TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:20:58 EDT 2025






David Pustansky (was: 24hourbauer.co.uk) [David Martin]

David Pustansky (b. 1985) is a UK-based type designer who was active in 2005-2006, when he operated as David Martin and his web site was called 24hourbauer.co.uk. He published many free fonts, but then became inactive ca. 2007. In 2014, he resurrected as David Pustansky.

Creator of the picture-derived typefaces Eye Spy (2006), Batman The Dark Knight (2006, scanbats), Simpsons Mmmm...Font (2006), Pokemon Pixels (2006), Silent Hill Nightmares (2006), Mario and Luigi (2006), Final Fantasy Elements (2006), Lara Croft Tombraider (2006), Superman Last Son of Krypton (2005), The Ultimate Lance Hoyt font (2005), Harry Potter and the Dingbats (2005), TNA Bound for Glory (2005), tna wrestling (2005), Doctor Who 2006 (2005), Futurama Dingbats (2005), Red Dwarf Characters (2005), Evil Characters (2005), and 24hourbauer (2005, scanbats), Simpsons Treehouse of Horror (2007), Split Splat Splodge (2006, ink slpatter), Splish Splash Splosh (commercial), TNA Lockdown (2007), Splis (2007), Donkey Kong World (2006), SonicMegaFont (2006), Doodlebears (2006), Tetris Blocks (2006), twentyfour, WWE, residentevilcharacters, wrestlinglogos.

In 2014, he created Garfield Hates Mondays Loves Fonts (scanbats), the retro typeface Shakespeare First Folio (after the lettering in the 1623 collection of Shakespeare's plays), Brush Stroke of Genius, Wilson (after the baseball in the movie), Eye Am Confused Optical Illusions, Game Logos, Retro Hasbro WWF Figures, Doom and Gloom, Nato Phonetic Alphabet, Shakespeare To Be Or Not To Be (ornamental caps), Super Street Fighter Hyper Fonting (scanbats)m), An Apple A Day Fruit Font, Secret Diary (hand-printed), Balls Balls and more Balls (scanbats), Legend of Zelda TriFont (scanbats), Crushed Candy (scanbats), A Work of Art (scanbats), Console Wars Console Yourself, Futurama All Hail the Hypnotoad, Family Guy Giggity (cartoon character font), and American Dad Good Morning USA (cartoon dingbats).

In 2018, he designed the shaky handcrafted Jack The Ripper Dear Boss (inspired by the original "Dear Boss" letter sent to the police at Scotland Yard by Jack the Ripper). In 2019, he added the caricature font Guess Who at the scanbat typeface Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Font.

Abstract Fonts link. Home page of David Pustansky. Fontspace link.

David Pustansky (was: 24hourbauer.co.uk)
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Sci-Fi fonts ⦿ Movie fonts ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Scanbats ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Type design and Escher ⦿ Pokemon fonts ⦿

file name: David Pustansky Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Font 2019

file name: David Pustansky Guess Who 2019

file name: David Pustansky Jack The Ripper Dear Boss 2018

file name: David Pustansky Brush Stroke Of Genius 2014

file name: David Pustansky Eye Am Confused Optical Illusions 2014

file name: David Pustansky Eye Am Confused Optical Illusions 2014b

file name: David Pustansky Shakespeare First Folio 2014

file name: David Pustansky Wilson 2014

file name: David Martin Batman The Dark Knight 2006

file name: David Martin Simpsons Mmmm 2006

file name: David Pustansky Garfield Hates Mondays Loves Fonts 2014

file name: David Pustansky An Apple A Day Fruit Font 2014

file name: David Pustansky N A T O Phonetic Alphabet 2014

file name: David Pustansky Shakespeare To Be Or Not To Be 2014

file name: David Pustansky Super Street Fighter Hyper Fonting 2014

file name: David Pustansky Super Street Fighter Hyper Fonting 2014b

file name: David Pustansky Balls Balls And More Balls 2014

file name: David Pustansky A Work Of Art 2014

file name: David Pustansky Eye Spy 2006

file name: David Pustansky Family Guy Giggity 2014

file name: David Pustansky Family Guy Giggity 2014b

file name: David Pustansky Console Wars Console Yourself 2014

file name: David Pustansky Futurama All Hail The Hypnotoad 2014

file name: David Pustansky Harry Potter And The Dingbats 2005

file name: David Pustansky American Dad Good Morning U S A 2014

file name: David Pustansky Mario And Luigi 2006

file name: David Pustansky Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html