⦿
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Bai Mellon [Sideshow]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Balvanz [Fontalicious]
[More] ⦿
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Ben Runneboom [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Benedek Takacs [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Benjamin Olah [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bertrand Reguron
[More] ⦿
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biz-yod [Jil Daniel]
[More] ⦿
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Björn Loki [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Black Orbit Art [Slava Antipov]
[More] ⦿
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Bogdan Casota [Design A Lot]
[More] ⦿
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Bonnie Santos Saavedra [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Borutta (or: Duce Type) [Mateusz Machalski]
[More] ⦿
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Bowery Studio (was: Hipster Font) [Rachid Aitouaissi]
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Branding with Type [Alberto Romanos]
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Brandon Hubschman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brandon Whiteman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brayan Zetina [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brian Toth [Foundry 73]
[More] ⦿
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Brigida Lourenço Guerreiro [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brittany A. Becerra [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Brittany Westerman [Google]
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Bromz Studio [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bruno La Versa [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Bureau d'Investigation Graphique [Nicolas Millot]
[More] ⦿
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Bureau Nuits [Romain Pedeboscq]
[More] ⦿
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burodestruct (or: Typedifferent.com) [Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda]
[More] ⦿
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Cahya Sofyan [Studio Sun (or: Sun Brand Co)]
[More] ⦿
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Cake [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Candyce Fritsch [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Carolina Cervantes [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Caroline Godon [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Carta & Carta [Felipe Goes]
[More] ⦿
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Casey Nash [Google]
[More] ⦿
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CAT Design Wolgast [Peter Wiegel]
[More] ⦿
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Catharsis Asen [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Chank Fonts (or: Chank Store, or: Chank Diesel)) [Charles R. Anderson]
[More] ⦿
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Charles Daoud [North Type (was: Charles Daoud Type, or: CD Type)]
[More] ⦿
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Charles R. Anderson [Chank Fonts (or: Chank Store, or: Chank Diesel))]
[More] ⦿
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Charlotte Harris [Google]
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Chase Patt [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Chequered Ink [Allison James]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Edwards [Hektik Designs]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Hampshire [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Chris Vile [Font Monger]
[More] ⦿
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Christina Zouras [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Clara Zorzoli [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cody Vondell [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Colin Philippe-Jan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Collectif en Huit Lettres [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Colleen Kane [Google]
[More] ⦿
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colorsark [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Connary Fagen [Connary Fagen Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Connary Fagen Fonts [Connary Fagen]
[More] ⦿
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Constantina Klepetsani [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini
[More] ⦿
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Creative Folks [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Creative17 Studio [Irfan Hidayat]
[More] ⦿
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Cristina Alvarez Suñé [Google]
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CSTM [Ilya Ruderman]
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Cynthia Parent [Google]
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Daan Spangenberg [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Damelev Studio (was: Logo Labs, Tanziladd, Rawi Project) [Nyapa Tanzil]
[More] ⦿
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Damien Poeymiroo [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dan Steinbok [Out of Step Font Company]
[More] ⦿
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Dan Taylor
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Boss [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Fidalgo [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Gamage
[More] ⦿
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Daniel Steffan [Google]
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Daniela Romero [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Darren McArdel [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dave Hänggi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Dave Rowland [Dave Rowland Type (was: Eclectotype, Schizotype)]
[More] ⦿
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Dave Rowland Type (was: Eclectotype, Schizotype) [Dave Rowland]
[More] ⦿
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David Hovhannisyan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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David Kerkhoff [Hanoded]
[More] ⦿
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David Massara [Google]
[More] ⦿
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David Szebenyi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Davide Scarpantonio [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Davide Zomer [Google]
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Davy Diaz Miranda [Google]
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Deerhead Studio (was: Micromove Design) [Alif Devan]
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Dene Studios [James Partington]
[More] ⦿
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Deni Anggara [Formatype Foundry]
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Denis Gorelkin [Google]
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Denis Moulin
