TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 9 12:20:06 EST 2025






T4 Typography AB [Bo Berndal]

Swedish commercial foundry in Stockholm. Bo Berndal and Torbjörn Olsson are two of T4's main type designers. The sister company A4 designs newspapers.

Typefaces at Myfonts include:

  • T4-Batory (2006). A futuristic elliptical monoline geometric family by Berndal.
  • T4-Batoswash (2006).
  • T4-Botobe.
  • T4-CaballeroScript.
  • T4-Cartesius (2006). A roman typeface by Berndal.
  • T4-Eknaton.
  • T4-Geometra.
  • T4-Gertrud.
  • T4-Hagalind.
  • T4-Havel.
  • T4-InterruptDisplayPro (2007, Olsson). A sturdy monoline packaging and/or gaspipe typeface.
  • T4-Kantor.
  • T4-Mixtra (2006: Roman, Sansserif, Slabserif). A masculine family by Berndal.
  • T4-MotorMouth.
  • T4-Museum (Borders, Fournier, Ornaments, Tertia Cursive).
  • T4-OneNightStand.
  • T4-Pelegotic.
  • T4-Picadyll (2006). An art deco typeface by Berndal.
  • T4-Sergel (2007). A multiline chiseled sculptural typeface.
  • T4-TYMAGaramont (2007). Its designer, Bo Berndal, writes: The TYMA Garamont Roman was inspired by the Berner-Egenolff type sample from the 1560s. The Italic was inspired by a sample from Robert Granjon, also from the 1560s. The name TYMA is short for AB Typmatriser, a Swedish company founded 1948, because the Second World War stopped all import of matrices for Linotype and Intertype typesetting machines. It took until 1951-52 before the import was up to speed again. Until then, Sweden had to fend for itself. TYMA produced all technical equipment needed for type production, including the pantograph to cut the matrices, a complete set for each size and version. The templates for Garamont Roman were initiated by Henry Alm 1948. Bo Berndal was hired the following year, and continued the work by drawing and cutting templates for the rest of Garamont Roman, as well as for the remaining Garamont family. Bo Berndal stayed at TYMA until it went bankrupt in 1952. At that time Bo Berndal had already kick-started his career as type designer by drawing the typeface Reporter for one of the big daily newspapers, Aftonbladet, a version of Cheltenham for another daily, Dagens Nyheter, and copied several old typefaces for other customers. Librarian Sten G. Lindberg at The Royal Library of Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, procured copies of original type samples. Henry Alm started the work in 1948, and Bo Berndal completed it - finally in this OpenType version.

Catalog at MyFonts. View Bo Berndal's typefaces.

FontShop link. Klingspor link.

T4 Typography AB
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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type design in Sweden ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Cheltenham ⦿ Fournier ⦿ Chiseled fonts ⦿ Gaspipe fonts ⦿

file name: Bo Berndal Cartesius 2006

file name: Bo Berndal Mixtra Roman Semi Bold 2006

file name: Bo Berndal Picadyll 2011

file name: Bo Berndal T Y M A Garamont 2007

file name: Bo Berndal T Y M A Garamont 2007b

file name: Bo Berndal T Y M A Garamontsemi Bold 2007

file name: Bo Berndal Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html