TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:56 EDT 2025






Arkandis Digital Foundry [Hirwen Harendal]

French foundry, est. 2007, which published many extensive free sans and sans serif families by Hirwen Harendal, who supports Open Source projects. The purpose of ADF is to provide a large number of high quality fonts (174 fonts as of the end of August 2007). Harendal has help from Clea F. Rees, most notably on the TeX part and the extensive Venturis family.

His typefaces:

  • Accanthis (2009: an alternative for Galliard or Horley Oldstyle).
  • AlbertisADF (from URW-A028), Albertis Titling.
  • Ameris ADF (from URW n33012t).
  • ArrosADF (from URW n021003L).
  • AurelisADF (2009, almost art nouveau).
  • Baskervald ADF (7 years of work according to Harendal: an alternative for New Baskerville).
  • BerenisADF (2008, a didone family), BerenisNo2 (2008).
  • BirkenADF (from URW-n033014t).
  • ColonnadeADF (from URW-n033014t).
  • EditorialisADF (from URW-n033014t).
  • Electrum (like Eurostile and URW City).
  • FenelrisADF (sans).
  • FrontonADF Titling (from URW-n033014t).
  • GaramondeADF (from URW-g043004t), GaramondNo8ADF (from URW g043024t).
  • Gillius ADF and Gillius ADFN (from Vera Sans, an alternative for Gill Sans MT).
  • HelvetisADF (from URW U001).
  • Ikarius (2008, semi-serif; inspired by Hypatia Sans), IkariusNo2 (2008), Ikarius-Serie (2009).
  • Irianis (2008; IrianisADFMath (2009) was made for the TeX math community).
  • Keypad (2010). a dingbat face.
  • LibrisADF (sans, patterned after Lydian).
  • MekanusADF (2009, typewriter style).
  • Mint Spirit (2012) and Mint Spirit No. 2 (2012). An original minimalist sans design. The truetype version is Mintysis (2012).
  • NeoGothisADF (2009).
  • OldaniaADF (2009, art nouveau).
  • OrnementsADF (2009).
  • PalladioADFStyle (a Palatino derived from URW g043023t).
  • RomandeADF (with hints of Caslon, Times and Tiffany; CTAN download).
  • Solothurn (2011). A family developed for Scribus, a free text preparation package that competes with Adobe's InDesign.
  • SwitzeraADF (derived from Vera).
  • SymbolADF (2008, bullets and arrows).
  • Teknis: under development.
  • TribunADF (2009, like Times New Roman).
  • Universalis ADF (2008-2009, a take on Futura). Open Font Library link.
  • VenturisADF, VenturisOldADF, VenturisTitlingADF and VenturisSansADF (2007: alternatives for Utopia).
  • Verana Sans and Serif (from Bitstream Vera Sans and Serif).

Kernest link.

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Free font sources ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in France ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Fonts with TEX ⦿ Mathematics fonts ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Open source fonts ⦿ Garalde or Garamond typefaces ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Baskerville ⦿ Eric Gill and his typefaces ⦿

file name: A D F Berenis A D F No2 Bold 2008 Petit

file name: Arkandis Berenis A D F No2 2008

file name: Arkandis Mint Spirit 2012

file name: Arkandis Mint Spirit No2 2012

file name: Hirwen Harendal A D F Mint Spirit Bold

file name: Arkandis Tribun Condensed 2009 2012

file name: Harendal Hirwen Irianis A D F Std 2011

file name: Harendal Hirwen Keypad A D F 20110

file name: Harendal Hirwen Libris A D F 20110

file name: Harendal Hirwen Switzera A D F Dm Bd Cond

file name: Harendal Hirwen Venturis A D F No2 Cd Bold 2011

file name: Harendal Hirwen Venturis A D F No2 Cd Bold 2011b

file name: Harendal Hirwen Verana Bold 20110

file name: Arkandis Accanthis 2010

file name: Arkandis Baskervald 2011

file name: Harendal Hirwen Baskervals A D F Std Bold 2011

file name: Arkandis Aurelis 2006

file name: Arkandis Aurelis 2011

file name: Arkandis Ikarius 2008

file name: Arkandis Mekanus Bold 2009

file name: Arkandis Oldania 2009

file name: Hirwen Harendal Gillius A D F Cond Bold 2013

file name: Arkandis Romande

file name: Arkandis Universalis Bold Cond 2009

file name: Arkandis Universalis 2009

file name: Arkandis Universalis 2009b

file name: Arkandis Universalis 2009c

file name: Arkandis Universalis 2009d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html