[More] ⦿
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Denis Petrov
[More] ⦿
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Dennis de Vries [Subform]
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Des Gomez [Google]
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Design A Lot [Bogdan Casota]
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Design by Pascal [Pascal Barry]
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Diane DiPiazza [Dinc Type]
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Diego Miranda [Google]
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Dima Lokamp [Google]
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Dinc Type [Diane DiPiazza]
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Displaay [Martin Vacha]
[More] ⦿
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D.M. Rachmath [DMR Studio (or: Aksaratype Industries)]
[More] ⦿
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Dmitry Fisher [Google]
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Dmitry Mankoff [Artcoast Design (was: Mankoff)]
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DMR Studio (or: Aksaratype Industries) [D.M. Rachmath]
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Domenico Ruffo
[More] ⦿
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Dorian Grey [Google]
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Due Studio [Google]
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Dyaharum Pungki Revitasari [Jolicia Type]
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Dyya [Google]
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DYYA Fonts [Adi Dizdarevic]
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Ed Baptist [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Edit Me From Casper [Jernej Simoncic]
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Edouard Marpeau [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ekayasa Ekayasa [Authentype (or: Mix Jpg)]
[More] ⦿
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El Mehdi Chouyoukh [Mchcrafter]
[More] ⦿
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Elena Shkerdina [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Elora Lauzon [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Elorduy [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Elvin Leblebici [Google]
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Elvira Arkanov [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emanuele Papale [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emily Clarke [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emily Maas [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emily Prochnau [Google]
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Emmanuel Rey [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emmeran Richard [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Emraan Mayow [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Enrique Samperio [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Envato Indie Font Bundle [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eotype [Fajar Ramadan]
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Erica Nash [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Erik Vicente de Vera [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Erin Snodgrass [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Eurico Sá Fernandes [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Evan Eckard [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fabian Dornhecker [La Bolde Vita]
[More] ⦿
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Fabian Korn [Format Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Fabian Pfeifhofer [Protofonts (and Loosy Design)]
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Fabio A.R. Mansos [Fluor Studio]
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Fabio Biesel [SFB Fonts (or: Studio Fabio Biesel)]
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Faire Type Foundry [Sabrina Nacmias]
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Faith [Google]
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Fajar Ramadan [Eotype]
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Fat Factory [Mico Samardzija]
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Fatih Hardal [Typografische (was: Hardal Studio)]
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Felicia Rotert [Google]
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Felipe Goes [Carta & Carta]
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Felipe Marin [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Felix Braden [Floodfonts]
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Felix Pfäffli [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Fernando Dgart [Google]
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Ferry Septian [Uncurve]
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Filipe Rolim [Google]
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Flamula Estudio Criativo [Frederico Mattos]
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Floodfonts [Felix Braden]
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Florent Schirrer [Google]
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Floris Voorveld [Google]
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Fluor Studio [Fabio A.R. Mansos]
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Fnkfrsh (was: French Toast) [Tarek Okbir]
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Font Monger [Chris Vile]
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Fontalicious [Ben Balvanz]
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FONTana Typestudio [Amondo Szegi]
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Format Studio [Fabian Korn]
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Formatpunktotf (or: Format.otf; was: t-1, type-eins) [Maximilian Müsgens]
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Formatype Foundry [Deni Anggara]
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Formes Vives [Adrien Zammit]
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Foundry 73 [Brian Toth]
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Fragtype [Grey Albornoz]
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Francisco Ramirez [Google]
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Frederico Mattos [Flamula Estudio Criativo]
[More] ⦿
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Gian Nazario [Google]
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Gianluca Cerulli [Google]
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Gilberto Moya Perona [Pisto Casero]
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Gita Elek [Google]
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Giulia Boggio [Google]
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Glen Loos Austin [Google]
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Glyph44 (or: Swash Hub) [Petros Afshar]
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Gonjetso C [Twenty Two Creative Co.]
