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A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX [Stephen G. Hartke]

Article by Stephen Hartke from Urbana, IL, written in 2006. He surveys free math fonts for TeX and LaTeX, with examples, instructions for using LaTeX packages for changing fonts, and links to sources for the fonts and packages. PDF version of the paper. Hartke is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

He finished a font family called Aurulent Sans and Aurulent Sans Mono (2007), and released the free monospaced font Verily Serif Mono (2006, based on Vera Serif, with same dimensions as Vera Sans Mono). Fontsy link. Alternate URL. Yet another URL. Twentyfour examples of text face/math typeface are showcased. Some are quite disappointing. Here are the better ones (with some text quoted from Hartke's article):

  • Computer Modern (by Don Knuth), still my favorite. Type 1 versions of Computer Modern from Blue Sky Research and Y&Y, Inc. have been made freely available by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Basil K. Malyshev has also released a free Type 1 version of Computer Modern, the BaKoMa fonts. Computer Modern has been extended to include more characters, particularly for non-English European languages. These fonts include European Computer Modern by Jörg Knappen and Norbert Schwarz (METAFONT only), Tt2001 by Peter Szabó (converted into Type 1 format from METAFONT sources using textrace), CM-Super by Vladimir Volovich (also converted using textrace); and Latin Modern by Bogusaw Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki (extended from the Blue Sky AMS fonts using MetaType1).
  • Concrete text with Euler math, or Concrete text with Concrete math. The Concrete font was created by Knuth for his book Concrete Mathematics. Hermann Zapf was commissioned by the AMS to create the math font Euler for use in Concrete Mathematics. Type 1 versions of Concrete in T1 encoding are available in the CM-Super collection, and Type 1 versions of Euler are available in the Blue Sky collection from the AMS and in the BaKoMa collection. The eulervm package by Walter Schmidt implements virtual fonts for Euler that are more efficient to use with LaTeX. Ulrik Vieth created the Concrete Math fonts to match the Concrete text fonts; the only early free versions are implemented in METAFONT. The ccfonts package by Walter Schmidt changes the text font to Concrete and changes the math font to the Concrete Math fonts if eulervm is not loaded. Note that Concrete Text has no bold, but the Computer Modern Bold does just fine for that. However, in 2022, Daniel Flipo developed a free OpenType font based on Vieth's Metafont, also called Concrete Math.
  • Antykwa Poltawskiego text and Computer Modern Math. J. M. Nowacki created the font Antykwa Poltawskiego using the MetaType1 system based on a typeface by Polish typographer Adam Poltawski.
  • Antykwa Toruńska text and math. Antykwa Toruńska was created by J. M. Nowacki using the MetaType1 system based on a typeface by the Polish typographer Zygfryd Gardzielewski. The package anttor has complete math support in both TeX and LaTeX.
  • Kerkis text and math. Kerkis was created by Antonis Tsolomitis by extending URW Bookman L to include Greek and additional Latin characters. The resulting fonts are stand-alone and can be used by applications outside of TeX. A font of math symbols is included, but not used by the LaTeX package. The package kmath uses txfonts for math symbols and uppercase Greek letters.
  • New Century Schoolbook with Millennial math. New Century Schoolbook with Fourier math. The Millennial math font by Stephen Hartke contains Greek letters and other letter-like mathematical symbols. A set of virtual fonts is provided that uses New Century Schoolbook for Latin letters in math, Millennial for Greek and other letter-like symbols, and txfonts and Computer Modern for all other symbols, including binary operators, relations, and large symbols. This font is still in development, but will hopefully be released in 2006. The fouriernc package of Michael Zedler uses New Century Schoolbook for text and Latin letters in mathematics, and the Greek and symbol fonts from the Fourier-GUTenberg package for the remaining mathematical symbols.
