TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:38 EDT 2025






100 Beste Schriften aller Zeiten

German FontShop-sponsored site listing the hundred best fonts of all times, compiled by a jury in 2007. There is a lot of good information about each of the fonts mentioned. PDF file compiled by the jury: Stephen Coles, Jan Middendorp, Veronika Elsner, Roger Black, Ralf Herrmann, Claudia Guminski (FontShop) and Bernard Schmidt-Friderichs. Visualization of the list. The list:
  • (1) Helvetica
  • Garamond
  • Frutiger
  • Bodoni
  • Futura
  • Times
  • Akzidenz Grotesk
  • Officina
  • Gill Sans
  • Univers
  • (11) Optima
  • Franklin Gothic
  • Bembo
  • Interstate (1993, Tobias Frere-Jones)
  • Thesis
  • Rockwell
  • Walbaum
  • Meta
  • Trinité
  • DIN
  • (21) Matrix
  • OCR A und B
  • Avant Garde
  • Lucida
  • Sabon
  • Zapfino
  • Letter Gothic
  • Stone
  • Arnhem
  • Minion
  • (61) Blur
  • Base
  • Bell Centennial
  • News Gothic
  • Avenir
  • Bernhard Modern
  • Amplitude
  • Trixie
  • Quadraat
  • Neutraface
  • (71) Nobel
  • Industria, Insignia, Arcadia
  • Bickham Script
  • Bank Gothic
  • Corporate ASE
  • Fago
  • Trajan
  • Kabel
  • House Gothic 23
  • Kosmik
  • (81) Caecilia
  • Mrs Eaves
  • Corpid
  • Miller
  • Souvenir
  • Instant Types
  • Clarendon
  • Triplex
  • Benguiat
  • Zapf Renaissance
  • (91) Filosofia
  • Chalet
  • Quay Sans
  • Cézanne
  • Reporter
  • Legacy
  • Agenda
  • Bello
  • Dalliance
  • Mistral
Follow-up in English.

Credit for some images below: Danielle West.

100 Beste Schriften aller Zeiten
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Choice of fonts ⦿ Avant Garde typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Copperplate ⦿ DIN ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Cooper Black ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Akzidenz Grotesk ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Clarendon ⦿ Baskerville ⦿ Eric Gill and his typefaces ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 Poster by Camila H Perez 2014

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 Poster by Lica Eugen 2015

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 poster by Daniela Carusone 2016

file name: Morris Fuller Benton Franklin Gothic 1902 Poster by Zekai Saltoglu 2016

file name: Jackson Burke Trade Gothic 1948 Poster by Michelle Uyeda 2015

file name: Jackson Burke Trade Gothic 1948 Poster by Michelle Uyeda 2015b

file name: Linotype Trade Gothic

file name: Christian Schwartz Amplitude 2002 Poster by Maria Paz Carvajal 2015

file name: Christian Schwartz Amplitude 2002 Poster by Maria Paz Carvajal 2015b

file name: Monotype Gill Sans W G L 1990 1998

file name: Eric Gill Gill Sans 1929 Poster by Jane Chang 2015

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1896 Poster by Danielle West 2014

file name: H Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk 1896 Poster by Danielle West 2014b

file name: Bitstream News Gothic B T

file name: Bitstream News Gothic B T

file name: Bitstream News Gothic B T

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013 e

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013b

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Stephen Coles 2013

file name: Linotype Bickham Script 2011

file name: House Industries Neutraface Display 2021

file name: House Industries Neutraface Display 2021 1

file name: House Industries Neutraface Display 2021 4

file name: House Industries Neutraface Display 2021 5

file name: House Industries Neutraface Text 2021

file name: House Industries Neutraface Text 2021 1

file name: House Industries Neutraface Text 2021 4

file name: Adrian Frutiger Avenir 1988 Poster by Vanessa Venegas 2017

file name: Adrian Frutiger Avenir 1988 Poster by Vanessa Venegas 2017b

file name: Adrian Frutiger Avenir 1988 Poster by Vanessa Venegas 2017c

file name: Adrian Frutiger Avenir 1988

file name: Adrian Frutiger Avenir 1988 Poster by Martin Lindner 2017

file name: Adrian Frutiger Avenir 1988b

file name: Bram De Does Lexicon 1992b

file name: Bram De Does The Enschede Font Foundry Teff Lexicon No1 Roman C Med 1992

file name: Bram De Does The Enschede Font Foundry Teff Lexicon No1 Roman F Exp Med 1992

file name: Bram De Does The Enschede Font Foundry Teff Lexicon No2 Italic A Txt Med 1992

file name: Bram De Does The Enschede Font Foundry Teff Lexicon No2 Italic A Txt Med 1992b

file name: William Addison Dwiggins Metro 1929 Poster by Priscilla Vozella 2014

file name: Erik Van Blokland Trixie 1991 Poster By Sol Kazin 2014

file name: Chauncey Griffith Bell Centennial Address 1937 Bitstream Version 1978

file name: Chauncey Griffith Bell Centennial Bold Listing 1937 Bitstream Version 1978

file name: Matthew Carter Bell Centennial Sub Caption 1978

file name: Aldo Novarese Eurostile 1962 Poster by Sam Vogenauer 2014

file name: Zuzana Licko Filosofia

file name: Emigre Filosofia Grand Bold

file name: Zuzana Licko Triplex 1990 Poster by May Arguello 2014

file name: Zuzana Licko Triplex 1990 Poster by Amanda Nogueira 2015

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Interstate Cond Bold 1993

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Interstate 1993

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Interstate Hairline 1993

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Interstate Ultra Black Compressed 1993b

file name: David Quay I T C Quay Sans 1990

file name: David Quay I T C Quay Sans Black 1990

file name: Neville Brody Insignia 1990 Poster by Rosalie 2014

file name: Neville Brody Insignia 1990 Poster by Rosalie 2014b

file name: Eric Gill Joanna 1931 Poster by Camille Allen 2014

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 01

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 02

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 03

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 04

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 05

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 07

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 08

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 09

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 12

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 14

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 15

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 16

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Jesse M Ragan Gotham 2003 17

file name: Hoefler Gotham Black 2003

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Nobel Black 1993 after Sjoerd Hendrik De Roos

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Nobel Book 1993 after Sjoerd Hendrik De Roos

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Nobel Cond Bold 1993 after Sjoerd Hendrik De Roos

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Nobel Cond Book 1993 after Sjoerd Hendrik De Roos

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Nobel Extra Light 1993 after Sjoerd Hendrik De Roos

file name: Frank Hinman Pierpont Rockwell Std Bold 1934 Monotype Version

file name: Hermann Zapf Linotype Zapfino 1998 Poster by Sebastian Marquez 2014

file name: Petr Van Blokland Proforma 1988

file name: Stempel Antique Olive

file name: Gerard Unger Swift L T 1985

file name: Gerard Unger Swift L T 1985 Poster by Elena Palafox 2016

file name: Zuzana Licko Mrs Eaves 1996 Poster by Craig Johnston 2015

file name: Zuzana Licko Mrs Eaves 2002

file name: Zuzana Licko Mrs Eaves Bold 2002

file name: Zuzana Licko Mrs Eaves Caps 2002

file name: Wilhelm Klingspor Schrift

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon M T 1966

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon 1964 1967 Poster by Pamela Cruz 2017

file name: Jan Tschichold Sabon 1964d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html