TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:22:23 EDT 2025






110design [Alexei Vanyashin]

Russian graphic and web design studio in Moscow, run by Alexei Vanyashin, Fedor Balashov and Kate Semenova. Alexei Vanyashin studied typography at Stroganov University under Dmitry Kirsanov from 2002 until 2003. He graduated in graphic design from the Institute of Design in Moscow in 2008. In 2009-2010, he worked on the Florian Diploma project at the Type and Typography course at the British Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow under Ilya Ruderman. Florian is a 9-style angular (wedge serif) text family. Florian and Geo Text won First Prize at Granshan 2010 in the Cyrillic text typeface category. Alexei designed the curlified Bodonito Display (2009), Eurotesque, Wire (2009, monoline sans), and ModL (2009). Schmale Antiqua (2010) is a very thin Latin and Cyrillic didone typeface that revives a 19th century typeface widely used for setting book titles. Behance link.

Cofounder in 2011 of Cyreal, a Russian foundry. There, he designed typefaces such as Rationale (2011, with Olexa Volochay and VladimirPavlikov), Vidaloka (2011, a didone done with Olga Karpushina), Alike (2009, with Svetlana Sebyakina), and Adamina (2011, a text typeface for small print: free at OFL). I am not sure if Iceland (2011, Cyreal: free at Google Web Fonts) is also his.

Typefaces made in 2012: Junge (a delicate roman face, free at Google Web Fonts, which was inspired by the calligraphy of Günther Jung), Merge Pro Greek and Cyrillic (codesigned with Kosal Sen, Philatype), Jacques Francois and Jacques Francois Shadow (Cyreal: co-designed with Manvel Shmavonyan, they are revivals of Enschedé No. 811 by J.F. Rosart; free at Google Web Fonts).

Suisse International Condensed Cyrillic won an award at Modern Cyrillic 2014.

Sumana (2015, free at Google Web Fonts, and published by Cyreal) is a family of Latin and Devanagari fonts for text setting and web usage. The Latin counterpart is derived from Lora by Olga Karpushina, Cyreal. Its vertical and horizontal metrics are adjusted to better match with the Devanagari.

 [Designer info]
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Type design in Russia ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Indic language fonts ⦿

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Olga Karpushina Vidaloka 2011

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Junge 2012

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Junge 2012b

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexei Vanyashin Jacques Francois 2012 after Jacques Francois Rosart Enschede811 1760

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexei Vanyashin Jacques Francois 2012 after Jacques Francois Rosart Enschede811 1760b

file name: Kosal Sen Alexei Vanyashin Merge Pro Cyrillic 2012

file name: Kosal Sen Alexei Vanyashin Merge Pro Greek 2012

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Bodonito Display 2010

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Eurotesque 2010a

file name: 110design Schmale Antique 2010

file name: 110design Schmale Antique 2010b

file name: 110design Bodonito Display 2009

file name: 110design Mod L 2009

file name: 110design Wire 2009

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Sumana Bold 2015

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Suisse International Condensed Cyrillic 2013

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010b

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010c

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010dd

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010k

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010l

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010l

file name: Aleksey Vanyashin Florian Cyrillic 2009

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Florian 2010d

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Olexa Volochay Vladimir Pavlikov Rationale One 2011

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Adamina 2011

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Adamina 2011b

file name: Alexei Vanyashin Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html