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Charles Percival Bluemlein

Charles Percival (or just Percy) Bluemlein (b. 1891) served in the 346th Infantry in World War I. In 1920, he married Mildred Vanderbilt and settled in Brooklyn, NY. He died in 1944 and is buried in the Long Island National Cemetery in Farmingdale, NY. Famous for his scripts and penmanship, his best known book is Script and Manuscript Lettering (1947, Higgins Ink Co, Brooklyn). Earlier editions are from 1943 and 1944 and have Bertram Cholet and Dorothy Sara (1943 edition only) as co-authors.

Modern revivals of his scripts include

  • KolinskySable SG (Jim Spiece, 2004), based on a 1944 brush design called Mr. Ronald G. Sheppards.
  • Bender Script (2008) by Alison Argento. She writes: Would you hire one of the top hand lettering artists that worked for companies like Max Factor for your designs? Of course you would! Chas Bluemlien passed away many years back, and you couldn't have afforded his services anyway, but his lettering prowess which graced many advertisements, primarily cosmetic ads, has been pulled together from numerous samples to make this font.
  • Alejandro Paul's Bluemlein Scripts (2004-2005, Umbrella and Veer) are based on Bluemlein's alphabets from the book cited above: Miss Le Gatees, Mr Rafkin, Mr Keningbeck, Mr Lackboughs, Lady Dawn, Mrs Von Eckley, Mr Sheppards, Mr Dafoe, Mr Canfields, Mr Stalwart, Mr Sandsfort, Mr Leopolde (and later, Mr. Leopolde Pro), Mr DeHaviland, Mr Blaketon, Miss Stanfort, Miss Packgope, Miss Fajardose, Mrs Saint-Delafield, Mrs Blackfort, Mr Sopkin, Mr Sheffield, Miss Lankfort, Herr Von Muellerhoff, Dr Sugiyama, Dr Carbfred. In 2011, that series was made available at Google Web Fonts. Al;ejandro writes: From the early 1930s through World War II, there were about 200 professional hand letterers working in New York City alone. This occupation saw its demise with the advent of photo lettering, and after digital typography, became virtually extinct.
  • Soft Horizon's Lainie Day (1993) is an earlier free font in the style of Paul's Lady Dawn and Mr Lackboughs.
  • In 2012, Intellecta Design got into the act and promised to digitize the entire series under the name Bluelmin instead of Bluemlein. They created Bluelmin Kisaburo, Bluelmin Ralph (2012), Bluelmin Ronald (2012), Bluelmin Sandsfort (2012) and Bluelmin Benedict (2012).

Credits: Several of the images below, as well as some biographical information, are courtesy of Charles's grandson, David Musgrave.

Charles Percival Bluemlein
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Handwriting fonts ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Books on type design ⦿ Articles on type design written by Luc Devroye ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Pic

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Pic

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Pic

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Pic

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Intro

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Marriage 1920

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Cemetery 1970

file name: Sudtipos Mr Leopolde 2012

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Ralph 2012

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Ronald 2012.b

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Ronald 2012

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Kisaburo 2013

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Kisaburo 2013b

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Sandsfort 2012

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Sandsfort 2012b

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Benedict 2012

file name: Paulo W Bluelmin Benedict 2012b

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Keepsake 1946

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Keepsake 1946b

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Keepsake 1946c

file name: Charles Percival Bluemlein Keepsake 1946d

file name: Alejandro Paul Mrs Von Eckley

file name: Alejandro Paul Dr Sugiyama 2011

file name: Alejandro Paul Herr Von Muellerhoff 2011

file name: Alejandro Paul Mr De Haviland 2011

file name: Alejandro Paul Miss Saint Delafield 2011

file name: Alejandro Paul Miss Lankfort

file name: Alison Argento Bender Script2008

file name: Alejandro Paul Charles Bluemlein Collection

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Alejandro Paul Miss Lankfort

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Alison Argento Bender Script2008

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Dr Edna B Carbfred

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Dr Kisaburo Q Sugiyama

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Herr Frederick Gottfried Von Muellerhoff

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Jim Spiece Kolinsky Sable S G2004

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Agnes Pope Fitzpatrick

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Alberta Beckett Stephams

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Dorothy Fairfield Lankfort

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Edith D Packgope

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Elizabeth B Le Gatees

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Evelyn B Stanfort

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Miss Kathryn E Robertson

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Albert Bedfort De Haviland

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Alfred F Keningbeek Jr

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Alfred R De Lackboughs

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Bardolphe A La Doulaise

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Bartholomew S Canfields

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr David E Sopkin

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Edward Dempsey Blaketon

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Franklyn Y Benedict

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr George F Sandsfort

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr George Howles Rafkin

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr George R Leopolde

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Mrs George E Sheffield

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Patrick F Bedfort

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Robert Hugh Stalwart

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Robert Smith Donaldson

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Ronald G Sheppards

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mr Stephens E Dafoe

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mrs Donald E Blackfort

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mrs John Renten Saint Delafield

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mrs Ralph Godfrey Von Eckley

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Mrs Ralph S Blaker

file name: Charles P Bluemlein 1944 Senorita Enriquita Amalia De Fajardose

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html