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Grab The Eye [Google]
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Graphicfresh (was: Sameeh Store, or Sameeh Media) [Muhammad Husni Haikal]
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Greengraphy [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Grey Albornoz [Fragtype]
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Guillaume Ruiz [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Gundega Sviksa [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hagop Moumdjian [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hajime Kawakami
[More] ⦿
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Hannah Tyson [Google]
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Hanoded [David Kerkhoff]
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Hans Christian Øren [Google]
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Harbor Bickmore [That That Creative (or: Utah Type Foundry)]
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Haris Purnama Putra [Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere)]
[More] ⦿
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Harmnessless [Akbar Rohmanto]
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Hasrullah Design [Google]
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Hélène Marian Srodogora [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Hector Banuelos [Google]
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Hector Orti [Google]
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Hederae Creative (or: Hederae Type Foundry) [Valerio Dell'Edera]
[More] ⦿
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Hektik Designs [Chris Edwards]
[More] ⦿
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Henry Setiawan [Google]
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Here Be Monsters (or: Big Minion) [Mat Bee]
[More] ⦿
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Here East Fonts [Nastia Piven]
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Hindia Studio [Tulus Driyo]
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Hubert and Fischer [Sebastian Fischer]
[More] ⦿
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Hubert Munier [Google]
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Hugo Dumont [Google]
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Iain Budgen
[More] ⦿
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Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi [Juru Rancang Studio (was: Juru Aksara)]
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Ilias Koukoumatsas [Google]
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Ilya Ruderman [CSTM]
[More] ⦿
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Irene Usero [Google]
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Irfan Hidayat [Creative17 Studio]
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Irwan Riswanto [Neoflix]
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Ivan Velichko [Shuka Design]
[More] ⦿
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Jack D. Thompson [Google]
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Jacopo Rosano [Google]
[More] ⦿
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[More] ⦿
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Jajat Rohmana [Google]
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James Partington [Dene Studios]
[More] ⦿
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Jan Gerner [Yanone]
[More] ⦿
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Jan Grastorf [Google]
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Jan Paul Reyes [Google]
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Janis Gomez [Google]
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Jannete Mark [Google]
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Jared van Damme [Google]
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Jayden Collins [Google]
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Jérémie Gauthier [Almarena]
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Jean-Baptiste Morizot [Phantom Foundry]
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Jeff Lenteu [Google]
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Jehoo Creative [Anwar Patihan]
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Jennifer Dryman [Google]
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Jeremy Grant [Google]
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Jeremy Young [Google]
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Jernej Simoncic [Edit Me From Casper]
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Jhon Steve [Google]
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Jil Daniel [biz-yod]
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Joao Andrade [Google]
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João Miranda [Walking Fearless]
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Joe vanderHam [Joebob Graphics]
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Joebob Graphics [Joe vanderHam]
[More] ⦿
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John Galliers [Google]
[More] ⦿
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John Gauthier [Google]
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John Kunda [Google]
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Jolicia Type [Dyaharum Pungki Revitasari]
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Jon Forss [Non-Format]
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Jonathan Giuntini [Google]
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Jordan Landon [Google]
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Jordi Manero Pascual [Woodcutter Manero]
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José Antonio Garrido Izquierdo [Noem9 Studio]
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José Filipe Gomes [Google]
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Josen Tan [Google]
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Joshua Baron [Google]
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Journet Flavie [Google]
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Juan Casco [Sharp & Type]
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Juan Casco [Google]
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Juan Guillermo Navarro Barrios [Zilap (or: Mr. Zilap, or Zilap Estudio)]
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Juan Manuel Valdes Piñeyro [Google]
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Juan Rubio Marco [Google]
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Julia Joffre
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Julien Costa [Google]
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Julien Fincker
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Julien Stephan [Google]
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Juraj Chrastina
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Juru Rancang Studio (was: Juru Aksara) [Ihsan Khairul Lazuardi]
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Justyna Zabielska [Google]
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Jürgen Huber [Supertype]
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Kacper Rawluk [Google]
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Kamilla Ferreira [Google]
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Kara Zichittella [Zeitype]
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Kash Singh [Google]
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Katarina Stefanikova [Google]
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Kateryna Frankenstein [Google]
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Katharine Howard [Google]
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Katherine Foster [Google]
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Kecik Creative (was: Kecik Studio) [Anjar Putra]
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Khaled M [Google]
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Khay Redd [Google]
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Khurasan [Syaf Rizal]
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Kimi Kaste [Google]
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Kimmy Lee [Google]
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Kirill Tkachov
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Kirjatehnika [Andree Paat]
