TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:52 EDT 2025







Free copies in PDF format of many rare books on calligraphy and penmanship, typically from the 19th century:
Ames' Guide to Self-Instruction in Practical and Artistic Penmanship, Daniel T. Ames, Author and Publisher, 1884
Ames - The Daniel T. Ames Notebook, A wonderful collection of penmanship from the early 1860s from one of America's preeminent penmen and teachers
Arm Movement Method of Rapid Writing, The, Charles Paxton Zaner, 1904
Art of Penmanship, Eleazer Huntington, 1821
Art of Writing, The, John Jenkins, 1813
Bible Pearls of Promise, Real Pen-Work Publishing, 1867
The Blue Book, Compiled by L.E. Stacy, 1907  Text-converted PDF
C.C. Canan Collection of Penmanship - The Canan Book, Canan/Zanerian College, 1921, Copyright by Zaner-Bloser, Inc.
Champion Method of Practical Business Writing, Mary L. Champion
Clinton Clark Scrapbook, Clinton H. Clark: Part One, Part Two, Part Three.
Compendium of Spencerian or Semi-Angular Penmanship, Platt Rogers Spencer, Sr., 1866
Complete Compendium of Plain Practical Penmanship, Lloyd M. Kelchner, 1901
Francis B. Courtney Scrapbook, F.B. Courtney, courtesy of Bob Hurford
Gaskell's Compendium of Forms (the section on writing), G.A. Gaskell, 1883
Gems of Flourishing, Charles Paxton Zaner, 1888
Gems of Penmanship, John S. Duncun, 1858
Gems of Penmanship, J.D. Williams and S.S. Packard, 1867
How To Become A Good Penman, An advertising packet by F.W. Tamblyn
IAMPETH Scrapbooks, A remarkable collection of Golden Age penmanship: Scrapbook 1, Scrapbook 2.
L'écriture Américaine par D'Avignon - "American Writing" by D'Avignon, circa 1840
Lessons in Advanced Engraver's Script, penned by Louis Madarasz, published by C.W. Jones
Lessons in Engraver's Script, C.W. Jones, editor, 1914
Lessons in Ornamental Penmanship, C.P. Zaner, 1920
Lessons in Ornamental Penmanship, P.Z. Bloser (Copies by E.A. Lupfer), 1948
Lessons in Practical Penmanship , H.P. Behrensmeyer
Madarasz Book, - The Secret of the Skill of Madarasz, Madarasz/Zanerian College, 1911, Copyright © by Zaner-Bloser, Inc.
Metodo Palmer de Caligrafia Comercial, A.N. Palmer Company, 1949.  Donated by Mauricio Aguilar.  Please visit his website www.VintagePen.net
Modern Business Penmanship, Edward C. Mills, 1903
Muster Alphabete, circa 1885
New Spencerian Compendium, Spencerian Authors, 1879
New Standard Practical Penmanship, Spencer Brothers, 1881
New Zanerian Alphabets, C.P. Zaner, 1900
Ninety-five Lessons in Ornamental Penmanship, C.W. Jones, editor, 1914
Noyes's Penmanship, Enoch Noyes, 1839
Oberlin Business College - Compendium of Penmanship, C.A. Barnett, J.T. Henderson and J.N. Yocom, 1901
Palmer Method of Business Writing, A.N. Palmer Company, 1935
Palmer's Penmanship Budget, A.N. Palmer, 1919
Penmanship Made Easy, George Comer & Oliver Linton, 1864. See also here.
Penman's Leisure Hour, McDonald Business Academy, penwork by F.F. Wildish, 1894
Portfolio of Ornate Penmanship, The A.N. Palmer Company
Practical Penmanship Being A Development of the Carstairian System, Benjamin Franklin Foster, 1830
Real Pen Work - Self Instructor in Penmanship, Knowles and Maxim, publisher, 1881
Real Pen Work Compendium of Penmanship, Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co., publisher, 1880
Recueil Méthodique de Principes d' Ecriture "A Methodical Collection of Principles of Writing", P. Meyrat, circa 1920's
Spencerian Script and Ornamental Penmanship, Volume I, Chapters 1,2 and 8, Michael R. Sull, 1989.  .
Steel Pen Trade 1930-1980, A.A.S. Charles, 1983.  .
Studies in Pen Art, W.E. Dennis, 1914
Sykes's Manual of Penmanship, Sykes, circa 1885
Theory of Spencerian Penmanship, Spencer Authors, 1874
19th Century Swedish Copybook, dated December 9, 1858 and penned by Carl Damm, a tutor, this copybook contains 12 pages of handwritten forms of Copperplate/Engraver's Script. Contributed by Evan Lindquist.

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Books on type design ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Copperplate ⦿

file name: F W Tamblyn Portrait

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html