TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:12 EDT 2025







Wiki entry on Frutiger, the sans serif typeface created by Swiss type designer Adrian Frutiger in 1968 for the newly built Charles De Gaulle International Airport at Roissy, France. This typeface design was initially prepared by Adrian Frutiger for his friend Alfred deVolz at Sofratype. The working drawings were made by Andre Guertler. The typeface was called Concorde (or Concorde Sofratype) and was released in 1968. When Linotype purchased Sofratype, the typeface was withdrawn, and the rights were returned to Frutiger. The design re-appeared in 1970-1971 on the signage for the Charles de Gaulle airport at Roissy outside of Paris. Linotype purchased the design from Frutiger and it was re-released as the typeface Frutiger in 1976. The new typeface, originally called Roissy, was completed in 1975 and installed at the airport the same year. A very legible family, it was released to the public by Stempel in 1976. Corporations worldwide use it for their identity: Raytheon, the National Health Service in Britain, the British Royal Navy, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Finnish Defence Forces. Road signs in Switzerland are in Frutiger, and the public transport system in Oslo uses it as well. Extensions of it include

  • Frutiger Next (1997) made for signage of the Alte Pinakothek in Munich. Linotype released it in 2000.
  • Frutiger Symbols (1998) and Frutiger Stones (1998).
  • ASTRA Frutiger: a variant of Frutiger used by Swiss authorities as the new font for traffic signs, replacing VSS since 2003. It was based on Frutiger 57 Condensed, but with widening up- and down-strokes, which are intended to give the eye a better hold than was the case with the earlier version. A family of 2 fonts were made, called ASTRA-Frutiger-Standard/standard, and ASTRA-Frutiger-Autobahn/autoroute.
  • Frutiger Capitalis (2005), containing only ornamental glyphs of religions, hand signs, astrological signs.
  • Frutiger Arabic (2007) designed by Lebanese designer Nadine Chahine as a companion to the Latin typeface Frutiger and with the consulting of Adrian Frutiger. It is based on the Kufi style but incorporates aspects of Ruqaa and Naskh in the letter form designs.
Copies include CG Frontiera Compugraphic, Provencale Autologic, Sigfried AM (Addressograph Multigraph), Freeborn (Boeger), Humanist 777 (Bitstream, now Monotype), Segoe UI (Agfa), Segoe Condensed (Microsoft).

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Typography ⦿ Type design in Switzerland ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger Bold Adobe 1976

file name: Steve Matteson Segoe T V 1997 2004

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger Black Adobe 1976

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger Q Courtesy of Brian Mulhall 2014

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1976 Poster by Grace Heitmann 2015

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1975 Poster by Ciprian D21 2015

file name: Ascender Segoe U I Mono

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1968 Poster by Nevin Mizelle 2014

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1976 Poster by Grace Heitmann 2015

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1976 Poster by Felipe Oliveira 2016

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1968 Poster by Nevin Mizelle 2013

file name: Linotype Frutiger Next Poster by Bill Dawson 2015

file name: Linotype Frutiger Arabic 2015

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1975 Poster by Kelsey Coleman 2016c

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1975 Poster by Kelsey Coleman 2016d

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1975 Poster by Kelsey Coleman 2016e

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1975 Poster by Kelsey Coleman 2016g

file name: Adrian Frutiger Frutiger 1975 Poster by Kelsey Coleman 2016h

file name: Adrian Frutiger Univers 1956

file name: Adrian Frutiger Univers 1954 Poster by Sam An 2016

file name: Adrian Frutiger Univers Deberny Peignot 1957

file name: Adrian Frutiger Univers 1954 Poster by Roxana Olar 2014

file name: Adrian Frutiger Univers 1956 Poster by Natalia Custodio 2017

file name: Adrian Frutiger Akira Kobayashi Pic 2004

file name: Adrian Frutiger 2006 Pic by Adam Twardoch

file name: Adrian Frutiger Pic

file name: Adrian Frutiger Pic by Henk Gianotten

file name: Adrian Frutiger Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html