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Kong Le Foudeur [Google]
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Kristin Compton [Google]
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Kulturë Type (or: Kulture Type) [Leonit Gashi]
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KurzProject in Type Design [Martina Flor]
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Kyryll Myly [Google]
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La Bolde Vita [Fabian Dornhecker]
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La Seoha [Google]
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Laire Banyu [The Ocean Studio]
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Laïc [Maciej Polczynski]
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Laura Meekhof [Google]
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Laurène Girbal
[More] ⦿
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Laurens van Tour [Google]
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Laurie Bonneau [Google]
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Lea Maheo [Google]
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Lee Ah Yen Faatoia [Google]
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Leonit Gashi [Kulturë Type (or: Kulture Type)]
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Les Graphiquants [Google]
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Lina Tumarkina [Google]
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Lindsay Lombard [Google]
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Lisa Hilbertz [Google]
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Lizon Khokhlov [Google]
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LJ Design [Luis Jaramillo]
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Lorenz Lopetz Gianfreda [burodestruct (or: Typedifferent.com)]
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Lucas de Almeida [Google]
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Luciano Vergara [Mendoza&Vergara]
[More] ⦿
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Luis Farfan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Luis Jaramillo [LJ Design]
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Lydia Blagden [Google]
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Maciej Polczynski [Laïc]
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Maciej Swierczek
[More] ⦿
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Madina Turchaninova [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Magoo Studio [Google]
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Mallory Fahler [Google]
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Manh Nguyen [Zin Artwork]
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Maous Studio [Anton Moglia]
[More] ⦿
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Marcin Mokierow-Czolowsky [Google]
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Margaret Andersen [Google]
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Margaux Lallart [Google]
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Maria Luiza Alves [Google]
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Maria Rosado Garcia [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Maria Weinstein
[More] ⦿
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Mariana Barbieri [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Marianela Grande [Marion]
[More] ⦿
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Marie Vaillant [Google]
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Marin Perez [Google]
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Marion [Marianela Grande]
[More] ⦿
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Mark van Wageningen [Novo Typo (was: Atelier van Wageningen)]
[More] ⦿
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Martin Vacha [Displaay]
[More] ⦿
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Martina Flor [KurzProject in Type Design]
[More] ⦿
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Martine Bongard [Google]
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Massimiliano Vitti [Google]
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Mat Bee [Here Be Monsters (or: Big Minion)]
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Mateusz Machalski [Borutta (or: Duce Type)]
[More] ⦿
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Mathew Smith [Mathew's Shop]
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Mathew's Shop [Mathew Smith]
[More] ⦿
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Matteo Colombo
[More] ⦿
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Matthew Aaron Desmond [Matthew Desmond]
[More] ⦿
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Matthew Desmond [Matthew Aaron Desmond]
[More] ⦿
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Matthew James [Google]
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Matyas Szabo [Google]
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Max Infeld [Xerographer Fonts]
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Maxime Hoernel [Maxime Hoernel's collection]
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Maxime Hoernel's collection [Maxime Hoernel]
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Maximilian Müsgens [Formatpunktotf (or: Format.otf; was: t-1, type-eins)]
[More] ⦿
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Maziyyah Matassan [Google]
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Mchcrafter [El Mehdi Chouyoukh]
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Meagan Kelly [Google]
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Medina Rosa [Google]
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Mehmet Kirlangic [Google]
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Mehmet Reha Tugcu [Google]
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Mendoza&Vergara [Luciano Vergara]
[More] ⦿
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Mi Chen
[More] ⦿
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Michael Cina [You Work For Them (or YWFT; formerly Cinahaus or TrueIsTrue)]
[More] ⦿
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Michael Lonergan [Google]
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Michiel Terpelle [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mico Samardzija [Fat Factory]
[More] ⦿
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Mike Greenshields [Google]
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Mindtype Co [Putra Khan]
[More] ⦿
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Misha Priemyshev [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Mister Chek [Andrey Chernevich]
[More] ⦿
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Molly Woodfield [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Monofonts (or: Monocromo Creative Factory) [Andrea Cerboneschi]
[More] ⦿
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Morgan Gilbert [Google]
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Morvan Yohann [Google]
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Mr. Zyan
[More] ⦿
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Muhajir [Artimasa]
[More] ⦿
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Muhammad Afifersya [Google]
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Muhammad Husni Haikal [Graphicfresh (was: Sameeh Store, or Sameeh Media)]
[More] ⦿
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Mustafa Akülker [Google]
[More] ⦿
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MyFonts: Hipster typefaces [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Myriam Delteil [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nadia Yañez [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nail Husyainov [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nastia Piven [Here East Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Nathan Donoghue [Google]
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Nathan Gabriel [Google]
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Nautica Studios [Aritra Das]
[More] ⦿
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Neha Hattangdi [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nena Membrila [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Neoflix [Irwan Riswanto]
[More] ⦿
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New Tropical Design Studio [Tom Cunningham]
[More] ⦿