  • Palatino and pxfonts, Pazo, or mathpple for math symbols. Young Ryu created the pxfonts collection, which contains Greek and other letter-like symbols, as well as a complete set of geometric symbols, including the AMS symbols. Diego Puga created the Pazo math fonts, which include the Greek letters and other letter-like symbols in a style that matches Palatino. The LaTeX package mathpazo (now part of PSNFSS) uses Palatino for Latin letters, Pazo for Greek and other letter-like symbols, and Computer Modern for geometric symbols. The LaTeX package mathpple (also part of PSNFSS) uses Palatino for Latin letters and slanted Euler for Greek and other symbols. Since Hermann Zapf designed both Palatino and Euler, the designs mesh well. An alternate use of Euler is using the eulervm package. Ralf Stubner added small caps and old-style figures to URW Palladio L in the FPL package, and Walter Schmidt extended these fonts in the FPL Neu package.
  • Utopia and Fourier or Math Design. Utopia was donated by Adobe for use with X Windows. Michel Bovani created Fourier-GUTenberg as an accompaniment to Utopia and is very complete, containing both Greek letters and standard and AMS symbols. The Math Design fonts for Utopia of Paul Pichaureau are also very complete, including Greek letters and AMS symbols.
  • Charter and Math Design. Or URW Garamond and Math Design. Charter was donated by Bitstream for use with X Windows. The Math Design fonts for Charter created by Paul Pichaureau are very complete, including Greek letters, symbols from Computer Modern, and the AMS symbols. Charis SIL might be an alternate source for Greek letters that match Charter more closely. Another possibility for a math font is to use the Euler fonts with the charter and eulervm packages. URW Garamond No. 8 is available under the Aladdin Free Public License as part of the GhostPCL project. The Math Design fonts for URW Garamond created by Paul Pichaureau are very complete, including Greek letters, symbols from Computer Modern, and the AMS symbols.
  • Times or Omega Serif, and txfonts, Belleek, mathptmx, or mbtimes. Young Ryu created the txfonts collection, which contains Greek and other letter-like symbols, as well as a complete set of geometric symbols, including the AMS symbols. The txfonts package also includes a very nice typewriter font, txtt. Belleek was created by Richard Kinch and is a drop-in replacement for the commercial fonts required by the mathtime package (now part of PSNFSS). The LaTeX package mathptmx (also part of PSNFSS) uses Times for Latin letters and Symbol for Greek and other symbols. Michel Bovani created the mbtimes package by using Omega Serif for text and Latin and Greek letters in mathematics. mbtimes also includes symbol fonts and a set of calligraphic letters. Omega Serif is the primary font for Omega, a 16-bit extension of TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous. The STIX fonts project is a collaboration of several academic publishers to create a set of Times-compatible fonts containing every possible glyph needed for mathematical and technical publishing. These fonts are still in development, with a scheduled release in the middle of 2006. Note: When Adobe introduced Postscript in 1984, they defined 35 core fonts (in 10 typefaces) that must be present in all Postscript interpreters. In 1996, URW++ released a replacement set for the core fonts under the GNU General Public License. The URW++ fonts were primarily released for use with Ghostscript, a free Postscript interpreter. For example, Times is Nimbus Roman No. 9 L, Palatino is URW Palladio L, New Century Schoolbook is Century Schoolbook L and Symbol is Standard Symbols L.

Klingspor link. Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link.

A Survey of Free Math Fonts for TeX and LaTeX
Dafont page
Klingspor Museum page
MyFonts search
Monotype search
Fontspring search
Google search

Fonts with TEX ⦿ Mathematics fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type scene in Illinois ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Bookman ⦿

file name: 1000px Bitstream Charter sample

file name: S I L Charis S I L 1997 2014

file name: S I L Charis S I L 1997 2014b

file name: Charis S I L specimen

file name: Garamond No8 2000

file name: Garamond No8 Medium 2000

file name: Garamond No8 Medium Italic 2000

file name: Daniel Flipo Concrete Masth 2022

file name: U R W Diego Puga Ralf Stubner F P L Neu 1999 2006

file name: Robert Slimbach Utopia 1989 Poster by Rachel Benoit 2015

file name: Janusz Marian Nowacki Antykwa Torunska

file name: Janusz Marian Nowacki Antykwa Torunska

file name: Stephen G. Hartke Aurulent Sans Mono 2007

file name: Stephen Hartke Aurulent Sans

file name: Stephen Hartke Verily Serif Mono

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html