TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:01 EDT 2025






27 TTC Fonts

Nick Shinn ran an interesting project in his 2009 class at Humber College in Toronto. In the 1950s, Toronto built a subway system [which is run by the TTC, the Toronto Transit Commission], with comprehensively modernist architecture. As part of the program, a geometric, all-caps typeface was designed (anonymously), for use in signage [read Joe Clark's article about the type and its history]. Nick Shinn's course began with digitizing the original drawings, to introduce the technicalities of font production in FontLab, and then proceeded with students producing their own designs for a matching lower case. The 27 students each produced a typeface. The results are here: Alex Plociennik, Andrea Luis, Andrew Clanahan, Andrew Hodge, Chris Bacchus, Cornelius Quiring, Craig Steffan, Daniel Marcus, Dan Mitchell, Danny Wu, Darren Ray, David Spindler, Gurchan Birdi, Jackie Saik, Joe Beausoleil, Katie Short, Mag Ciemiega, Michael Cirillo, Michael Lao, Michael Neto, Nick Seeger, Nik Firka, Orlena Chan, Piotr Dymura, Scott Krysa, Tiffany Delve, Todd Haskins.

27 TTC Fonts
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Map/Travel dingbats ⦿ The Canadian type scene ⦿ Typography ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿

file name: joeclark.org appearances atypi 2007 T T C inscribed images T T C font scan A B C

file name: joeclark.org appearances atypi 2007 T T C inscribed images T T C font scan L M N

file name: joeclark.org appearances atypi 2007 T T C inscribed images T T C font scan U V W

file name: Alex Plociennik T T C2009

file name: Andrea Luis T T C2009

file name: Andrew Clanahan T T C2009

file name: Andrew Hodge T T C2009

file name: Chris Bacchus T T C2009

file name: Cornelius Quiring T T C2009

file name: Craig Steffan T T C2009

file name: Daniel Marcus T T C2009

file name: Dan Mitchell T T C2009

file name: Danny Wu T T C2009

file name: Darren Ray T T C2009

file name: David Spindler T T C2009

file name: Gurchan Birdi T T C2009

file name: Jackie Saik T T C2009

file name: Joe Beausoleil T T C2009

file name: Katie Short T T C2009

file name: Mag Ciemiega T T C2009

file name: Michael Cirillo T T C2009

file name: Michael Lao T T C2009

file name: Michael Neto T T C2009

file name: Nick Seeger T T C2009

file name: Nik Firka T T C2009

file name: Orlena Chan T T C2009

file name: Piotr Dymura T T C2009

file name: Scott Krysa T T C2009

file name: Tiffany Delve T T C2009

file name: Todd Haskins T T C2009

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html