TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:53 EDT 2025
Clarence Pearson Hornung
[Dick Pape]
Prolific author, b. 1899. His books include the typographically magnificent Handbook of Early Advertising Art, Mainly from American Sources (Dover, 2 volumes). The typeface Lexington is attributed to him, as Mac McGrew writes: Lexington is a font of shaded and decorated letters and figures, drawn for ATF by Wadsworth A. Parker in 1926, from a design by Clarence P. Hornung. It is an ornamental form of roman letter, with curly serifs, and tendrils at the ends of light strokes. It was recast in 1954, and copied in one size by Los Angeles Type. The book Early Advertising Alphabets, Initials and Typographic Ornaments (1956), edited by Clarence P. Hornung, led Dick Pape to creates these digital fonts in 2008: AltDeutsch, Amorette1889, ArabesqueDesign, BreiteEgyptienne (2008), BreiteverzierteClarendon, ChiswickPressGothicInitials, EarlyScrollAlphabet, EarlySignboards, EnglandInitials1880, ErhardDatdolt, FlorentineInitials, FlorentineInitialsReverse (2008), GothicChancery1880s, GothicClosedLetter (2009-2010, Lombardic), Hollandisch-Gothic (2010), JudendstilAlphabet (2009), LilyoftheValley, Papillon 1760 [First shown in Paris in 1760, and reprinted by Clarence P Hornung in Dover Pictorial Archive Series: Early Advertising Alphabets, Initials and Typographic Ornaments (1956, Dover Publications). Hornung's images inspired Pape's typeface], Phantasie (2009-2010), Romaine Midolline (2010), RomanPrintShaded (2010, ornamental roman caps), RusticAlphabet, SilhouetteInitials1880, TheTerrorsofNightLife, VerzierteAltGothic, VerzierteGothic, VictoriaGingerbread1890 (2007). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |