TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:19:24 EDT 2025







This is a gallery and a discussion of the fonts created by the students at ENSAD since 1997. A partial list with the original (now defunct) links:

  • Bitmap (2003): a pixel typeface by Isabelle Guizard, Vladimir Mavounia Kouka, Grégoire Pierre, Gaëlle Richard.
  • Caffeine (2003): an experimental typeface by Benjamin Raimbault, Eric Bricka, Stéphane Elbaz.
  • Zinzolin (2003), a stencil typeface by Brieuc Dupont, Zai Jia Huang, William Hessel, and Cyrille de Jenken.
  • Cooker Black (2004): a take on Cooper Black, by Isabelle Guizard, Adrien Portehaut, Grégoire Pierre, Zai Jia Huang, Brieuc Dupont, Odile Delaporte, Boris Petrovitch-Njegosh, Vladimir Mavounia Kouka, William Hessel, Eric Bricka, Stéphane Elbaz, Gaëlle Richard
  • Bertrand (2003): A typeface by Grégory Bantzé, Étienne Chaillou, Vincent Défossé, Anne Denastas, Marielle Durand, Alicia Garcia Garcia, Anja Linke and Gabriel Pistre, based on work at the Fonderie bertrand in the late 19th century.
  • Rosart (2002): A font by Aiko Oshima, Vincent Ciccone, Franck Kauffman and Delphine Cordier, based on lettering by the famous 18-th century Belgian typographer.
  • Scripte (2002): By Sarah Fouquet, based on her own handwriting.
  • Cargoth (2001): By Amélie Boutry.
  • Jannet (2001): By Sandrine Auvray, Julia Cochonet, Sarah Fouquet, Boris Igelman, Jérôme Vogel, Yu Sou Yeon, based on Jannet's garalde revivals, ca. 1860.
  • Recréation (2000): A Garamond typeface recreated by Amélié Boutry, Germain Caminade, Laurence Cordellier, Boroka Gergely, Paule Palacios Dalens, Gilles Vacheret.
  • Poinçons (1999): Based on a Fournier font, implemented at ENSAD by Caroline Laguerre, Virginie Aiguillon, Maureen Valfort, Johanne Blain, Pierre Schnebelen, Cédric Murac, Alexandre Le Saulnier de Saint Jouan, Laurent Mészaros, Thibault Laurent.
  • Métis (1998): By Anne-Mari Ahonen, Dorothé Billard, Yolanda Gil, Maria Körkel, Isabelle Maugin, Juliette Poirot, Jennifer Ward.
This is a successor of the Collectif ENSAD, which was energized by Jennifer Ward, Maria Körkel, Dorothée Billard, Isabelle Maugin, Anne-Mari Ahonen, Natalia Suarez, Yolanda Gil and Juliette Poirot.

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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Studying type design ⦿ The Belgian type scene ⦿ Experimental type ⦿ Type design in France ⦿ Cooper Black ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Fournier ⦿

file name: Aiko Oshima Vincent Ciccone Franck Kauffamn Delphine Cordier Rosart 2002

file name: Gregory Bantze Etienne Chaillou Vincent Delfosse Anne Denastas Marielle Durand Alicia Garcia Garcia Anja Linke Gabriel Pistre Bertrand 2003

file name: Sandrine Auvray Julia Cochonet Sarah Fouquet Boris Igelman Jerome Vogel Yu Sou Yeon Jannet 2001

file name: Brieuc Dupont Zai Jia Huang William Hessel Cyrille De Jenken Zinzolin 2003

file name: Isabelle Guizard Adrien Portehaut Gregoire Pierre Zai Jia Huang Brieuc Dupont Odile Delaporte Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Vladimir Mavounia Kouka William Hessel Eric Bricka Stephane Elbaz Gaelle Richard Cooker Black 2004

file name: Isabelle Guizard Adrien Portehaut Gregoire Pierre Zai Jia Huang Brieuc Dupont Odile Delaporte Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Vladimir Mavounia Kouka William Hessel Eric Bricka Stephane Elbaz Gaelle Richard Cooker Black 2004b

file name: Isabelle Guizard Adrien Portehaut Gregoire Pierre Zai Jia Huang Brieuc Dupont Odile Delaporte Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Vladimir Mavounia Kouka William Hessel Eric Bricka Stephane Elbaz Gaelle Richard Cooker Black 2004c

file name: Isabelle Guizard Adrien Portehaut Gregoire Pierre Zai Jia Huang Brieuc Dupont Odile Delaporte Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Vladimir Mavounia Kouka William Hessel Eric Bricka Stephane Elbaz Gaelle Richard Cooker Black 2004d

file name: Isabelle Guizard Adrien Portehaut Gregoire Pierre Zai Jia Huang Brieuc Dupont Odile Delaporte Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Vladimir Mavounia Kouka William Hessel Eric Bricka Stephane Elbaz Gaelle Richard Cooker Black 2004e

file name: Isabelle Guizard Adrien Portehaut Gregoire Pierre Zai Jia Huang Brieuc Dupont Odile Delaporte Boris Petrovitch Njegosh Vladimir Mavounia Kouka William Hessel Eric Bricka Stephane Elbaz Gaelle Richard Cooker Black 2004f

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html