TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Mar 2 17:01:53 EST 2025






Omega Type Foundry [Toshi Omagari]

Toshi Omagari is a Japanese type designer who grew up in Fukuoka and studied typography and type design at Musashino Art University in Tokyo. After graduating in 2008, Toshi taught graphic design in Fukuoka. He joined the University of Reading in the summer of 2010 and graduated in 2011. He is a type designer at Monotype.

His graduation typeface Marco (<2011), which is named after Marco Polo, covers Latin, Mongolian, Greek, and Cyrillic, and has sans and serif versions. Inspiration for Marco goes back to Italian humanist typography such as those of Nicholas Jenson or Aldus Manutius, and general influences from calligraphy. Marco is a true superfamily, with wide utility and superb legibility---not surprisingly, it won an award at Modern Cyrillic 2014. The text styles were professionally produced in 2015 by Type Together in 2015---each style has over 1900 glyphs.

His chancery hand typeface Tangerine (2010) is part of the Google font directory (for free web fonts).

Typefaces from 2013: Metro Nova (Linotype: a sans family with a strangely circumcised lower case f). Metro Nova won an award at TDC 2014.

Typefaces from 2014: Neue Haas Unica and Neue Haas Unica Pan European. A digital update of the Helvetica alternative Haas Unica, which was originally released in 1980 by the Haas Type Foundry for phototypesetting.

In 2015, he made Cowhand (Monotype: a Western typeface). All words typed in Cowhand are of equal width, whether they contain one character or twenty (the maximum the font allows).

For Monotype, he made the custom typeface Quentin Blake (2016) that emulates the irregular handwriting of Sir Quentin Blake, acclaimed illustrator of Roald Dahl's novels.

In 2017, Toshi Omagari designed the Wolpe Collection for Monotype, all based on Berthold Wolpe's distinctive typefaces: Wolpe Pegasus, Wolpe Tempest, Wolpe Fanfare, Sachsenwald (blackletter: a revival of Berthold Wolpe's Sachsenwald from 1936), Albertus Nova.

In 2018, Linda Hintz and Toshi Omagari published the large geometric sans typeface family Neue Plak that revives and extends Paul Renner's Plak (1928).

Nadine Chahine and Toshi Omagari collaborated with Akira Kobayashi and Monotype Studio on Avenir Next Arabic (2021).

At his own foundry, Omega Type, he released these typefaces in 2021: Klaket (a bold and monolinear Arabic display typeface that was inspired by classic Egyptian film posters in a free form Ruqah style), Platia (a modern revival of the 19th century font Hellenic Wide).

At ATypI 2011 in Reykjavik, he spoke about Mongolian scripts. At ATypI 2015 in Sao Paulo, he revealed his research on the Siddham (post-Brahmian). Speaker at ATypI 2016 in Warsaw on BubbleKern (a new kerning algorithm). Speaker at ATypI 2017 Montreal on Sini: Arabic calligraphic styles from the Far East.

Fontsquirrel link. Dafont link. Klingspor link. I Love Typography link. Google Plus link. Interview by MyFonts in 2022.

Omega Type Foundry
 [Designer info]
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Japan ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Mongolian fonts ⦿ Greek/Coptic ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Readability & Legibility ⦿ Chancery hand, cancellaresca ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Lapidary typefaces ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Typefaces and type design for Arabic ⦿

file name: Toshi Omagari Klaket 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Klaket 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Klaket 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Klaket 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Platia 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Platia 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Platia 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Platia 2021

file name: Toshi Omagari Platia 2021

file name: Linda Hintz Toshi Omagari Neue Plak 2018 261428

file name: Linda Hintz Toshi Omagari Neue Plak 2018 after Paul Renner Plak 1928 261423

file name: Linda Hintz Toshi Omagari Neue Plak 2018 after Paul Renner Plak 1928 261423

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017 245352

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017 245357

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017 245359

file name: Toshi Omagari Albertus Nova 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017 245341

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017 245346

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017 245348

file name: Toshi Omagari Sachsenwald 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245273

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245277

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245278

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017 245279

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Fanfare 2017a

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245281

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245286

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245287

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017 245288

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Pegasus 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017 245290

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017 245295

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017 245297

file name: Toshi Omagari Wolpe Tempest 2017

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011b

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011c

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011d

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011e

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011f

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2011g

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015b

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015c

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015d

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015e

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco Mongolian 2011b

file name: Type Together Marco 2015m

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015 178458

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015 178459

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015 178460

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015 178462

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015 178463

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco 2015 178464

file name: Type Together Marco 2015

file name: Toshi Omagari Marco Polo 2011

file name: Toshi Omagari Monotype Quentin Blake 2016

file name: Toshi Omagari Cowhand 2015

file name: Toshi Omagari Cowhand 2015b

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova T D C Award 2014

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova Pro Black 2013

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova Pro Light 2013

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova Pro Black 2013 Poster by Lucy Hardiman 2014

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova 2013

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova 2013b

file name: Toshi Omagari Metro Nova 2013d

file name: Toshi Omagari Neue Haas Unica Ultra Light 2014

file name: Toshi Omagari Neue Haas Unica Ultra Light 2014b

file name: Toshi Omagari Neue Haas Unica Ultra Light 2014c

file name: Toshi Omagari Neue Haas Unica Ultra Light 2014f

file name: Toshi Omagari Neue Haas Unica 2014

file name: Toshi Omagari Neue Haas Unica Pro Black 2014

file name: Toshi Omagari Tangerine 2010d

file name: Toshi Omagari Tangerine 2010

file name: A Typ I2015 Toshi Omagari Photo by Luke Garcia Andre Hawk

file name: Toshi Omagari Type Con 2016

file name: A Typ I 2017 Toshi Omagari

file name: Toshi Omagari Pic 2019

file name: Toshi Omagari A Typ I2018 photo by Michael Bundscherer

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html