TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:19:04 EDT 2025
Mayeur Type Foundry
[Gustave Mayeur]
The Mayeur Type Foundry was based at 21 Rue de Montparnasse in Paris and operated from 1882 until 1919 under the direction of Gustave Mayeur (1837-1891). Somehow, Fonderie Mayeur evolved (in an unclear manner, to me at least) from l' ancienne Maison Battenberg, created in 1843 by Battenberg, graveur and fondeur, located in rue du Dragon, 20, Paris. Battenberg's gorgeous engravings include vignettes du moyen age, vignettes raisins, vignettes grimpantes, vignettes rubans, vignettes treillage, tetes de chapitre, culs de lampe, fleurons, titling ornaments and initials. Their specimen books have many jewels, such as this Mauresques Noires (1898). Gustave Mayeur is credited with the Wedding Plate Script typeface. Mayeur died in 1891. Allainguillaume succeeds the widow Mayeur in 1892. The company was bought by Saling in 1904 and later sold to the Fonderie Typographique Française in 1921. Mayeur's work can be found in these publications:
Most of these books are simply magnificent, if only for the splendid use of frilly ornaments and borders, initial caps, Normandes (heavy didone titling typefaces), Italiennes (Western or Egyptian style), and emblems (such as the Armoiries des villes de France). One of the publications by Allainguillaume, ca. 1904-1910, is Clichés typographiques: caractères d'imprimerie Mayeur: gravure, clichés, sujets, attributs divers, médailles (Paris). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |