TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:18:07 EDT 2025
Statica Productions (or: House of TypoTaboo)
[Jonas Stoltz]
Jonas Stoltz at Statica Productions (or: House of TypoTaboo) in Denver, CO, designed FreersBadLuck, 7YearsBadLuck, Achten, AlienScript, AnarchistBible, AnarchistBible, Apokalypto, BingBangBoom, BoogieOogieShoes, BrokenSpinalColumn, Brute, BuddahBaby, CandyKisses, ClownCollegeDropoutNotSoFunny, CookieMouth, CrackheadWrestlingFederation, CrypticFunkadelia, DJ4Skin, DasSpaceFiend, Deterioratus, Detoxify, EspionageMustacheKit1, Essendon, FashionablyNumb, FlatmanHeavy, FlatmanNormal, FlatmanThin, GloomyGus, GradeSchoolSissy, HairDingbats, IchBins, JerryBold, Kilaver, LiveEQStraightUp, Longmuire, MadnessIndeed, Mayaku, MightyChickenScratch, MondoMessoFonto2, MondoMessoFontoBold, MondoMessoFontoItalic, Morlandic, Nebullium, NewMozak, PharyngoCracked, PickAhhShow, PoisonDots, Psychye, RealHorrorShow, Riquoth, Rockbox, RomanAcid, RoundedGenius, RubberWalls, ScreenwritersNightmare, ScreenwritersNightmareBold, ShockShock, SirSmoothy, SkySkunk, SmokinFatties, Smoolie, SomebodyDied, SpeedDemon, SpikeyMikey, Spooknic, Steokes, StrangeBrew, SurfPunx, SurfPunxHeavy, SurfPunxItalic, SurfPunxLight, TheDoghouse, TheoryofCremation, ThoughtTrain, TooDamnDrunk, TribalRed1, VOpen, Vipertuism, WideEyeFucker, WiseRabbitSays, Xomic, Yakabuza. Some fonts are also carried at Flash Kit. Logo font at 20 USD, fully custom font from 300 to 1000 USD. The fonts were designed in 1999-2001. Most have no punctuation, and half have no lower case. Only the futuristic Nebullium is semi-useful. Another URL. Direct downloads. Most of the original links are gone, and Statica got out of font production in 2005. Dafont link. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |