TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:18:44 EDT 2025






Fontgrube AH [Andreas Höfeld]

At Fontgrube AH, Andreas Höfeld, a protestant pastor from Erbach/Odenwald, designed these typefaces:

  • A Charming Font (with Graham Meade).
  • Adam's Family (based on Addams by John Roshell).
  • Annifont FG (2002) is an improvement of Annie de la Vega's Annifont (1997).
  • Auptimagh.
  • Brinkmann (Fraktur font, 2000).
  • Brubeck (2001).
  • CD Numbers.
  • Civitype (2013, a civilité font).
  • Dragonwick.
  • Fanjofey and Fanjofey Leoda (2002, Tolkien-like fonts that can also be viewed as Arabic simulation typefaces).
  • Gabriele Bad and Gabriele Ribbon (2013). Old typewriter font families that are based on David Rakowski's Harting.
  • Gapstown (2002, to replace Comic Sans, he says).
  • Gismonda (2013, art nouveau).
  • HermanDecanusAH (medieval handwriting based on the kanzleischrift of Dekan Hermann zu Soest, 1269).
  • Hymnus FG (2015, notes of a 5-line staff).
  • Invisible.
  • Jorvik Informal.
  • Lansbury (2013, art nouveau).
  • MojacaloAH (2002) and Mojacalo Relief (2013).
  • PaternosterAH (uncial).
  • SeferAH (2001, Hebrew simulation).
  • Slim Fast (2002-2013).
  • SlotMachine (no longer there, only put here for historical reasons).
  • Traditio (2013, blackletter).
  • Trinigan (2013, art nouveau).
  • He improved Jörgen Gedeon's Vurt and calls it Tusch FG (2002).

Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. Klingspor link. Fontspace link.

Fontgrube AH
Dafont page
Fontspace page
Klingspor Museum page
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Hebrew simulation fonts ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Rune fonts ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Uncial typefaces ⦿ Arabic simulation typefaces ⦿ Civilité ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Music fonts ⦿

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Catalog

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Anke Calligraphic F G

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Fanjofey A H

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Fanjofey A H 2005

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Gabriele Ribbon 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Gabriele Ribbon 2013b

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Slim Fast 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Slim Fast 2013b

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Herman Decanus

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Hymnus F G 2013 2015

file name: Graham Meade A Hofeld A Charming Font Outline

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Civitype 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Dragonwick 2005

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Dragonwick 2005b

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Gismonda 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Gismonda 2013b

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Jorvik Informal 2005

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Lansbury 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Lansbury 2013b

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Lansbury 2013c

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Sefer A H 2001

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Traditio 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Traditio 2013b

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Trinigan 2013

file name: Andreas Hoefeld Trinigan 2013b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html