TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 16 12:21:59 EST 2025






Bembo: Comments

Bembo is the name given in 1929 by Stanley Morrison to his revival of type in use in 1495 Venice by the printer Aldus Manutius. Textism (now defunct) decried Monotype's digital version of this font. Textism: Monotype Bembo, released in 1929, was a brilliant revival of type in use in 1495 Venice by the printer Aldus Manutius. In its metal version, Bembo is my favourite thing to read; with acknowledged subjectivity, it is the most beautiful and readable text typeface of all. The tragedy is that its digital incarnation is sloppy in comparison: thin, wispy, it falls apart and its character evaporates unless used at sizes too large to be practical. Because of licensing and ownership of the design, this is the Bembo we are stuck with.

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Bembo: Comments
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Choice of fonts ⦿ Type design in Italy ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Bailey Saville 2017

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Bailey Saville 2017b

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014 L

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014b

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014c

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014e

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014f

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014g

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014h

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014i

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014j

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014k

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014m

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014n

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014o

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014p

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Lynn Grover 2014q

file name: Frank Hinman Pierpont Monotype Bembo 1929 193918

file name: Frank Hinman Pierpont Monotype Bembo 1929 193918b

file name: Frank Hinman Pierpont Monotype Bembo 1929 193921

file name: Frank Hinman Pierpont Monotype Bembo 1929 193919

file name: Frank Hinman Pierpont Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Amy Eibach 2016

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Sarah Linderer 2016

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Sarah Linderer 2016b

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929b

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929c

file name: Monotype Bembo Pro Bold 1929

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html