TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 17:00:26 EST 2025






Typographies.fr [Jonathan Perez]

French foundry, est. 2008, by Jonathan Perez and Laurent Bourcellier. Graduates from the Ecole Estienne in Paris, they have made the following fonts:

  • Chapitre (2013): It is based on the principle of the endless knot, a symbol used particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism. As its name implies, an endless knot has no beginning and no end. It also echoes many works in the history of writing which you must be familiar with, like Irish and Anglo-Saxon illuminations of the Middle Ages or Flemish calligraphy of the 17th century. Chapitre won an award at TDC 2014.
  • Colvert (2012): A family comprosed of four families, Colvert Arabic (by Kristyan Sarkis), Colvert Cyrillic (by Natalia Chuvatin), Colvert Greek (by Irene Vlachou) and Colvert Latin (by Jonathan Perez).
  • The free font Ifao N Copte, a Unicode-compatible font with 809 glyphs for Coptic. By Perez.
  • Unicopte (by Bourcellier) and Copte Scripte (2008, by Bourcellier and Perez; it won an award at TDC2 2009). Discussion.
  • A hieroglyphic font. By Perez.
  • Joos (2009) took its inspiration from an italic, ca. 1530, by Joos Lambrecht, from Gent, Belgium, who was one of the great printers and punchcutters of the 16th century.
  • Extensions of Syntax and ITC Slimbach for Vietnamese (with the help of Pauline Nuñez, Valentine Proust and Mathieu Réguer) for the National Museum of Asian Arts Guimet.
Jonathan Perez is a graphic and type designer. He graduated in 2007 from Ecole Estienne in Paris with a provocatively-titled thesis, Giambattista Bodoni, génie ou assassin?. In 2009, Jonathan set up his own site, JonathanPerez.cm, where he plans to publish some Latin typefaces. Fontspace has some free fonts by Perez, such as Ifao n Copte.

I Love Typography link. Klingspor link.

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Type design in China ⦿ Hieroglyphic fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Vietnamese ⦿ Type design in France ⦿ Coptic typefaces ⦿ Type design in Egypt ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Typefaces and type design for Arabic ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Celtic/Gaelic fonts ⦿

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre T D C Award 2014

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013b

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013c

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013d

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013e

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013f

file name: Jonathan Perez Chapitre 2013g

file name: Natalia Chuvatin Jonathan Perez Kristyan Sarkis Irene Vlachou Colvert 2012

file name: Natalia Chuvatin Jonathan Perez Kristyan Sarkis Irene Vlachou Colvert 2012b

file name: Natalia Chuvatin Jonathan Perez Kristyan Sarkis Irene Vlachou Colvert 2012f

file name: Natalia Chuvatin Jonathan Perez Kristyan Sarkis Irene Vlachou Colvert 2012c

file name: Jonathan Perez Ifao N Copte 2007

file name: Jonathan Perez Ifao N Copte 2007b Gray

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html