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Nick Jagersma [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nicky Laatz
[More] ⦿
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Nicola Manzari [Unio Creative Solutions]
[More] ⦿
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Nicolas Gimenez [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nicolas Millot [Bureau d'Investigation Graphique]
[More] ⦿
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Nicolo Tromben [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nimio Insight [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nina Ignjatovic [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Nirmana Visual [Sigit Dwipa]
[More] ⦿
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No Regular Fonts [Alexander Sheliketo]
[More] ⦿
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Noem9 Studio [José Antonio Garrido Izquierdo]
[More] ⦿
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Non-Format [Jon Forss]
[More] ⦿
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North Type (was: Charles Daoud Type, or: CD Type) [Charles Daoud]
[More] ⦿
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Novo Typo (was: Atelier van Wageningen) [Mark van Wageningen]
[More] ⦿
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Nyapa Tanzil [Damelev Studio (was: Logo Labs, Tanziladd, Rawi Project)]
[More] ⦿
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Octavio Pardo
[More] ⦿
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Oda Wahl [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oh Deer [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oleg Stepanov
[More] ⦿
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Oleg Voznyy [Vozzy (was: Oleg Vozny)]
[More] ⦿
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Olga Khomenko [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Olia Levchuk [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oliver Elliott [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oliver James Hardman [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Omar Bustamante [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Omar Oner [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Oscar Ramirez [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Out of Step Font Company [Dan Steinbok]
[More] ⦿
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Pascal Barry [Design by Pascal]
[More] ⦿
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Passport Design Bureau [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Patricia Castro Vazquez [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Paul Aimé [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Paul Eslage
[More] ⦿
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Paulina Kulyk [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pavel Fuksa [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pedro Canario [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Pedro Lobo [Uppertype]
[More] ⦿
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Perry Bronte [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Peter Korsman [Attak Fonts]
[More] ⦿
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Peter Wiegel [CAT Design Wolgast]
[More] ⦿
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Petros Afshar [Glyph44 (or: Swash Hub)]
[More] ⦿
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Phantom Foundry [Jean-Baptiste Morizot]
[More] ⦿
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Pierfrancesco Annicchiarico [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Piero Di Biase [Google]
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Piotr Monsiorski [Google]
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Pisto Casero [Gilberto Moya Perona]
[More] ⦿
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Plasebo Studio [Sahap Kurtaran]
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Popkern [Anna Seslavinskaya]
[More] ⦿
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Protofonts (and Loosy Design) [Fabian Pfeifhofer]
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Putra Khan [Mindtype Co]
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Qendrim Uka [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Quentin Bodin [Google]
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Quentin Bohn [Google]
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Rachid Aitouaissi [Bowery Studio (was: Hipster Font)]
[More] ⦿
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Radu Turcanu [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Rafael Sánchez Sánchez [RaFont]
[More] ⦿
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RaFont [Rafael Sánchez Sánchez]
[More] ⦿
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Rahul Chandh [Google]
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Ramses Machado [Google]
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Ranesia [Google]
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Rastasari Aras [Google]
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Renan Willian [Google]
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Reza Rasenda [Bagerich Type Foundry (was: Zealab Fonts Division, Zea Fonts, Zea Lab, Zeaspace)]
[More] ⦿
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Richard Chinchilla [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Robin Eberwein [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Robin Roskam [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Robin Schu [Google]
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Rodrigo Araya [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Romain Monbertrand [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Romain Pedeboscq [Bureau Nuits]
[More] ⦿
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Ryan Manterola [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ryan Pyae [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Ryan Stringer [Google]
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Sabina Popa [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sabrina Nacmias [Faire Type Foundry]
[More] ⦿
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Sahap Kurtaran [Plasebo Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Salih Kizilkaya
[More] ⦿
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Samuel Baluret [Google]
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Samuel Lara Hernandez [Google]
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Sandro Peres [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sanket Avlani [Google]
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Santino Calvo [Google]
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Sara Wird Raffaelli [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sarah Horgan [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sarah Sellars [Google]
[More] ⦿
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Sarid Ezra
[More] ⦿
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Sasha Zakrevska [Google]
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[More] ⦿
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Sébastien Hayez [Google]
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Sean Herman [Google]
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Sean Johnson
[More] ⦿
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Sebastian Fischer [Hubert and Fischer]
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Sergey Gladinov [Google]
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Sergey Karas [Google]
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Sergio Miguel [Google]
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Sergio Vento [Google]
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Serifcan Onursal [Google]
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SFB Fonts (or: Studio Fabio Biesel) [Fabio Biesel]
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Sham Nasaar [Google]
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Shannen Perry [Google]
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Shapes for Cash [Timothy Donaldson]
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Sharp & Type [Juan Casco]
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Shrenik Ganatra [Google]
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Shriftovik Foundry [Tikhon Reztcov]
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Shuka Design [Ivan Velichko]
