TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:17:08 EDT 2025






Otto Hupp

German type designer, painter, Gutenberg researcher and heraldy specialist, b. Düsseldorf 1859, d. 1947, Oberschleissheim. Mainly specializing in blackletter. His typefaces:

  • At Genzsch&Heyse (Hamburg, München), he did Heraldisch (1910), Hupp-Neudeutsch or Neudeutsche Schrift (1899-1900, see revivals by Gerhard Helzel and Petra Heidorn (2004)), Baltisch (1903, extension of Hupp-Neudeutsch), Numismatisch (1900; revived (?) by P22 as P22 Numismatic), Liturgisch (1906, Klingspor, revived by Dieter Steffmann in 2002, Kristian Sics in 2013, Eugen Kaelin in 1988, as well as by Gerhard Helzel), and Hupp-Gotisch.
  • At Rudhardsche Giesserei, Offenbach am Main, which in 1906 became Gebr. Klingspor, he made more blackletter typefaces, such as Hupp-Fraktur (1906-1911), Hupp Fraktur Fett (1910), Hupp Unziale (1909), Heraldisch (1910), Hupp Antiqua (1909: this is a delightful display typeface with religious undertones), Hupp Antiqua Fett (1910), Hupp Schrägschrift (1922; others give the date 1927), and the display fonts Lichte und volle Tam-Tan, Keilschrift and Kegelschrift.
Noteworthy among modern digitizations are Hupp Fraktur (2016, Ralph M. Unger), Hupp Antiqua NF (2006, Nick Curtis) and DXS Otto Hupp Initials (2010, Dick Pape). In 2012, Dick Pape created LFD Alphabet Und Ornamente 216 which is based on Hupp's Modern German version of roman capitals, as seen in Alphabete und Ornamente (Frau Bassermann Nachfolger, Munich).

German biography by Wolfgang Hendlmeier from 1985: A, B, C. Scans of his blackletter alphabets: I, II, III, IV, V.

Klingspor link.

Otto Hupp
 [Designer info]
Klingspor Museum page
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Blackletter fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Nick Curtis ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Dick Pape's typefaces ⦿ Dieter Steffmann ⦿

file name: Nick Curtis Hupp Antiqua N F 2006 after Otto Hupp 1909c

file name: Nick Curtis Hupp Antiqua N F 2006 after Otto Hupp 1909d

file name: Nick Curtis Hupp Antiqua N F 2006 after Otto Hupp 1909

file name: Nick Curtis Hupp Antiqua N F 2006 after Otto Hupp 1909b

file name: Dick Pape D X S Otto Hupp Initials 2010

file name: L F D Alphabet Und Ornamente216 2012 after Otto Hupp

file name: Otto Hupp 1859 1949 Pic

file name: Otto Hupp Neudeutsch 1900 Genzsch Heyse

file name: Otto Hupp Genzsch Heyse Neudeutsch 1910

file name: Petra Heidorn Neudeutsch 2004 after Otto Hupp 1900

file name: Genzsch Heyse Neudeutsche Initialen

file name: Genzsch Heyse Neudeutsche Initialen

file name: Genzsch Heyse Neudeutsche Schriften

file name: Otto Hupp Typefaces

file name: Otto Hupp Fraktur 1911

file name: Otto Hupp Hupp Fraktur Klingspor 1911

file name: Otto Hupp Genzsch Heyse Muenchner Renaissance Initialen

file name: Klingspor Liturgisch

file name: Liturgisch

file name: Otto Hupp Lithurgisch 1906 Klingspor

file name: Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906

file name: Gerhard Helzel Liturgisch after Otto Hupp 1906

file name: Gerhard Helzel Liturgisch after Otto Hupp 1906b

file name: Dieter Steffmann Liturgisch 2000 after Otto Hupp 1906

file name: Dieter Steffmann Liturgisch Zierbuchstaben 2000 after Otto Hupp 1906

file name: Klingspor Liturgische Initialen 1908

file name: Eugen Kaelin 1988 Verzierte Anfangsbuchstaben f Liturgisch after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906

file name: Eugen Kaelin 1988 Verzierte Anfangsbuchstaben f Liturgisch after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906b

file name: Modern German Blackletter by Otto Hupp a

file name: Modern German Blackletter by Otto Hupp b

file name: Modern German Capitals by Otto Hupp from Alphabete Und Ornamente

file name: Modern German Gothic Capitals by Otto Hupp from Alphabete Und Ornamente a

file name: Modern German Gothic Capitals by Otto Hupp from Alphabete Und Ornamente b

file name: Kristians Sics Liturgisch 2013 after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906a

file name: Kristians Sics Liturgisch 2013 after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906

file name: Kristians Sics Liturgisch 2013 after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906b

file name: Kristians Sics Liturgisch 2013 after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906c

file name: Kristians Sics Liturgisch 2013 after Otto Hupp Liturgisch 1906d

file name: Otto Hupp Biography By Wolfgang Hendlmeier Dd S Nr75 1985a

file name: Otto Hupp Biography By Wolfgang Hendlmeier Dd S Nr75 1985b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html