TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:20:47 EDT 2025
Outfit which made many font families in 1990, including these: American-Classic, Artcraft, Auburn, Autopista, Avenue, Belwe, Bengel, Bengi, Bloom, Booty, Branding, Broadway, Brophy, Brush, CG-Bodoni, CG-California, CG-Century, CG-Clearface, CG-Cloister, CG-Frontiera, CG-Mellinza, CG-Nashville, CG-Omega, CG-Palacio, CG-Pontiflex, CG-Poster, CG-Trade, CG-Trade, CG-Triumvirate, CG-Trump, Callistyle, Camelot, Carolina, Carolina, Caslon-540, Ccrige, Charlotte, Circular, Claredon, Commercial, Compressed, Computer, Cooper, Copperplate, Crest, Deco, Dom, Domino, Doron, ETC, Egyptian, English, Estelle, Europa, Expo, Extend, Exway1, Exway2, Fancy, Fancy, Fleer, Forecast, Fortune, France1, France2, France3, Franklin, Frieze, Futura, Garamond, Garth, Gem, Gothic, Goudy, Highway, Hobo, Hotdog, Journal, Klass, Laddy, Lilt, Lubo, March, Microstyle, Mon_1, Mon_2, Mon_3, Mon_4, Mon_5, Mon_6, Mon_7, Mon_Block, Mon_BlockShadow, Mon_Gothic, Moon, Murray, Musketer, News, Nuevo, Old, OldEnglish, Park, Quill, Raphael, Roven, Sabon, Sans, Scene, Scripta, Shady, Shape, Shot, Signature, Stymie, Superior, Tarry, Transport, Tropez, Typewriter, Uncial, Velvet, Wide, Windsor, Yearbook, Zarana. The link has a full list of the font names. Download link. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |