TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:43 EDT 2025
This outfit will make your handwriting into a font. There are commercial fonts from Cock-A-Doodle Design (2USD/font), Creating Keepsakes (names start with CK), Inspire Graphics, Karen Foster Design (names start with KF, as in KF Bonkers, KF Bugs, KF Carnival, KF Fun Font), LetteringDelights.com (names start with LD), PrintDog Design, PC Hugware. If you fill out a form, send email, become a member and spend ten minutes on their page, you'll get five free fonts. List of about 500 fonts as of April 2003. All fonts have an "Inspire Graphics" copyright notice. A partial list of the LD fonts: LDAgua, LDAmore, LDAntique, LDAntler, LDApple, LDArchitect, LDArtsy, LDBabyPin, LDBaby, LDBallet, LDBaseball, LDBasketball, LDBatBall, LDBeach, LDBeehive, LDBikini, LDBillboard, LDBooBoo, LDBoogie, LDBows, LDBubbles, LDBubbley, LDButterfly, LDButton, LDCake, LDCalligraphix, LDCamping, LDCandles, LDCarolers, LDCats, LDCeltic, LDChalk, LDCharming, LDChildish, LDChristmasBulbs, LDChristmasLights, LDChubby, LDCityScape, LDClover, LDConfetti, LDCool, LDCostumes, LDCritters, LDCrosstich, LDCupid, LDCuteCurls, LDDabble, LDDainty, LDDaisy, LDDelightful, LDDenim, LDDerby, LDDiary, LDDiver, LDDoodles, LDDotty, LDDoubleLine, LDEarMuffs, LDEasterBasket, LDEasterEggs, LDEasy, LDElementary, LDFallingLeaves, LDFierro, LDFigureSkating, LDFillIn, LDFinePrint1, LDFinePrint10, LDFinePrint11, LDFinePrint12, LDFinePrint13, LDFinePrint14, LDFinePrint15, LDFinePrint16, LDFinePrint17, LDFinePrint2, LDFinePrint3, LDFinePrint4, LDFinePrint5, LDFinePrint6, LDFinePrint7, LDFinePrint8, LDFinePrint9, LDFineScript1, LDFineScript2, LDFineScript3, LDFineScript4, LDFineScript5, LDFineScript6, LDFineScript7, LDFirecracker, LDFloaties, LDFlora, LDFlowers, LDFlurry, LDFlyfish, LDFootball, LDFrankenstein, LDFrosty, LDFunky, LDFunnySerif, LDGala, LDGhosts, LDGhouls, LDGift, LDGingerbread, LDGirlyCurls, LDGobble, LDGoingNuts, LDGolf, LDGreeting, LDGridiron, LDGrin, LDHand, LDHappyHats, LDHeartThrob, LDHeliumEars1, LDHolly, LDHuggyBear, LDHugs, LDIrish, LDItalic, LDJersey, LDJournaling, LDJoyful, LDJubilee, LDJumpy, LDLaundry, LDLeaves, LDLoneStar, LDLoveStruck, LDLuvnLace, LDMaple, LDMasquerade, LDMickE, LDMickE, LDMixed, LDMonster, LDMusic (2001), LDMusical, LDNativity, LDNativity, LDNeighborhood, LDNorthPole, LDNotePad, LDNotebook, LDOwie, LDPalmTrees, LDParade, LDPartyHats, LDPartyTime, LDPeekABoo, LDPenInk, LDPlank, LDPlumbing, LDPoof, LDPookie, LDPopCorn, LDPotoGold, LDPresents, LDPretty, LDPrint1, LDPrint10, LDPrint11, LDPrint12, LDPrint13, LDPrint14, LDPrint15, LDPrint16, LDPrint17, LDPrint18, LDPrint19, LDPrint2, LDPrint20, LDPrint21, LDPrint3, LDPrint4, LDPrint5, LDPrint6, LDPrint7, LDPrint8, LDPrint9, LDPuffy, LDPumpkin, LDQuickScript, LDQuilt, LDRV, LDRiverRun, LDRosebud, LDRoses, LDRounded, LDRoyal, LDSailing, LDSandCastle, LDScouter, LDScrapbooking, LDScratch, LDScratchyPen, LDScript1, LDScript2, LDScript3, LDScript4, LDScript5, LDScroll, LDSeashells, LDShadow, LDShamrock, LDShellyPrint, LDShellyScript, LDSign, LDSketch, LDSlanted, LDSlapHappy, LDSleek, LDSlender, LDSmiles, LDSmokey, LDSmooch, LDSnowman, LDSoccerBall, LDSoccer, LDSpecs, LDSpider, LDSplash, LDSpooks, LDSportDots, LDSports, LDSpringtime, LDSquiggle, LDStarSerif, LDStars, LDStencil, LDStringBean, LDStylin, LDSunflower, LDSunshine, LDSuper, LDTallPen, LDTallTale, LDTennis, LDTopHat, LDTuxedo, LDTwitterpated, LDUSA, LDVolleyball, LDWalt, LDWaterski, LDWeb, LDWildFlower, LDWitchy, LDWormy, LDWroughtIron, LDYoungster, LDZoo. Typefaces from 2007: LD Unique. Fonts from 2008: LD Platform Soul, LD Little Piggy, LD Little Buggy (scratchy face), LDJ Boxed Flirt, LD Santa Fe (grunge), LD Socialite, LD Teensel, LDJ Verdant Leaves. Additions at the end of 2009: LD Adornment, LD Dear Miss Rose, LD Bostonian, LD Artist's Intent, LD Abe Lincoln, LD Baskin Sundae, LD Bold Blake, LD Edward, LD Bella, LD Bon Vivant. Fonts from 2010: LD Dear Diary (hand-printed). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |