TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 3 10:52:08 EST 2025







[Headline set in Vizille (1998-2009, Thierry Gouttenègre)]


323 Productions [Arnie Gabriel Gonzales] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Abdul Hapiz Hilman [Fizzetica Type foundry] [More]  ⦿

Adam Chilota [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adi Dizdarevic [DYYA Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Adien Gunarta [Google] [More]  ⦿

Adrian Barbu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alexey Ostromentsky [Google] [More]  ⦿

Alphabet&Type [Paolo Vannucci] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andreas Neiden [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrew Buckle [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrey Belogonov [Google] [More]  ⦿

Andrzej Koston [Koston Type Design] [More]  ⦿

Ann Stretton [The Dingbatcave (was: Ann-S-Thesia)] [More]  ⦿

Anthony Robinson [Google] [More]  ⦿

Arnie Gabriel Gonzales [323 Productions] [More]  ⦿

Ben Tour [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Benoît Champy [Google] [More]  ⦿

Bosil Unique Fonts [Michael Bolen] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Broti [Google] [More]  ⦿

Browning MGs [Jon Moran] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Camilo Parodi [Google] [More]  ⦿

Carlos Matteoli [Q-BO] [More]  ⦿

Chanaka Liyanage [Google] [More]  ⦿

Character [Herbert F. Van Brink] [Google] [More]  ⦿

C.J. Lawler [Google] [More]  ⦿

Codin Repsch [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dan M. Zadorozny [Iconian Fonts] [More]  ⦿

David Kerkhoff [Hanoded] [More]  ⦿

David Koehne [PaleAle's Fonts] [More]  ⦿

David Martin [David Pustansky (was: 24hourbauer.co.uk)] [More]  ⦿

David Pustansky (was: 24hourbauer.co.uk) [David Martin] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Dick Pape: Renji Murata] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Dick Pape: Mimbres Pottery] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Dick Pape: Eduardo Recife's cartoons] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Dick Pape] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Ben Tour] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Walden Font: digitizations by Dick Pape] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape: Eduardo Recife's cartoons [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape: Mimbres Pottery [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape: ornamental typefaces [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dick Pape: Renji Murata [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Didik Pratikno [Google] [More]  ⦿

Ding Bang [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dingbat Dungeon [Duane Richard Haut II] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dipankar Bose [Google] [More]  ⦿

Douglas Day [Google] [More]  ⦿

Dry Heaves Fonts (was: Phil Fonts) [Phillip Andrade] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Duane Richard Haut II [Dingbat Dungeon] [More]  ⦿

DYYA Fonts [Adi Dizdarevic] [Google] [More]  ⦿

E. Maldonado [Google] [More]  ⦿

Edgar Salazar [Google] [More]  ⦿

Edit Me From Casper [Jernej Simoncic] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Evon Arnold [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fabien Delage [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fanny Lindstrom [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fernando Forero [Fernando Forero Foundry] [More]  ⦿

Fernando Forero Foundry [Fernando Forero] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Fizzetica Type foundry [Abdul Hapiz Hilman] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Frogii [Frogii's Free Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Frogii's Free Fonts [Frogii] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Galdino Otten [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gate & Lock Co. [Tiffany Major] [Google] [More]  ⦿

GautFonts [J.F.Y. Daniel Gauthier] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Gladys Pichollet [Google] [More]  ⦿

Greg Maxim [Motorcycle Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Hanoded [David Kerkhoff] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Haslinda Adnan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Herbert F. Van Brink [Character] [More]  ⦿

Heric Longe Abramo [Google] [More]  ⦿

Houcine Sagout [Google] [More]  ⦿

House of Lime [Merethe Liljedahl] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Iconian Fonts [Dan M. Zadorozny] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Igor Kubik [Google] [More]  ⦿

Intellecta Design (or: Monocracy Types) [Paulo W] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Isaac Riehl [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jaduger Design Studio (and: Twodollarshop) [Mobaric Minhas] [Google] [More]  ⦿

James Greenwood [Google] [More]  ⦿

Jernej Simoncic [Edit Me From Casper] [More]  ⦿

J.F.Y. Daniel Gauthier [GautFonts] [More]  ⦿

JMD [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joan Marti Mas [TypePhases (was: vigital tipografia)] [More]  ⦿

Jon Moran [Browning MGs] [More]  ⦿

Jordi Manero Pascual [Woodcutter Manero] [More]  ⦿

Jorge Moron [Google] [More]  ⦿

Joseph Grant [SnatchSoft] [More]  ⦿

Julia Schneider [Google] [More]  ⦿

Justin Leyva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kaiser Zhar Khan [Google] [More]  ⦿

Kazimir Severinovich Malevich [Google] [More]  ⦿

Koston Type Design [Andrzej Koston] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lea Rebeca Klein [Google] [More]  ⦿

Lee Bentley Jr. [The Empire of The Claw] [More]  ⦿

Levi Halmos [no image fonts] [More]  ⦿

Magnetic Studio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marco D'Ambrosio [Google] [More]  ⦿

Marcos F. Maranzana [Google] [More]  ⦿

Martina Hartmann [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mathew Taft [Google] [More]  ⦿

Matthew Spencer [Google] [More]  ⦿

Max Infeld [Xerographer Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Merethe Liljedahl [House of Lime] [More]  ⦿

Metaphase Brothel Graphix [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Albers [Google] [More]  ⦿

Michael Bolen [Bosil Unique Fonts] [More]  ⦿

Michelle Godfrey [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mike Gaines [Mondo Graphix from Mike Gaines] [More]  ⦿

Minea Nunes [Google] [More]  ⦿

Mobaric Minhas [Jaduger Design Studio (and: Twodollarshop)] [More]  ⦿

Mondo Graphix from Mike Gaines [Mike Gaines] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Monochrom (and--or Pheist) [Stefanie Koerner] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Motorcycle Fonts [Greg Maxim] [Google] [More]  ⦿

MPG Graphics [Google] [More]  ⦿

Niche [Simon Dunford] [Google] [More]  ⦿

no image fonts [Levi Halmos] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Obama dingbats [Google] [More]  ⦿

Olena Mashinska [Google] [More]  ⦿

PaleAle's Fonts [David Koehne] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Paolo Vannucci [Alphabet&Type] [More]  ⦿

Paulo W [Intellecta Design (or: Monocracy Types)] [More]  ⦿

Peter Jonsson [TTD Fonts (Typical Type Design Fonts)] [More]  ⦿

Phillip Andrade [Dry Heaves Fonts (was: Phil Fonts)] [More]  ⦿

Proportional Lime [Shane Brandes] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Push [Google] [More]  ⦿

Q-BO [Carlos Matteoli] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rey Silva [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rodrigo Araya Salas [Rodrigo Typo (was: RAS Design)] [More]  ⦿

Rodrigo Typo (was: RAS Design) [Rodrigo Araya Salas] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Rose Stallard [Google] [More]  ⦿

Saji Johnny Kundukulam [Google] [More]  ⦿

Satoru Iwatsu [Takasakiyama Font House] [More]  ⦿

Scanbats [Google] [More]  ⦿

Shane Brandes [Proportional Lime] [More]  ⦿

Simon Dunford [Niche] [More]  ⦿

Skankinrv Tellayouthska [Google] [More]  ⦿

SnatchSoft [Joseph Grant] [Google] [More]  ⦿

SpoonArt [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stefan Cristian Cioroianu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Stefanie Koerner [Monochrom (and--or Pheist)] [More]  ⦿

Stephen Bird [Uusimaa Type Foundry Incorporated] [More]  ⦿

Steve Cloutier [Google] [More]  ⦿

Steve Ferrera [Google] [More]  ⦿

Susana Simplício [Google] [More]  ⦿

Takasakiyama Font House [Satoru Iwatsu] [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Dingbatcave (was: Ann-S-Thesia) [Ann Stretton] [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Empire of The Claw [Lee Bentley Jr.] [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Figurehead Experiment [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Stranger [Google] [More]  ⦿

The Type Foundry [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tiago Pompeu [Google] [More]  ⦿

Tiffany Major [Gate & Lock Co.] [More]  ⦿

TTD Fonts (Typical Type Design Fonts) [Peter Jonsson] [Google] [More]  ⦿

TypePhases (was: vigital tipografia) [Joan Marti Mas] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Uusimaa Type Foundry Incorporated [Stephen Bird] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Vladimir Nikolic [Google] [More]  ⦿

Walden Font: digitizations by Dick Pape [Dick Pape] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Woodcutter Manero [Jordi Manero Pascual] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Xerographer Fonts [Max Infeld] [Google] [More]  ⦿

Yana Kutyina [Google] [More]  ⦿