TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:17:15 EDT 2025






PC Crafters (was: Provo Craft) [Annette Ward]

Publisher of scrapbook fonts, made roughly between 2000 and 2008, including fonts by Jill Webster, Amy Dott, Annette Ward, Deena Rutter, Kathy Griffiths, Debbie Lewis, Lorie Lakey, Rebecca Carter, Pat Olson, Rebecca Hogue, Anne Fetzer, Leere Aldrich, Fayette Terlow, Kristen Cook, Cara Bradshaw and Julie Young.

The fonts: AllOccasionsNormal, CountrysideNormal, FourSeasonsNormal, GardenPartyNormal, HolidaysNormal, PC1776, PC50sSpin, PCAloha, PCAlphabetSoup, PCAmericana, PCAnderson, PCAngelHandwriting, PCAntique, PCApril, PCArrows, PCArtNouveau, PCAugust, PCBabyCurls, PCBaby, PCBackwards, PCBakesale, PCBalloon, PCBalloons, PCBandages, PCBang, PCBarney, PCBauble, PCBeachBum, PCBeachFront, PCBeachParty, PCBeached, PCBeads, PCBeccaBrush, PCBedrock, PCBerrySprig, PCBestFriends, PCBigStickOutline, PCBigStick, PCBingoDots, PCBirdhouse, pcBirthdayCard, PCBlackJackOutline, PCBlackJack, PCBlack, PCBlanketStitch, PCBlimp, PCBlockItalic, PCBloom, PCBoldOutline, PCBold, PCBorders, PCBotanicalStraight, PCBoxy, PCBoysToyz, PCBright, PCBrita, PCBubbleBath, PCBubbleDot, PCBubbleHearts, PCBubble, PCBugTracks, PCBugs, PCBunnyDash, PCBurlap, PCButterflight, PCButtons, PCBuzzyBee, PCCJ, PCCalendar, PCCalico, PCCallihan, PCCampus, PCCandlewick, PCCandyCane, PCCandyStripes, PCCandyman, PCCarolee, PCCartoon, PCCasual, PCCatScratch, PCCelebrate, PCCelebrations, PCCelestial, PCCereal, PCChalk, PCCheck, PCCheer, PCChessieDash, PCChessie, PCChicksFont, PCChildish, PCChopsticks, PCChowmein, PCChristmasVillage, PCChubby, PCChunkyDash, PCChunkyJumbled, PCChunky, PCChuva, PCClassicEnglish, PCClouds, PCClubhouse, PCCocoa, PCComicStripBlack, PCComicStrip, PCConfetti, PCConnected, PCCookieCrumbs, PCCookieDough, PCCookieFilling, PCCookieTime, PCCool, PCCountry, PCCountryside, PCCozy, PCCrackled, PCCrazed, PCCrazySerif, PCCream, PCCremeBrulee, PCCrossStitch, PCCupid, PCCurl, PCCurls, PCCurlyQue, PCCurlz, PCCursive, PCCurved, PCCutiePie, PCDaddyLongLegs, PCDancer, PCDangleStar, PCDashed, PCDashes, PCDashingDiva, PCDazzleOutline, PCDazzleTremor, PCDazzle, PCDecember, PCDented, PCDinosaur, PCDiva, PCDivertido, PCDoodle, PCDotWriter, PCDot, PCDotsandBows, PCDots, PCDoubleLine, PCDoubleTick, PCDoubleVisionMonogram1, PCDrop, PCDucky, PCEarthquakeOutline, PCEarthquake, PCEasterEgg, PCEggy, PCEightBall, PCElegantDots, PCEli, PCFabric, PCFall, PCFallingStars, PCFancy, PCFebruary, PCFernLeaf, PCFiesta, PCFillItIn, PCFlipFlop, PCFlourish, PCFlowerBed, PCFlowerGarden, PCFlowerGirl, PCFlower, PCFlowery, PCFolk, PCFootballWhite, PCForgetMeNot, PCFoundationHand, PCFreshEggs, PCFriendlyDots, PCFriends, PCFriendship, PCFunkyBits, PCFunkyBlack, PCFunkyFlowers, PCFunky, PCGarden1, PCGarden2, PCGardenFlower, PCGardenPacket, PCGardenSeedGiftPacket, PCGarden, PCGardenia, PCGeoAngles, PCGermanText, PCGhostly, PCGirly, PCGoo, PCGoofy, PCGraffitiOutline, PCGrandmasGarden, PCGrass, PCGreetings, PCGroovyOutline, PCGroovy, PCGrowingVines, PCGuenevere, PCGypsy, PCHalloween, PCHannahsHand, PCHappyTalk, PCHardball, PCHarvestGrain, PCHarvestMoon, PCHarvest, PCHawaiianHut, PCHeartDrops, PCHeartStrings, PCHeartBeat, PCHearts, PCHeavenSent, PCHeavyTrim, PCHolidayGlow, PCHoliday, PCHollyberries, PCHoneyvilleFill, PCHoneyville, PCHookLine, PCHotdog, PCHug, PCInaHeartBeat, PCInthePines, PCInformalFormal, PCItalicLines, PCItalic, PCJackOLantern, PCJam, PCJanuary, PCJennPen, PCJuly, PCJumpRope, PCJune, PCJustRosie, PCKaesKasual, PCKennedy, PCKeyhole, PCKickPlate, PCKid, PCKidsWingDing, PCKidz, PCKimmi, PCKindHeart, PCKnobbish, PCKoolSkool, PCLADoodles, PCLadyBugDots, PCLadyBug, PCLadyBugTracks, PCLadybugGarden, PCLadybugz, PCLaughter, PCLaundry, PCLeaves, PCLeere, PCLet'sLeave, PCLewisDot, PCLewis, PCLicorice, PCLights, PCLights, PCLilac, PCLine, PCLinedPlaid, PCLinesandLoops, PCLis, PCLittleBear, PCLittleGrace, PCLittlePrincess, PCLittleSquiggles, PCLog, PCLombardicLimbo, PCLoopDeLou, PCLooped, PCLoopie, PCLoring, PCLorisans, PCMadison, PCMallow, PCMarch, PCMarkerSwirl, PCMarshmallow, PCMay, PCMeadow, PCMelon, PCMeringue, PCMichelle, PCMismatch, PCMissThom, PCMonster, PCMotherDear, PCMotion, PCMouse, PCMummBasicNormal, PCMummNeoClassic, PCMunchkin, PCNatalie, PCNature, PCNeedles, PCNoodleBaby, PCNovember, PCOctober, PCOldEnglish, PCOldWorldScript, PCOutline, PCOvertheMoon, PCOveralls, PCPaintbrush, PCPaisleyGarden, PCPaperChop, PCPaperClip, PCPaperClips, PCPartyFun, PCPartyTime, PCParty, PCPatchScraps, PCPawPrint, PCPencil, PCPenmanship, PCPeppermint, PCPetiteDot, PCPicketFence, PCPigPen, PCPigtail, PCPilgrims, PCPinWheel, PCPizazzOutline, PCPizazz, PCPlainJane, PCPlayful, PCPlaytime, PCPoint, PCPolkadot, PCPoodleDoodle, PCPopstick, PCPosiePoints, PCPosie, PCPretty, PCPrimitiveStitch, PCPuff, PCPuffy, PCPumpkinpatch, PCPuppy, PCQTOutline, PCQT, PCQTip, PCQuack, PCQuiltBlocks, PCQuilting, PCRagdoll, PCRagtime, PCRandsomNote, PCRatatat, PCRazzle, PCRebeccaUncial, PCRebecca, PCRebsWrit, PCRectangle, PCRecycle, PCRideEmCowboy, PCRings, PCRockBlock, PCRockingShip, PCRodIron, PCRoman, PCRope, PCRosebush, PCRosemary, PCRoundAbout, PCRoundup, PCRuler, PCSaltboxHill, PCSantaSuit, PCSaucy, PCScarecrow, PCScarecrows, PCSchoolDays, PCScrapWood, PCScratchPad, PCScratch, PCScrawledDelight, PCScript, PCSeaBreeze, PCSeaside, PCSeasons, PCSeedling, PCSeeds, PCSellersSwirls, PCSeptember, PCSewingScraps, PCShadowHut, PCShamrockDark, PCShamrockLight, PCShamrock, PCSheSellsShells, PCShells, PCShimmyDot, PCSimple, PCSimplicitee, PCSketchbook, PCSketched, PCSkool, PCSmoochie, PCSnapdragon, PCSnowCaps, PCSnowDay, PCSnowFlake, PCSnowballs, PCSnowfall, PCSnowflake, PCSnowflakes, PCSnowmen, PCSommerset, PCSpaghetti, PCSpangled, PCSpecialDay, PCSpeckle, PCSpiceRack, PCSpice, PCSplinters, PCSpookIt, PCSpooky, PCSports, PCSpotted, PCSpringBliss, PCSpring, PCSpringish, PCSquareLoop, PCSquiggle, PCSquirrelly, PCStamps, PCStarOrnament, PCStar, PCStarsNStripes, PCStarsandStripes, PCStars, PCStencil, PCStitch, PCStitches, PCStitching, PCStockings, PCStoneScript, PCStraight, PCStrawberries, PCStretch, PCStringy, PCStripedRibbon, PCStroke, PCSuitcase, PCSunnyDay, PCSunnyFlowers, PCSuperHappyFunFun, PCSurfboard, PCSwayin, PCSweet, PCSweetie, PCSwirlyQ, PCSwish, PCSwissCheese, PCTallSwirl, PCTape, PCTaylor, PCTeaCupParty, PCTeeTime, PCThanksElegance, PCTheme, PCThickDots, PCThickSwirls, PCThickandThin, PCThick, PCThicky, PCThread, PCThumbtack, PCTidings, PCToolman, PCToothpaste, PCToothpics, PCTrainChain, PCTree, PCTrueLove, PCTwiggi, PCTwinkleStar, PCTwistedRibbon, PCType, PCTypewriter, PCUSA, PCUnevenCrazy, PCUnevenOutlines, PCUneven, PCVavoom, PCVegetableGarden, PCVine, PCViola, PCVogue, PCWacky, PCWatermelon, PCWave, PCWeb, PCWedgie, PCWetNoodle, PCWhimseyHolly, PCWhimsey, PCWideAngle, PCWiggle, PCWild, PCWilla, PCWillabella, PCWindswept, PCWinterWeather, PCWinter, PCWired, PCWish, PCWishes, PCWitchesToe, PCWitches, PCWoodenLetters, PCWooden, PCWoodland, PCYearbook, PCYellowSands, PCYoungstuff, PCZebra, PCZesty, PCZigZag, PCZiggyZag, pcApples&Pears, pcAutumn, pcBabyStar, pcBearFairies, pcBeautifulApril, pcBlackMarker, pcBlockParty, pcBlownOver, pcCandyCorn, pcCandyCorn, pcCatchAStar, pcFallDeco, pcFishingTrip, pcFlowerPot, pcFlowerPower, pcGirlFriends, pcGiveThanks, pcHolidayLights, pcHomeGrown, pcJust4Girls, pcKeyPad, pcLoveLetter, pcMothersDay, pcMothersLove, pcMyValentine, pcNewBeginnings, pcNoel, pcPamperMe, pcPartyFlower, pcPeppermintCandy, pcPilgrimHats, pcPilgrimScript, pcRibbon, pcRooster, pcRoosters, pcSnowmanScript, pcSpringTime, pcSunflower, pcTeddyBear, pcVictorianHome, pcVictorianScript, pcWinter'sGarden, pcWinterNewYears, pcWoodSticks, pcYouGoGirl.

Old link to the shareware fonts.

PC Crafters (was: Provo Craft)
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Snowflake fonts ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Typefaces for stitching ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Rope Fonts ⦿ Curly typefaces ⦿

file name: P C Crafters P C Anderson 2001

file name: P C Crafters P C Burlap 2006

file name: P C Crafters P C Paper Chop 2004

file name: P C Crafters P C Snow Flake 2002

file name: P C Crafters P C Super Happy Fun Fun 2003

file name: Provo Craft P C Classic English 2002

file name: Provo Craft P C Curls 2000

file name: Provo Craft P C Forget Me Not 2006

file name: Provo Craft P C Heaven Sent 2002

file name: Provo Craft P C Striped Ribbon

file name: Provo Craft P C Vavoom

file name: Provo Craft P C Yellow Sands 2002

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html