Walter Schmidt
Erlangen, Germany-based metafont and TeX specialist who has designed numerous font packages and developed many others. His work is always free and he has provided the TeX community invaluable typeface support. A list of his work: - Based on Euler and CM, he also developed the Euler math fonts (2001). Also called Euler-VM.
- mathpple defines the type 1 font family "Palatino" (ppl) as the default roman font and use the "mathpple" fonts for typesetting math with LaTeX.
- ECC, or European Concrete Computer Modern: a metafont implementation of Donald Knuth's Concrete fonts, providing T1 text fonts and TS1 text companion fonts.
- Codeveloper with Malte Rosenau of the Bera fonts, based on Bitstream's vera family.
- Extensions of some of the free URW fonts. For example, Walter Schmidt extended URW Palladio L in his FPL Neu package. He has also worked on URW Letter Gothic and URW Garamond No. 3.
- Creator of cmbright, a family of sans serif metafonts based on Donald Knuth's CM font. It is lighter and less obtrusive than CMSS. Together with CM Bright there comes a family of typewriter fonts, CM Typwewriter Light, which look better in combination with CM Bright than the CMTT fonts would do.
- Designer of the free font Augie, a type1 font simulating informal American style handwriting (2000), based on an earlier font called Augie by Steven J. Lundeen (1997).
Walter Schmidt
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