TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:17:09 EDT 2025






Stephen Coles

Aka Stewf. Stephen was a Utah-based graphic designer who used to design layouts for the USLC Chronicle. A typeface identifier with an encyclopedic mind, he runs the successful and lively type blog Typographica with Caren Litherland [that site was founded by Joshua Lurie-Terrell in 2002. Coles joined a couple years later. Matthew Bardram and Patric King helped out for a while]. He was Type Director at FontShop San Francisco from 2004-2010. Stephen is now a writer and typographic consultant, doing work for a variety of foundries and design studios. He founded Fonts In Use and is the Associate Curator and Editorial Director at Letterform Archive.

Author of The Anatomy of Type: A Graphic Guide to 100 Typefaces (2012, Harper Design) and The Geometry of Type: The Anatomy of 100 Essential Typefaces (2013, Thames & Hudson, UK). Amazon link.

Speaker at ATypI 2017 Montreal.

His typefaces:

  • The Mac version of "Monica", Andy Crewdson's digitization of Monica Lewinsky's handwriting (in notes she wrote for Bill Clinton).
  • Eerostyle (2008), created with FontStruct. Eerostyle is a parody of Eurostile.
  • The FontStruct fonts Pebble Soft, Pebble, Morricone (Far West spoof), Leaflet Gap (kitchen tile), Leaflet Wide Stem, Leaflet Stem, Leaflet, Varsity (athletic lettering), MinimalBloc Gap (kitchen tile).
  • WPA Gothic and WPA Gothic Deco (also done at FontStruct). These are poster typefaces inspired by posters produced in the 1930s by FDR's WPA (Works Progress Administration) such as this one. Similar poster typefaces would include Futura Display, Tourist Gothic, FF Moderne Gothics, Refrigerator, and MVB Solano Gothic.

Stephen Coles
 [Designer info]
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Type personalities ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Kitchen tile fonts ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Athletic lettering faces ⦿ FontStruct fonts ⦿ Type scene in Utah ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Type design and constructivism ⦿ Books on type design ⦿

file name: Stephen Coles W P A Gothic 2008 Poster by Bill Dawson 2015

file name: Stephen Coles The Geometry Of Type Cover 2013

file name: Stephen Coles The Anatomy Of Type 2012

file name: Stephen Coles A Typ I2017

file name: Stephen Coles Morricone 2008

file name: Stephen Coles Morricone 2008

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles Laura Serra

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles Laura Serra

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles Luc Devroye

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles

file name: A Typ I 2017 Stephen Coles

file name: A Typ I2015 Stephen Coles Photo by Luke Garcia Andre Hawk

file name: Steven Coles Type Anatomy Poster

file name: Steven Coles Portrait

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html