TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:06:39 EST 2025






Emmanuel Rey

Partner of Ian Party in Swiss Typefaces. Swiss ex-student of Ian Party at ECAL in Lausanne.

He created Tabloid (2007), a contemporary condensed sans serif font family, specifically designed to be used in big size for newspaper headlines. It comes in ten weights from UltraLight to UltraBlack.

In 2010, he designed Euclid, a squarish design. See a version of Euclid in use by the city of Stockholm [called Stockholm Type], and read the (mostly negative) reactions of the typophiles. On Flickr, upon seeing that umlauts were replaced by macrons, Hrant Papazian writes: Pissed androgynous royals rule. At Swiss Typefaces Lab, he added Euclid Stencil (2019) and Euclid Mono Vanguard (2019: a hipster version).

Other typefaces by him include Urbaines Medium (2009, grotesk caps), Simplon and Simplon Mono (2010, B+P Swiss Typefaces), Untitled (2010), Krsna (experimental) and Brrr (experimental).

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Switzerland ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Hipster fonts ⦿

file name: Emmanuel Rey Brrr 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Brrr 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Brrr 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Krsna 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Krsna 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Krsna 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Simplon B P Mono 2011

file name: Emmanuel Rey Simplon B P Simplon B P Mono 2011

file name: Emmanuel Rey Simplon Simplonmono 2010

file name: Emmanuel Rey Tabloid

file name: Emmanuel Rey Tabloid

file name: Emmanuel Rey Tabloid 2010

file name: Emmanuel Rey Tabloid 2010b

file name: Emmanuel Rey Stockholm Type 2013

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Mono Vanguard 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Mono Vanguard 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Mono Vanguard 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Stencil 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Stencil 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Stencil 2019

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid Stencil 2019

file name: Swiss Typefaces Euclid 2013 2018

file name: Swiss Typefaces Euclid 2013 2018

file name: Emanuel Rey Euclid 2010c

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid 2010

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid B P 2010h

file name: Emmanuel Rey Euclid B P 2010hi

file name: Emanuel Rey Urbaines Medium 2009

file name: Emmanuel Rey Untitled 2010

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html