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Fortunato Depero

Fortunato Depero (1892-1960) was an Italian futurist painter, writer, sculptor and graphic designer. Born in Fondo/Malosco, Depero grew up in Rovereto serving as an apprentice to a marble worker. On a 1913 trip to Florence that he discovered a copy of the paper Lacerba and an article by one of the founders of the futurism movement, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. In 1914, Depero moved to Rome and met fellow futurist Giacomo Balla. In 1915, Depero and Balla coauthored the manifesto Ricostruzione futurista dell universo. In the same year he was designing stage sets and costumes for a ballet. In 1919 Depero founded the Casa d'Arte Futurista in Rovereto, which specialised in producing toys, tapestries and furniture in the futurist style. In 1925 he represented the futurists at the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes (International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts).

In 1927, he published the monograph Depero Futurista, aka The Bolted Book, because it is famously bound together by two large industrial aluminum bolts. In 2016, a kickstarter movement was started to publish a new facsimile edition of this groundbreaking book.

In 1928, Depero moved to New York City, where [acccording to Wikipedia] he experienced a degree of success, doing costumes for stage productions and designing covers for magazines including MovieMaker, The New Yorker and Vogue, among others. He also dabbled in interior design during his stay, working on two restaurants which were later demolished to make way for the Rockefeller Center. He also did work for the New York Daily News and Macy's, and built a house on 23rd Street. In 1930 he returned to Italy.

In the 1930s and 40s Depero continued working, although due to futurism being linked with fascism, the movement started to wane. The artistic development of the movement in this period can mostly be attributed to him and Balla. One of the projects he was involved in during this time was Dinamo magazine, which he founded and directed. After the end of the Second World War, Depero had trouble with authorities in Europe and in 1947 decided to try New York again. This time he found the reception not quite as welcoming. In New York, he published So I Think, So I Paint, a translation of his autobiography initially released in 1940, Fortunato Depero nelle opere e nella vita. From the winter of 1947 to late October 1949 Depero lived in a cottage in New Milford, CT. His host was William Hillman, an associate of the then-President, Harry S. Truman. After New Milford, Depero returned to Rovereto. In August 1959 Galleria Museo Depero opened. Depero died in 1960 a bout of diabetes and spending the last two years unable to paint due to hemiparesis.

Alan Kegler at P22 created a typeface, P22 Futurismo (1996) and P22 Futurismo Extras, based on Depero's work. P22 link.

A second digital typeface is based on his work, Emporium NF by Nick Curtis. It is based on this poster by Fortunato Depero (1927).

Fortunato Depero
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file name: Fortunato Depero 1927 Emporium N F

file name: Fortunato Depero The Bolted Book 1927 05

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file name: Fortunato Depero The Bolted Book 1927 128 front

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file name: Fortunato Depero The Bolted Book 1927 42

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file name: Fortunato Depero The Bolted Book 1927 71

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file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo 1996

file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo Extras 1996

file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo Extras 1996b

file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo Extras 1996c

file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo Extras 1996d

file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo Extras 1996e

file name: Fortunato Depero P22 Futurismo Extras 1996f

file name: Fortunato Depero Pic 1922

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html