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Sideshow [Bai Mellon]
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Sigit Dwipa [Nirmana Visual]
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Silver Stag [Google]
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Silvia Moura [Google]
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Silvia Tack [Google]
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Simone Kaae Pedersen [Google]
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Skyhaven Fonts [Google]
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Slava Antipov [Black Orbit Art]
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Sofia Neto [Google]
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Soha Sameh [Google]
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Stan Zienka [Google]
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Stephanie Sykora [Google]
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Stoned Handmade [Ana Garcia]
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Struvictory Art [Viktoryia Strukouskaya]
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Studio Disjointed [Google]
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Studio Feixen [Google]
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Studio Sun (or: Sun Brand Co) [Cahya Sofyan]
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Subform [Dennis de Vries]
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Sudtipos [Alejandro Paul]
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Supernulla Creative Studio [Google]
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Supertype [Jürgen Huber]
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Surfaces Studio [Google]
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Suthi Srisopha [Typhoon Type]
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Syaf Rizal [Khurasan]
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Tamas Zelizi [Google]
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Tano Veron [Google]
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Tarek Okbir [Fnkfrsh (was: French Toast)]
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Tatiana Noujaim [Google]
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Tawny Parker [Google]
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Taylor Connect (or: Swizzle Kiss Fonts) [Google]
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TDC2 Type Directors Club's Type Design Competition 2012 [Google]
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TDC62: The 62st Annual Type Directors Club Competition [Google]
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Tereza Cenic [Google]
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That That Creative (or: Utah Type Foundry) [Harbor Bickmore]
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The Ocean Studio [Laire Banyu]
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Thiago Sam [Google]
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Think Work Observe (TWO) [Google]
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Thinkdust [Alex Haigh]
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Thomas Garner [Google]
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Thomas Lowe [Google]
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Tikhon Reztcov [Shriftovik Foundry]
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Tillie Pendlebury [Google]
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Tim Blunck [Google]
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Tim Degner [Google]
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Tim Xez [Google]
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Timo Titzmann
[More] ⦿
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Timothy Donaldson [Shapes for Cash]
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T.J. Atkinson [Google]
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Tobias Grolich [Google]
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Tom Cunningham [New Tropical Design Studio]
[More] ⦿
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Tom Plate
[More] ⦿
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Tommaso Gonzalez [Google]
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Tommaso Tino [Google]
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Tone Helåsaunet Johansen [Google]
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Tony Jon Atkinson [Google]
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Trustha Studio [Bagas Ardiatma]
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Tulus Driyo [Hindia Studio]
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Tunahan Toprak [Google]
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Twenty Two Creative Co. [Gonjetso C]
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Tyler Lafreniere [Google]
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Type Innovations [Alex O. Kaczun]
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Typetemp Studio (was: Geranium Space, Moovied Co, Eight Type Rits, Letter Rits Type, Templatehere) [Haris Purnama Putra]
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Typhoon Type [Suthi Srisopha]
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Typia Nesia [Arief Setyo Wahyudi]
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Typografische (was: Hardal Studio) [Fatih Hardal]
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Typopixo [Google]
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Uncurve [Ferry Septian]
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Unio Creative Solutions [Nicola Manzari]
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Unka Odya [Google]
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Uppertype [Pedro Lobo]
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Valentin Besset [Atelier About]
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Valentina Zagaglia [Google]
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Valentine Proust
[More] ⦿
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Valerio Dell'Edera [Hederae Creative (or: Hederae Type Foundry)]
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Veronica Machado Lopes [Google]
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Viktor Földi [Google]
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Viktoryia Strukouskaya [Struvictory Art]
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Vince Lau [Google]
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Vincent Avila [Google]
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Vincent Labonne [Google]
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Virag Szorenyi [Google]
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Vozzy (was: Oleg Vozny) [Oleg Voznyy]
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Walking Fearless [João Miranda]
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WireBite (or: Fonts911) [Google]
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Woodcutter Manero [Jordi Manero Pascual]
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Wouter Freericks [Google]
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Xerographer Fonts [Max Infeld]
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Yai Salinas [Google]
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Yana Bereziner [Google]
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Yanone [Jan Gerner]
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Yasin Yalcin
[More] ⦿
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Yinon Ezra
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Yoan Huygen [Google]
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You Work For Them (or YWFT; formerly Cinahaus or TrueIsTrue) [Michael Cina]
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Zaide Eda Yildiz [Google]
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Zamara Reyes [Google]
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Zarni Ni [Google]
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Zeitype [Kara Zichittella]
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Zilap (or: Mr. Zilap, or Zilap Estudio) [Juan Guillermo Navarro Barrios]
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Zin Artwork [Manh Nguyen]
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Zoe Kerckhof [Google]
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Zoya Belikova [Google]
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